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Anonymous No. 16108681

Have any anons tried amateur radio astronomy? I have been looking for a software radio project to work on.

I was wondering about putting together an array of dish antennas around UHF up to X-band range, but need information on projects I could work on and things I could possibly look for before I actually put some serious effort into this. I would probably lean more towards X-band for lower cost and smaller size of the antennas. My understanding is that atmospheric attenuation should not be significant for microwaves compared to visible light, so you may actually be able to do something interesting with an SDR and some decent equipment. I was interested in applying some array and signal processing techniques to the data to see if I could find anything interesting.

This guy put together a video and gave a link to a website on radio astronomy.

Anonymous No. 16108702

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108706

It’s interesting to me and I’ve played around with xnec, but I’m not really sure what you’re looking for.
It’s on topic faggot

Anonymous No. 16108712

Looking for projects in these frequency bands. I don't know much about astronomy.

Anonymous No. 16108729

Watch out for pissing off the hammy jannies.
"This is an unsanctioned use of magical energy!"
I've been reading up on HAM, the idea of bouncing off the moon to reach conversations around the world is a fascinating idea. There are new ways to process HAM info into a text interface.
heh, what if someone made a moonbounced imageboard hahaha? good luck advertising on that. I've also been wondering how easily we could use the much thicker microwaves coming off these towers as free power. No clear approach yet but I'm convicted a rectenna can be stepped up off the AC of the tower itself.

Anonymous No. 16109234

>looking for a software radio project to work on
Listen for messages from the ayys. They're supposed to be transmitting in the 21 cm region.

Anonymous No. 16109288

SETI literally has years of backlog in radio data that needs analyzed via SETA@home. Not to be a wet blanket but I doubt much of the data you get will be useful or interesting and you can get free data from huge research dishes to analyze if you want. Maybe start there. But if you are dead set on DIY radio astronomy look into interferometry.

Anonymous No. 16109291

He might get lucky and detect something like the Wow! Signal. SETI seems to be mainly based on luck or lack thereof.