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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16113259

B11 Static Fire Edition

Previous - >>16110843

Anonymous No. 16113262

Static fire today!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16113263

good man, but sincerely hope you didnt pursue a medfag career like that other guy if you actually like spaceflight to the point you did a thesis on it.
good news for you, Vast, the company thats making Haven-1 the space station, plans to do artificial gravity which you can help with. and they actually look to be the first commercial space station up and have a reasonable plan for the future

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Anonymous No. 16113265


Anonymous No. 16113266

Retard thread
1. Filter this thread
2. Make space for one good one
3. ????
4. Profit

Anonymous No. 16113267

Was hoping for late April damn

Anonymous No. 16113268

what. what does this even mean.

Anonymous No. 16113269

We are back

Anonymous No. 16113270

hey can i get /sfg/s opinion, this sounds like the B*rkun spambot right? the way its typed and how its not interacting with the replied to post at all? or am i just not seeing it

Anonymous No. 16113273

2^2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16113277

I'm not Barkon I just have an opinion that's against space faring especially with rockets. Is that ok? Ok did I break one of your retard-nerd rules? You came to the wrong forum if you expected a clean ride. Stop shilling your ideology here. There's special space forums you can perve your stupidity on and no-one smart would pester you. Well... I guess that's it. We're going to Mars(we need to) and we're going to use all of humanities focus to do it by forcing ourselves into their fun zones.

Anonymous No. 16113285

Yeah you broke a site rule. Opinions that gay and retarded go on >>>/lgbt/ or >>>/trash/.

Anonymous No. 16113286

I'm calling it now. Second week of May, on my birthday.

Anonymous No. 16113291

Yep its B*rkun automated response. Everyone get to reporting the two posts for namefagging &/or trolling.

Anonymous No. 16113295

So uh. When can we cheat the speed of light? Also I really want turbo fast speed so I can get to Pluto in less than 10 years.

Anonymous No. 16113296

Never. Speed of light is a limit not a suggestion, you cant go faster than it stop trying its retarded.

Anonymous No. 16113297

Yeah Einstein is probably right (unfortunately). How am I supposed to visit Pluto now?

Anonymous No. 16113298

I think Europe passed a law 100 years ago that banned faster than light travel

Anonymous No. 16113304

if the speed of light was 20000 times faster no one would be complaining. we only complain because our brains process time in a certain way, and because we have short lifespans

Anonymous No. 16113305

Same as the rest of us. Combustion engines with a paid Starship ticket.

Anonymous No. 16113306

Using all human focus to perform some lame trick that will probably fail and chop 30-50 of our time just for a fizzle and bang or a failed survival attempt, as you attempt to populate a much lesser habitat than the one we already have. We should spend more focus on sorting out the financial system. Stupid pervs.

Cult of Passion No. 16113307

>you cant go faster than it stop trying its retarded
It wouldnt matter if you could, the results would be one way no matter what, you would return to an Earth that evolved past humans.

Try? No, will by perception or actualizing, it shall be done.

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Anonymous No. 16113308

>>16113086 #
Space companies are such a scam. Now I can't trade foreign shares from Russia and only trade Russian companies. But I closed Virgin Galactic on 23 February 2022 23:17 for 8$ a share and now it's 1.71$

Anonymous No. 16113310


I'm hoping and praying we can super increase escape speed from earth to get our vehicles out to the planets faster. I want satellites around ALL of the nine planets. At least that is my dream

Anonymous No. 16113315

Launch speed rather

Anonymous No. 16113323

put yourself in cryo sleep.

Anonymous No. 16113326

My poor brain can't handle that. I want to orbit Neptune and head to Pluto for a bit

Anonymous No. 16113327

virgin galactic is a tourism company not a space company
may as well have bought six flags or carnival cruise stock

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Anonymous No. 16113329

Even RocketLab stock is stuck at the lowest it’s ever been

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Anonymous No. 16113330

Im making this the next OP.

Anonymous No. 16113333

People 300 years from now will take spaceflight for granted. Perhaps they’ll envy us

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Cult of Passion No. 16113336

>Perhaps they’ll envy us
I envy us now.

I remember before the internet, the change from planes to space ships doesnt seem that big of a difference to me.

Cult of Passion No. 16113338

I mean, "space email" is just delayed shitposting like how snail mail was delayed shitposting.

Which, if you have no other choice, you use, like in the military, but its still shitposting.

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Anonymous No. 16113343
This is beyond fucked it boggles the mind. Clouds forcing me to drive from the west coast to Indianapolis

Anonymous No. 16113347

I’m gonna be in Indianapolis too

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Anonymous No. 16113355

Look. Ate any of you guys chemical guys? Some make some super exotic chemical real fast and slap a tank on the back of a rocket. Let's get to the stars a bit faster eh?

Anonymous No. 16113356

on the bright side, glad i cancelled my flight to Austin, my fears were realized. but a 48 hour drive will be truly rough, including two 6 hour bats of sleep and margin. sleeping in a sedan. and then I gotta go back. God help me

Anonymous No. 16113364

Laser in low solar orbit + a gigantic solar sail can get you relativistic in a year

Anonymous No. 16113368

T-0:50:00 to Starlink

Anonymous No. 16113371

Man, do we even have anything besides models and projections on that? Have we sent any solar sails anywhere yet?

I'm not opposed to anything that gets us movin' faster. Aren't we still in theory land though?

Anonymous No. 16113373

There’s been a few solar sails sent up but none big enough for moving serious mass interplanetary - let alone interstellar. The laser would need to be the size of Texas and the sail the sail as wide as Earth. But it doesn’t break the laws of physics. Our best hope of seeing interstellar travel is having a copy of our consciousness being made as an AI and sent on a ship hundreds or thousands of years after you and I are gone

Anonymous No. 16113377

That's way easier, doable with fission reactors if you use water propellant and aero braking for the arrival stages and beamed laser + LH2 tugs for Earth departure.

Anonymous No. 16113379

TOXMAX concept is promising

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Anonymous No. 16113384


I find the idea of consciousness transfer distasteful. I would rather break the rules of physics.

Anonymous No. 16113407


T-0:05:00. SpaceX stream.

Anonymous No. 16113415

Where is that guy headed?

Anonymous No. 16113450


Anonymous No. 16113452

joyrides in the interstage when?

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Anonymous No. 16113453

What is Musk thinking?

Anonymous No. 16113455

something about supply chain logistics probably

Anonymous No. 16113461

His thinking is probably disorganized and narrow. He's good at getting things done obviously. But I'm assuming he just obsesses over the same shit.

Anonymous No. 16113463


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is it a spaceplane.png

Anonymous No. 16113464


Anonymous No. 16113466

Can you make a structure in outer space and then dangle a bridge down through the atmosphere that can be climbed?

Anonymous No. 16113469

To add to this, he doesn't think or act like most people. His thinking is probably chaotic often. Mine is for sure and I'm not even particularly bright or successful.

That was really my original point

Anonymous No. 16113474

I'm not a scientist, but I'm gonna say not a chance in hell with our current technology

Anonymous No. 16113476

Also the wind would get to any structure that gets high enough off the ground right?

Anonymous No. 16113479

damn this spacex video is kino

Anonymous No. 16113480

this is called a space elevator and you can read up on it if you want

Anonymous No. 16113482

hey thats when my birthday is too

Anonymous No. 16113486

May the 4th be with you! :D

Anonymous No. 16113487

Starship would pass the spaceplane test

Anonymous No. 16113490

how much you wanna bet starship v4 will add wheels and a runway? good odds

Anonymous No. 16113493

its more likely that Musk becomes a Biden supporter and says he is a woman now

Anonymous No. 16113498

you should be careful, Howard Hughes ass motherfuker is capable of anything

Anonymous No. 16113508

Why do some people have this idea that reusable rockets can't be economically viable without some kind of arbitrarily ridiculously high launch rate and payload availability, and that the current demand for orbital launch isn't high enough to "justify" the existence of such rockets?

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scharnhorst effec....jpg

Anonymous No. 16113519

>Never. Speed of light is a limit not a suggestion, you cant go faster than it stop trying its retarded.
womp womp
>but its tiny!!!
if it bleeds we can kill it

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the moon's p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16113521

>I want satellites around ALL of the nine planets.
You better be including the Moon and excluding Pluto here or we're going to have a problem

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Anonymous No. 16113543

>Literally a sweatshop-tier green sweater with a square on it
>USD $75 + tax + tip + shipping

Anonymous No. 16113545

pay up

Anonymous No. 16113571

Once Starship is operational SpaceX could do multi-orbit tourist flights for far less money due to much higher passenger capacity and more capable vehicle. Don't see how VG can compete with that.

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Anonymous No. 16113573

Will they be doing this or its just a meme? Literally makes no sense, its impossible it can be reused without being tested after its first launch, and if the booster failed when its landing youre gonna fuck up the whole launch pad. Just put some fucking legs and make it simple

Anonymous No. 16113584

Mass autism

Anonymous No. 16113587

It's 100% real and it's a good idea.
>after the first launch
that doesn't matter. the booster will fly many times eventually

Anonymous No. 16113592

>if the booster failed when its landing youre gonna fuck up the whole launch pad
wrong. the launch is way harsher than anything an empty booster could inflict.

Anonymous No. 16113593

yes, that is mainly for rapid turnaround and for better mass
if you have the booster landing somewhere, you have to move it which takes time
I guess they could have done that at first and then try to do this later, but they would probably have to have done some design decisions which would make it less optimal for landing on the chopsticks right away and this system has been designed to be rapidly reusable from the start

the point is to go beyond F9 and not just make a bigger one

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Anonymous No. 16113594

Holy shit

Anonymous No. 16113595

>develops FFSC engine in one (1) year
what did they mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16113596

*than, not and
mainly for rapid turnaround instead of better mass to orbit

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Anonymous No. 16113599

a year ago

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Anonymous No. 16113601


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Anonymous No. 16113602

labeled map

Anonymous No. 16113603

very slow on the factory

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Anonymous No. 16113605

>Today we launch our cutting edge Sierra Space Eclipse satellite bus line. This series represents a significant leap forward in satellite technology and is comprised of three distinct classes tailored to a wide range of missions.

Anonymous No. 16113606

simultaneously building starships is probably slowing it down, they build it in stages so not everything gets shut down

Anonymous No. 16113607

lol everybody has a satellite bus line now

Anonymous No. 16113608

>nasa is working on lunar time
>spacex isnt working on mars time

Anonymous No. 16113609

Beter Becks ORSC engine ABSOLUTELY BTFO.

Anonymous No. 16113613

we've been betrayed

Anonymous No. 16113615

Mars colony ain’t being built for free

Anonymous No. 16113616

Turns out, it really is that easy in rocketry.

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Anonymous No. 16113617

launch site map

Anonymous No. 16113618


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Anonymous No. 16113619

launch site in march 2023

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Anonymous No. 16113621


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Anonymous No. 16113623

Pad clear for static fire now

Anonymous No. 16113624


Anonymous No. 16113625

Nah, Thailand would have never played any role in US led moon base anyway. Thailand joining China means they will have a role to learn advanced science. Its a win for China (influence) and Thailand (chance for prestige/influence/scientific endeavour)

Anonymous No. 16113626

no overpressure notice? that isn't required for a static fire?

Anonymous No. 16113628

>static fire
no launch = i sleep

Anonymous No. 16113630

had to wait like 2 years between last starship test and IFT-1

Anonymous No. 16113632

He CAN'T keep getting away with it

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Anonymous No. 16113634
wtf is this

Anonymous No. 16113635

>pony content outside of /mlp/

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Anonymous No. 16113636

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Anonymous No. 16113637

Lots of meme potential.

Anonymous No. 16113639

>28 pages

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Anonymous No. 16113640

what did Tory Bruno mean by this bronyposting?

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Anonymous No. 16113642


Anonymous No. 16113643

>clop clop clop

Anonymous No. 16113644

why would Tony do this?
his drawing skills, while not good, are better than I expected

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Anonymous No. 16113647


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Anonymous No. 16113650


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Anonymous No. 16113652

Oh, it's because his horse died? That's kind of sad.

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Anonymous No. 16113653

Same energy.

SpaceX comic when?

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Anonymous No. 16113654


Anonymous No. 16113656

the horse dying is a metaphor for the future of ULA

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Anonymous No. 16113658


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Anonymous No. 16113659

he signs his name with a drawing of a rocket that looks suspiciously like starship

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Anonymous No. 16113660

>Blue horse

Anonymous No. 16113661


Anonymous No. 16113663

holy SOVL. did he draw it himself?

Anonymous No. 16113664

I reckon there's a 50/50 chance it ends up as stupid as that weird flip staging they tried to do with IFT-1.

Anonymous No. 16113666

why do they have an Italian guy making rockets in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16113671

>if it bleeds we can kill it
based, take out carnot efficiency while you're at it

Anonymous No. 16113675

I read the comic and I'm convinced ULA is attempting to pivot into the the comic book industry, where they're better positioned to compete with SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16113677

I can't believe we made it into Tory's comic book

Anonymous No. 16113686


>private land

Do you think this guy want all of Musk's money?

Anonymous No. 16113716

rocketry is mostly plumbing

Anonymous No. 16113723

I'm embarrassed for Tory and I used to work for him

Anonymous No. 16113724

something unreasonable and caving in would then mean everybody else would start asking the same

Anonymous No. 16113730

>I used to work for him
Now I'm embarrassed for you

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Anonymous No. 16113741

Anonymous No. 16113746

everyone go report the early stage nigger he made another /sfg/. and we havent even hit bump limit yet, proven impatient zoomer.

Anonymous No. 16113747

This is impressive work

Anonymous No. 16113748

Anonymous No. 16113752

>if the speed of light was 20000 times faster no one would be complaining.
you just made GPS 4 orders of magnitude more difficult. I'd like to file a complaint.

Anonymous No. 16113756

you gambled on tourists instead of mass surveillance. you got only yourself to blame

Anonymous No. 16113757

Someone should edit this so it says Mr. Musk and reply to Elon on X after every launch.

Anonymous No. 16113759

holy fuck im seething

Anonymous No. 16113763

If only the speed of light was just above a brisk walking pace imagine how much effort could have been saved not inventing faster modes of transportation.

Anonymous No. 16113768

Road closure for static fire just happened, stand by for updates.

Anonymous No. 16113771

No overpressure notice. Just spin PROOOOMING?

Anonymous No. 16113773

I'm debating applying to work at ULA, am I 'tarded? for reference I'm already in aerospace and ula sounds comfy and would put me closer to actually working on rockets

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16113774

all this gloryhound faggots fault for riling up the dumbs

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Anonymous No. 16113777

all this gloryhound faggots fault for riling up the dumbs

Anonymous No. 16113780

Him, Carl Sagan, Neil Tyson Chicken Nuggets, and Bill Nye are all the same pseudointellectuals who got lucky and became famous for it. I fucking hate all of them.

Anonymous No. 16113782

Reminder that you are an estrogenated redditor if you like any of these insects or Star Wars/Trek.

Anonymous No. 16113785

hydrologgs FRSC is 50 year old tech, the challenge was the OR loop

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Anonymous No. 16113787

Thanks. I almost hadn't watched this today

Anonymous No. 16113791

Stop making this gey space faring thread. It stupid. Space is a nothing. Other planets are a non sense. What a waste of our time and focus. Kys fags.

Anonymous No. 16113793

for you

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Anonymous No. 16113794

First photo from Russian satellite Resurs-P № 4
Houston, Texas

Satellite is used to explore natural resources, control environmental pollution, search for a mineral deposit, assess the state of the ice situation, monitor emergencies.

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Anonymous No. 16113795


Anonymous No. 16113797

these russian fucks should be intercepted with a missile every time they photograph our territory.

Anonymous No. 16113802

The Stoke first stage is methalox.
Their propulsion team is simply built different.

Anonymous No. 16113804

Cool images
Rude and mean

Anonymous No. 16113818

Whats going on with B11?

Also poster above me is stupid and his mother is fat.

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Anonymous No. 16113823

Varda raised $90 million

Anonymous No. 16113826

ok wow never mind that's insane

Anonymous No. 16113832

Stoke is a joke lmao

Anonymous No. 16113867

Shut up nigger YWNGTS and neither will BO

Anonymous No. 16113876

bo goes to space all the time. they just can't stay there

Anonymous No. 16113888


I would be into Stoke Space more if they made thier rocket bigger.

Anonymous No. 16113892

hey i used to live in that image

Anonymous No. 16113909

starship will defintiely not land on a non prepared landing site. waaaay too tall and has no ability to hover in lunar g.

Anonymous No. 16113945

Sorry dude, that company is deader than dead. It's a hail mary against Elon by pedo Bill Gates

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Anonymous No. 16113956

>be born in irrelevant shithole euro country
>don't manage to get out
>don't manage to get into any of the ESA outreach programs for students
>become robotics researcher instead
>now actually on track to lead the development of some tech that will actually go up the well
don't give up on your dreams, anons

Anonymous No. 16113959

So what. You'll be eating nuts for 1000 years perv.

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Anonymous No. 16113961

didn't ask don't care

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Anonymous No. 16113962

I'm only reposting this because it made the janny seethe hard enough to delete it last time
Earn your wage lmao

Anonymous No. 16113963

I've been here 32 years. I've profited so much and I get the chance to fight against pervs like yourselves for a reward. I couldn't imagine nuts for 1000 years, that would be an indecipherable amount of suffering.

Anonymous No. 16113966

You manage to get to me and do whatever limited stuff you can do, you can expect 20* that along the way. Plus anything you did to other things in your time here.

Anonymous No. 16113967

glad to see /sci/ is just as full of GPT spambots or schizos (impossible to tell which) as ever

Anonymous No. 16113973

Are you sure it's not because you're the early staging tranny and got banned?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16113982

Reported that shitter kek

Anonymous No. 16113991

raise taxes on hullo's plane so he stops making videos about it

Anonymous No. 16113992

Stoke needs to team up with someone to get a first stage faster.

Anonymous No. 16113995

No they're doing just fine.

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Scott Manley FAG ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16113996


Anonymous No. 16113998

He needs to add pilot

Anonymous No. 16114000

>Flight 4 next month
How likely is this?

Anonymous No. 16114002

see you in june

Anonymous No. 16114005

Unlikely except if both the ship attitude control issues and the booster engines not relighting both were really simple dumb valve or software problems.
All the mitigations happen after rollback from SF.

Anonymous No. 16114024

insider here, realistic NET July 6th. The problems are. MAJOR. to say the least. Elon wasnt present as a way to quietly scold the engineers who let it get this bad. Artemis 2030 is starting to seem unrealistic.

Anonymous No. 16114032

something other than bait for once you retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 16114036

>something thats not 100% positive about my favourite space toy company
>automatically bait

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Anonymous No. 16114037

Andy Lapsa says it took them just over a year to go from deciding to building an FFSC engine to having one

Anonymous No. 16114041

>insider here
>automatically bait
yes faggot. if you can't tell niggerbait poster by now you're lobotomized

Anonymous No. 16114042

Insider here. Starship has already proven itself, so SpaceX is working on the next rocket, called the Gurren Laggen Poopen Scoopen Giga Nigga Carl Sagan. Also, Elon Musk is actually several small kobolds in a man sized suit. The froyo flavors today are aluminum oxide and vanilla raspberry.

Anonymous No. 16114049

Andy Lapsa is a GOD (and also a closet homosexual)

Anonymous No. 16114052

Tells you all you need to know about BO management that they squandered such talent.
Hope Jeff can turn it around

Anonymous No. 16114055

Honestly it was a good place to work when I was there. Pretty minimal overtime, nice people and decent pay.

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Anonymous No. 16114057

>Scott Manley
am I tripping balls right now? duuude

Anonymous No. 16114060

meds and sproke

Anonymous No. 16114073


Is that the same as Raptor?

Anonymous No. 16114076

Yes. Raptor is the first FFSC that's been to orbit and likely survived halfway through reentry.

Anonymous No. 16114079

I think it's possible

Anonymous No. 16114083

you are deluded. it didnt even begin to slow down.

Anonymous No. 16114095

>Krystal porn gets trips
/sfg/ is truly dead

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Anonymous No. 16114122

The OTF is venting, prop load soon. WHOS READY FOR AN EARTH SHATTERING BRAP???

Anonymous No. 16114131

Not me

Anonymous No. 16114132

Every. Fucking. Week. There. Is. Some. Launch. In. The. Middle. Of. The. Fucking. Night.
I am so fucking sick of this shit. Back when the shuttle program was going on, it was maybe every few months we'd get a launch and it would be cool because they would usually happen in the late afternoon or something. But after living here for over 20 years the novelty of launches has completely worn off and now it's just frustrating. I don't even pay attention to the launch schedule or go outside to watch anymore because it's just boring. I have seen hundreds. Oh a glowing line is going up into the sky and it's making a loud noise, whoop de fucking doo I don't care, let the snowbirds clog up US-1 with their 30 year old toyota shitboxes while they watch and go "ooh ahhh so cool". Seems like the past few years there have been a lot more launches and most of them late at night, and I wake up easily. I am going to send a STRONGLY WORDED LETTER to NASA because I can't fucking handle this shit anymore.
For some reason, last night's launch was unusually violent in the sense that I THOUGHT I WAS ABOUT TO DIE IN AN EARTHQUAKE. IT WOKE UP THE ENTIRE FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD, MY DOGS WERE GOING APESHIT AND I WAS IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE. But nope it's just Elon "The Nigger" Musk and his metal dildos waking up the entire town again!!!
fuck you Elon "The Nigger" Musk and fuck all of you fanboy faggots for enabling and encouraging his behavior.

Anonymous No. 16114133

I may not actually be doing anything via:

Set the mind to go.

Looks like I have to do stuff manually. I'll be with you soon

Anonymous No. 16114142

first get rid of the ricer street racers with fartcans on their Hondas

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Glavkosmos energi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16114147

Anonymous No. 16114151

kek. enjoy starship coming to ksc. they're building three pads for it.

Anonymous No. 16114156

Anonymous No. 16114157

why no zenit?

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Anonymous No. 16114159

Anonymous No. 16114160

it's gonna rattle you straight out of bed.
it's VERY much louder than the falcon 9s that go off every two days.

Anonymous No. 16114164

You don't even live in Florida, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16114166

Oh yes I do.
I'll post proof when I get off of work

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Saturn V with NER....png

Anonymous No. 16114177


Cut this low energy bullshit out and design a real rocket.

Anonymous No. 16114178

post your dick next to an alligator

Anonymous No. 16114182

that'll be 50 billion plus tip thank you

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nixon nerva ntr f....jpg

Anonymous No. 16114183


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Anonymous No. 16114186


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Anonymous No. 16114192

SkyshowTV released a really high quality 4k ground track of IFT-2. You can see fires around some of the engines as well as the individual explosive failures of the engines during boostback.

Anonymous No. 16114193

That was when Boeing was cool.

Anonymous No. 16114195

How big is your /sfg/ pdf solder? I have 500 files that I saved to read later.

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2 many pdf.jpg

Anonymous No. 16114196

many such cases

Anonymous No. 16114203

Kys redditroon gtfo youre probably the same nigger that posts spongetroon in that awful format and early staged.

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sfg waifu.jpg

Anonymous No. 16114209

My /sfg/ folder is everything thrown in a entire unorganized pile.
This is the last new saved image, saved for shitpost purpose.

Anonymous No. 16114211

I don't save PDFs from sfg.
my krystal jpgs from trash folder on the other hand...

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Anonymous No. 16114212

pdf not so much
got some memes tho

Anonymous No. 16114226

It's fucking over.

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Anonymous No. 16114231

I smugly accept your immediate and painful suicide

Anonymous No. 16114251

it's 2x2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16114252

New Chinese missile tracking ship, don't want those boosters dropping on Taiwan province or the Phillipines, right?

Anonymous No. 16114254

>don't want those boosters dropping on Taiwan province or the Phillipines, right

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Anonymous No. 16114267


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Anonymous No. 16114285

Anonymous No. 16114293

Bruh why do fags act like looking at the eclipse is gonna make you go blind?
Did you never look directly at the sun as a kid? It's not even a little bit dangerous

Anonymous No. 16114300

it is dangerous because your eyes don't respond to it properly

Anonymous No. 16114303

So it's only dangerous during the eclipse?
I suppose it's the UV while the visible is not enough to make your pupils dilate sufficiently?

Anonymous No. 16114304

yes, exactly

Anonymous No. 16114306


Anonymous No. 16114314

static fire happened

Anonymous No. 16114318
>Starship - what can we do with it?

Anonymous No. 16114330

She/it should work at nasa, she/npc would feel at home there.

Anonymous No. 16114334

You joke but there's a reason Arrokoth and Oumuamua have the names they do

And the "boys club" is true in space science, apparently there is a serious sexual harassment problem at conferences

Anonymous No. 16114339

>sexual harrassment
>serious problem
oh, this sounds legit unlike every other time in history

Anonymous No. 16114348

A lot of those events are international, and you don't need to look at the headlines to guess attitudes are even worse overseas.

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Anonymous No. 16114349

Too much testing, not enough breaking.

Anonymous No. 16114353

tits or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16114357

why would you say "boys club is a bad thing" on the most infamous internet boys club?

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Mack Crawford Sup....jpg

Anonymous No. 16114372

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Trouble with Tels....jpg

Anonymous No. 16114374

Anonymous No. 16114384

Stoke has really impressed me these past few years. They are second only to SpaceX for coolest space launch company

Anonymous No. 16114389

Mars having liquid oceans is fake. surely it was too cold for all that in the alleged time when it was feasible because the sun was too dim. plus mars shows little signs of oceanic bodies beign present, if anything it shows signs of glaciers followed by a brief thaw period.

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Anonymous No. 16114393


Anonymous No. 16114396

anyone hate the shuttle here?

Anonymous No. 16114404

Aren't rockets something agile rather than technical. Surely there are other techs than rockets suitable for the same purpose. If we could just think of them, maybe we'd get better at space faring.


Anonymous No. 16114410

One example would be something with a vessel attuned to it. The ship is corellate to the launcher. Another, a gear that allows a specific moves to a certain type of flying vehicle. Another is something that doesn't have a corellate vehicle, but uses a specific type of launch mechanism. I dunno. What could generate up-torque.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16114412

Black Kang?

Anonymous No. 16114413

Perhaps it is curved and sends the vehicle up at a slant.

Anonymous No. 16114420

Well. It's better than a risky, slow to produce safely, rocket. In my opinion, rockets are weapons. It's an abnormal use for anything other than payloads. Definitely not to be manned.

Anonymous No. 16114423

Exactly. Think of something new. And we'll have 100 things in space the same time we now do 1.

Anonymous No. 16114425

That's my only complaint, otherwise I'd treat space faring with more respect. It's too slow, it's too risky. It's based on balance of metal and engine, so it's more a constant tune than something technically apt.

Anonymous No. 16114426

Obviously we're meant to try space travel, and there'll be techs perfectly suited for that. Think.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16114427

Bot thread

Anonymous No. 16114431

We have planes taking off and reaching destinations every hour of every day. 30 years for a mission to just begin is wasting time.

Kys fags. You're not doing it properly.

Anonymous No. 16114441


Anonymous No. 16114446

yeah they're as retarded as it's possible to be and I suspect it's some sort of bot thing

>wow it's retarded that no one has thought of making rockets launch at a higher cadence and make them regular and boring I'm so smart and you're all so dumb

Anonymous No. 16114447

actual bot LOL

Anonymous No. 16114462

>this art
>clop clop clop
dangerously blursed

Anonymous No. 16114467


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Anonymous No. 16114478

bot this bot that how about you niggers talk about spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16114479

Great footage, thanks for sharing Anon

Anonymous No. 16114486

that pic is in the atmosphere and thus does not constitute spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16114491

Elon musk is an idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16114496

the engines shutting off and the separation look amazing

Anonymous No. 16114500

yeah sorry but responding to a post that just says Black Kang with "it's a better system then a rocket" and a whole paragraph is a pretty clear sign of a bot

Anonymous No. 16114510

I hate mechanics of materials so much bros. Its not like Im doing bad but holy shit I dont like it.

Anonymous No. 16114516

lol I cranked out a B-, don't worry anon
t. MS in mechE

Anonymous No. 16114520

what did Ivan mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16114524

Looks like I'm going down that path too. I get mostly As and Bs in college but I semi bombed this exam today but still aced the last one. Hoping final is easier, I just want to get out of this awful semester and start doing thermo, mech lab etc. I reallllyy want to build my own thing instead of make random bullshit or take tests that curveball you or dont give enough time. Finally getting in to my electives for aerospace, looks like IGMI pretty easily.

Anonymous No. 16114525

>didn't include Troon
one job, anon

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114526

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114530

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114532

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114536

Anonymous No. 16114537


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Anonymous No. 16114541

there will be breaking in two weeks

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114542

Anonymous No. 16114544

Shock diamonds*

Anonymous No. 16114564

/sfg/ kill

Anonymous No. 16114570

>Standing down from tonight’s Falcon 9 launch of Starlink satellites due to unfavorable weather. Now targeting tomorrow, April 6

There's not that much going on right now

Anonymous No. 16114575

>If it was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary.
>if the speed of light was 20000 times faster no one would be complaining.
I would.

Anonymous No. 16114578

>I would
Well you wouldn't be alive to complain, but I understand the sentiment

Anonymous No. 16114580

It's only natural, now that the weekend has begun. After all, /sfg/ is full of handsome and socially well-adjusted sirs.

Anonymous No. 16114581

there wouldn't be much going on even if starlink wasn't scrubbed, let's be honest.

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Anonymous No. 16114582

Anonymous No. 16114584

You could spend a lifetime analyzing the dynamics at play and still would find this amazing. This is closer to science fiction that anything I thought I would see when I studied aerodynamic and rocket propulsion.

Anonymous No. 16114585

this is pretty cool, more fully reusable launch companies the merrier

Anonymous No. 16114586


Anonymous No. 16114587

its going to be multiple times a night soon, get used to it homo
and this time its going to be starships instead of falcon 9
you will not only hear it, you will feel it

Anonymous No. 16114588

There was supposed to be an exciting announcement from ULA but all we got was a shitty deviantart comic

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Anonymous No. 16114591

Kino B11 photos

Anonymous No. 16114592

Calm down, McCarthy.

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Anonymous No. 16114594


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Anonymous No. 16114596


Anonymous No. 16114597

>muh sharty mars shuttle
fuck off lol

Anonymous No. 16114600

Smells like expendable rocket bitch in here

Anonymous No. 16114601

>Skyshow video of the SpaceX IFT-2 launch_1.webm

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Anonymous No. 16114605

Anonymous No. 16114606


Spacex launch was postpone due to the rest of the spaceflight industry being raped too much.

Anonymous No. 16114607

it is ift-2 they said ift-3 is gonna come soon.
estronaut must be seething. he doesn't have any NASA grade tracking telescopes

Anonymous No. 16114608


I thought xitter doesn't do 60ghz.

Anonymous No. 16114615

I guess based Elon Musk fixed it.

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my DICK.gif

Anonymous No. 16114626


Anonymous No. 16114627

this is probably the best footage I've seen
why can't the big boys figure out how to record the rocket in such high quality when it's at altitude?

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Anonymous No. 16114634

So its pretty obvious Starship advances one big step at a time by fixing what went wrong with the previous flight, what do you think IFT-4 will get right? I think that all engines will light on Booster return but maybe not the perfect landing they were hoping for. Attitude control on ship will be fixed but surviving reentry is still an issue. Payload door will be also fixed but they wont get the deorbit burn right with Ship since they got no data last time as they didnt attempt.

Anonymous No. 16114638

this is my new favorite launch footage of all time

Anonymous No. 16114639

yeah agree mostly, but I don't think its impossible they get through re-entry with the ship too
that is their goal for IFT-4

Anonymous No. 16114641

>me at home on the throne after eating a too spicy curry

Anonymous No. 16114642

I think IFT-4 will follow the exact same route/fail like IFT-2 or 3 lol

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114643

I wish USlaunchreport could also film. Their tracking is always amazing.

Anonymous No. 16114645

Deorbit burn succeeding is more likely than all 13 lighting up for booster landing imo

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Skyshow video of ....webm

Anonymous No. 16114646

Anonymous No. 16114648

huh, IFT-2 and IFT-3 were completely different

Anonymous No. 16114649

Nonsensical post. There was a huge difference between ift-2 and 3

Anonymous No. 16114652

payload door is an easy fix in theory, you just need to vent the air out of the bay first. there was more than one thing going wrong with the booster landing and it's going to take more than one flight to solve.

Anonymous No. 16114655

looks exactly like when b10 did it. no longer novel, no longer kino

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Anonymous No. 16114673

New commercial space station startup is dropping soon

Anonymous No. 16114674

desu most starship tests, and posts about them are just spam that should be dealt with lol,
wake me up when starship finally carries people

Anonymous No. 16114677

i am SICK and TIRED of it!

Anonymous No. 16114680

it's the most exciting spaceflight thing happening.
you're just a retarded contrarian / EDS sufferer.
we talk about electron and fucking arianespace here how is starship any less relevant

Anonymous No. 16114681

>we talk about electron and fucking arianespace here how is starship any less relevant
they dont launch constantly and fuck up the feed of cool stuff happening,
nobody cared about falcon 9 because it launches too much, same for starship
its annoying and reddit tier shit to talk about it so much lol

Anonymous No. 16114682

Consider dying

Anonymous No. 16114690

Obvious D&C glownigger shill trying to force Blue Origin and SLS tier launch rates as 'more exciting' just because theyre slower. WE DONT FALL FOR YOUR KIKE TRICKS HERE THIS IS THE FUTURE AND WE ARE HERE TO WATCH IT NOT YOUR INFERIOR NIGGER TIER ROCKETS THAT WILL LAUNCH 10x LESS FREQUENTLY AND 5x LESS PAYLOAD

Anonymous No. 16114697

the nice part about copying starlab's design is that you don't even need to make your own renders

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16114714


Anonymous No. 16114716

Shut the fuck up you gaslighting jackass, people don't care about Falcon 9 because it happens multiple times a week and succeeds multiple times a week; they're basically routine. Starship is anything but. Stop trying to pretend that Starship isn't worth caring about in lieu of retarded as rockets whose engineering paradigm was obsoleted an actual fucking decade ago.

Anonymous No. 16114719

Nice pics but can't read license plates like US recon satellites are said to be capable of

Anonymous No. 16114728

>starship launches too much
at last I truly see...SLS-sama..I kneel

Anonymous No. 16114733

seethe, elon will never let you suck his cock

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Anonymous No. 16114734

atlas is so fucking ugly who let them get away with building this shit?

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Anonymous No. 16114736


Anonymous No. 16114741

the US taxpayers,
also seethe muskrat shill

Anonymous No. 16114744

how'd you figure that one? falon's no looker either with it's stupid high fineness ratio and oversized payload fairing

Anonymous No. 16114757

>atlas is so fucking ugly who let them get away with building this shit?

It's Atlas III but widened to better accommodate the RD-180 and to support variable counts of SRBs.

Anonymous No. 16114775

reminder to go to feedback and bitch about the /sci/ janny for leaving the troll thread up for 16 hours and counting. its your civic duty to make jannies even more miserable!

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von braun gazes d....png

Anonymous No. 16114806

>inflatable jank

Anonymous No. 16114811

still the widest modules since skylab, it's a start

Anonymous No. 16114818

lol extreme EDS. why would anybody listen to you when you're that mind controlled by your seething emotions?

Anonymous No. 16114834

The Department of Defense is without a doubt drooling over SpaceX—even if it doesn’t always seem like it behind the veil of political theatrics.
FAA, biden admin, sierra group; hell, even if Trump hypothetically became anti-SpaceX… the company is too big to fail right now against any foe. DoD needs capability like this, and they know it now often comes in private industry (versus how it was in the ~1940s-1960s era–where everything was very ‘government-hands-on’ in order to expedite technology like nuclear bombs and fighter jets and rockets in order to beat the commies).

Anonymous No. 16114851


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Anonymous No. 16114855

FIVE companies now making staged combustion rocket engines in the US.
>Aerojet Rocketdyne (RS25)
>SpaceX (Raptor)
>Blue Origin (BE-4, BE-7)
>Stoke (methalox FFSC)
>Launcher (kerolox ORSC]

Anonymous No. 16114860

Ok now do reusable, then do fully reusable. Jarvis doesnt count as its a total meme and NG hasnt even flown yet.

Anonymous No. 16114861

I like how the diameter changes so that it visually breaks it up. Also the fairing is a unique design.

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sts-133 launch.jpg

Anonymous No. 16114871

The RS-25 has been reused after flight.

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Anonymous No. 16114872

Can someone make an /sfg/ version of this for Blorigin with Jarvis or ULA with their LEO optimized meme.

Anonymous No. 16114874

>Jarvis doesnt count as its a total meme
It's almost endearing how blatant of a conceptual ripoff Jarvis is/was. I can practically see Jeff storming into a conference room, pulling up a picture of one of the early hop tests, pointing at it and screaming "JUST DO THAT! WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING DO THAT? IT CANNOT BE THAT GOD DAMN HARD!"

Anonymous No. 16114875

The engines have finite lifetimes and the ones flown on Artemis I were destroyed when the core reentered the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16114876

yo dawg heard u like space so we put some space in your space

Anonymous No. 16114878

Theres shit in your mouth you shit dog.

Anonymous No. 16114880

"It's not that easy in rocketry" is a hard pill to swallow that everyone encounters at some point.

Anonymous No. 16114884

Also Rocket Lab Archimedes, and I believe both Ursa Major and Impulse are developing staged combustion engines (although not complete rockets).

Anonymous No. 16114885

It's cute in an ugly way. Unsurprisingly it's got the whole it's-1957-we-have-no-real-experience-with-rockets-yet look about it which is always kino.

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Anonymous No. 16114893

>people unironically believe rogozin still has his dick

Anonymous No. 16114895

late may seems most likely

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Anonymous No. 16114906

What if parachute fails?

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Anonymous No. 16114908

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Anonymous No. 16114911

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Anonymous No. 16114940

Anonymous No. 16114945

IFT-5 will be 4 weeks after IFT-4, then a two week gap, then one week, then three days, then daily, screenshot this

Anonymous No. 16114947

Hell on earth to EDS sufferers, Musk just can't stop winning

Anonymous No. 16114958

They'll probably fix the tumbling. Since it was the thing that went the most wrong during IFT-3, I'm not really sure what that will mean for the reentry. My hope is for a successful passage through the atmosphere and a scuffed oceaning.

Anonymous No. 16114992

I honestly think that surviving reentry won't be a problem, it seemed to be doing quite a good job for a while even though it was spinning uncontrollably. How good it will be at being reused is different matter entirely.

Anonymous No. 16114996

does the new FAA launch tax apply to everyone is just the big players like spacex and ula? should newfag startups with low launch numbers still have to pay the tax even though they're hurting for cash?

Anonymous No. 16115005

Was there any progress on new starships? Or are they not moving forward before being done with remaining ships?

Anonymous No. 16115031

By new you mean V2 or V3?

Anonymous No. 16115033

if you try explaining to frieren why falcon 9's so much cheaper than any alternative she'll just start having boomer flashbacks to losing payloads on the original atlas centaur with himmel and reach the quiet but unshakeable conclusion that ULA's the only launch company anyone could ever need

Anonymous No. 16115036

I was hoping that he would end up livestreaming himself having a fatal crash but this is also good.

Anonymous No. 16115039

As a bong it always amuses me when people think the Daily Mail or Sun are legitimate sources of news.

Anonymous No. 16115046

and it amazes the rest of the world that you produce and consume these rags

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Space Brothers 56....jpg

Anonymous No. 16115047

>What if parachute fails?
It would be very painful.

Anonymous No. 16115052

At least the Sun is effectively banned in one city, but yeah I really wish I didn't share this island with so many retards.

Anonymous No. 16115055

I always post it either when shitposting, or to win an argument in my favour

Anonymous No. 16115060

kek at least you're not one of the bongs who pretends every Englishman refuses to read them or take them seriously

Anonymous No. 16115061

the sun is banned? nuclearchads win again

Anonymous No. 16115063

whatever comes after remaining 3? ships.

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Anonymous No. 16115075
>SpaceX Booster 11 Static Fire - SOUND ON (Headphone Warning)

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Anonymous No. 16115077

I don't remember seeing any full ships, but apparently there is some pathfinder hardware though

> This is a very interesting find. A pathfinder barrel, presumably for the next Ship revision, and it has quite a few noticeable changes.

>- Note that it being a shorter ring section doesn't necessarily mean the production build will, as this is a manufacturing pathfinder, though it could be the case. (The current payload bay section is 5 rings tall)
>- The dispenser cutout is on a ring seam, as opposed to a solid ring. This means it moved, probably lower, on the payload bay.
>- The access hatch is directly below the dispenser cutout, rather than being 2 rings below, on the forward dome section.
>- The dispenser cutout is rounded instead of angular, which better matches the more modern reinforcement on the Ships.
>- The tile pins are the standard size, rather than the tiny ones. The tiny ones will be on specific areas, as there have already been pathfinders showcasing this.
>- There is a rounded cutout to the right of the door, which matches the Chopstick lifting points on the nosecone. Could this maybe indicate it's moving lower?

>These are just some quick observations. Fun to see, to be sure.

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Anonymous No. 16115079

production diagram from 1.5 weeks ago for good measure
for some reason I never tend to see these on the timeline, have to specifically go look them up every now and then

>Updates since last diagram:
>S28 & B10 conduct Starship Flight 3.

>S29 conducts a spin prime and 2 static fires.
>3 aft flaps are delivered, 2 of which are putatively for S32 and the extra would sequentially be for S36.

>B14’s oxygen tank has the downcomer installed and the aft section stacked.
>B14’s methane tank is stacked to 9 rings in height.
>B14 forward tank #4 is staged outside of Mega Bay 1.

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Anonymous No. 16115081


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Anonymous No. 16115083

May 4 is going to happen

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Anonymous No. 16115085

>May the 4th

Anonymous No. 16115086

it would be very funny if it was the morning of the starliner launch

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2 weeks chart.png

Anonymous No. 16115089

Anyone tracking how quickly these milestones are happening? Is the pace actually getting faster?

Anonymous No. 16115090

physically impossible. starliner will never launch

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cute pupper.jpg

Anonymous No. 16115103

Can't wait.

Anonymous No. 16115109

would have been funny if you had labeled axes and didn’t spoil it in the image title

Anonymous No. 16115112


Anonymous No. 16115117

Idk I didn't make it, make a new one urself

Anonymous No. 16115124

>the sun is banned
Only in Liverpool

Anonymous No. 16115130

>Ship 28
>Indian Ocean
>Booster 10
>Gulf of Mexico
I wonder if chang has found any intact raptors yet?

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Anonymous No. 16115137


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Anonymous No. 16115141

with helios as a kickstage for starship

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Anonymous No. 16115154

The stoke team

Anonymous No. 16115158

31 people, 4 women one of which is indian, so 1 (?) minority?

Anonymous No. 16115161

> 4 women
not gonna make it