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🗑️ 🧵 China is collapsing

Anonymous No. 16136042

China unironically need open borders and mass immigration to avoid economical and demographic collapse

Anonymous No. 16136048

I want to move to China >_<

Anonymous No. 16136053

It's interesting how this faggot never talks about demographic collapse in the west.
Germany and UK haven't had above replacement fertility for over 50 years now, Italy, Spain, Greece all have Japan tier or worse numbers.

Anonymous No. 16136073

Wow it's almost like those countries are using mass immigration to supplement their population. Something that China can't do and refuses to do

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Anonymous No. 16136082


Anonymous No. 16136087

South Korea is a few percent worse but yeah

And how does a country that needs 10 figure population for growth even capable of using immigration? Where are they coming from, Nigeria?

Anonymous No. 16136108

>be in charge of one country
>replacing the population with the population of another country
the government of China is 200% in the right not to betray China in this way

Anonymous No. 16136122

And now they're gonna collapse because of it. Even the famously xenophobic Japan and South korea are accepting mass immigration to avoid demographic collapse.

B No. 16136124

I jumped on the plank. Who do I owe? You who will receive pay

Anonymous No. 16136125

>And now they're gonna collapse because of it
two more weeks and China, the country that existed for 3000 years will totally collapse

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Anonymous No. 16136182

I’ve been listening to a continual stream of propagandist and secondary propaganda market grifters about how China is about to collapse for what feels like 15 years at least. My advice: if he’s on YouTube or Twitter, immediately reject anything they have to say on this topic. If you’re actually interested go read actual analysis by college-level China researchers. Each and EVERY time you look into a China-collapsing claim it turns out to be fake, heavily exaggerated, or, in the few cases of a real issue (food security, housing bubble etc) the Chinese government have dealt with it (picrel on food security as one example). Just stop consuming the cattle-grade propaganda and click-baiting grifters.

Anonymous No. 16136212

It's going to be hard to gauge what's really going on with China as the government reporting will always be unreliable. One thing for sure is that the demographic shifts are going to take a toll on them, when you look into the numbers it is quite stark. Fortunately for them it seems like the worst of it may be happening while humanoid robots may start replacing factory workers

Anonymous No. 16136252

Its not 15 years, its decades, since the 90s. Collapse of China was predicted decades ago. Decades more of the collapse prediction will be had.

Anonymous No. 16136253

>"their population"

Anonymous No. 16136258

US added ~6 million illegal immigrants from Mexico in the last 3 years alone. Thats on top of ~20M illegal immigrants in the US total.

In UK/France you cant even talk about this topic because its illegal. But the most popular name of baby last year was Mohammad. Birth rate is destiny.

Anonymous No. 16136263

Western Countries will become Turd World hellholes before China/Japan etc collapse because of population decline.
200 years from now East Asia will still be populated by East Asians unlike the West where Whites will go extinct.

Anonymous No. 16136265

Ok smart guys. Explain how to run an economy when half the population is above the age of 50. Do note that not a single fucking developed nation has managed to raise birth rates. And raising birth rates don't kick in until like 20 years down the line too

Anonymous No. 16136269

China wants a population collapse. That was their idea, its gooid for them as they dont need so many people.
The chinese understand the burden of caring for a lot of old people is better than just growing more billions of chinese eaters. These old folks dont live for long anyway.

Anonymous No. 16136271

Japan and SK are both accepting mass immigration too retard. Their economy was suffering due to population decline for years. Only China is a holdout and even then, it's only a matter of time

Anonymous No. 16136273

>Explain how to run an economy when half the population is above the age of 50.
You run it with the younger people, and just carry the old people as a burden. Reduce the burden somehow by keeping the elderly poor, with minimal medical services.