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Prash Singh-17805....webm

๐Ÿงต Flagellar motors

Anonymous No. 16135262

Scientific implications of bacteria and sperm having motors?

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Anonymous No. 16135276

plant hopper legs too

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Anonymous No. 16135318

mitochondria churns out ATP like grist from a flour mill

Anonymous No. 16135356

randomly on accident by pure coincidence

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atheist religion.jpg

Anonymous No. 16135384

imagine being gullible enough to believe that these computer graphics accurately represent reality

Anonymous No. 16135589

>Scientific implications
We're reverse-engineering them, what's confusing you about that?

Anonymous No. 16135672

So when are cows gonna evolve wheels?

Anonymous No. 16135934

>scientific implications
wdym? protein rotors have been known about for quite a while.

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Anonymous No. 16136107

cows have already evolved jet engines

Anonymous No. 16136214

>let pajeets do something in 3D CAD
The modern science

Anonymous No. 16137074

last universal common ancestror already had atp synthase you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16137211

that's a pig

Anonymous No. 16137229

That's bad for the environment

Anonymous No. 16137248

so what, we're talking about cows

Anonymous No. 16137257

how tf is that healthy

Anonymous No. 16137314

god is a human engineer from the future that decided to go to the past and change things up slightly

Anonymous No. 16137325

Punctured a bloated animal so they get relief(otherwise they die painfully).

If you burn methane, you get water as a result.

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Anonymous No. 16138033

>randomly on accident by pure coincidence
What ARE the chances?????

Anonymous No. 16138034

considering the whole causal chain of events?

Anonymous No. 16138180

got any other sources

Anonymous No. 16138185

dat hair tho

Anonymous No. 16138662

How are you not seeing the reasonable answer of this being things just converging on what works for our underlying physics. Human don't necessarily invent things as much as they discover what works.

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scientist inna hat.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16138672

everyone on /sci/ knows what genuine scientific hair looks like

Anonymous No. 16139483

God created man on his image and what is the image of God if not christ, the logos, the capacity for reason?

Cells form organs wich form animals wich form societies wich structure into ever more ellaborate systems

Anonymous No. 16139485

Isn't there a concern of the flame backing into the animal?