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🧵 2014 /sci/

Anonymous No. 16136066

Hey faggots. I just got finished studying some category theory, now time for some serious Haskell programming. How do we get more women interesting in S.T.E.M.? I think rape culture is to blame. Maybe hiring more female professors will help. Anyway I’m glad to see Homotopy Type Theory gaining traction. It’s a better and more satisfying foundation than ZFC, and is generally more friendly to GLBT folks and has very little rape culture or toxic masculinity compared to classical foundations.

I’m quite pleased with the wat things are going in science and around the world. Sexism is on the decline (but still the biggest problem in the world) and we are bringing peace and equality to many toxic Muslim countries. HoTT will supplant ZFC, making universities truly safe spaces for GLBT folks. I think the next ten years are going to be very good for everybody.

Anonymous No. 16136390

>How do we get more women interesting in S.T.E.M.?
more like how do we get more HOT women interested in stem haha amirite?

Anonymous No. 16136789

'Women who Code' went bankrupt and has ceased operations. That should give you a clue as to the effectiveness of trying to get women to be interested in programming.

Anonymous No. 16137188

>hot chick enters stem
>dates some meathead from Kinesiology
Feels good man. I love to see an empowered womyn break free from the toxic brogrammers and stem bros.

Anonymous No. 16137846

>t. wasn't here in 2014

Anonymous No. 16137948

what's the story behind this photo?

Anonymous No. 16138003

a young John Carmack being trained in heavy weapons, in preparation for the first DOOM op

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john carmac.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138710

didn't help him much

Anonymous No. 16138734

2011 /sci/
>how can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory (a geuss)
>0.999... = 1
>2011 >biology >a hard science >implying >ishygddt >constanza.jpeg
>picture of EK pissing behind a tent
>role playing thread by a violent pedo who builds an underwater labyrinth to drown his hamster
>consciousness qualia IQ
>lots of /pol/ threads because /pol/ didn't exist at that time