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Fledgling Investor No. 16108622

If you spend your life working on big scheme after big scheme shouldn't the odds of one working be high and the pay out would be multiple times than playing it safe?

Anonymous No. 16108678

Any entrepreneurial endeavour has some probability of a payout. If you barely do any work on it or choose terrible projects to work on then the probability of success will be low regardless of how many projects you work on. If by big scheme you mean something like a startup then the most important things are that the product or service you're working on is actually something people want, and that you actually work on it and get it up and running. It's lower risk than some other options but you're investing your time. It's fairly easy to have one bad idea after another after another though and rush into things without thinking them through and just wasting all your time. Paul Graham has a lot of good advice about this stuff

Cult of Passion No. 16108867

All of my schemes are maxed out, therefore there is no such thing as "big" scheme, only "normal" and "small" and "human scale" schemes.

Its not personal.
[teleports away from in front of you, smile fading last]

Anonymous No. 16110603

Just become a youtuber.

Anonymous No. 16110609

Iterative deployment. Instead of grand schemes, get the minimum value model deployed and improve it from there.

Anonymous No. 16110654

Unfortunately half-assing a MVP then doing it right is harder than just doing it right to start with. The MV shit is taught to MBAs to scam investors into schemes by faking progress.