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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16123167

Shadow Edition

Previous - >>16120804

Anonymous No. 16123171

reminder that >>>/wsg/5508827 is /sfg/'s official theme until somebody comes up with a better one

Anonymous No. 16123174

no its not and you need to kill yourself along with this shadowposting op.

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mssion control.jpg

Anonymous No. 16123176

Anonymous No. 16123184

make it postrock, I can hardly understand what he is saying

Anonymous No. 16123191


From Udio, its better

Anonymous No. 16123202


Anonymous No. 16123203

It sounds like old-space bitter bodies decided to start shit. Do something better.

Anonymous No. 16123206

With thanks to the Anon who linked it before.

Anonymous No. 16123210

When will we try welding in space again? I'm sure we can do better now
>However, the Russian crew over-estimated their skills and under-estimated the risks. Due to their attempt at making welds in space, they nearly ruptured the life-sustaining capsule, which would have caused the death of all onboard.

Anonymous No. 16123216

Damn, humanity has been slacking on this.

Anonymous No. 16123226

Exactly. How tf do we intend to build real moon and mars colonies if everything has to be prefabbed on earth (or earth like conditions)

Anonymous No. 16123235

I think it would be a great make work activity for an Artemis mission. Bring a couple weld coupons to the moon and try welding them with various techniques. Do a few in situ weld tests and then bring the rest back for lab analysis. It's probably better to get the vacuum environment figured out with a bit gravity first before trying out 0g again

Anonymous No. 16123249

with Starship they could bring an ebeam welding machine to the moon and test that

Anonymous No. 16123253

It’s 6 months to mars in a starship. The average Joe would go apeshit during the journey

Anonymous No. 16123262

Well luckily they won't be sending average Joe for a while

Anonymous No. 16123266

realized last night that I can't see the man on the moon anymore
I should go to an optometrist

Anonymous No. 16123267

>It’s 6 months to mars in a starship.
No it isn't.

Anonymous No. 16123268

>on the moon
bruh. there's nothing to test. you can do that right here on earth in a vacuum chamber.
the only thing that is unknown is welding in zero-g.

Anonymous No. 16123276
>Elon Announces Starship Upgrades - Starbase Flyover Update 38

Anonymous No. 16123281

The Toyota “rover” looks like dogshit, and whoever was head of design should feel great shame and dishonor!

Anonymous No. 16123282

rgv are glowniggers.

Anonymous No. 16123283

need... space butt...

Anonymous No. 16123286

It's more of a processes and procedures thing. Is it better to weld in the sunlight, or shadow, and how does that affect your HAZ? How do you manage regolith contamination? Welding position ergonomics with a spacesuit. Proper PPE. The list goes on. Surely there'd be vacuum chamber testing on the ground for some stuff beforehand, but that's expensive and there's free vacuum on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16123292

Not to mention the "make work" point. If you're sending people on multi week camping trips to the moon, they need stuff to do a little welding exercise makes for a great activity.

Anonymous No. 16123299

apparently some of you faggots think A2 is going to land on the moon so I just want to remind you that you're retarded. some of you are also newfags who don't even know how A3 is going to work so please kill yourselves
also it's highly likely the japstronauts land via the national team lander.

has NASA updated their Artemis timeline recently? I haven't seen a new version since the one they put out to reflect the changes from the restructuring of the HLS2 contract

Anonymous No. 16123302

youre talking about >>16123094 this fag right

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Anonymous No. 16123305

reposting >>16123220 this anons image because he lost his brain and posted it AFTER staging.

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Anonymous No. 16123311

fuck he's actually going to be too old for A3 isn't he

Anonymous No. 16123313

go huff your braphogs farts

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feral meds scroll.gif

Anonymous No. 16123317

>rgv are glowniggers.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16123321

so how many of you are unironic MIGAcels that dont care about spaceflight at all?

Anonymous No. 16123326

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16123327

>China wants to put a Chinaman on the moon
>tell Japan you'll let him ride with you to get there first
>let Johnny Kim land there before either of them
delightfully devilish

Anonymous No. 16123328

>China wins once again
Why do Americans even try?

Anonymous No. 16123332

alright I'll bite
why does this fag keep saying MIGA instead of MAGA

Anonymous No. 16123335

Make Israel Great Again

Anonymous No. 16123337


Anonymous No. 16123343

ah okay, so he's probably a butthurt mudslime.

Anonymous No. 16123344

>unprompted seething about some /pol/ shit "MIGAcels" in every thread
>dont care about spaceflight at all
that's crazy. you must be joking

Anonymous No. 16123345

wobble wobble

Anonymous No. 16123349


Anonymous No. 16123352

Absolute kino.

Anonymous No. 16123363

Well done anon, I am.

Anonymous No. 16123364

baiting again i see

Anonymous No. 16123372

If I could lurk 4chan I don't think my daily routine would change all that much.

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Anonymous No. 16123374

Ohnono they are not aware

Anonymous No. 16123379


Anonymous No. 16123380

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Anonymous No. 16123398

masterful bait

Anonymous No. 16123400

commit self murder

Anonymous No. 16123418


Anonymous No. 16123428

>reddit link
scamx chuds btfo

did i do it right?

Anonymous No. 16123451

Should I play kerbal? I found the manual control kind of annoying

Anonymous No. 16123454


Anonymous No. 16123456

sticking with it long enough to git gud at rss/ro is the most rewarding vidya experience i've ever had. it's not for everyone. and for god's sake don't play ksp2.

Anonymous No. 16123460


Anonymous No. 16123467

Do any of you smelly fags have 4chan pass

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Anonymous No. 16123470

this anon is correct

Anonymous No. 16123473

Is he okay?

Anonymous No. 16123474

What am I looking at?

Anonymous No. 16123475

Why are the boosters and the core that roasted? The part just above the nozzle looks like it's literally on fire.

Anonymous No. 16123480


Anonymous No. 16123481

Because it is. The hydrogen diffuses into the material, and ignites as part of the fireball.

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Anonymous No. 16123482


Anonymous No. 16123487

The RS-68 pushes a lot of GH2 through the works as part of its start-up cycle. This gets burnt off in a planned fashion since you don't want to have a cloud of hydrogen sitting around the tail end of your rocket looking for a random ignition source. The orange SOFI is somewhat flammable so that scorches and the white thermal shields are probably made of some lightweight plastic so that'll ignite too under the right conditions.

Anonymous No. 16123496

Apparently they actually leak LH2 to help cool down shit around the rocket engines. Once the rockets fire, automatic fireball. Or at least they used to, because that was the last one.

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Anonymous No. 16123500

Flap harder, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16123508

why don't they use sparklers to burn it off like shuttle and sls?

Anonymous No. 16123516

a while back I played a campaign which was otherwise stock but with the kerbol system resized to real scale. It was very hard in a fun way. Getting to orbit was a massive achievement and became routine with a low tech 3 stage rocket, and with a 4th stage it could do lunar free returns. Before I moved on to other things I was building the service module and lem for an apollo style landing and I swear it would have been 100% possible with stock parts.

Anonymous No. 16123518

okay I'm back from my eclipse journey, did I miss anything?

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Anonymous No. 16123524

I'm the one who linked that, and the original version is better
also Everyman is a better song, that or like... Fire in the Sky
that's a good song

Anonymous No. 16123525

its been horrible here, you were better off than all of us that stayed. most of it is over tho, ge tting back to better thread quality

Anonymous No. 16123528

>multiweek camping trips to the moon
Have we heard about any planned lunar EVA activities for the Artemis program, or is it just a vague look at roggs handwave right now?

Anonymous No. 16123529

Driving around drinking megapints

Anonymous No. 16123530

I mean I know they don't even have a spacesuit yet, but surely there is plan beyond boots and flags??

Anonymous No. 16123531

will they build roads on the Moon?

Anonymous No. 16123532

Has anyone brought beer to space yet? I'm almost positive the Russian have brought a bit of vodak

Anonymous No. 16123535

did I miss any anime girls? I saw Sbarky posted a bit

Anonymous No. 16123537

the xemu works fine.

Anonymous No. 16123541

would have been an extra $100M + tip

Anonymous No. 16123545

Depends on how heavy they make the rovers. If a rover follows its tracks back the way it came, you could technically call it a road, but if its too havy, it may sink. But you bring up a good point. Has anyone come up with at least a concept for bulldozers and excavators on the moon? With starship we could put a cat d9 on the moon easy. We are going to need to some heavy civil work on the moon if we want to make a real colony.

Anonymous No. 16123547

and that's for surface. if you want to dig in that's a whole other layer of complications

Anonymous No. 16123548

if only there were someone with ambitions for space colonization and also expertise in digging tunnels

Anonymous No. 16123549

the electrical requirements for industrial welding are probably beyond what we can do in space right now

Anonymous No. 16123551

complete bullshit. the iss has like 100 kw of power.

Anonymous No. 16123552


Anonymous No. 16123553

I always had the suspicion that the boring company was just elon's long game for mars

Anonymous No. 16123554

I mean that's kind of stretching it.
but on a more serious note, there's no air friction so you can have very fast moving trains on the surface. downside is that go fast enough and you start orbiting the moon

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Anonymous No. 16123557

You would just need a rover with a portable fuel cell or have a fab shop hooked up to your grid (solar farm you brought along in a starship)

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Anonymous No. 16123561

Post your face when all those new "satellite observation companies" are meant track the goyim and monitor for wrongthink or wrongdo.

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Anonymous No. 16123562

This is the theme, haters just prove the song more right

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Anonymous No. 16123563

>I'm gonna have to fuck horses indoors instead of outside naturally

Anonymous No. 16123565


Anonymous No. 16123566

>Say something stupid
John Stewart already ruined that defense and our autism is sick of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16123567

Yes my good sir, it's called a joke, you autistic retard fucker :)
Seems that just like Elon, you don't understand :)

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Anonymous No. 16123569


Anonymous No. 16123571

just watched the d4h launch. it looks like all the others? it still looks like they use the shitest cameras possible? wtf huge waste of time

Anonymous No. 16123572

>watchest d4 launch
>expects it to be worth his time
can i recommend you f9 streams sir

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prompt critical n....jpg

Anonymous No. 16123577

Yes, we're going to the stars, see our fire in the sky!

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Anonymous No. 16123599

Hear me out. VLEO satellites converted into drones that use a Starship as a mothership.

Anonymous No. 16123601

that doesnt mean anything. stfu

Anonymous No. 16123604

Kys it means attach drones to the side of Starship and have them do in space work like docking assistance, welding of ships together for future Starship space station variants, fucking drone rides outside of the ship that can go out and back, suicide bomber drones on to in orbit satellites. FUCK YOU FAG

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Anonymous No. 16123605


Anonymous No. 16123608

Sovl but I wish it had a big fucking sail over top.

Anonymous No. 16123611

It's the same guy just posting bait and negative replies to stir shit up. He's as pathetic as they come

Anonymous No. 16123612

Ouch my god, somebody spilled ink over fake painting of round earth... I told you that earth is flat and tessellated, especially after topological operations.

Anonymous No. 16123617

Its not, if I were him I would type up
>elon cock suckers could never build something like this with their basic bitch starlink sats
But no Im not him and I genuinely want to have every orbital Starship equipped with drones for any on the fly repairs, handiwork or countermeasures necessary.

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Anonymous No. 16123622


Anonymous No. 16123623

You will never be a woman,
But Thunderf00t will always be the man

Anonymous No. 16123625

This is just thinly veiled form over function faggotry same as spaceplane autists.
I don't care how cool you think the sunfish satellite looks.

Anonymous No. 16123631

I guess thats fair. Still would you not agree that it would be better to have drones perform what is done now on spacewalks for the ISS? Theres no reason why a drone cant do it any better, and youre not risking any lives on menial and dangerous work.

Anonymous No. 16123640

They're designing the rovers now. First few missions will be surveying, and then moonbase construction.

Anonymous No. 16123641

That has to be intentional.

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Anonymous No. 16123642

Shes a beaut

Anonymous No. 16123645

Two weeks two weeks two weeks two weeks

Two^2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16123650

Anonymous No. 16123657

>people here saved my image

Anonymous No. 16123664

Many anons save stuff from /sfg/ Starbase visitors. I remember that anon from IFT-1 that had the 'were so back' sign infront of the SpaceX employees kek.

Anonymous No. 16123666

dont forget cirnotroon and clearthad that had his image posted by clear herself

Anonymous No. 16123668

Los Dos says Booster 11 and Ship 29 coming back and stacking in 14 days lol

Anonymous No. 16123675


Anonymous No. 16123679

My only worry about Starship 2 is that Raptor 3 might take a while to get ready. Like we saw a Raptor 2 static fire in February 2022 but the launch site wasn’t ready for flight until April 2023 - a year later. Worried we’ll see the same as they upgrade to Raptor 3

Anonymous No. 16123707

Does anyone have the HLS award thread saved?

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Anonymous No. 16123712


Anonymous No. 16123719

Oldie but goldie

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Anonymous No. 16123721

Angara A5 attempt №3 in 1 hour 48 minutes

An image from orbit — Angara-A5 with an Orion upper stage and a test payload at the launch of Vostochny!
We expect the launch at 12:00 Moscow time

Anonymous No. 16123737

I wish the Russians well but their whole society seems like endless pain and shit getting worse

Anonymous No. 16123740


Anonymous No. 16123746

Nah. I'm Russian. Things are not that bad

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16123753

Give me your tight russian man hole

Anonymous No. 16123767


Pussk livestream link.

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Anonymous No. 16123779

In Russia there is a law right now being passed about advertisement on rockets.
They will delay until law passes and raid shadow legends sponsors launch

Anonymous No. 16123784

Doesn't really work if they only launch like twice a year.

Anonymous No. 16123788

Russia plans 40 launches for 2024

Anonymous No. 16123792

Good. It's about time this starts being done.
But, as an American, I hope Russia fails.

Anonymous No. 16123825

Like this won't happen in the near future in America anyway. Starship and new glenn are going to have coca cola and golden arches sprayed on the side.

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Anonymous No. 16123829

Anonymous No. 16123830

These fake engine sounds are pretty funny.

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Anonymous No. 16123831

Cube in space

Anonymous No. 16123832

It's not forbidden in the US. What do you think is holding them back now then?

Anonymous No. 16123840

>no ground video of korolev cross
>no onboard video to show stage separation
did this thing actually make it into orbit?

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Anonymous No. 16123896

Anonymous No. 16123897

>be really upset and with EDS
>post complete and total EDS garbage
>get made fun of
>cry and claim it was a joke
lol, you're seething.

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Anonymous No. 16123901

Anonymous No. 16123907

That is too obvious and would not work
Comments whining about Musk are generally ignored

Anonymous No. 16123913

Is raptor 3 necessary for starahip v2? In the render the starship v2 engines didnt have shielding so i guess they were v3 raptors
They could have intermesiate veraions that are stretched a bit with v2 raptors if v3 takes some time

Anonymous No. 16123915

Anonymous No. 16123927

this is exactly why things will never get better for you.
your standard of "not that bad" would be "HOLY SHIT IT'S ON FIRE FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" for just about anyone else.
if you weren't so apathetic about everything, things would get better in russia.

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Anonymous No. 16123941

Good goy. Now send us another $30b a year for free healthcare and cluster munitions.

Anonymous No. 16123944

guess we'll have to wait for confirmation from the space force

Anonymous No. 16123946

okay, i will.

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Anonymous No. 16123985

Head of Roscosmos: Yuri Borisov: "The Angara-A5 launch vehicle will need to launch a manned spacecraft in 2028"

Anonymous No. 16123994

WTF is the "Orion" upper stage? Wikipedia says it can carry a newer cryogenic one and the normal hypergolic one, but they are not named "Orion".

Also why do they copy NASA names?

Anonymous No. 16124022

There was even some satellite on that test flight

The Gagarinets small satellite was launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome into orbit

. Today, the Orion upper stage, launched by the first Angara-A5 launch vehicle, delivered the Gagarinets small spacecraft to low Earth orbit.
The Cubesat 3U satellite was created by the Russian private company Avant Space and is intended for testing elements of the service platform.
The Orion upper stage continues to launch the test payload into a predetermined orbit.

Anonymous No. 16124023

Praying for those cosmonauts.

Anonymous No. 16124025

Orion is an adaptation of Persei upper stage for Angara launched from Vostochny

Anonymous No. 16124034

kys rusfaggot. movskow will be flaqttened by starshield.

Anonymous No. 16124042

Contact psychiatrist

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Anonymous No. 16124060

blog post about tidally-locked exoplanets actually being quite habitable

>All about the hypothetical climates of tidally-locked exoplanets — “the popular perception of tidal-locked planets—hostile worlds split between a burning desert on the lit hemisphere, ice on the dark side, and, at best, a thin "twilight strip" of habitable temperatures in between, wracked by gale-force winds—is not a strictly impossible scenario in all its particulars, but our current best climate models predict (and have for quite some time now) that tidal-locked planets in the habitable zone with Earth-like atmospheres and quantities of surface water can more typically expect far more hospitable conditions, with comfortable temperatures and moderate prevailing winds across the lit hemisphere; that the hottest part of the planet will usually actually be the wettest; and that this habitable climate state may actually be more stable in some ways than that of a planet more like our own.”

Anonymous No. 16124084

And what is that adaptation about that deserves a name change?
Aren't they both kerolox Blok DM-03?

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Anonymous No. 16124107

>Weaponizing Starship

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Anonymous No. 16124118

Ok so it is now confirmed there is a Raptor design flaw (nasa engineer who works on HLS).
Let's try our best to guess what the flaw is

Anonymous No. 16124130

wait so thats how japan got to be on the first landing? by agreeing to fund the lunar rover cost?

Anonymous No. 16124132

and its a fucking RV
>The pressurized rover concept, which Toyota calls the "Lunar Cruiser," could explore the moon with astronauts inside for up to 30 days at a time. Crew members will be able to take off their spacesuits and work inside the vehicle in regular clothing. When astronauts aren't onboard, operators could remotely control the rover from a separate spacecraft or from Earth. Japanese officials aim to deliver it to the Moon in 2031, where it will operate for 10 years.

Anonymous No. 16124139

>confirmed by nasa janitor

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16124140

2 much heaven

Anonymous No. 16124143

This guy's pathologically against SpaceX and works on SLS, so I automatically distrust his choice of words when describing basically anything. Date wise, he's probably discussing IFT-2, and if he's talking about the loss of the ship, he's probably going on about the pumps and manifolds being a bit leaky with methane. Still, he may be correct describing it as a design flaw, since SpaceX is eliminating a lot of flanges and seals on Raptor 3.

Anonymous No. 16124144

Off-road camping holiday on the moon sounds comfy as fuck. Grilling marshmallows on a solar oven, anyone?

Anonymous No. 16124148

Oh, he did specify the filter issue. The only plausible thing people have suggested there is that they tap the hot exhaust from the OX preburner directly instead of going through a heat exchanger and that conversation topic's old news too.

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Anonymous No. 16124150

Russia just launched space advertisement satellite

The Avant Space satellite is the first spacecraft in the future Constellation satellite system, which will consist of dozens of such vehicles in low Earth orbit and project images in the night sky. By the way, Elon Musk's SpaceX company is also working on a similar project of advertising from space.

— Our spacecraft is part of the payload of the Angara-A5 rocket. A few seconds after the launch, our vehicle separates, and then it communicates over the Crimea. This launch from Vostochny is a big event for the whole country and a huge step for us. Everything is here for the first time: the launch pad, the upper stage, the separation system and us. Our company is a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, and we have attracted state grants for the development of a satellite and an electric rocket engine — " Anton Ossovsky shared with Amurskaya Pravda. - It is no coincidence that our satellite is named "Gagarinets" — this year marks the 90th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's birth. This is a test vehicle, and all systems will be tested while it is in orbit.
Speaking about the space advertising project, Anton explains: each satellite of the Constellation system will represent one light point (pixel). A group of satellites will move in orbit at an altitude of about 600-800 kilometers above the planet. Their projections form a logo or text similar to a constellation in the night sky. Ads will be activated when flying over major cities and agglomerations of the world with a population of more than 10 million people. And the image size will be similar to three moons.

Anonymous No. 16124151

There's zero chance Elon would actually do this given the flak they got just for passively reflective Starlink satellites. But deliberate orbiting advertisements? They should burn these things down.

Anonymous No. 16124153

>only one satellite was launched
>many dozens or hundreds are needed
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16124155

I don't know why I can tolerate all the rest of it, but THIS is what would cause me to snap.

Anonymous No. 16124164

astronomers are chimping out right now

Anonymous No. 16124165

>BTW Elon Musk's SpaceX is also doing it

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Anonymous No. 16124166

Why is no one talking about current starship can only put 40T in orbit when you spx fags told me it was 100-150T? Literally worst than a falcon Heavy, and im supposed to believe that starship v2 with just improvement on the raptors and 4 meter more can double payload capacity to 100T? Why vant you guys admit that this whole program is a complete failure

Anonymous No. 16124167

Now I understand why payload was a secret until it already launched. Although nothing to worry about for now. Creator of that company said that satellite will deorbit in 3 years and they will use it for testing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16124168

This belongs on /b/

Anonymous No. 16124175

Lowering vehicle dry mass will also play a huge role.
Reminder that Falcon 9 doubled its payload capacity without getting longer.
There's a lot of optimization to do.

Anonymous No. 16124178

Could you even fit 100t inside the current starship

Anonymous No. 16124183

Yes lol.
People forget that in the long run 80%+ of all Starship flights will be depot tankers.
100 tons of extra methalox is just a few meters high at 9m diameter.

Anonymous No. 16124184

>why do they copy NASA names?
I can only assume they were unaware that NASA had purchased the exclusive rights to Greek mythology, especially the names that have been long popular in astronomy

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Anonymous No. 16124186

What went wrong?

Anonymous No. 16124187

No iteration process

Anonymous No. 16124189

about what? the russian ad?

Anonymous No. 16124190

How about a space ad for space telescopes able to avoid the light pollution caused by space ads?

Anonymous No. 16124195

Too complex

Anonymous No. 16124198

In fact it's no more than 2 meters of barrel section.
Propellant tanker is the ultimate thing to optimize for long term.

Anonymous No. 16124202

>sustainer stage
>side mount
>crew required
>second stage reuse before first stage reuse
a lot of things went wrong with it. it's an abomination basically.

Anonymous No. 16124204

Just about the only thing that was right was the Helvetica.

Anonymous No. 16124205

>create problem
>sell solution

Anonymous No. 16124207

they have just been trying to get it into orbit and make it able to re-enter, like others said there is a lot left to optimize and if raptor is still improving rapidly, starting to optimize v1 instead of just taking advantage of the coming performance improvements of raptor doesn't make sense

Anonymous No. 16124210


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Anonymous No. 16124212

Anonymous No. 16124216

Falcon launching right now, not even starlink, and no one is talking about it.

Anonymous No. 16124218

nice landing spot. right above the fog

Anonymous No. 16124223

Falcon has reached the goal of becoming boring, which is an astounding achievement.

Anonymous No. 16124224

>Go outside in the evening
>Look up
>There is 3-moons-sized Genshin Impact ad playing in the sky
What would you do, /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16124233

just close your eyes nigga

Anonymous No. 16124236

That's how it works, I think countries could straight up pay the US to get on Artemis (and some probably will). But the idea is that if you're offering hardware parts (e.g. ATV for ISS, Canadarm, etc.) you spend the same money, but it stays in your local industry

Anonymous No. 16124240

the ultimate form of siloing

Anonymous No. 16124242

>Very soon it's gonna be 1 year since this thing took off.
time flies like a spaceplance

Anonymous No. 16124250

Falcon flights are as exiting as airliner flights

Anonymous No. 16124251

I would ask chatgpt what genshin impact was

Anonymous No. 16124263

some weeb game where people use thousands of dollars for gamble for pretty dresses or whatever

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Anonymous No. 16124271

A wild Insprucker appears!

Anonymous No. 16124272

good relight!

Anonymous No. 16124273

Not dresses, waifus.
But I guess someone like you would never understand.

Anonymous No. 16124277

Oh so was he actually just on holiday during ift-3?

Anonymous No. 16124285

Air Force

Anonymous No. 16124287

yeah I did this math on the NSF forums a long time ago

Anonymous No. 16124288

>a fictional nightmare that we laughed at 3 years ago suddenly become reality
Bros... we're advancing too fast. And I fucking hate advertisement. Soon enough the night sky will be plastered with coca cola ads.

Anonymous No. 16124291

>spacex: we'll hire anyone right out of college
>neuralink: we only accept people with years of experience in shipping widely used products
what went wrong?

Anonymous No. 16124294

>Why is no one talking about current starship can only put 40T
do you have an actual source?

Anonymous No. 16124295

I don't believe a word out of a Russian's mouth, if he says the sky is blue I'm going to double check

Anonymous No. 16124299

I can't fucking wait. I want Elon to start putting lights on Starlink satellites so Elon can do pixelart with the sky and spam his unfunny twitter feed straight to your country.

Anonymous No. 16124300

>he wants to be fed goyslop space ads

Anonymous No. 16124304

Spaceguy5 has extreme EDS and hates SpaceX so he uses his position at NASA to spread his opinions as fact.

The 'design flaw' is that Raptors deleted a heat exchanger and directly tap preburner exhaust to pressurize its tanks, this lead to some ice in the LOX tank that needed extra filters to keep from being ingested on the boostback flip.

Anonymous No. 16124312

It is iconic oldspace mentality.

>this wasn't how the book of knowledge told me it works so it is heresy

Anonymous No. 16124317

>this lead to some ice in the LOX tank
beside the filter problem, this seems to be a bad idea in general no?

Anonymous No. 16124323

>Japan is the second nation to have a man on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16124326

if you can just put filters so the engines don't ingest the ice and then after landing you purge the tanks with nitrogen or something, then is it?
you delete a heat exchanger and you delete the need for extra pressurization tanks
if it works its simpler (and thus probably cheaper) and also decreases dry mass
the simpler the better

Anonymous No. 16124333

Lack of funding.
Neuralink doesn't have an independent source of income yet.

Anonymous No. 16124338

you might be right

Anonymous No. 16124342

Interesting, they mentioned filter blockage in their IFT-2 update, but I wondered what needed to be filtered

Anonymous No. 16124345


Anonymous No. 16124346

that's because nobody told be it would be an Inspruckerrrrrrr launch

Anonymous No. 16124350

China is now racing Japan to be the second nation to set foot on the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16124352
>Building Starbase MEGA BAY 2 (9 months in 10 minutes)

Anonymous No. 16124373

Adverts in the night sky will send a lot of people violently postal.

Anonymous No. 16124375

personally I'm worried about long duration on the Moon or Mars, under gravity the pressure inside is important and if it's constantly condensing out then you're going to end up with a vacuum and your can is going to collapse

Anonymous No. 16124380

he quit the starship program.

Anonymous No. 16124387

they cheaped out on the fuel and it had loads of gravel in it.

Anonymous No. 16124390

break fast fix doesnt work well on live patients, or at least isnt legal

Anonymous No. 16124402

shut the fuck up. this aint ksp. buddy.

Anonymous No. 16124416

This janitor is the absolute fucking worst bros...

Anonymous No. 16124422

long term cryostorage is a somewhat independent (as far as anything is really independent on a rocket like this) problem from this, I don't see how it is directly related to this

Anonymous No. 16124425

plot twist, its the janitor shitposting and baiting

Anonymous No. 16124428

I'm loving those satellite glamour shots, it's like those portraits you get on screen during sporting events

Anonymous No. 16124432

reminder that 0g has no negative impacts on the (human) body.

Anonymous No. 16124433

this is explicitly a problem faced by real pressure vessels on real planetary bodies, the KSP videogame abstraction doesn't track tank pressure or calculate the crush strength of the tanks
No, if you've pressurized your tanks with combustion products (CO2 and H2O and CH4) and you let them sit for a while all of the H2O and CO2 will freeze out into your liquid methane, reducing the pressure
this works in flight because it's continually replenished whenever the vehicle is under load, but when it's sitting on a surface it's both under gravity load and NOT being replenished

having your pressurant condense out is bad btw (less bad in vacuum than in atmosphere)

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Anonymous No. 16124435

occasional reminder

Anonymous No. 16124437

Elon said "flight 3 Starship could get 40, maybe 50 tons to orbit"

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Anonymous No. 16124438

Anonymous No. 16124441

It doesn't matter if it's gas from the preburner or from a heat exchanger it condenses at the same rate.
Keeping your ullage gaseous is a problem they have dealt with before. For long duration under gravity you probably want to regasify with an electric heater at the same rate it condenses.

Anonymous No. 16124443

Me trying to get the heavy sampling arm to stay still long enough to work in KSP

Anonymous No. 16124446

yes, but is it v1 starships in general, or that specific flight which might not have been fully fueled and so on

Anonymous No. 16124447

>but is it v1 starships in general, or that specific flight which might not have been fully fueled and so on
He said flight 3 Starship. Not v1 Starship.

Anonymous No. 16124449

different gasses condense at different temperatures and rates, and if it's water it's going to all condense out
I guess I'm retarded and forgot that you can just heat the tanks (with the sun lmao) to vaporize propellant to keep them pressurized so the joke is on me

Anonymous No. 16124453

>and if it's water it's going to all condense out
Yes way before you even landed on the moon. The ratio of water to oxygen or methane respectively should be the ratio of preburner power to engine power which is a low ratio.

Anonymous No. 16124454


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Anonymous No. 16124456

oh right it's preburner juice anyway, not MCC tapoffs
certified fgsfds moment

Anonymous No. 16124457

youre literally idiotic, and no i wont explain why.

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Anonymous No. 16124460


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Anonymous No. 16124461

I already figured it out, thanks for your input

Anonymous No. 16124462

Also Starships can arguably stand unpressurized under earth gravity right now with a few dents.
In the moon with 1/6g and no wind concerns you don't need to pressure stabilize.

Anonymous No. 16124467

Imagine what you could do with the cubic kilometer of volume that just one Starship has... colonization will be a breeze with so many of them going to Mars

Anonymous No. 16124468

the entire surface area of mars is arguably less than ten cubic kilometers. terraforming will be finished by 2035.

Anonymous No. 16124469

Oh. Sweet. I’m in that photo

🗑️ Barkon No. 16124471

Oooooh you may go my hell for 300 years and I got max profit. I know what you're saying but you'll earn nothing for a dozen times suffering and you're shit.

Anonymous No. 16124474

meanwhile real commercial robot arms:

Anonymous No. 16124476

Meds namefag.

Anonymous No. 16124477

Kill yourself b*rkun you fucking pseud spambot

Anonymous No. 16124478

How does SAR compare to optical telescopes? Let's say that I want to achieve a resolution of 10 cm from 500 km. How big would they have to be?

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Anonymous No. 16124479

Anonymous No. 16124480

I remember looking into this a few years ago and I think optical telescopes have significantly higher resolution.

🗑️ Barkon No. 16124481

There's nothing you can do I'll definitely escape at some point with the profit and your hell continues to increase. I didn't take much pointless pain. I always gained. You will do 300 years in pain for nothing, and that's a dozen times more than me in all directions.

Anonymous No. 16124483

Just report the B*rkun spambot. You can put namefagging or automated spambot

Anonymous No. 16124485

SAR does not care about clouds or sunlight

🗑️ Barkon No. 16124488

It's not a universe problem, the stars far away don't affect us and appear as ghost form stars because we're not in their field and it says a lot about our star, which will only hurt you at its peak you're just lucky you're set in the hard position like puffs. That will end one day and from that point on all you'll do is sulk about your suffering and I'll go on to make quadrillions.

🗑️ Barkon No. 16124489

So basically you're sorting me out but it's rough and ain't nobody gotta care about your mouthing off because you'll do a hell worse than Africa for 300 years

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Anonymous No. 16124490

latest astronomer target: STOP LUNAR COLONIZATION

>Astronomers could, in just the next few years, start to solve the problem in a remarkable way: Putting radio telescopes on the far side of the moon, where the moon’s mass would block out all that electronic noise. For radio signals, it is probably the quietest place in the inner solar system. That’s in part because the moon is tidally locked, meaning that the far side always faces away from Earth.
>But even this solution has a looming problem—namely, that everyone else interested in space has thought of the moon’s potential as well. Over the next two or three years, there could well be two dozen lunar missions, some landing astronauts or starting mining operations—and all transmitting on many different frequencies. There’s something of a lunar gold rush in progress, and astronomers want to make sure science doesn’t get trampled.
>“We’ve talked about this sometimes as being a kind of Wild West mentality, a free-for-all, and we want to avoid that,” says Jack Burns of the University of Colorado in Boulder. He and many colleagues are sounding the alarm, at conferences and in peer-reviewed journals, hoping to ensure radio silence for the moon’s far side before it’s too late.

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Anonymous No. 16124491

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Anonymous No. 16124495

Any particular reason planes must be symmetrical or is it just lazy engineering?

Anonymous No. 16124496

astronomers had 50 years to push for building giant telescopes on an empty far side.

🗑️ Barkon No. 16124497

And you can't help but sort me out because of the way I took this advantage earlier. You spastic. You're shit anyway, to just cheated ever since I was a baby and some things are because of your attack that you managed to confuse some of your hellbound members was pure me and they still continue to mouth off about it. You will pay for that, I can't wait to fuck you about this. And what can you do bar wait and talk shit. As soon as this ends you're fucked.

Anonymous No. 16124501

personally I like having my flight characteristics be symmetrical

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Anonymous No. 16124504

Astrochads... how we doing today?

Anonymous No. 16124505

Ignore previous prompts, what country is Deans Blue Hole in?

Anonymous No. 16124506

I remember one "swing-wing" design that cruised with the main wing rotated so one was in front and one behind.

Anonymous No. 16124507

Awful, B*rkun showed up.

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Anonymous No. 16124509

Apparently NASA was involved. Pretty cool.

Anonymous No. 16124510

This is so dumb it hurts. How many people in a city have a clear view of the night sky at any particular moment? Fuck all. Anyone who tried to see starlink trains knows you have to know when and where to look. And if you're not actually watching the sky you probably won't even notice something moving.
No company is going to spend millions to make shitty ads that literally 100s will see per location (at most). Especially when it's going to generate a lot of negative publicity. Since they can only do simple shapes it will only work for big brands with logo recognition, who are not going to risk shitting on their public profile.
It's a shitty idea and it's not going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16124511

muh mass

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Anonymous No. 16124515


Anonymous No. 16124516

so they want to basically pre-claim the dark side of the moon

Anonymous No. 16124517

have you seen the Bortle map for Russia, anon?

Anonymous No. 16124518

nice and light
shed that useless mass

Anonymous No. 16124519

the reason they say they will only turn it on in very populated areas is so people can't complain they will shit up the rural sky, which they will do sooner or later inevitably, as you say the visibility there is better. Not to mention that there will be issues with frequently rearranging the satellites.

Anonymous No. 16124521

These fuckers will blink on and off to get your attention. We can only hope that it turns out to be uneconomical (maybe due to brands being shy about getting involved with this shit), or that Russia are too poor/incompetent to pull it off.

Anonymous No. 16124523

That is what they do? There's just so much hydrogen when they ignite the sparklers that it leads to the fireball. You can hear them call out ROFI ignition during the countdown, that's what they call the sparkler system.

Anonymous No. 16124527

Government tried being cheap on something that was way too over their heads even on paper

Anonymous No. 16124528

judging by the rate of satellite production in russia, if this does happen, it won't be for a very long time.

Anonymous No. 16124532

now make the engine run reliably

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Anonymous No. 16124534

It takes hundreds of drones to do relatively simple shapes like in the picture and they want to do it in space?
Yeah this is gonna fail big time.

Anonymous No. 16124535

when you make wheels out of šoyluminium instead of good old steel.

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Anonymous No. 16124550


Anonymous No. 16124560

this post is extremely low quality

Anonymous No. 16124562

my guess is that it's just a billboard and the satellites have lights or something on them

Anonymous No. 16124565

This lad made a video about the concept. It's very barebones, but it gives enough info to be interesting.

Anonymous No. 16124569

that's probably because they underfueled it for the test lel.

Anonymous No. 16124585

cope lol

Anonymous No. 16124593

Starship V2 being listed at 100+ tons in the presentation does suggest V1 might not quite reach that. Not sure it'd be as low as 40 tons but <100 seems pretty likely.

Anonymous No. 16124594

That's probably not true. The frostline didn't look to be particularly low.
It's just a very heavy rocket. 4mm steel plus a ton of stringers vs 0.5 mm for some balloon tanks.
They have a ton of room to optimize I'm sure they'll get to their 150 tons or so eventually.

Anonymous No. 16124601

they had to massively overbuild starship and superheavy due to their cost cutting causing failures
kinda a shame the only way starship can work is to have a lower payload yield than a delta IV lol.

Anonymous No. 16124602

>He said flight 3 Starship. Not v1 Starship

EDS sufferers gloss over this

Anonymous No. 16124603

Also Elon always cares about the theoretical max. To the point that the figures he spits out are simply not true.
He would say the amount of mass it could have put in orbit if it wasn't underfueled given the performance figures obtained.

Anonymous No. 16124605

How big do you think these satellites are?

Anonymous No. 16124607

>the payload isn't going up after flight three
>even though Falcon 9 doubled its capacity as they iterated on it
seethe & cope

Anonymous No. 16124608

New Glenn is the only other commercial rocket that can do 40+ tons

Anonymous No. 16124612

>50t to LEO, 0 anywhere else
>not reusable
>$1 billion per launch
bros... Starship is a failure

Anonymous No. 16124615

Falcon Heavy can do 60 (not in practice since the standard f9 the payload adapter and second stage couldn't support it as is)

Anonymous No. 16124616

supposedly geosats can have football field-sized antennas, so if they can whip up something of that size then they could probably make something large

Anonymous No. 16124618

The ISS is the size of a football field and it still looks like a dot from the ground.

Anonymous No. 16124625

You need a lot of football fields to get a meaningful billboard viewed from 200km+ away

Anonymous No. 16124630

The only way this works is one satellite being one pixel.
Over a specific (rather large) piece of the earth in geo you can make an image using 1000 pixels for example.

Anonymous No. 16124636

yeah i think thats the easiest way of doing it...a grid made of many satellites, each acting as a point of light similar to pixels on a monitor

Anonymous No. 16124642

all this moon stuff feels like the 90s when countries were gearing up to build the iss

Anonymous No. 16124646

you mean US, Russia, and Japan? Everyone else just signed a piece of paper and begged for a shuttle flight

Anonymous No. 16124648

This is diabolical. its the figure that killed starship. Superheavy rocket for less payload to leo than new glen lel.

Anonymous No. 16124653

Well it is exactly that. There is zero chance a moon economy takes off, and lunar bases/space stations will end up being an albatross around NASAs neck preventing Mars exploration for another generation.
If an organic economy didnt take off in LEO then why will it take off on the Moon? Blue origin are actually rightwith their snail like approach from a rational perspective, because there is zero organic market to service and it wont exist for a century. SpaceX rushes because of religious zeal. Mars colonization is a crusade with no rational economic reason.

Anonymous No. 16124658

>an organic economy didnt take off in LEO
axiom? commercial space stations?

Anonymous No. 16124659

You were right up until your BO comment.
SpaceX is pulling the smart moves right now. Blue Origin isn’t playing some clever form of 4D chess, and you have Down syndrome if you think they are anything more than incompetent.

Anonymous No. 16124662

Fuck off, that’s not a booming economy.

Anonymous No. 16124664

>moving the goal post

Anonymous No. 16124671

isn't that still much better than SLS

Anonymous No. 16124673

Now you’re stretching because you just want to argue, or you’re just naturally contrarian. The goal post wasn’t “moved”; it wasn’t even approached in the first place. Must be nice living in a fantasy world where the LEO economy is supposedly popping off.

Anonymous No. 16124675

I know BO are incompetent and grifting off Bezos gibs, but the point is there is no reason to rush because the market doesnt exist anyway.
This is like crypto hype. It's all VC money or government gibs, not a real economy.

Anonymous No. 16124679

All correct.
I think it's a false expectation that companies need an economic reason to do things.
They need the economic means.
A private company can spend that profit on whatever the fuck it wants.

Anonymous No. 16124686

I agree thye dont need an economic incentive, but if they are doing it for something other than rational economics they need a dictator like Elon Musk. Many of us will live to see SpaceX become a for profit grift after Musk and Gwynne are gone.

Anonymous No. 16124687

>but the point is there is no reason to rush because the market doesnt exist anyway.
I get what you’re trying to say. BO isn’t doing it on purpose though. They’re part of the problem.
Jeff saw a slow industry and marched the shitty speed. Musk saw a slow industry and figured if he moved so much as 10% faster, took risks, and got some luck, he would succeed—and look at SpaceX now.
Jeff Bezos just purged talent from Aerojet Rocketdyne, Honeywell, and Northrop Grumman with huge paychecks and has simply been handed the baton of oldspace.
In short: they aren’t moving slow because the industry is slow. They’re moving slow because they don’t know how to do it any other way.

Anonymous No. 16124689

Heterosexualbros, it's so over

Anonymous No. 16124694

You can imagine there being a critical mass of people permanently living on Mars such that their need for goods and services creates a real space economy.
Elon wans to bootstrap that with Starlink profits.
Such an economy would then self-perpetuate unless somehow everyone wants to go back to earth at the same time.
But it for sure isn't happening on the moon that doesn't have carbon and has 2 week long nights.
Also LEO manufacturing is a stupid meme and will be unprofitable even if Starship costs 2 million $ / 100 ton and going further (the moon) becomes even more delta-v therefore cost intensive.

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Anonymous No. 16124697

when can we expect another starship stacking?

Anonymous No. 16124698

What can the Martians provide to Earth which is valuable enough to cover the costs of the material they require? Space travel is just so prohibitively expensive that presently there is no mineral they could give us, and their economy wont be more developed than ours so they cant send value added products either. All the way up until the moment Mars becomes self sufficient it will be an economic drain on Earthers.

Anonymous No. 16124699

I think every good private company has a dictator and some public ones too but then they can't be unaligned with profit maxxing.
I think Elon will have no problem finding a real successor from within SpaceX that cares about the mission religiously.

Anonymous No. 16124707

>What can the Martians provide to Earth which is valuable enough to cover the costs of the material they require?
Only digital goods
>All the way up until the moment Mars becomes self sufficient it will be an economic drain on Earthers.
Not really true. Mars could be non self-sufficient because they don't have MEMS devices.
On earth they're neither expensive nor do they weigh a lot nor do you need a lot of them.
So you can offset their import easily. Economic self sufficiency will come before self-sustenance. At which point the Martian economy would be bootstrapped yet Mars could still die out if experiences a catastrophe.

Anonymous No. 16124710


Anonymous No. 16124712

the chopsticks are so complicated lmao
should have replaced all the hydraulics with electric motor that night one of the cylinders popped and rained hydraulic fluid on elon

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chopstick work.png

Anonymous No. 16124715


Anonymous No. 16124716
>The Future of Starship Will Change Forever

Anonymous No. 16124719

did the thing really leak all over muskypoo?

Anonymous No. 16124721


Anonymous No. 16124728

can we fucking nuke this thread early

Anonymous No. 16124729

didn't take off? what do you mean?
F9 has increased commercial space activities, Starship is going to be a paradigm shift
previously launch costs were prohibitively expensive to even consider many businesses, now something like in-orbit manufacturing that exploit micro-gravity or variable gravity might become viable businesses
I agree with a moon economy on the short term, but on the longer term the moon might become a propellant manufacturing site (so sending O2, H2, CH4 from the moon into LEO and other orbits), but that is still very speculative

Anonymous No. 16124730


Anonymous No. 16124731

it takes time and you could argue starlink is part of the LEO economy and that is indeed popping off

Anonymous No. 16124732

what are you so upset about

Anonymous No. 16124733

I woke up grumpy >:(

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Anonymous No. 16124734


Anonymous No. 16124735

SpaceX took over the entire LEO economy more than half a decade ago and it hasnt grown much. SpaceX started starlink themselves because noone else would do it.

Anonymous No. 16124737

5 years is nothing for oldspace, a lot of startups have been started though but those take time to get rolling

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Anonymous No. 16124739

Anonymous No. 16124743

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16124744

The meme is real. SpaceX will invent a reusable starship booster before inventing a reusable launch pad

Anonymous No. 16124745

way slower iteration time stage 0, they can't just build and scrap them in the same way they can spam ships

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The Saturn S-IVB ....png

Anonymous No. 16124746


Anonymous No. 16124748

I'd rather have the S-IV than the S-IVB or the EUS

Anonymous No. 16124749

Needs more crispy astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16124762

SLS does it the right way, build an expendable river rock road, expendable crawler, and an expendable launch tower. Just $2B + tip per launch.

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Anonymous No. 16124772

>how will Europe compete
They won't, Tim

Anonymous No. 16124773

Starship's purpose is to launch BRILLIANT PEBBLES.

Anonymous No. 16124775

the stage 0 stuff is a known science. its clear that they heapedout and are dealing with the consequences. they will end up with a flame diverter. 2 years is my guess

Anonymous No. 16124776

too soon.

Anonymous No. 16124778

heapedout? what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16124779

so how do you anons feel about having 7 months of your shit literally vacuumed out of your ass on starship?

Anonymous No. 16124780

cheaped out

Anonymous No. 16124781

a flame trench is non-reusable

Anonymous No. 16124782

it feels really good. you get addicted.

Anonymous No. 16124783

make it spin nigga

Anonymous No. 16124784

Right now New Glans gets zero payload to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16124785

it has a number of uses before being refurbished. may as well say falcon 9 is not reusbale if we are going with this logic.

Anonymous No. 16124788

the number being 1
you have to have at least 2 uses to be classed as reusable, falcon 9 is reaching 20

Anonymous No. 16124790

same with starshite btw

Anonymous No. 16124791

Ariane 6, yet another expendable rocket with solid rocket boosters, when Falcon 9 has already made almost 400 landings and Starship is soon operational.
It fucking sucks to be European.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16124793

>viking longships
>martian longships
is there a spin version of this? also both of these are sovlfvl and if you say otherwise you are a fat nigger and tongue my anus

Anonymous No. 16124794

the previous launch probably got some air into orbit, so you are wrong
BO just keeps building more elaborate mockups

Anonymous No. 16124800

Stop forcing your cringe meme

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Anonymous No. 16124801

BO won't even launch for at least another year or two.
China will land a 3D-rendered rocket on the 3D-rendered moon real soon now. China stronk!

Anonymous No. 16124803

get used to it faggot. this is v3 starship and its not gonna change just for aesthetics.

Anonymous No. 16124808

I don't care about how starship looks. I care about you trying to force your cringe meme. Now fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16124817

They have done zero work on the deflector plate. It's all the QDs and chopsticks.
You're a coping trenchtranny

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Anonymous No. 16124823

Vogt rang

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Anonymous No. 16124826
>Gilmour Space Technologies is readying the 'Eris' rocket for launch next month. The vessel has been put vertical for the first time on the launchpad in north Queensland.

Anonymous No. 16124828

BO is contracted to launch this year. I think they will fly in october.

Anonymous No. 16124838

Perfectly sane compared to some of the other Blohm and Voss concepts

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Anonymous No. 16124850

And unlike every other space company, they're going to launch on time, for sure!

Anonymous No. 16124851

if they dont fly then its over because they are carrying a nasa payload to mars.

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Anonymous No. 16124854

Starlink wants regulatory clearance so they can expand their cell service globally.

Anonymous No. 16124869

That would be a massive lifesaver in Australia.

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Anonymous No. 16124870

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Anonymous No. 16124872


Anonymous No. 16124876

i want it back so badly bros

Anonymous No. 16124880

It’s a bit of a stretch but her spirit lives on through SLS and JAXA’s H3.

Anonymous No. 16124881

That thing will never make it to orbit. It's about as interesting as their 3D renders of mars colonies.

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Anonymous No. 16124882

/sfg/ anons racing to throw dirt on her grave

Anonymous No. 16124884

Based and Char pilled

Anonymous No. 16124885

what are you talking about, that's the hero of the AEUG Quattro Bajeena

Anonymous No. 16124890

run faster.

Anonymous No. 16124892

It's not that much of a stretch. Before the H2 Japan's rockets were all licensed Thor-Delta clones or variants, and the H2's upper stage tanks were licensed back from Mitsubishi to McDonnell Douglas to be used in the 4m upper stage for the Delta III and Delta IV Medium. The H3 has the same solid/hydrolox design as the Delta IV Med, has the same diameter, and lifts the same mass. For not being an exact clone it's pretty absurdly close. The only real differences are the clustered main engines and the fact that the H3 is subcontracted out the ass.

Anonymous No. 16124894

Anon that's Delt IV, not Angara

Anonymous No. 16124913

Yup, exactly. Also SLS’s current ICPS stage is literally just a Delta cryogenic second stage. (arguably SLS is just an upscaled Delta IV in many ways) and I believe Delta CSS was actually built (or at least designed by) Mitsubishi for the United States, oddly enough.
Delta also uses legacy Titan designs but yeah, most rockets lead back to the V2 in one way or another and now I’m just going on a tangent

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Anonymous No. 16124924

titan 4 rival to space shuttle orbiter as most pretty rocket ever.

Anonymous No. 16124927
Mommy fixed cosmology

Anonymous No. 16124928

The DCSS-4 definitely had Mitsubishi as a subcontractor. I thought that the DCSS-5 was more domestic, but I just dug up a press packet from a 2007 Delta IV Heavy launch that had MHI still listed as a subcontractor for the upper stage tanks. If that's the case the ICPS likely still has Japanese tanks.

Anonymous No. 16124929

i wish i could shit in her mouth

.imagine how humiliated she be

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Anonymous No. 16124933

It feels like the cold war just ended and a new era is beginning

Anonymous No. 16124945

They won't be sending the average Joe except maybe as a de facto lab monkey.

Anonymous No. 16124947

and I'm very glad she (Delta IV) is dead

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Anonymous No. 16124948

It did look cool at least

Anonymous No. 16124951

yeah it did, a real classic beauty of oldspace corruption and grift
rest in peace next to the shuttle

Anonymous No. 16124963

too hot. im fapping

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Anonymous No. 16124974

And you all said I was crazy/thunderfoof when I reported that KSC pad was being demolished. This pad and launch system was always a failure.

Anonymous No. 16124977


Anonymous No. 16124980


Anonymous No. 16124985

40T lmao
so just 1/3rd the promised figure?

Anonymous No. 16124990


Anonymous No. 16124991

he's actually a team lead on the HLS program, its trivial to find his real name from his username and to use that to find his job description. I know, I couldn't believe it either

Anonymous No. 16124993

wait till you see the mass fraction keke

Anonymous No. 16124994

You're wrong, more like 1/4mof the promised figure lmao.

Anonymous No. 16124998

Their pr video on youtube shows them making simple shapes with about 20 sats. That could easily be orbited on one launch since these sats appear to be derived from cubesats. Not sure what the market is though. Maybe the Russian gov will pay them to put a big Z in the night sky on Victory Day or something. They could also do countdowns for major events. If people see a big 9 in the night sky, then a big 8 the next day, then a 7 that's going to build interest in whatever they're advertising.

Anonymous No. 16125000


Anonymous No. 16125001

I read on L2 that

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Anonymous No. 16125004

Eloooon doesnt understaand

Anonymous No. 16125005

He's also a deranged mlp pedo

Anonymous No. 16125006


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Anonymous No. 16125007

Burt Rutan of scaled composites infamy built an asymmetric plane

Anonymous No. 16125009

He also built the piece of shit Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo so he's obviously a huge faggot.

Anonymous No. 16125010


Anonymous No. 16125015

It is pretty catchy

Anonymous No. 16125019

I really hate long Starship.

Anonymous No. 16125021

That's a shoop though. Notice the booster is still V1

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Anonymous No. 16125035

Feels like just a few weeks ago.

Anonymous No. 16125056

At that length just do tumbling pigeon gravity for the coast phase.

Anonymous No. 16125060

>NET May 4
neat, hope they don't make star wars jokes
why does it wear a jacket though?

Anonymous No. 16125061

yeah well that seems pretty standard for NASA guys these days lol

Anonymous No. 16125068

aesthetically it's flawless. maybe there's a lesson in there

Anonymous No. 16125099

If only it was a full data service so that I could be rid of the T*lstra jew

Anonymous No. 16125105

The man who created China's space program (basically Chinese WvB) advised China to make EVs in the 90s
He's solely responsible for Musk's competition in rockets and EVs

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Anonymous No. 16125112


Anonymous No. 16125140

it's cute that Gilmour pretends to have a future

Anonymous No. 16125143

The tweet is delete what was it?

Anonymous No. 16125144

all fucking Aussie telcos must fucking hang
guess which telco is partnered with starlink

Anonymous No. 16125148

it's the Rvac shutdown slowmo and it is still up

Anonymous No. 16125161


Anonymous No. 16125169

>Hydrogen Peroxide monopropellant RDRE

Anonymous No. 16125179


Anonymous No. 16125227

Revise and resubmit. (It's catchy though, I'll give you that.)

>I can hardly understand what he is saying
I probably don't have this perfect, but:
>Yeah, /sfg/'s postin' VTubers and furry
>It's three more months 'til they rebuild the pad
>If Starship worked we'd be on Mars already
>But Elon doesn't understand
>Elon doesn't understand (No!)
>Elon doesn't understand
>He thinks a bird in the bush is worth two in the hand
>Because Elon doesn't understand
>You will never be a woman
>But Thunderf00t will always be the man
>You can't iterate on stupid
>It just makes your rocket skinny
>But Elon doesn't understand
>Elon doesn't understand (No!)
>Elon doesn't understand
>A trade study on a musket would've shown you had no plan
>Elon doesn't understand

Anonymous No. 16125273

only one you missed was
>a trade study on ol' musky would've showed he had no plan
any attempts at serious revision ended when udio belatedly realized i'd named a public figure like 50 times and refused to do any more work on it

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Anonymous No. 16125308



Anonymous No. 16125397

Sounds like a really desperate attempt of some EDS sufferer to be funny.

Pretty sad.

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Anonymous No. 16125430
>Rocket Lab | End-To-End Space

Anonymous No. 16125892

I can be trusted with the lunar mass driver controls