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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16106584

I'm scared of this reality, can you alleviate me of this worry /sci/entifically speaking?

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Anonymous No. 16106591

You are not scared enough if you can still ask for help.

Anonymous No. 16106600

shit's pretty fucked anon.

Anonymous No. 16106607

I can't hear ya

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Anonymous No. 16106623

Anonymous No. 16106632

Read the New Testament and convert to Catholicism.
>It's the only way to be sure.

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Anonymous No. 16106645

the old good cop/bad cop routine

Anonymous No. 16107625

The Roman Empire and Flavian Dynasty don't even exist anymore, why would I fall for their outdated centuries old propaganda in this day and age?

Sage No. 16107784

This thread belongs on /adv/, scientifically speaking.

Anonymous No. 16108041

everything is fake and gay, scientifically speaking

Anonymous No. 16108128

become an autist in canada. you can get euthanized.

Anonymous No. 16108159


Anonymous No. 16108171

Unfortunately, I can only make it worse.

That feeling of dread isn’t just a consequence of thinking about the depressing nature of the universe, but also a consequence of the universe itself. You see, an organism is only permitted to exist if it also harbors primitive instincts and negative feelings, for without being able to suffer, death can come very quickly in the wild. Therefore, what is rendered paranoid and delusional by modern society is an inseparable part of human beings. It’s no wonder why we go insane; none of us “fit” anywhere, because technological development cannot help but march faster than evolution.