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Anonymous No. 16123698

What is the optimal phenotype for a reproductively fit woman? I'd like to have 6 children over the next 10 years with minimal complications or autism.

Anonymous No. 16123835

>I'd like to have 6 children over the next 10 years with minimal complications or autism.
Use donor sperm then.

Anonymous No. 16123874

Maybe a former porn star because they have massive vagina which allows for big brain child to exit easily

Anonymous No. 16123914

I'd prefer her to be 18 to avoid autism

Anonymous No. 16123980

Can we stop with the "muh old mother - autism myth". We know it's old sperm, not old eggs.

Anonymous No. 16123986

Once it's in and you close your eyes do you even care?

Anonymous No. 16123993

>Nature is wrong for driving women to select older men and driving older men to select younger women.
You sure look like a scientist.

Anonymous No. 16124112

old eggs ruin the sperm development, cope rostaoid

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Anonymous No. 16124142


Anonymous No. 16124156

Meaningless babbling doesn't refute my point. Provide definite evidence that doesn't go like. "My mother had me at 31, that's why I'm mentally disabled to the point of relying on handouts".

Anonymous No. 16124201

Because you're point is meaningless babble. This is someone pointing to a blue square and calling it a red circle.

Anonymous No. 16124209

>minimal complications
Best selector for this will be athleticism in both parents.
There’s no great selector for this, but best practice is to make sure both parents are young, especially the father.

Good luck

Anonymous No. 16124215

your point is the same as mine, show proof yourself before asking me, fart

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Anonymous No. 16124232

>no u

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Anonymous No. 16124246


Anonymous No. 16124286

There are so many studies about the neurological complications in a fetus due to a mother's advanced age, you dumb cunt.

Anonymous No. 16124298

That makes no sense. Why the fuck would we have evolved to find beauty extremely important if it is supposedly evolutionarily unimportant? Pure retardation.

Anonymous No. 16124301

>but best practice is to make sure both parents are young, especially the father.
The best practice is to make sure that neither of the parents is autistic. Autism -> having children late AND autistic children -> retards on 4chan conflating old fathers with autistic children

Anonymous No. 16124329

>Why the fuck
You're welcome retard.

Anonymous No. 16124334


Anonymous No. 16124357

Oh yeah, you know of one example of Fisherian runaway selection and use that as a conclusive argument for how beauty in humans is dysgenic. How the fuck is it even possible to be as retarded as you?

Anonymous No. 16124358

>neurological complications in a fetus
Which neurological complications? Autism isn't a neurological complication per se. I'm fairly sure we would be seeing lots more of issues other than autism if there was some underlying neurological thing but we apparently don't.
>Down's syndrome
Chromosomal, not neurological.
I know the study, not to mention it's already 10 years old. Compare the autism odds for a 40 year old woman with the one for a 20 year old woman in the study. The relative ratio is increased by a whooping 10-20 %. In other words, if your child has a 1 % likelihood to be diagnosed with autism based on a subjective and industrially funded screening tool, it now increases to a 1.1 - 1.2 % odd ratio. Doesn't look that big to me.

Anonymous No. 16124362

Compare this with Down's syndrome where the likelihood ratio between a 20-year-old (0.05 %) and 40-year-old (1-1.5 %) differs by 2000 to 3000 percent.

Anonymous No. 16124378

Say I want to have a child, what is the max safest age range of the woman I'm producing said child with

Anonymous No. 16124458

22-30. Peak fertility, go younger and massively increased risk for pre-term and low birth weights, go later and the women start having fertility issues.

Anonymous No. 16124486

Incredibly disingenuous post.
>10 years
Isn't all that long ago. Also irrelevant, unless you think there is compelling evidence that somehow in the course of a decade whatever phemenon was causitive of these observations has somehow drastically changed or ceased altogether. I mirror your own request back to you: provide your evidence.
>The relative ratio is increased by a whooping 10-20 %
This is statiatically significant. It's very telling how you shifted the goalposts. Initially it was "that's a myth" and "theres no evidence", now you admit you were already aware of the existing evidence, but you think it's not that big of a deal. It's almost like you have an ulterior motive. Interesting.

Anonymous No. 16124619

it depends on your own genetics also. and if they are a suitable match for the woman's.

Anonymous No. 16124622

is this true. is a blown out vadge really good for birthing larger headed babies?

Anonymous No. 16124669

>somehow in the course of a decade whatever phemenon was causitive of these observations has somehow drastically changed or ceased altogether
I don't know what that cognitive bias is called that immediately makes people trustful of every study or brainscan no matter how questionable the study setup is. 1. A single study proves shit. 2. The study did not take covariables into account nor were any confounding variables accounted for. 3. I'm aware of studies that do not show that association. 4. There's most likely a categorical difference between "autism" diagnosed in Downies and other babies with chromosomal/genetic issues attributable to high maternal age and, for example, Asperger's. It depends on you whether or not you want to put both things in the same category. I personally don't and would like to differentiate properly instead of relying on a suitcase term.
>This is statiatically significant.
I feel like you ignore the marge of error which just so happens to diverge markedly after the 35 age bracket.
>Initially it was "that's a myth" and "theres no evidence", now you admit you were already aware of the existing evidence
Pointless sophistry. I have pointed out, specifically in the case of the study you presented, which you just so happened to present erroneously as definite proof, that the found correlation is surprisingly weak and would have remarkably little impact in reality. Even if the age of the mother upon giving birth would increase by 5 years, autism prevalence numbers would increase by a mere 0.03 - 0.05 %.
>It's almost like you have an ulterior motive. Interesting.
Which ulterior motive? By pointing out your flawed reasoning and your lack of understanding when it comes to statistical analyses?

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Anonymous No. 16124681

Safest for the woman, ~14-25. Safest for the baby, ~17-26.

Fertility is not that important of a factor for humans under the age of ~35, since you can simply have more sex. All things considered, the optimal woman is about 17, even though her fertility is slightly lower than her lifetime maximum fertility.

Anonymous No. 16124713

Tall teenage girls

Anonymous No. 16124753

Age >> your fetish.

Anonymous No. 16124777

>13 and half
What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 16124815

Just what i heard from a doctor, complications start to rise mid 30s for women. And from then on only slightly but later much more sharply. So 35 thats still ok then 40 is gonna be hard and 45 its super hard.
Getting pregnat will be so hard and also conplications

Anonymous No. 16124827

Yes, 13½ is better than 35 by all metrics. Blame nature.

Anonymous No. 16124833

most people are brown

Anonymous No. 16124852

wow it's almost like social taboo doesn't necessarily correlate to biological reality and age of puberty is a more reliable marker

Anonymous No. 16124858

Sexual selection can easily get out of hand, we see it in numerous species today.