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Anonymous No. 16136167

What do you think about this idea for a starship engine the engine has a gravity based drive which works by increasing its own density in order to navigate to denser or lesser dense targets the fuel required would therefore be constant rather than proportional to the distance travelled

Anonymous No. 16136184

>which works by increasing its own density
how do you suppose to do that without adding mass

Anonymous No. 16136193

You compress the available mass within the engine to a greater density say you have x balls of osmium ordered in a circular fashion the closer you move all towards the center of the engine model here the higher your density, a bonus heavier objects will naturally be attracted to heavier ones rather than lighter ones meaning you could set the density to light density it would gravitate towards a lighter object

Anonymous No. 16136208

This has something to do with the integral of their acceleration over time caused by gravity

Anonymous No. 16136217

Technically it would need far less refuels and could recycle its fuel to some extent while the energy to compress it would still require something like electricity etc the fuel wouldnt get ejected and it would require way less mass than a fuel ejecting drive like a rocket or ion

Anonymous No. 16136220

Are you trying to move the ship by manipulating gravitational attraction? Increasing density does not by itself increase gravitational attraction. You have to either increase mass or decrease distance between the attracting bodies.

You are obviously smart and have interesting ideas. You would do well to study formal math and physics. You can start with

Anonymous No. 16136224


Anonymous No. 16136225

khan academy is brainlet shit, just go through the fast track

Anonymous No. 16136237


Cool, thanks!

Now can you point the class to a site that has some actual content, rather than just table of contents?

Anonymous No. 16136246

As far as im concerned dense objects are more affected by gravity

Anonymous No. 16136288

Ah, then you must not be a follower of Galileo.

Anonymous No. 16136294

im just entertaining the ideas of special relativity for the purpose of arguments and curiosity aka the knowledge i pirated from the shemites