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🧵 /scg/ - STEM career general

Anonymous No. 16117647

"Trades pay more" edition

Last Thread: >>16100215

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
> (US)
> (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

Anonymous No. 16117657

Transfer from the STEM rat race to blue-collar prosperity now

-high demand
- you won't struggle finding a job
-experienced workers can pretend to high salaries and can be selective
-you get to learn things you can translate to your personal life (building a house, maintaining a car, fixing an engine, plumbing, power grids, etc...)
-you don't work with women
-you can start your own business later on
-you get to travel



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Anonymous No. 16117891


How do you guys not die of boredom working on this ugly garbage?

Genuine question I don't understand how anyone could have electronics as a hobby instead of a job. It is deeply soulless compared to the natural sciences, and even computer sciences.

Anonymous No. 16117963

Not EE, but a good way of making boring crap fun is through having a small group of friends and acquaintances to share your concerns and complaints with as well as working together to solve problems and challenges.
>could have electronics as a hobby instead of a job
Because they build cool shit like stun guns

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Anonymous No. 16117973

>fun is through having a small group of friends and acquaintances to share your concerns and complaints
Unfortunately the average electronics guy is pic related instead of Dave from EEVlog or other respectable men.
They'd get boners from an LED blinking twice and would cry about calculus.

Anonymous No. 16118266

Yeah no. I was a trades guy, and it does pay well because of one reason and one reason only. Overtime. Now I make the same money sitting on my ass in my house, WFH, and basically doing 2 hours of “work” a day while I fuck my gf, tend my garden, and drink beer. Blue collar work is actually work, I’d rather get paid to answer emails from my couch.

Anonymous No. 16118313

I don't work on that shit. EE is a pretty vast field

Anonymous No. 16118788

Actually considering getting some certs and doing network security stuff. Where should I start?

Anonymous No. 16118830

that's not ugly :(

Anonymous No. 16118926

Am I making a mistake by getting a PhD in nuclear physics?

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Anonymous No. 16119165

>Actually considering getting some certs and doing network security stuff. Where should I start?

Anonymous No. 16119481

>Last attended college in 2022
>Did 1/2 of a comp eng degree
>got a cloud suite internship
>haven't done anything since
Could I build up to a job with this? I know the market's bad but I'm willing to grind whatever skills are needed

Keys No. 16119572

How old were you when you started and how long were you working for? also what trade did you do? retard question, what is WFH

Anonymous No. 16119645

What do you work on? I feel like phased arrays and RF, Space Science, or Entertainment make electeonics actually worthwhile

Anonymous No. 16119648

Yeah bro you just need dat grindset doe dat hustler mentality have you heard about Andrew Tate?

Anonymous No. 16119651

PCB are drab as fuck. It's a sorry sight to see when a design is purely functional with no flare.

Anonymous No. 16119658

What courses do you guys recommend for an EE masters? I took a fair amount of embedded systems courses in undergrad, and so I was looking into branching out a bit for my masters. So far, I'm looking at some deeper control systems courses, some RF, and some wireless communications courses. Any others you would recommend?

Anonymous No. 16119664

Early career RF/DSP autismo stuff. Really want to work for a space company eventually

Anonymous No. 16119666

Hey bro have you heard about the magic smoke?
Ha, ha, ha. EE, amiright?

Anonymous No. 16119670

>Early career RF/DSP autismo stuff
Cool. Any advice on how to get into it w/o internships?

Anonymous No. 16119682

If you're still in uni it shouldn't be hard to come up with a final year project that's based around either of those fields. Signal processing in particular is really easy to make projects for, just do audio recognition or something. Defence companies always need people to work on antennas/satellites/radar

Anonymous No. 16119699

Does anyone have a torrent or public drive link for PE exam study materials or guides?

In general any tips for taking the Power PE exam would be appreciated too

Anonymous No. 16119754

You see a person down on his luck and your first instinct is to shit on him
I'm glad jews are destroying white nations, you're insufferable and you deserve it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16119782

Every few years, a new generation seethes about Israel and it goes nowhere. Jews will still occupy the middle east in 100 years, in a 1000 years, and meanwhile your neighborhoods are getting filled with niggers. 40 years ago Sweden was as peaceful as Japan, now you have fucking towelheads chunking grenades like they're playing GTA online in Malmo. Every American city is ruined, now every major European city is headed towards ruin, and Jewish neighborhoods are thriving. If a city goes to shit, guess what? The jews just leave! They'll go somewhere else. You meanwhile are fucked. America is only 2/3 white and it continues to fall. Haitians and Somalians are flooding over the border and they're never going home. France? Germany? Italy? Filled with Arabs.

The beautiful thing is, you deserve it. You were never better than the Jews -- not morally, not intellectually. You're getting replaced. We're watching it happen in real time, and it's fucking beautiful.

Anonymous No. 16119821

>If you're still in uni it
Nah I'm a CS guy who graduated (barely) in 2018. Been doing IT tech work since but crave something more substantial.

Figured I'd stock up on above average open source contributions on software companies actually use. Would do some online schooling too. Sound like a decent substitute or nah

Anonymous No. 16119892

Hello anons. Realistically, are my job prospects with a bachelors in physics? I want to work in aerospace building rockets and stuff.

Anonymous No. 16119937

I'm not a shitting street but thanks.

Keys No. 16119998

I'm sure there's a cuckold subreddit man

Anonymous No. 16120112

How old were you when you went to school, and how old were you when you graduated? What was your major?

Anonymous No. 16120241

>I want to work in aerospace building rockets and stuff
Why didn't you do aerospace engineering?
As for your physics degree, you're going to need additional schooling and networking to become attractive to employers. An obvious place to start would be chemistry since it's just applied physics. Lot of chemical imaging, theoretical/quantum, and analytical chemistry focus a lot on physics.Chemistry is already really saturated though. Idk about anything else.
HVAC is a good alternative if you're willing to shift careers since you're applying the stuff you learn irl

Anonymous No. 16120246

Can you elaborate on your plans after getting a PhD?

Anonymous No. 16120248

How hard was trade school?

Anonymous No. 16120252

Good morning sar! MIT is not as good as New Delhi University, but it is still worth learning sar.
Okay, good. Rape you next week.

Anonymous No. 16120256


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Anonymous No. 16120279

What STEM fields filter pajeets and trannies the hardest?

Hard mode: Try it for CS/Software & EE
I feel like embedded and RF might be the winners

Anonymous No. 16120324


Anonymous No. 16120366

Appreciated. I'll look at them once I'm done in the gym.

Anonymous No. 16120374

Bombs hopefully

Anonymous No. 16120407

Why is
>more than 1100 students in a single classroom
advertised as a good thing

Anonymous No. 16120432

>Mean-spirited remark? Genocide his entire race
Your moral high ground is a hole, Rajesh.

Anonymous No. 16120666

bad, there's no single job it's the most useful degree for, I say this as a physics bachelors and masters holder
the advantage is it's more IQ-loaded than anything except pure math and you can pivot in many different directions like engineering, CS, chem, data science to become moderately good quickly
you could do an aerospace masters but aerospace also seems oversaturated rn

Anonymous No. 16120768

You're going to end up with an incredibly boring or an exciting but morally-fucked job, much more likely the former. Either way you won't be able to say much about your work to friends/family.
In weapons you'll be competing with people who have more relevant qualifications (EE, aeronautics and CE are often more desirable for weapons).
You can get a reliable and decent-paying job from nuclear power or radiation safety industries.

Anonymous No. 16120878

>filter pajeets the hardest in CS
literally nothing. they may suck but they have infiltrated every single subfield by lying and nepotism

Anonymous No. 16120892

How can you even put RF and embedded into same category. RF requires high level of vector calculus and electronics knowledge, which filters 80% of EE students, whereas any dumbass with zero math knowledge and high-school level electronics knowledge could do embedded systems

Anonymous No. 16120909

nta, but rf filtered me because it was boring. I did fine in the EM class but it felt way too limited in what you are doing to be interesting for 30 years. Im sure it gets deep and varied, but the surface level intro to it did not draw me in

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Anonymous No. 16120950

Which STEM careers are overwhelmingly White?

Anonymous No. 16120956

electric utility technician

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Anonymous No. 16120963

why are there so many EE anons

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Anonymous No. 16120986

We can't really decide our lives and EE offers the most variety of well-paying careers. Physics and math too if you know how to market yourself. Also you're on an imageboard which is naturally skewed towards tech.

Anonymous No. 16120987

>whereas any dumbass with zero math knowledge and high-school level electronics knowledge could do embedded systems
The actual design and build of embedded is just as involved. It can't be done by nepotistic pajeet hoards.

Anonymous No. 16121000

My theory is everyone is trying to pivot away from CS and they see EE as the next closest thing. Or it's just retards googling "top paying degrees" and settling on EE because of that. But yeah there's clearly a huge uptick in EE posting which is an obvious top signal. EE is set to be the next ME (completely oversaturated with low pay)

Anonymous No. 16121006

for me at least its because /g/ became overran by ai coomers or cs doom posters

Anonymous No. 16121036

No way EE will ever be oversaturated, it's way too autistic. All the people doing EE degrees for the money drop out in the first year

Anonymous No. 16121055

It isn't autistic, it's a normal field of study just like anything else. What you probably meant to say is that it's difficult, but people who are driven to succeed won't fail just because they are primarily motivated by money.
I did EE purely for money. There are a lot of us. Many if not all of 4chan's theories about autism are deeply flawed or just flat out incorrect. The way "autism" gets thrown around on this site as though it's a magical super power is retarded. It's just a really stupid meme at this point.

Anonymous No. 16121063

Weapons is way more physics oriented than power

Anonymous No. 16121067

Better be american and apply to los alamos national labs or idaho national labs then. Also, you will most likely only get to work on non-proliferation, disposal, or analyzing if putting old cores in a new container will mess anything up

Anonymous No. 16121072

kurisu sexoooo

Anonymous No. 16121079

Realistically, what are my job options as a math phd holder and 2 years of adjunct professorship teaching?

Anonymous No. 16121089

.. if you look up how many people work at power plants that produce electricity. Only about 29,000/30,000.

With a US population of 300,000,000.

That's basically 1/10,000. Lighting strike odds you meet someone who works at one. But I know there are other possessions that Electrical Engineers can work. But not really an abundant profession

Anonymous No. 16121092

>if you look up the smallest field of EE there aren't that many people

Anonymous No. 16121096

Community college

Anonymous No. 16121100

Haven't you asked this question like 5 times in a row in this general? I'm assuming low odds if you are expecting different answers than before

Anonymous No. 16121165

Highest IQ major that will give you a job, at least that's why I'm doing it

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Anonymous No. 16121166

I want to do a PhD in EE but don't want to move halfway across the country for a job. Should I just stop at the masters level if I want to stay local?

Anonymous No. 16121183

>i just want to stay local
why. Also, if you get a PhD in EE, outside of universities which are obviously everywhere, the only good jobs are in San Jose, Seattle, DC, Boston area, Austin.

Anonymous No. 16121210

>the generation of electricity, which makes the entire field of EE possible is the smallest most niche field

Anonymous No. 16121227

yes, retard. Generation is a mostly solved field, no one goes into it. Power distribution has some people. There are many times more people who study EE who do RF, or computer architecture, or VLSI, or analog, or signal processing, or ML, or embedded devices.

Anonymous No. 16121269

fuck it, i'll rant here because there's nowhere else to do it.
i hate working in my lab. the project i was hired to work on failed and now i have nothing concrete to do an my work has little overlap with anything else. i'm awkwardly standing by knowing i'm the unwanted odd one out, and am only able to stay because they feel responsible for bringing me there but at the same time think i have nothing to offer. i am held to standards no one else is held to, i am responsible for pushing all the projects and design, meanwhile all the opportunities are reserved to the PI's favorite who also magically ends up with premade projects falling on her lap. it is 1000x better to receive
fuck this, i want to get my degree and leave asap but it's draining me. i had so many expectations about this lab too.

Anonymous No. 16121273

*to receive a no than this

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Anonymous No. 16121292

From last thread:

>Please elaborate. How does having a physics degree fit into intelligence field?
If you are a physicist, you understand what you see, and notice things that are peculiar, vs, most people just accept what they see without asking questions.

Anonymous No. 16121472

I wager the next big field adjacent to EE will be biomedical / biotech engineering, especially with the trends in the market now (lots of upstart companies with decent research and a potentially revolutionary product type being the focus of many major companies' research), alongside materials (particularly improvements in batteries, fabrication, recycling processes, and related). There are probably some things I'm missing, but I don't see the job market growing for some things which may end up more important in the future (geothermal, nuclear recycling programs, nanotechnology).

Anonymous No. 16121476

Looking for rogue signals?

Anonymous No. 16121483

Fuck off retard faggot.
It isn't "mostly solved" especially with the huge demand for more productive renewables.

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Anonymous No. 16121501

Starting a master's in data science in september
Did I fuck up not going for information security?
I'm constantly second guessing myself about my choice, whether it's still a good field to get into, what my prospects will be, etc.
In case shit hits the fan, will it be easy to switch to an adjacent tech career?

Anonymous No. 16121545

Oh you mean materials science and physics? Or do you mean mechanical engineering to build wind turbines? Why are you trying to argue about the make up of EE professionals when you know nothing of the field?

Anonymous No. 16121672

idk if it makes you feel better but my experience is completely different and I hate it also. I joined with the expectation to do a project which I mostly solved in one year. I thought I would continue to iterate on it and explore optimizations and what not but instead my advisor from the beginning had plans for me to use it as a stepping stone to a different field I had zero interest in. My work is "novel" so I have no comparison, no papers to read that do the same thing. no one in the group is doing anything similar, all my papers have been alone, i haven't been able to collaborate at all and my advisors shoots down everything i want to do so ive had to work extra to make sure i dont shoe horn myself into a field I hate for my whole career. grass is always greener I guess

Anonymous No. 16121677

What kind of course path are you chosing?

Anonymous No. 16121751

yeah bro, EEs have nothing to do with power generation or renewables. great argument.

Anonymous No. 16121754

You don't know shit about EEs, god actually keeps telling me that EEs are bad. I don't know what an EE is, I'm more like a medium with the otherworld and he's giving me magic powers to play around with in hell. What are the effects of telling you that god said there's a problem with EEs. Specifically he said "EEs", and he made a grossed out face.

Anonymous No. 16121838

Any Embry Riddle anons here? Is it worth the price? Why is the graduation rate only 65%?
Bonus question: how is the social scene? Daytona Beach specifically.

Anonymous No. 16121844

I'm planning to do Aerospace btw

Anonymous No. 16121867

Forklift driver

Anonymous No. 16121889

>Any Embry Riddle anons here?
No clue what that is.
For no-name schools do your best to network with people is all I can really tell you.

Anonymous No. 16121892

why would you feel the need to respond if you have no useful info?

Anonymous No. 16121897

What is the likelihood anyone here goes to that incredibly obscure school anon

Anonymous No. 16121989

>Embry Riddle
>No Name
Lol. Lmao even. I can already tell you're an EE. If you were on the ME/AE side of things that name would instantly perk you up.
Congratulations on getting in man, I applied for Embry, but I ended up at Texas A&M for AE but had to leave in my senior year due to a family crisis. Make the most of what I couldn't anon.

Anonymous No. 16122024

I know there's some anons who sometime pop into these threads to ask about Oceanography to work on the ocean.
Those jobs are a major fucking meme, very few oceanographers get to go out on the ocean at all, those are very few and far between, most of your time will be spent behind a computer screen scripting stuff in phython. Your best bet would trying to go to OCS with the, Coast Guard,or as a METOC Officer in the marine corps/navy (This is a relatively hard slot as there's only about 2k active duty enlisted meteorology techs in the navy OR you could commission into NOAA (They have uniformed officers believe it or not). If you still want to work on the ocean but with NOAA, then you don't even need to go to college but to work as a unlicensed deck/engine/steward for a few years and grind out STCW certifications that way you can sail on NOAA vessels.

tldr: oceanography is a major fucking meme degree, save your time and money or don't even go to college if you want to be on the Ocean.
t.Unlicensed Deckfag

Anonymous No. 16122091

>retard question
work from home

Anonymous No. 16122113

Any EU/German anons here that may have done IU? International Hochschule? I'm looking to doing a CS or engineering degree from them since it fits with my schedule, but I'm hesitant given it's private and seems a bit average academically.

Im American and work in QA for a company, but am pretty limited coding experience and only use SQL primarily. I want to get more skills to eventually switch out of this job and be more marketable in Europe for tech jobs.

Would I be better off learning German and eventually going to a public German uni?

Anonymous No. 16122133

I have a job offer for a company that designs, manufacturers and sells mass spectrometers. They said they don't expect me to know anything about the field, because there is no academic training for it, and will train me for 2 years, as a junior engineer, before I can move into higher positions. What do you fags know about the field? I'm about to graduate with a BEng in electrical engineering.

Anonymous No. 16122143

Mechanical Engineer w/ minor in nuclear engineering - currently working in a pretty intense nuclear operations program and love every second of it. Would sacrificing a higher paying job just to pursue a masters or a PHD program at my dream school ,that might not help me in terms of career, make any sense?

Im in my late 20s now and i feel as if i wait any longer it will be just a little weird

Anonymous No. 16122145

I don't have the exact courses on hand but it's pretty much database design, machine learning using Python, mostly statistics and probability for the math side, and some other stuff like AWS
By the way I'm in western Europe. Strongly considering relocating though

Anonymous No. 16122216

When is a CS PhD needed? Aside from teaching obviously
Are there any jobs accessible with a PhD in CS that I wouldn't have access to with just a master's degree?

Anonymous No. 16122223

Research positions, there's really cool ones out there. Mainly algorithm development and machine learning stuff.

Anonymous No. 16122228

>machine learning
Would that include things related to quantitative analysis? Or is that a math-only field?

Anonymous No. 16122268


Anonymous No. 16122269

help pls

Anonymous No. 16122381

>intense nuclear operations
i did nuclear operations in the navy and absolutely hated it. as far as I know though, phd wont help or hurt you in nuclear operations, if you have experience they will take you

Anonymous No. 16122465

Surface or subs ?

Anonymous No. 16122472

any of you autists know anything about mass spectrometry engineering as a field

Anonymous No. 16122475

Plz. Just want to know if this is worth a shit or not and not get scammed.

Anonymous No. 16122477

EE bros...why is MIT ranked #1? I get that they are good and all, but the majority of papers I read that are innovative in the field all come from stanford or berkley. What is it that MIT is doing that keeps them at the top? I see some papers and projects from them, but very little. Could just be my particular field

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Anonymous No. 16122500

Is autism good or bad for a STEM career?

Anonymous No. 16122504


Anonymous No. 16122511

Why do you want to move to Europe? Tech salaries here are really low compared to US (except in Switzerland, but they can pick from Europe's best). As for quality of life, depends on what you value. German companies typically want you to speak German. Have you considered getting a degree from an American online degree mill like Western Governors and a German certification instead of doing IU?
From reading German review sites IU seems to be a legit, academically middling school, maybe a bit financially scummy: Several people complain that when they dropped out after a few weeks their money was not refunded even though they claim to a have 3 month money back guarantee.
Which ranking? Rankings often consider silly stuff like number of Nature/Science papers, number of Nobel prize winning faculty, percentage of foreign faculty, instructor/student ratio and so on. Also MIT EECS department includes stuff like their quantum computing lab, which is really good, maybe they count the whole department?

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Anonymous No. 16122541

What are my options after math phd? I'm thinking bus driver but my parents won't let me.

Anonymous No. 16122548

what about bussy driver?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16122621

Any helpful suggestions?

Anonymous No. 16122624

>that thesis

Anonymous No. 16122636

sorry, i'm actually unironically retarded

Anonymous No. 16122641

its ok anon, im retarded too because I meant to say "that resume".
but seriously, that resume sucks, have you not looked at any examples? you need to put some specifics in there, everything is super vague. Also, way too much white space, and you have typos and poor english in it

Anonymous No. 16122663

>use a LaTeX template from ffs, work experience should go above education
>if you condense whitespace and remove the vague summary and irrelevant bachelor info you can get it to 1 page
>put more tech buzzwords in the skills section like java, docker, AWS, keras, sklearn, R lang, remove vague stuff
>add a project section, link to github with code from your job/phd, awards section where you put your thesis prize and patent
>education should mention GPA/honors if it was good
>mention English cert like TOEFL if you have it
>maybe change dates to year only to hide that you were unemployed for 6 months

Anonymous No. 16122687


Anonymous No. 16122770

It’s brutal. It’s a “power” school that grinds its engineers into the dirt, it’s not some academic sanctuary. If you make it, you are made out of steel.

Anonymous No. 16122917

I am not too keen on salary and am fortunate to have enough savings to enjoy life in Europe/Germany along with having a job now. I much prefer the differences in quality of life, culture, health care, and educational opportunities.

My intent is to learn more German over the next few months to get to B1 roughly as I'm at a low A2 right now, but rather have a more technical background than I do now. I have about 5 years of work experience and a business degree from a large state school in the US.

What German certifications are you referring to? Educational or language related? I'd be happy to take recommendations for either one.

Anonymous No. 16122938

I was referring to language certs but I actually don't know which are the best to study towards, since I'm just starting a PhD and for that the German employers don't care too much about German proficiency
But my impression is that it's considered a plus with companies

Anonymous No. 16122965

Yeah that makes sense. I want to prioritize German, and then keep my eyes on eventually going back to school. Given that I'll likely be able to keep my current position for awhile, I figured this university offered this most flexibility for my schedule. Thanks for the feedback and good luck with the PhD

Anonymous No. 16123016

That one, sure. The image was taken from a recruitment ad for an intelligence agency.

Anonymous No. 16123079

Goethe-Zertifikate for the German language:
There's also this website which our government made specifically for people like you ("Fachkräfte"):

Anonymous No. 16123141

A touch of it will give you a superhuman ability to focus on a topic for a long time, enough to get that PhD. Most normal people cannot into sustained focus.

Anonymous No. 16123610

Why the fuck did i fall for the cybersecurity meme good god

Anonymous No. 16123648

Literally nobody here knows anything about mass spectrometry engineering?

Anonymous No. 16123651

Is it possible to double major in computer science and physics and then do a master's/PhD in physics ?only research opportunities i have as a undergraduate right now are all computational simulations one.......what more should I contribute to my undergrad research career to get into grad school with scholarship ? I really don't find meaningful research internship for physics undergrads

>T. Junior year cse and physics

Anonymous No. 16123658

Why do people hate/tease industrial engineers, and how do I tape manufacturing engineering to my skillset? Tired of being disrespected because I'm neither a superchad extrovert or a sheltered technical autist ME/EE.

Anonymous No. 16123755

What are the best ways to get started with PhD applications to the US? I'm doing my masters abroad at a pretty good uni so I could probably get it published, would that help?

Anonymous No. 16123756

it's possible for sure but what grad school you can get into is always a crapshoot
yes publications are an important factor
ask senior professors in your department who have sent students to the US before, you will need their recommendations anyway

Anonymous No. 16123760

Most publications in academia are worthless, including yours. How do you cope?

Anonymous No. 16123777

Leaving the army and looking to go to school. Kinda want to pursue bioinformatics/computational biology. What kind of math would I be looking to pick up in school to be a more competitive data scientist?

Anonymous No. 16123838

What happened anon? I am also curious about cyber security but don't wanna become a meme either.

Anonymous No. 16123966

is data science as dead as dev jobs?

Anonymous No. 16123987

I feel like people who wrote their undergraduate thesis for more than 80 pages is either a huge cuck or trolling faggot. I envy 1st worlders so much, here in 3rd world in order to make a pass during defense you have to write at least fucking 150 pages.

Oh you're making a simple ticketing app with bunch of algorithms? Spam your papers with at least 50 pages of supporting theories and another 50 pages of diagrams!!!

Anonymous No. 16124188

How is it a meme?

Anonymous No. 16124191

No because the barrier to entry is higher
You're not gonna get hired as a data scientist/engineer or ML researcher without at the very least a master's and most likely a PhD

Anonymous No. 16124199

by getting a good job and not caring. my phd research was fucking stupid idea that my advisor made me do anyways

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Anonymous No. 16124237

sigh, I want to vocational school for cell culture and QA/QC for protein production
there where actual jobs for this back in 2015, including some US startups so desperate they where training brewers to learn the trade
>work at a popcorn factory out of HS
>spend 300$/semester parttime to train
>vocational program required a 4 month internship capstone
>greatest fucking mistake of my life
>manually maintain small pools of hela cells in med instead of industrial-scale machinery
>only experienced in QC instead of the tech
>finish degree, can't work the machine for the pharma companies actually looking for people
>internship says I should have a degree for their QA/QC
>"use your skills to cure cancer instead of making drugs"
what a fucking joke
>only real job prospect is blood labs to do what theranos couldn't
>move to 4 year program
>fucking india and china, who actually have cell culture scale producing everything
>by this point in a scholarship due to marketable skills in cell counting for mice/blood work
in 4 years I could have been managing or at least QA/QC this tech I was supposed to be certified in, and now industrial scale animal cell culture is more than fucking startups or high-degree medical
>fuck it, thesis in using this tech to make bioweapons (only partially being hyperbolic)
pharma is at least still looking for people with the biotech cert and an AS if you can find some way to hook an internship to run those machines, do not go into med and fuck it up, also take some python courses

Anonymous No. 16124335

>job application proceeds to interview
>interviewer makes it a 90 minute session requiring a ~25 minute presentation
>asks presentation to be related to very specific applications that I never worked on
>as in, none of the previous projects that I worked on even covered similar mathematics
>interview is also in less than a week
What the fuck do I do in this situation?

Anonymous No. 16124359

present your own projects and how your contribs relate to what interviewer wants to check your knowledge on
also put on deodorant

Anonymous No. 16124366

My contributions have nothing to do with the applications they want. For example one of the areas they mentioned uses constrained optimization in literature, but I never worked on a project focused on constrained optimization. It's like this for all the applications they mentioned.
Also it's an interview through videoconference.

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Anonymous No. 16124411

New resume. What do you think?

Anonymous No. 16124455

Much better. Where the conferences are doesnt matter, list what the conferences actually were. Maybe list your top 1 or 2 papers. Also, I would add a sentence or two at the top that a summary of you and your goals or whatever, though maybe thats not currently recommended

Anonymous No. 16124599

What's the route at this time? I'm interested in biotech research and work.

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Anonymous No. 16124604

I've been on this website for a decade and a half and I didn't know you could upload PDFs

Anonymous No. 16124609

/sci/ has a ton of unique features like that, nobody uses them though because this board is just a slow /pol/

Anonymous No. 16124631

I haven't even applied to ERAU yet anon, I'm just wondering if it's a good avenue to go down.
From what I've heard it has a good AE program but it's very hard, very expensive, and the social scene is lacking. I read online that its AE program has over a 50% failure rate.
I'm a 21 year old high school dropout, I'm trying to get into a decent college and get a decent education as soon as I can so I'm not an old fuck who feels out of place. I've felt out of place my entire life. Never got to experience High School, but I want to try college to see if I can make some friends.

Anonymous No. 16124634

If you can’t get hired with this resume then all hope is lost for the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 16124700

What are some fields of CS that are highly promising for the future?
I'm talking about highly specialized stuff, such as HPC or ML for example

Anonymous No. 16124705

First off, as an associate professor you are allowed to sport the "sensei" suffix.
CV looks good. An employer outside academia will probably want to know why you are leaving for industry. That doesn't belong in the CV, of course, but that is something you need to have in mind for the interview.
There is enough in that CV to find your picture. A comment in good faith, anon-sensei: consider your grooming so you don't look too much like the cliched redditor.
And I agree with >>16124634 that this CV should get you hired.

Anonymous No. 16124706

I wouldn't do it in uggo LaTeX like that. I would use some kind of aesthetic cv thing where you can do a bunch of design choices without coding, because you will have a better template than just text.

Anonymous No. 16124726

>MIT is brutal and grinds students into the dirt
Lol yeah right.
School rankings =/= how hard the program is.
Highly selective schools like MIT can't be brutal because no one would fucking graduate.
The actually brutal weedouts happen in big state schools that let everyone in. Less selective in admittance = big weedout grind in the core classes to prune down the number of graduates. Schools like MIT gatekeep before admittance while huge state schools gatekeep after admittance.
You've never heard of someone flunking out of Harvard or MIT. It doesn't happen because that isn't the point of those schools. Churn and burn is for giant state schools.

Anonymous No. 16124741

when does math start to make sense
i've taken all the standard classes that any stem undergrad has to take regardless of major (calc i-iii, intro to ode, intro to linear algebra, some really basic discrete math/proof class) and did fine in them, though some of the latter calc iii stuff and a few bits from calc ii like remainders felt like memorizing more than really understanding from rigorous proof. Regardless, I still feel like a helpless baby trying to figure out how to approach problems by myself outside of a classroom setting. Is there a point where this starts to turn around? Right now math still seems like a bunch of scattered ideas with an endless number of prerequisites between me and even trying to understand any given topic I come upon. I ask because I'm supposed to do some math seminar project that's pretty much an open ended "do whatever interests you" but I have no idea what I even can do. I've tried just picking some random topic and seeing how math could be shoehorned into it but it either
>already was thoroughly applied by somebody else
>completely outside of my realm of knowledge
is there a solution besides the 4chan recommendation meme of "just read these fifty books and then you'll be ready to tackle the topic!", I think that if I 'm truly passionate or intrigued by math then I should already be thinking of the world in a mathematical way, making finding a topic for an independent project easy, but that's not happening.

Anonymous No. 16124774

How do you know if you should patent something? How'd you even get the idea to patent before any of your coworkers/boss stole the idea from you?

Anonymous No. 16124811

I agree with that pic, im a bricklayer went to uni to study architecture, thinking architects dont work as hard as i do and make alot more money. Joke is only the architects working alot harder thanni ever did make all of the money and the rest is gonna starve. Kek thats why its overrung with women.

Anonymous No. 16124814

is an applied math degree more favorable to a CS one?
I am kind of a cross roads between the two because I started with math but I can still switch to CS without needing to retake a lot of courses.

Anonymous No. 16124820

Applied math >>>> most memedegrees like CS. Reminder that when only white men went to college, Appiied math was the degree you had to take to do CS.

Anonymous No. 16124923


Anonymous No. 16124930

So do you regret going to university?

Anonymous No. 16124931

How do I prepare for my Chemistry PhD entrance exams?
I want to pass the tests so I don't have to take the retarded courses.

Anonymous No. 16124937

GNNs and multiomics are pretty cool, you can get good future prospects by learning the future drug discovery -> product toolchain, I would expect personalized drugs and vaccines overtaking stemcell therapy. Less specialized work, easy to scale.
also in reply to this, but the concepts are pretty alien to what a tech would need to see

Anonymous No. 16124939

Why not stay in the army? Leaving a stable and well-paying career seems foolish. But if you must, sit through a couple lectures of this computational and systems biology (graduate) class.
>What kind of math would I be looking to pick up in school to be a more competitive data scientist?
You'll be dealing with lots and lots of calculus, physics, and some chemistry.

Anonymous No. 16124944

Math teachers at private universities or public schools if they're unionized make decent money.

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Anonymous No. 16124946

>systems biology
vectorize that shit and let a transformer do the work, all they want are script kitties that have a bio degree

Anonymous No. 16124949


Only interpretation about results

Anonymous No. 16124956

If you're willing to put yourself out there, setting up a YouTube channel about advanced math/geometry topics can have a good chance of getting Patreon and ad gibs.

Anonymous No. 16124957

ah they couldn't think of a better word for integrated systems bioinformatics. I think the current tool chain will be useful for a while, but may end up becoming legacy as personalized and automated production methodologies arise from a deeper (dynamic multi scale) understanding of living systems. I'm very interested in the overlap between biological and technological systems, in particular, as it applies to cybernetics (i.e., the improvement of feedback mechanisms between tools and users via fledgling technologies like BCIs in conjunction with high capacity communication frameworks).

Borgisms. Fuck ethics tbqdesu.

Anonymous No. 16125050

>Option A
BS Mechanical Engineering and MBA
>Option B
BS Industrial & Systems Engineering and MS/MEng I&SE or Engineering Management

I know Option A is theoretically the "better choice" but I much prefer the subject matter and career path idea in Option B. I just don't know how I'd feel suffering through fluids all day and then suffering the faggots in business after.

Anonymous No. 16125095

>An employer outside academia will probably want to know why you are leaving for industry.
What are you supposed to say? Is "I have been unable to find funding for my research and have given up on that career path" acceptable?
The courses you have taken are usually taught as a bunch of recipes. Take more courses like Analysis, Topology, Abstract Algebra, which are usually more proof-based.
Your employer usually owns your patents even though you are the inventor.

Anonymous No. 16125178

Full of retards and idiotic working conditions.

Made the absolutely comical mistake of working in the games industry to counter cheaters and test the security of anticheat software. Never ever making that mistake again.

Anonymous No. 16125226

>How do you know if you should patent something?
As the FAQ mentions, your employment contract (read it yet?) stipulates that your employer/university/whatever owns all you invent. Get an idea? Contact the tech transfer office or whatever it will be called in your case.
>How'd you even get the idea to patent
Nobody knows, some can, most people cannot.
>before any of your coworkers/boss stole the idea from you?
That can be fraud and be fatal for the patent, either making it non-enforcable or ending with revocation.

Anonymous No. 16125229

Strange, I posted a reply but cannot find it now.
Mass spectrometers are widely in use but just used as a tool to verify the composition, say if a gas in a vacuum chamber. Sales volumes must be solid but the field is specialised.

Anonymous No. 16125323

This >>16124820 is a meme. It depends on what you want to work on exactly, but for a career in AI, a PhD in either statistics or CS is required.

Anonymous No. 16125414

Honestly the guy did teach at a fairly good university but I wonder what happened in 2024 to make him stop.

Anonymous No. 16125417

Stats is applied math.

Anonymous No. 16125510

Applied math should be better career wise, right? CS is too oversaturated

Anonymous No. 16125518

They got rid of me since they weren't allowed to keep me on contract without offering me a permanent position. Been unemployed since January and applied to 10+ jobs per day.

Anonymous No. 16125579

At the MS or PhD level? Not really. You get the same job opportunities anyway (data engineering, statistical modeling, scientific computing, AI and so on)
From my anecdotal experience, more employers look for CS PhDs for AI/ML roles than math PhDs, however for anything related to quantitative analysis/financial engineering, a PhD in either math or physics is mandatory even for an internship. Preferably pure math

Anonymous No. 16125905

I had to drop out of my masters program because it was too expensive. I really liked the classes too. They shut down my email account this week so I'm officially done. $17k a semester. Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous No. 16126108

maybe if u were more smarter theyd be paying YOU to study at there school

Anonymous No. 16126121

Have you tried coldcalling other math departments? Or asked your bosses if they have networks into other countries. Germany, Benelux and hell even Italy have use for a math teacher that is not retarded and know english fairly well.

Anonymous No. 16126205

Are there careers that deal with exploration? For example, geologists working with caves or whoever else deals with that and stuff like exploring the ocean's depths. How much do they get paid? Who employs such people?

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Anonymous No. 16126223


Anonymous No. 16126229

Child rapist.
You venture into unexplored holes all the time.

Anonymous No. 16126283

Employers are supposed to pay those hefty tuition costs, not the average person. Still, good on you for not paying. What's your next plan?

Anonymous No. 16126292

>5 interviews with a startup
>they give me a offer

The offer is the exact same as my current employer salary + 401k match + bonus.
Should I take it? Startup has no 401k options or bonus, but I would learn more skills.
Or possibly use the offer as a way to get a raise at my current company?

Anonymous No. 16126478

I had to email my supervisor about a kind of delicate situation, but he hasn't answered me in several days. Is it rude to follow up basically asking to "answer my previous email, pls"?
Normally, if I don't get an answer, I follow up by replying to the original email I sent with a brief summary of what I need. But the situation is a bit complicated and I had already wrote about it as concisely as possible in my original email, so I can't really do that in this case. Also just copy and pasting what I already wrote seems a bit rude. Any advice?

Anonymous No. 16126483

What in the earth do you need? like wtf man. Just spill the beans.

Anonymous No. 16126484

How to prep for calculus
>t. business administration transfer major for accounting (at 4 year)

Anonymous No. 16126494

What is the highest math you took previously?

Anonymous No. 16126512

Sorry, as much as I'd like to vent about it, it's a really specific situation and I'm paranoid about getting doxxed.

Anonymous No. 16126520

Are you swedish? Otherwise nobody cares. The swedes gets doxxed superhard though lol.

Anonymous No. 16126526


Anonymous No. 16126527

You can get into business admin in the states with only algebra?

Anonymous No. 16126537

I'm not swedish.
Just go read the hottest academia.stackexchange or workplace questions

Anonymous No. 16126540


Anonymous No. 16126545

Take the khan academy course on trigonometry and you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 16126549

Is that real?

Anonymous No. 16126552

OK so anyways. You need to understand the following before you go into calculus with only algebra. First you need to brush up on or learn trigonometric functions. Also a couple of the weirder trig applications like measuring surfaces and finding out weird angles in 2D, 3D objects.

After that I would do the following Graphing functions, understanding exponential and logarithmic functions, working with polynomials

Anonymous No. 16126561

Emails get missed all the time just ask if he got it, you never see this guy in person?

Anonymous No. 16126568

He is probably some autistic pajeet who is going to get kicked out because his boomer supervisor has no clue.

Anonymous No. 16126581


Anonymous No. 16126583

What, I did some of that in high school…

Anonymous No. 16126589

My family is poor, but my little brother is considering getting loans to go to university when he graduates HS, so I want to make sure that it will actually worth it. What is a degree - preferably engineering degree because he is good at math and physics - that is always in demand and always has high employability? I was thinking EE might be good, but apparently even that is becoming oversaturated like ME and AE. Thank you in advance for your advice Anons.

Anonymous No. 16126594

you'll be fine if you know the unit circle and how to derive all the main trig identities

Anonymous No. 16126595

Wait a sec because I'm doing something which I've been explaining to you all day.

Anonymous No. 16126598

Been trying to figure that out myself. Pretty much geology/geophysics/geoeng or surveying. Ecology, wildlife biology too. Though I know next to nothing about those fields' career paths.

Field Engineer is a titled shared among EE/MechE/CivE and even ChemE crowds but is likely not very scenic.

Some niche startups in Robotics or even certain R&D fields in Defense or Academia could have you figure out UUV/UAV navigation in dense forests or deep underwater caves.

Anonymous No. 16126599

No. It's right to left to get on the right side because the way you're exploited sends you through the written word and you need to neutralize this.

Anonymous No. 16126601

Sorry I was confused. I did explain shortly how this occurs.

1. Psyche stance.
2. Read right to left to be on right side and think the corelate to stance thesis

Anonymous No. 16126603

Just have a spasm while reading right to left the stance and try to create the correct thinking

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Anonymous No. 16126619

Tell him to stay away from loans. No degree from any university will make student loans worth it. Tell him to use FAFSA and resources from the college to secure financial aid at a community college, then work his way to a public college. Work part/full-time if he has to, but avoid a loan.
>that is always in demand and always has high employability?
He's not going to like this answer since it has little to do with math and physics, but nursing. If his ego can't handle that, then anything involving surgery is a good choice. You don't want to be this rigid early in life.

Anonymous No. 16126627

Be the black science man or the NileRed of obscure math topics on YouTube and college ad gibs.

Anonymous No. 16126632

>Tell him to use FAFSA and resources from the college to secure financial aid at a community college, then work his way to a public college
Yes, I was thinking that. But to become an engineer he will eventually have to move from an associates degree to a bachelors, and that can be costly. Even if it he gets scholarships and its entirely free, I still don't want it to be a waste of time.
>nursing. If his ego can't handle that, then anything involving surgery is a good choice.
For medicine, he can do an engineering degree and might still be accepted to medical school if he has really good grades, which I think he will. The hard part is getting in, since meds schools are really competitive.

Do you really think nursing is a good idea? I know its in high demand, but isn't it more of a womans job? Like you said, his ego will probably stop him. Is there really no engineering degrees that are in high demand?

Anonymous No. 16126633

No can do. That's too serious. You might get cancelled. All said and done. He exploited me most. This is just stupid. Did you do any detective work or did you fail where I succeeded?

Anonymous No. 16126645

If he is going into the tech field he has to consider the following
- industrial applications of the thing he is going to study, is that industry leaving or is it booming when graduates? 10 years after he graduates?

- Take a minor that is business oriented, even if it is boring, he will have use for it

- study languages since you will stand out very hard in the US

Anonymous No. 16126652

Can you give me examples of fields which fit the bill? I really don't know much about this at all, it's crazy how 18 years olds are trusted to know about these things when they apply for college straight out of high school.

Anonymous No. 16126659

>that can be costly
His college should have plenty of aid programs available to him. If the school is rich enough, he can get a full ride. The trick that worked for me is to know how the aid process works and to apply first ahead of everybody. Tell him to sign up for his college's career development center since they tend to post summer jobs and internships. Like I said, he was to be willing to work part-time if need be, but avoid it if he can. But above all else, get that FAFSA aid and avoid loans.
>he can do an engineering degree and might still be accepted to medical school if he has really good grades
Med school hiring committees will not care for his engineering degree. Sure, biomedical engineering is an option, but you don't go to med school for that.
>isn't it more of a womans job?
For the most part yes, but if he works at a psych ward, this woman's job suddenly becomes manly. Probably because you need the strength to handle the more aggressive patients or something. Nurses make decent starting salaries, much more than a lot of other STEM majors so don't let him dismiss it so easily.
>Is there really no engineering degrees that are in high demand?
Engineering degrees willing to work less than $20/hour are in high demand. But no self-respecting engineering degree holder will take that kind of salary. Engineering degrees are highly saturated too. You fell for the STEM-degrees-are-in-high-demand meme.

Anonymous No. 16126663

>examples of fields which fit the bill?
It's going to be hard to find out which actually will be in high demand and which will not be since every source on the internet is telling you that almost every engineering degree is in high demand, yet somehow there are also tons of horror stories of engineering majors struggling hard after graduation. Do your best with researching which engineering degree is right for him, but know that there is always a risk when it comes to getting one.

Anonymous No. 16126666

Choose option B. Why? Because you're going to be broke in both options but at least with B you get to be a little more sane.

Anonymous No. 16126667

There are reports on what fields are in demand. At least someone who is 18 can read a regular simple report.

Anonymous No. 16126669

If I would do everything over today, I would go very hard into stats with a minor in accounting. You will get the inner workings of businesses and what makes them tick, you are also the only man on the premisis that can calculate anything worthwhile from those hot piles of data just lying around about the business.

Anonymous No. 16126671

Thank you for your advice Anons. I was hoping there was an engineering degree which is well-known to always be in high demand, but I guess that's life. I will keep doing research, but I hope that there is something good for him out there because he really does seem committed to getting a degree. It really is insane how naive teenagers (which 18 yo's are) are trusted to take out these huge student loans which they might be stuck with for decades.

Anonymous No. 16126682

I'll look into those, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16126691

He's away at the moment and I need an answer before he's back. Also, I'm just starting out and I don't know him that well yet.

Anonymous No. 16126744

Are you alright man?

Anonymous No. 16126746

-kills you-

Anonymous No. 16126758

*evil mustache twirl*

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yellowm&m dar....jpg

Anonymous No. 16126779

Tell me I am not making a mistaking by entering a chemistry PhD program...

Anonymous No. 16126836

I also have an msc in chemistry and its been pretty useless so far, don't know if my/your chances would be better with a PhD. I think it depends on what uni you went to, who was your prof, how are your networking skills, and how intelligent you are. Personally I don't feel like it would be worth it for me, or in any case I don't have the courage to try for it.

Anonymous No. 16126878

I currently have a business degree from the US, but want to switch to get a computer science degree part time. Is it even worth it to do so? I've always enjoyed STEM topics and want to be able to have a stronger technical background but I'm worried with AI and the horror stories on here.

Anonymous No. 16126960

I have read nothing but straight up doomposts when it comes to graduate school experiences and employment prospects after getting their graduate degree.

Anonymous No. 16126972

>the horror stories on here
It's a bunch of doomsaying with no real issues. Much of the Copilot stuff generates garbage and can't handle production-level complexity. You're fine. Even if AI takes over, you now become an AI golem manager playing what is essential Starcraft in the market.

Anonymous No. 16127084

Go for stats instead.

Anonymous No. 16127412

The only options I have for online schooling near me that fits my schedule is either computer science or engineering with an electrical emphasis

Anonymous No. 16127480

If you have a job, why do you need another degree?

Anonymous No. 16127491

>teach myself mathematics (up to & including real analysis) during high school
>still get terrible grades due to hatred of teachers/classes
>go to a shitty university for math bachlor degree, barely a rung above community college

is it already over for me? I'm getting good grades so far...

Anonymous No. 16127529

>certs and doing network security stuff

Anonymous No. 16127642

It's only over once you give up.
>hatred of teachers/classes
School might be bullshit but believe me when I say it can get way worse in the real world. Work on adapting to organizational rules if you haven't already.

Anonymous No. 16127649

To get a better job. The job I have now doesn't really do much in terms of teaching me coding or any other languages besides how to use SQL and occasionally read over JavaScript

Anonymous No. 16127867

Were you scouted out by the agencies during college?

Anonymous No. 16128331

Engineering in the US is pretty fucking straight forward and easy to get into. Tons of jobs. You fags simply don’t want to do them because they’re boring. You’re going to be designing screws and toilets and basic bitch infrastructure. All you fuckers want to be goddamn Tony Stark making the next big thing when in reality all the work is in keeping civilization with its head above water. If you lean into that, you’re fine.

Anonymous No. 16128335

>bailed out of my senior engineer interview
>recruiter reaches out saying if it was a mistake, we can reschedule
>not sure if I should follow up or let it go
decisions decisions...

Anonymous No. 16128337

How am I suppose to get an internship in the UK as a graduate. I can not get a job so any experience would be nice.

Anonymous No. 16128670

How hard would it be for someone from the EU with a masters degree but no experience to get a job in the states?

Anonymous No. 16128676


Anonymous No. 16128691

>All you fuckers want to be goddamn Tony Stark making the next big thing when in reality all the work is in keeping civilization with its head above water.
such is the consequence of post industrial society. people don't like wasting their time on bullshit jobs they feel have no impact on anything they give a shit about
and if they don't give a shit about anything why do engineering at all? wall street and big tech will pay you way more to do even less of value

Anonymous No. 16128695

Did you figure out how to email him yet?

Anonymous No. 16128793

No, I'm still undecided between copy&pasting the original message and re-stating what I need.
Online guides say copy&pasting is bad and you shouldn't do it, but rewriting everything feels dumb because I can't write it any better or any shorter than I already did in the original message (yes, I tried). I'm honestly surprised that there is no guidance available for a situation like this, it's as if they think emails should only be use to ask one-sentence questions.

Anonymous No. 16128801

post your brown hand

Anonymous No. 16128806

Reply to your own email to him and say "hello Dr. Anon, I haven't heard back from you. Just wondering about the question that I asked in the above email" and make sure that it gets sent to him. Alternatively try to visit him in person.

Anonymous No. 16128809

I am wondering why the brownoid is not just picking up the phone and calling. If it is timesensitive, then that is what anyone who is a serious person does, regardless of the rank of the person you have to call.

Anonymous No. 16128815

How do I get a girlfriend if I'm in an autistic STEM discipline? There are very few girls. The ones that are I have no opportunity of interacting with, let alone trying to talk to, appearing good looking, etc.

Anonymous No. 16128853

Hey anons, I could use some advice. I'm going into my university's masters program, and plan on applying to phd programs once more in roughly 1.5 years. I've been researching for this EE lab for 2 years now, and the PI previously said he'd reserve a spot for me as a Ph.D. student, which he revoked after I had already applied to his lab. I still have a paper in progress in his lab, and the potential to get first author on a poster paper if I stay, provided I finish up that project. On the other hand, there's another lab I could join that matches up more with my recent internships (cubesats/aerospace) but I'd be starting from square one. From your perspective, would it be better to stay at the current lab, even though I can't really trust the PI to keep his word, so I can get a shot at a first author publication, or switch to a different lab with a more friendly PI and risk no publications at all?

Anonymous No. 16128932

Tell him to go to community college for 2 years and get straight A’s. Will cut the cost of a degree in half and he gets to find out if he’s retarded before wasting all that money.

Anonymous No. 16128975

>You fags simply don’t want to do them because they pay retail-tier wages

Anonymous No. 16128978

Don't shit where you eat.

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Anonymous No. 16129037

Should I specialize in optics or rf engineering

Anonymous No. 16129083

I don't have a brown hand so I can't post it, sorry.

I'll do that, thanks. Shouldn't i say "in the below email" though? If I'm replying to my own email, it's going to be below. At least that's how all of my clients work.

Anonymous No. 16129090

It’s not bullshit. Go turn your faucet on and get a drink of water and think for a single moment how that water got there and why it doesn’t make you shit your guts out when you drink it. Or why you can turn on the lights in your house without the whole thing erupting in flames and why that electricity is even there in the first place. The US has a legit infrastructure crisis because all you fags want to build robots and rockets and all kinds of other useless toys that aren’t serving the common man.

You do 4 years as a CAD monkey or low level guy, get licensed, and then sit on your ass making a healthy six figs reviewing documents and putting some ink to paper. The career pipeline is cut and dry. Sorry you gotta pay dues to get in the guild.

Anonymous No. 16129095

idk about the job market but look into optoelectronics if you want to do a bit of both

Anonymous No. 16129117

Your engineering degree is worthless in the US. Smug little euro shits like to prance around and say things like “I have my masters in engineering” without realizing that your engineering undergrad is only 3 years long. In the US it’s technically 5 but dudes slam jam 20 creds a semester and summer courses to get it done in 4. You also aren’t ABET accredited which means you have almost zero chance of licensure, and the closest thing euros have, iirc, is in the UK and it’s called being chartered. Our profession is guarded here, it’s why pajeets can do all the software and coding bullshit they want for pennys on the dollar but I can get away with sizing drain lines in excel for $200k a year.

Anonymous No. 16129119

>all you fags want to build robots and rockets and all kinds of other useless toys that aren’t serving the common man.
those jobs are essential but not desirable to STEMfags. the kind of person who becomes an engineer or a scientist usually is not someone focused on serving the common man
the type of person you want is someone who accepts the social contract of "you do your basic responsibilities to keep the lights on and you will be a part of a safe community with your needs and wants met" but that mindset is rare in the corporate world. it's all about chasing passion or chasing money.

>The US has a legit infrastructure crisis
how do you propose to fix it? civil engineering jobs have the unfortunate combination of high responsibility, but low pay and low personal satisfaction.
when the job description includes "if you fuck up then someone gets killed", it will naturally make you want to find something better

Anonymous No. 16129122

Your attitude determines your altitude.

Anonymous No. 16129139

>my supervisor went to Oxford
>my other two secondary supervisors went to Oxford and Cambridge
>check the profile of supervisors from other labs and the British ones are all Oxford and Cambridge too
Starting to see a pattern here

Anonymous No. 16129140

I don’t know a single stamping civil engineer making less than $130k right now. And that’s not even doing anything fancy like high rise buildings, that’s Taco Bell’s and Starbucks type shit. And I know for a fact they bullshit their time cards too so it’s not like they’re working hard. It’s 99% a rank and file “backbone of human civilization” type job and that’s what you guys need to understand. The dentist who has to look into stinky mouths all day or the lawyer who has to do 5 DUI convictions in a single day or the regular doctor who sticks his finger in peoples butts all day. It’s that kind of job. And for those special few who get to break from it? They aren’t on 4chan looking for advice, they’re already at MIT or CalTech or some shit blowing things out of the water.

Anonymous No. 16129142

A decent employer likewise wouldn't be whining on 4chan

Anonymous No. 16129151

Would a British PhD (4 years) plus a masters (1 year) be considered inferior to an American PhD? As I understand it, American PhDs are usually 5-6 years, but does this include their masters degree as well? And doesn't it just take longer because you spend time doing bullshit like being a TA and marking exams instead of doing research?

Anonymous No. 16129153

A PhD is a PhD, your research matters more than anything

Anonymous No. 16129159

I just keep seeing people saying American PhDs are better because they go into their 30's before they even have a PhD, and American employers therefore look more favourably upon American PhDs.

I'm only thinking about this because I'm vaguely interested in escaping this grey wet dark island one day.

Anonymous No. 16129171

It doesn't matter where you got the PhD. What matters is you networking and fighting your way out of obscurity.

Anonymous No. 16129180

I did a BSc and then proceeded straight to a PhD, both in the UK. I never heard anyone consider UK grades as second class. British universities tend to be well regarded.

>I'm only thinking about this because I'm vaguely interested in escaping this grey wet dark island one day.
I did. In fact I had to, as an overseas student I was not allowed to stay on. And wherever I went, the PhD was considered a PhD, no detailed questions asked.

Anonymous No. 16129184

can anyone give some insight as to what "distribution field engineer intern" might actually mean? i got hired for the summer and i still have basically no idea what im gonna actually be doing. its at eversource (in a rural area) btw, in case anyone has insight on what working for them as a whole is like.

Anonymous No. 16129358

Who’s whining? I make good ass money doing almost nothing but hanging out on teams meetings and putting ink on paper every once in a while. I WFH too and my bosses kiss my ass because they don’t want me to bail. And I could bail, oh gee when you’re willing to do the dirty work and not be a pretentious uppity douche you get a fuck load of job security, whoulda thunk it? It’s you guys that complain all the time about “muh jobs” when there’s actually tons of them out there but nobody wants to do them.

Anonymous No. 16129411

>grrr kids these days
>how dare you insuate I was complaining

Anonymous No. 16129429

Science is death. I have a degree in chemistry and I worked with a few PhD chemists. They made about as much money as 3rd year apprentice electricians. I became an electrician a few years later, and I'm doing a lot better than those chemists were. It sucks because they were really nice people too.

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Anonymous No. 16129487

I got a Masters in MechE at an ABET accredited university in my country. What's the best way to get a job/PhD in US with it?

Anonymous No. 16129490

Gotta ask: what's cyberbiosec like? It seems quite niche but I think it has the potential for explosive growth as a subfield due to the current market trends around biotech.

Anonymous No. 16129498

I'd wager leaning into optics is the better deal, especially if you want to work with computers. RF is pretty solid but likely saturated, whereas optics is younger and still growing. You'll be able to find employment in many sectors with either. Really depends on what you want - YMMV.

Anonymous No. 16129548

this is probably a very local view of things, but where i live the tech industry has completely fucked over every other sector
anyone who just was looking at rank and file jobs or just trying to make a paycheck just moved to software instead because it was a more attractive option

i know people who worked the kinds of jobs you're talking about. as soon as they found out their friend is making web apps for $200k a year with less than 2 years of experience, they packed up their bags and got the fuck out of their engineering jobs

Anonymous No. 16129554

Should I major in Statistics or Computer Science if I want to get into Data Science?
Also Data Science degree is an option too, it's like an hybrid of CS and Stats

Anonymous No. 16129624

>In the US it’s technically 5
No, it's not. Any undergraduate engineering degree has a four year curriculum. And many of those classes are general education requirements or silly electives. They also take prerequisite math and science classes during high school.

Anonymous No. 16129740

>The US has a legit infrastructure crisis because all you fags want to build robots and rockets and all kinds of other useless toys that aren’t serving the common man.
Ok but the common man is an 80 IQ nigger who wants to murder me in the "racial reckoning" because I have white skin.

Anonymous No. 16129744

He's saying that it takes 5 years if you take the minimum full time course load, which is true.
Engineering degrees require more credit hours to complete than other degrees, a lot more even.

Anonymous No. 16129848

This is for bachelor's and then data science master's after?
I am doing a data science master's coming from maths and physics double major and I don't feel unprepared, 90% of the projects is just database parsing in Python and gluing together scikit-learn methods, mathematically it's also easy compared to my pure math and stats courses
Stats bachelors don't exist in my country so I'd have to look at the actual courses involved to rate it. My stats courses in bachelors were all very poorly taught and retrospectively I would have liked to do more CS over physics. But in any case I would recommend taking a few rigorous math courses from the math department to develop mathematical maturity (their version of Discrete Math, Real Analysis, Diff Eq and something abstract like Algebra or Topology)

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Anonymous No. 16130101

>silly electives
You mean like literally anything you want? From programming or physics or chemistry? Oh no you had to take a foreign language class or maybe learn some creative writing, that won’t help you at all as an engineer.

Once again, there’s a reason why you fuckers don’t get to operate in our space.

Anonymous No. 16130109

you dont need to wage slave a boring job to live either

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Anonymous No. 16130114

I finished my final assignment this semester after writing back-to-back four 2000+ word papers. I'm worried about my performance on one or two of them because we weren't provided with marking rubrics, just vague requirements. I also noticed some parts I could have improved on, but I didn't leave enough time because I was tired / paralysis-analysis. The only times I made progress in any of them was by filling out the bare minimum skeleton, then fleshing it out.
Anyway, that was my last semester of proper Master's schoolwork, now it's online summer courses, job-hunting, and thesis development. Thanks for reading my blogpost.

Anonymous No. 16130120

Is getting a H1B visa for Indian really tough? I won't require a work visa for 2 years as of now due to OPT but after that need to apply for H1b....already bagged a research internship at Nvidia, but after interacting with the HR department they gave me a reality check about H1B visa situation....should I apply for PhD in computer vision and machine learning? it more research based or more like a job ?

And after doing all this is it possible to not face racism ? Like what's the best way to avoid it...I don't know why but I have been a introvert kindaa guy my whole life and getting accepted to my dream uni in usa for computer science masters was a big deal for changed a lot...the work and studies are amazing....I don't want to give up on American dream now :(

>masters student in CS (Top 25 uni in usa)

Anonymous No. 16130155

good morning saar do the needful

Anonymous No. 16130168

nta, but as an EE if I had a job that required getting a PE I would take that to mean I was a failure who had to get a shit job. Thats only EE though

Anonymous No. 16130199

>But in any case I would recommend taking a few rigorous math courses from the math department to develop mathematical maturity
already done, I dropped out due to health reasons and I'm trying to get a bachelors
>This is for bachelor's and then data science master's after?
no, I'm not really thinking of studying a masters if I can get a job with just a degree

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Anonymous No. 16130230

It finally happened, we got scooped

My advisor isn't happy.

Anonymous No. 16130233

If a bit of wee wacism is enough to scare you off, you never had a dream

Anonymous No. 16130253

Yeah, you'll see racism. The indians will only hire and interact with other indians.

Anonymous No. 16130584


Anonymous No. 16130660

Getting paid a healthy salary to sit in your house, dick around in EZpower, and stamp power train drawings while you go play golf is hardly a shit job.

Anonymous No. 16130674

I remember calculating the full cost of an AE degre from Embryo Riddle and it came out to ~100k its not worth it. The only people there are military, rotc, and rich people.

Anonymous No. 16130695

Its when they were doing a research on a thing but someone else published on the same topic before them. Its like the school talent show where a kid sings the song another kid was planning on singing cliche.

Anonymous No. 16130698

>embry riddle
>making friends

LMAO. Go to Arizona State or UCSB if you want friends and pussy.

Anonymous No. 16130712

My autocorrect is smoking crack

Anonymous No. 16130776

But doesn't optics requires a PhD to break into the industry?

Anonymous No. 16130788

Not necessarily, there's plenty of shit with fiber and working on devices like the other anon mentioned (optoelectronics).

Anonymous No. 16130802

Sorry that I can't help with the EE part specifically, but
>and will train me for 2 years, as a junior engineer
is a BIG yes in 2024 - IF you can get it in writing.

Most laypeople misunderstand the impact that "machine learning" (just call it computation statistics, much better sounding) will have on the job market.
Its clearest (and already) observable effect is the hollowing out of entry level positions, due to the productivity gains in more experienced workers who are using AI-enhanced tooling, and also the fact that nobody wants to spend money training juniors, because nobody wanted to spend money training juniors, because nobody wanted to spend money training juniors, because [...]

Once you get past the tortuous tribulation that is being an entry level person, while not 100% safe, your prospects will be much healthier.

If you don't know what the heck else you'd do with yourself without this offer, just take the onramp to what I hope is a very solid and stable career.

Anonymous No. 16130907

Completely false, I got a 3 year bachelors and a 1 year masters in the UK, as a US citizen, and I got hired as an EE by a nuclear laboratory in the US making a higher salary than others with only bachelors, and getting two (higher) raises than my peers, now making $10k more than the guy who started the same week I did. ABET and FE are a meme and so are 4 year degrees.

Anonymous No. 16130964

How's nuclear?
>t. theo phys fag

Anonymous No. 16131055

Not him, but it's actually very dull

Anonymous No. 16131090

Hey man, good for you. The exception that proves the rule.

Being a PE in the US is absolutely not a meme. Just having the letters next to your name attracts recruiters like a fucking bug zapper. I get paid to do nothing but sit in my house and be the fall guy if something goes wrong, that’s it. If you want to be be a NEET and get paid pretty damn good money for doing fuck all, being a licensed engineer is where it’s at. Enjoy going into your job tomorrow, I’m going to sleep in and eat a sandwich at 10 am.

Anonymous No. 16131094

Anyone have additional insight on this? I live in Germany currently if that provides an context. I'd like to do the computer science degree to then get my master's later because my US degree is pretty shit when looking at requirements for masters programs

Anonymous No. 16131149

The only bad thing about the UK's university system is that you're locked to one discipline, I would've liked to do some random literature/history/language modules to stop me going insane studying only EE. The length of a BS/MS is perfect and people go to uni in the US for 6 years to learn all the same shit you do

Anonymous No. 16131230

I did Applied Physics, and we had an opportunity at least back then to do a few random modules. I did presentation techniques, but felt it was a bit lacking.
Still, with Applied Physics I have been able to work in electronics, sensors, software and more. I never felt locked in to a single discipline.

Anonymous No. 16131449

this. But most autistic people are fucking useless subhumans desu. Only the upper crust of them are even remotely functional/normal.

Anonymous No. 16131453

I really want my PE but I'm so fucking lazy to take the test.
I graduated two years ago and still haven't even studied for my FE.
Plus there is some chinese guy at work who just failed his PE exam. And I'm like if this asian dude is failing it then fuck that I'm not taking that shit.

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le trash man.jpg

Anonymous No. 16131465

>get a DM on linkedin
>guy with indian name
>gives me number that has the indian area code
>complements me on a skill that I didn't even have on resume (and resume isn't even uploaded to linkedin)

man you'd think jeets would get smart by moving to the US and putting on a hispanic name before trying to scam motherfuckers. I honestly feel sorry for the honest, hard-working south-asians who have had their reputation tarnished by their shittier countrymen.

Anonymous No. 16131485

No non-white person should even be in the US, scammer or not.

Anonymous No. 16131514

>guy with indian name
He must be an amateur. The ones that contact me, and there are a lot of them, always use Anglosaxon names.

Anonymous No. 16131522

Honestly if he had an indian name but lived in the US and worked for a reputable hiring agency I wouldn't mind but the combination of the indian area code and him complementing me on skills I didn't have on my resume is what tipped me off.

Anonymous No. 16131535

It takes about 1 second on the phone to realise where they are calling from. The number on my display is probably some skype relay.

Anonymous No. 16131575

Someone help this faggot and I'm in a similar predicament, but lower level.
>Be me
>CS major (Germany)
>Shit ton of physics classes taken
>Can probably do my Bachelor Thesis at major nuclear experimentation facility
>Will require way more work though

The problem?
>Instead of doing an internship, I won't. But I'll do the physics things instead which I won't have otherwise.

Is it a meme what I'm doing or is it ok? I've never had an internship before idk how that'll hamper my future and whether I'll do a M. Sc.

Anonymous No. 16131753

I have a masters in chemistry. Haven't gotten a single job in the past 4 months. Each job offering has like 3 interviews to go through and they've been extremely selective. Are there any other graduates with similar issues?

Anonymous No. 16131884

>Instead of doing an internship, I won't. But I'll do the physics things instead which I won't have otherwise.
I tried but couldn't really parse this.
Anything that sets you apart is imporant, and interships, especially relevant ones, help a lot in getting a job in industry. The job market is full of CS graduates, however CS + Physics is a rarer combination that will set you apart from the competent crowd.

Anonymous No. 16131890

The job market is tough, chemistry more so. You are not along, hang on in there.

Anonymous No. 16131952

I can already tell you what got his ass. Time. The FE/PE exams are not hard in terms of technical content. They just throw 100 questions at you and give you 5 minutes per to figure out how to ctrl-f through the little digital handbook. And that’s engineering, it’s not about knowing things, it’s about knowing where to know things. Doesn’t surprise me some chinkoid went full autism on the exam and didn’t understand the assignment from the get go.