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๐Ÿงต Science once again proves that leftists are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 16111485

something went wrong with the original thread, its says "Connection error." when you try to reply, so i'm starting a new version of >>16106991

Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes
>The studies also assessed how having critical social justice attitudes relates to well-being variables. Many authors have previously linked critical social justice attitudes to poorer mental well-being in their work implicitly, but have not studied them directly (e.g., Lukianoff & Haidt, 2018). In our samples (Study 1 and Study 2), having high CSJAS (critical social justice attitude scale) scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness. However, Study 2 indicated that this lower level of mental well-being was mostly associated with being on the political left and not specifically with having a high CSJAS score. The association between lower mental health and supporting the political left is in line with what other studies have found prior to this one (Bernardi, 2021; Gimbrone et al., 2022).

tl;dr science has demonstrated conclusively that picrel is what you look like

Anonymous No. 16111585

This study says that social justice makes people happier though

What do we do now?

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Anonymous No. 16111734

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Anonymous No. 16111893

>If you see injustice in the world and take it seriously you are unhappy

Woooow, what a "mental illness"

Anonymous No. 16111909

Right-wingers see injustice in the world too yet they are happier.

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bodhi No. 16111920

bodhi No. 16111921

It isnt that you see the injustice, it is that you are all too mentally ill and low IQ to come up with viable solutions and fight with the people who arent who could actually fix it, the solutions break your programming however

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Anonymous No. 16111969

>injustice is a criminal fighting the police and the police defending themselves
>injustice is a middle aged dude in a wig not being able to shower with young girls
>injustice is proposing literally any explanation besides isms and phobias when some profession is dominated by white men
>injustice is a white kid with a 4.0 gpa getting into college instead of a black kid with a 2.5 gpa
>injustice is a red state school district firing the pronoun goblin trying to teach 8 year olds about butt plugs

Anonymous No. 16111970


Anonymous No. 16111998

Pick the study that makes you happier, of course

Anonymous No. 16112001

Right-wingers are the Just World Fallacy incarnate

Anonymous No. 16112003

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know" - Ernest Hemingway

Anonymous No. 16112012

>The just-world hypothesis or just-world fallacy is the cognitive bias that assumes that "people get what they deserve"
Define "deserve".

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bodhi No. 16112029

top tier post, cheers anon

Anonymous No. 16112077

That doesn't matter, if people get what they deserve then what they deserve is whatever they got, and all is well in the world.

Except *me*, of course, I've been gypped by those immigrants stealing muh job

Anonymous No. 16112086

>I can't

Anonymous No. 16112091

I can't define other people's idiosyncratic post-hoc-rationalised definitions for you, no, that is correct. If you want to know what "deserve" means in a general sense I refer you to the dictionary.

Anonymous No. 16112093

Then I suggest in future to not use terms you don't understand if you don't want to look like a moron.

Anonymous No. 16112105

It is obvious to everyone except yourself that you are clearly the one misunderstanding something here. Shame you lack the requisite self-awareness to be able to follow your own advice.

Anonymous No. 16112771

Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

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Anonymous No. 16112903

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Anonymous No. 16113139

Furthermore, people who presume that they somehow deserve to live in their idealized perfect world are all mental cases with irrational outsized senses of entitlement. The world has never been perfect. Heaven is somewhere you go to after you die, it doesn't exist on Earth. The reality on Earth is that life always has been and always will be a struggle.

Anonymous No. 16114401

They stop trusting the science when it says something like that

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Anonymous No. 16114962

related scientific article, fairly recent publication:
>Using deep learning to predict ideology from facial photographs: expressions, beauty, and extra-facial information

Anonymous No. 16115311

There are same very concrete ways in which society could stand improving and pointing that out is not blind utopianism. You would have told people that a world without kings is impossible, that a world without slavery is impossible, that a world without incredibly high infant mortality from preventable disease is impossible, that a world where we don't have to live in caves and follow the migratory patterns of mammoths in order to feed ourselves is impossible, because life is struggle and it is pure entitlement to think anything can ever be better. You have been wrong throughout history, and if you will ever be correct it will only be due to your deliberate sabotage.

Anonymous No. 16115339

>Heaven is somewhere you go to after you die

Anonymous No. 16116115

how convenient for them

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16117710

Atheists, much like very young children, are all fundamentally dishonest, manipulative people, they'll screech "trust the science!!" when 'the science' says something they like and they will then turn right around and claim science is fake when 'the science' says something that they disagree with.
Conscience is something that develops in some people generally around the ages of 5-7 years old. The people in which it doesn't develop become atheists.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16118138

Its funny how you can dodge being labeled a racist simply by using "western" instead of "white"

Anonymous No. 16118219

>Science once again proves that leftists are mentally ill
It's yet to prove that "leftists" even exist. Labels are just a marketing gimmick and don't mean anything

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16118236


Anonymous No. 16118459

Classic rightoid projection, textbook example.

No you can't, that's still obviously racist (not in the least because he also uses "white" and "Western" interchangably)

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16119893


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120029


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120043

you know what isnt racist? my big white dick in your loose ass

Anonymous No. 16120062

Your dick isn't racist? I kinda figured all of you would be.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16120501

Hitler was denied a proper grave for that very reason

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Anonymous No. 16120674

The science is settled.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120941


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120949

It isnt a fallacy,k karma is a scientific fact first off. Second off "right wingers" make their circles much smaller. We dont try and save people from themselves, we always leave our hand out to people up people who are willing to help themselves but we dont jump in the deep end with the retarded freaks and go down with them. Leftists are brainwashed into thinking all people are "equal" and all the same, and you can lift up anyone to be a Ford or a Tesla or a Newton...... when you can't. It is like thinking you can train chimps to be commercial airline pilots. I am not going to spend my life upset that I couldnt uplift some bonobos in the congo into a first world nation. I protect me and mine. Those who want to be kind to each other, live and safe and prosperous high culture socieites that help each other succeed. Leftists don't want of these things, they want to cut their dicks off, kill babies and shower with little girls. I dont lose sleep over these people's failures. They chose their path and need to keep stepping wen they come to my neighborhood because I also wont lose sleep by ventilating them if they dont. You can tear your own shit up or give it away to brown people all you wont but you wont be doing it with my shit.

Anonymous No. 16120951

>It isnt a fallacy,k karma is a scientific fact first off. Second
Holy shit lol

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120952

>he doesnt know what the first law of thermodynamics actually means
I mean you are a /sci/ poster so no surprise there

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120958

to *pull* people up who are willing to help themselves

Anonymous No. 16120962

This barely literate superstitious pajeet is lecturing me about "science"?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16120964

The gulf between what you are and what I am is so vast we barely even speak the same language. I can only communicate very simple ideas and concepts to an ape like you

Anonymous No. 16121237

>The gulf between what you are and what I am is so vast we barely even speak the same language. I can only communicate very simple ideas and concepts

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16121873

>people with sissy faggot faces have a strong left wing bias
as if we needed science to figure that out for us

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Anonymous No. 16121878


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16121927

I like his vaxxed song, it was comfy

Anonymous No. 16122870

Could you tell what such projection was?
I can't see it as it was erased, otherwise i can't truly know if you're truly on the right or wrong for i can only see one side of the argument

For that matter does anybody in this thread know where i can search for deleted /sci/ posts and threads?
I can see them on Moe but that site lacks a search function

sage for politics is not /sci/ence No. 16122889

Have you tried not being a child who thinks people are entitled to shit? When you enter the real world and not some media or academia bubble you'll find out there's all sorts of people out there: there's those who deserve sympathy but also those who are poor because they deserve it; there's those who are pieces of shit who inherited wealth but there's also those who worked very hard for it and a lot of different realities in between. And at the end of the day there's no controlling all those million variables out there, not even powerful governments can homogenize wealth or something like that, there's just too much that goes into it. But it's easier to behave like a resentful, entitled child.

Anonymous No. 16122947

>people with sissy faggot faces have a strong left wing bias
as if we needed science to figure that out for us

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16122961


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16122963


Anonymous No. 16122999

I think you'll find you're the naive one

Anonymous No. 16123019

Rightoid circlejerk podcast

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16123847


Anonymous No. 16123917

Have you looked at the fucking thread you're in

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16124004

bunker troon post

Anonymous No. 16124028

I never am into Sci but why the /pol/ hate?
It's just politics nothing to get hung over about, science and politics are very intimate due to academics suplying the role of priests as holders of truth that are on the side of the ruling class(the governement) as the faith in the spiritual has shifted to the scientific in the last century as a way to reasure the populace, it's not that complicated, i just wish i could find more logical and /sci/entific discussions on the board but sadly it seems that dissenting opinions are shut down or mocked for being counter to the acepted theories rather than entertained and analized to get a better grasp of the weakpoints of the current acepted theories and possible ways to better them, or at the least understand precisely why people come to such conclusions so it's possible to reasure them without resorting to appeal on autority or adhominem to disprove their claims

Anonymous No. 16124039

You don't get out much, do you

Anonymous No. 16124054

If you mean seeing outside, yeah i know people are psychotic about science and politics, but why is the board infested with the same people outside is it truly overrun with normies?
Or was the board censored to such an extent that people who made an effort to dialogate on matters not wholy acepted by the common sense of our time or the fence siters and moderates just left and only the trolls, the extremists, tryhards and TRVE believers of ALL aproved mainstream scientific beliefs are the only people left?

>captcha wwaww

Anonymous No. 16124059

Maybe a while back just one person like you showed up and everyone with an ounce of sense just groaned and packed up and left

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16124722


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16125242

Its a thread about science, please review the article being discussed
or return to where you belong >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16125481

I will, as soon as you tell ALL political shitposters to fuck off from your thread. As long as you continue to show blatant bias and welcome overtly political off-topic intrusions from one side of the spectrum, there seems to be no point in attempting good faith discussion.

Anonymous No. 16125499

>Thread explicitly about "leftists"
>hurr durr direction-brained
I guess it's better than one's brain having no direction at all, like yours.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16126310

stop projecting your own obsession with politics on everyone else, this is a science thread about science, if you're too low iq to control your own obsessions and biases then you're too easily triggered to be on /sci/ and you should go to the politics board instead. goodbye

bodhi No. 16126317

Most of the people in this world are stupider than a sack of rocks. Therefore every place populated by people, without some filtering mechanisms, will also be full of idiots. /sci/ being the name of the board is just a very loosely applied subject matter distinction. The people on this board, just like every other board on this website, if filled with morons. In order to develop the environment you are advocating for you need some way to keep these morons out and 4chan does not offer such way therefore this is what you get. It has positives and negatives, Just dont feed the retards unless you are just having fun or trying to make a point for the people who arent morons to read

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16126823

The mentally ill IFLS redditiers brand everything they see that causes them cognitive disonance as being from /pol/. They're too egotistical to ever question their own worldview, so if they see anything they disagree with they just invoke the made up /pol/ boogeyman to dismiss it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16127954

They're like that because they're obsessed with politics. If they weren't obsessed with politics and were keen in on something else (such as science and math) then they'd presume all of the posts which upset them come from /sp/ because of the never-ending jocks vs nerds war. There has never been a nerds vs polisci conflict, its always been athletes that have been the nemesis of science and math nerds.

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bodhi No. 16128086


Anonymous No. 16128552

Anon, I'm only asking you to please, please tell that consistently to all the blatantly political shitposters in this thread who are getting in the way of having a nice conversation about science. Surely you must be as annoyed by them as I am? Why are you getting upset with me when we want the same thing? Just tell them all to go away. I know that you feel, as I do, that it's impossible to have a decent conversation when people keep bringing up politics, so I don't know why you're insisting on having one now with so many people still bringing up politics all the time. I mean, surely, if you think I should just ignore them and talk about science, you would have done the same before? Please, just police your thread better. That's all I'm asking.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16128734

further reminder that political distinction isn't between right and left, but between right and wrong.
when you got one group of people who can't tell the difference between male and female and who think murdering babies and poisoning children is a heroic act, its not hard to tell which side is wrong
"the right" is known by that name for good reason

Anonymous No. 16129185

>when you got one group of people who can't tell the difference between male and female
Yeah, these people see a person in a dress, with long hair, make-up, a high-pitched voice, who introduces herself using feminine pronouns and uses a female name, and still insist that's a man
>who think murdering babies and poisoning children is a heroic act
Indeed, they want to force babies to be born even if they can't be taken care of and would necessarily die a cruel death, they champion the rights of terrorists to shoot children in preschools, and they hail the captains of industry who poison our society.
I guess, like all political labels in America, "right" and "wrong" are complete misnomers.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16129921

>I can't tell the difference between male and female and think murdering babies and poisoning children is a heroic act

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16130774

Its a thread about mental illness

Anonymous No. 16130775

It was a post about mental illness too

Anonymous No. 16131071

literally none of this happens in the real world. spend less time on /pol/ kid. it's bad for your mind.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16131148

It all has happened and will continue to happen and get worse unless something is done about it

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16132319

He wasn't intelligent, he was a simpleton and an alcoholic, his writing reflects that

Anonymous No. 16132816

So does yours.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16133493


Anonymous No. 16133534

Damn, it's just some gentle ribbing, no need to cry

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16134223

He was popular because he was easy to read. "His" writing style was forced on him by his bosses at the Kansas City Star. He wasn't to write like a fancy faggot, but his bosses wanted to sell newspapers to the general public, so they force him to write stuff that was easy to read. Anyone can write like Hemingway, the Kansas City Star style guide is available online

Anonymous No. 16135453

>write in short sentences
>don't use any words longer than 6 letter unless its a name
that pretty much sums it up

Anonymous No. 16135767

Anyone can follow a style guide, writing well whilst conforming to a style guide is what requires talent.

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Anonymous No. 16136468


Anonymous No. 16137096

A sack of rocks can actually be quite useful in many situations. Same can't be said of the people you're talking about

Anonymous No. 16137108

Left wingers don't care about "injustice", if they did they wouldn't constantly make excuses for left winger who commit atrocities, they simply feel distain and resentment towards the people they percive as being strong (i.e western white people).

Anonymous No. 16137125

>distain and resentment

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Anonymous No. 16137921

Why has the tranny janny butchered this thread?

Anonymous No. 16138007

This happened in several threads at the exact same moment, so my guess is the same shitposter responsible for all those posts made a bomb threat or something.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16138656

24 posts have been deleted out of this thread, so just over 25% of the posts

Anonymous No. 16138691

And the thread could stand to lose yet more without losing anything of value. Such is the quality of discourse on this website. And again, it's probably just a few dedicated shitposters responsible for all the low effort vapid bait replies.

bodhi No. 16138738

Many of my posts were deleted for making a thread that got 404'd. I have often seen the (((mods))) do this when you dunk on trannies or jews. I am pretty sure when they cant delete an on topic post they try to find some other post to ban you for then delete the ones they really want gone with it and somehow they get away with this within the rules of their job descriptions. I used to have a whole lot of examples of it but I updated my operating system about a year ago and didnt save them to export to the new system. I did post of them on QA when it was still around though

bodhi No. 16138739

I did post *a lot of them*

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Anonymous No. 16139683

>I did post of them on QA when it was still around though
RIP /qa/

Anonymous No. 16140409

>I have often seen the (((mods))) do this when you dunk on trannies or jews.
They might as well delete half the board then, yet they don't. Maybe you're just an annoying pest who obsessively posts about trannies and Jews and when you eat another ban for whatever reason, all your bullshit is just caught in the crossfire?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16141146

I think it is much more likely that you are seething kike who wants to suck on my big fat hairy balls

Anonymous No. 16141180

Seems like the opposite. Right wingers believe they are in an unjust world where the ruling elite jews go unpunished.

Anonymous No. 16141193

That's the flipside of the medallion.
>See? The system works! Hard work pays off! Society naturally settles on a fair distribution and everyone gets their just desserts.
>Wait, THOSE people are successful?
>Well obviously they cheated somehow and we have to do something about this miscarriage of justice!

Anonymous No. 16141251

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

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Anonymous No. 16141730

>having high CSJAS (critical social justice attitude scale) scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness.

So that proves that the cure for anxiety, depression and unhappiness is scoring low on the critical social justice attitude scale.
How can I capitalize on this discovery?

Anonymous No. 16142512

I don't hate 4chan. I hate the few dedicated shitposters responsible for most of the shitposting.

Anonymous No. 16142922

You should grow up and learn to control your emotions instead of constantly spazzing out like a baby every time you see something you disagree with

Anonymous No. 16143139


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Anonymous No. 16143148

Anonymous No. 16143486

Like you're doing now, you mean?

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Anonymous No. 16144459


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16144462

yotsuba would never be soi

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Anonymous No. 16144479

> You have been wrong throughout history, and if you will ever be correct it will only be due to your deliberate sabotage
This goes hard and bodhi is malding, seething, coping, and dilating.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16144484

That post wasnt addressed to me and those things are what you are doing because you use dildos with hot pepper sauce on them to stimulate your prostate

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Anonymous No. 16144488


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16144491

>malding, seething, coping, and dilating.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ bodhi No. 16144495

I dont know why he started his post with "furthermore" you are going to have to ask him

Anonymous No. 16144930

>Science once again proves that leftists are mentally ill
I argue otherwise:
>"greater liberalism [left-wing thinking] was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex." This part of the brain is associated with empathy. So, maybe this research proves that those on the left are more empathetic.."

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Anonymous No. 16145796

So you're saying that less brain mass = lower IQ?

Anonymous No. 16145902

You should grow up and learn to control your emotions instead of constantly spazzing out like a baby every time you see something you disagree with

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Anonymous No. 16146463

its also worth pointing out that africans have the smallest cranial capacity of all races

Anonymous No. 16147652

>tl;dr science has demonstrated conclusively that picrel is what you look like
That is what I look like, how did you know?
t. homosexual jewish libtard science student

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Anonymous No. 16147713

Heres a fine example

Anonymous No. 16147722

>Here's a fine example we made up

Anonymous No. 16148215

So people who value social justice are mentally ill because... they are unhappy in a world with little social justice? That right?

Anonymous No. 16148312

Paradise is where you go after you die. Why do you feel entitled to live in paradise on Earth?
What did you do to earn that?
No matter how good things are, you'll always find an excuse to complain that "this isn't good enough for princess"

Anonymous No. 16148327

Would anyone care to reply to me who isn't delusional?

Anonymous No. 16149212

you're going to go through your entire life terminally dissatisfied with the present and then after decades of unhappiness you're going to suffer a painful death. why not just end it all now and save yourself decades of being tortured by your own massively outsizes sense of entitlement?

Anonymous No. 16149219

much into cattle eugenics anon?

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Anonymous No. 16150761

>atheism leads to a lifetime of unhappiness

Anonymous No. 16151415

Textbook example of projection.

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Anonymous No. 16152255


Anonymous No. 16152292

Plenty of former jews and muzzies seeth about their religions

Anonymous No. 16153437

The jews have set it up that criticizing their religion is a "hate crime" while naysaying Christianity is not only legal, but also encouraged

Anonymous No. 16153597

i'm very happy hegelians usually kill themselves and always live in misery

Anonymous No. 16153605

they are unhappy because they of a delusional vision they carry around themselves and filter the world through.
it's like a persecution complex

Anonymous No. 16153686

They're mentally ill because they think they can fix it despite being failures in basically every aspect of their own life.

Anonymous No. 16153806

it's not stating the obvious, it's about proving it with data

Anonymous No. 16155053

>This study says that social justice makes people happier though
No, it says there seems a correlation between it and " life satisfaction". I am also willing to bet its easier to go with the flow of propaganda and just farming social media for likes as opposed to having to point out bleak realities to retards all day

Anonymous No. 16155961

>as opposed to having to point out bleak realities to retards all day
bleak realities such as the connection between race and iq, or the connection between gender and iq?

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Anonymous No. 16155993

> connection between race and iq, or the connection between gender and iq?
both I suppose

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Anonymous No. 16156987


Anonymous No. 16157617

>It's another "swallow OP's wild editorialising without question but heavily scrutinise the wording in an opposing argument" episode
You do realise that the wording is irrelevant here and that the findings of both studies are incompatible? Certainly, your conclusion is not borne out by OP. Are leftists dissatisfied or too satisfied? Well, I guess all that matters is they're wrong either way, huh?

Anonymous No. 16157758

Sorry you can't into definitions retard. But words have meaning. Playing word games to strawman your own position, Well, I guess all that matters is those who challenge your world view are wrong either way, huh? kys faggot

Anonymous No. 16157830

lol u mad faget

you're not just a sophist but a poor one at that

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Anonymous No. 16157839

>you're not just a sophist but a poor one at that

Anonymous No. 16157850

All right, mr. definition - define "life satisfaction", "mental well-being" "depression" and "happiness" for me and let's see if what you're saying makes any sense

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Anonymous No. 16158349

Anonymous No. 16159104

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/467052915