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🧵 Neom

Anonymous No. 16135990

So, everyone knows that the most if not all of the Neom projects are fake. But what’s the truth behind them? Money laundering? Generating buzz? Shooting high and maybe something above-average emerges?

Anonymous No. 16135992

>Money laundering?
Probably. Usually governments hide budgets for covert programs inside the waste and corruption of bigger programs.

Anonymous No. 16136023

>1. ask government financial record
>2. ask construction company's receipt
>3. compare
It's that easy to demonstrate fraud.

Anonymous No. 16136061

low IQ leaders, low IQ big brain planned community bullshit to make economy bigger-er.

Anonymous No. 16136187

Why would a soveriegn nation like Saudi Arabia need to launder money?
How do you launder money with some dumb construction project?
Money laundering is when you fund a real business with illegal funds, then you get clean money out. If the business isnt very good you might lose some. The easiest way is to hand over the cash to some immoral swiss bank that will put it to work for you no questions asked.

Anonymous No. 16136200

Stealing from the oil companies. YES, you can simultaneously take profits AND steal from your own company. That’s the norm in the Russian oil business for example. The fact that you own the company and all the stakeholders are your friends and family ,means that you can easily cook the books to hide the theft. This information must blow your mind huh?

Anonymous No. 16136207

I mean, saudi arabia already has the money. It has no need to clean anything. If some cartel wants to invest, then its the cartel the one that will do the laundering.
Neom might or not fail, its inspired by the success of Dubai and the emiratis are going to build a new city west of Alexandria. These cities can be great successes if they get enough infrastructure, people go "hur dur farms" as if fucking Tokyo or New York city have any farms.

Anonymous No. 16136209

>YES, you can simultaneously take profits AND steal from your own company.
This is gibberish and you try to get away with it by being vague and obtuse. If i press you on this matter you will fake outrage and tell me, in so many words, that you dont have to explain yourself

Anonymous No. 16136358

OK, you demonstrated fraud. How do you know where the money actually went?

Anonymous No. 16136369

In Russia the oligarchs don't actually control the state so a billionaire stealing from the national oil company makes sense. Here the prince not only controls the oil company directly, is the head of state and absolute monarch but also the guy supposedly committing fraud. Have you taken your meds recently? He's stealing from himself, to take money he already has and can access anyways because...?

Anonymous No. 16136460

*shrug* Google Gazprom corruption if you’re legitimately interested in learning something. You’re not though so I’ll just leave it at that.

Anonymous No. 16136477

Nowhere did I suggest the Saudi crown is doing the stealing; these funds could just be a scheme to launder money for elite supporters like the Bin Laden construction company for example. Why? Because Saudi Aramco is a publically-traded company that wants to attract investors, but even before launching the IPO there are international norms they have to adhere to such as “the government can’t just transfer company assets to friends”.

Anonymous No. 16136491

it's just to generate attention. and desu it's quite effective every few weeks somebody posts about it.

Anonymous No. 16136523

Probably because it’s a target of gay YouTube clickbait selling giggly agitprop to get off to. “It’s SOO dumb and humans rights and environment BAD teehee~!” Not a single one points out that it’s obvious not real, that NO, there isn’t going to be a massive line city in the desert serviced by air taxis and holographic schools, all that shit is just hype to attract attention and by selling agitprop they’ve actually completely fallen for it - or they know what they’re doing and selling the agitprop to those who feel good consuming it.

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Anonymous No. 16136832


Reminds me of that anon who wanted to use a (really big) nuclear reactor to flood Death Valley with desalinated seawater to recreate the prehistoric lake that used to exist there.

Anonymous No. 16136848

Really rich guys are willing to pay for a beautiful unrealistic semi-utopian project centered around one niche idea with it's unique story. Even thou most or them understand it's unrealistic.
I think it's almost like some kind of DnD for them

Anonymous No. 16136971

Except that guy is based.

Anonymous No. 16137661



Anonymous No. 16137677

wat, it's literally a salt flat innit? You'd have to flush it and dump the brine back in the sea for some time.

Anonymous No. 16137702

>muh gazprom
>t. tranny who can't stop seething about Russia

You people really are a bloodthirsty lot. Trannies and zionists are deranged, psychopathic beasts with a lust for the blood of goyim. If you really hate Russians, Muslims, poltards, rednecks, and other gentiles that much then you should just go to the trontline in Ukraine or Israel a see how long you last trying to massacre Russian soldiers and Hamas soldiers, like you trannies and Jews always fantasize about doing. My suspicision is that you have this deep seated bloodlust for the gentile nations, and you genuinely dream and fantasize about spilling the blood of Russian fighters and Hamas fighters, but I suspect you're the type of effinate, low T tranny that would not have the balls to act on your deranged fantasies IRL. You certainly want to spill the blood of as many gentiles as possible, but you'd prefer to have Sgt. Menendez do the work for you, which is why you shitlibs and zionists have been campaigning so hard for the US to more actively support Ukraine and Israel.

🗑️ B No. 16137709

Absolute merce.


Anonymous No. 16137765

ambitious people looking to efficiently siphon money from a giant pile of it sitting in the desert administered by 90 IQ brownoids