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Anonymous No. 16136395

Why do you watch your entire life during the process of death?

Anonymous No. 16136396

I don't trust people.

Anonymous No. 16136422

What you're seeing is the server rewinding time to give you a second chance.

Anonymous No. 16136424

do people who died without seeing it coming had this life review? or is it triggered by your brain thinking you'll surely die soon?
also how would this be something helpful, evolutionary speaking? how does it help you survive and have kids?

Anonymous No. 16136425

How can I skip the life review? I don't want to see all my suffering again.

Anonymous No. 16136907

Okay so am I dying right now? Because for the last few months I've been slowly watching my life replay before my eyes. Like all of it. From my first memories up until the present.

Anonymous No. 16136912

Something doesn't have to be helpful to evolve. You just have to be successful while having the mutation. Also, certain things can be side effects of something helpful. Like maybe simply having a brain capable of memory has those memories go haywire when dying as an unintended side effect of the memory store/recall method.

Anonymous No. 16136916

>Laying on death bed
>Remember that time you thought your crush was waving at you and then you realized it was someone behind you
>Remember the time your parents found your porn collection
>Remember the time you got caught peeping on your sister in the shower
>Remember what it was like to be home alone in the daro on Friday night while everyone you know was posting updates from parties
Can I just fucking die already? Why do I have to suffer through it again?

Anonymous No. 16137009

You know how God, in its infinite mercy, allows you to repent up until your very last moments?
Well, evidently this is a way for him to let you see everything you have ever done and make your own assessment of your life. A last chance to review your misdeeds and ask for forgiveness.

Anonymous No. 16137020

I've almost died like 28 times (including twice in the past 2 days from a live wire someone just left uncapped lying on metal and a fucking ladder snapping apart under me) and I've never experienced this bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16137027

ye been through some close calls myself and I was more busy managing the situation rather than taking a trip on memory lane

Anonymous No. 16137031

That's assuming the situation can be managed. Sometimes it's just a "Welp." and you just brace yourself. Or you get completely blindsided and end up unconscious before you know what's going on.

A good near death experience you either only find out after the fact or it's over quickly and you're able to get out a nice try motherfucker.

Anonymous No. 16137043

to guilt trip you into going for another round
'to learn".

Anonymous No. 16137053

seems like a lot of effort for something which kind of stops happening past a certain age anyway. why not have a longer talk, maybe some graphics/audio material for what I need to learn?

Anonymous No. 16137059

pure sadism, just say no and choose to go to heaven. It looks like a normal planet but one where you are happy

Anonymous No. 16137070

Stupid brain realizes it is about to die and the suffering of the body it is attached to can finally end, but no the stupid brain can't accept this fact it goes crazy, firing neurons all around. Which causes ringing, white light before eyes, long term memory becoming activated.

Anonymous No. 16137073

your consciousness and memories are being downloaded to the akashic records

Anonymous No. 16137132

It happens when your brain is losing consciousness

Anonymous No. 16137158

Hypothesis - a huge surge of brain activity as the mind scans your entire life experience to see if anything you have learned can help you somehow avoid death.
Now how do we test it

Anonymous No. 16137161

You didn't experience it because in every near-death experience, you knew how to swerve death. If presented with some fate you had no idea how to avoid, perhaps you would experience a life review.

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Anonymous No. 16137676


Anonymous No. 16137689

I got no review at all, I just blacked out because my brain pretty much was just giving up and in the process of dying.

Anonymous No. 16137698

It's like a deja vu. Your nous is processing all the contents of your psyche across time because you are returning to beyond time. All of those sensory impressions are being shed in a comforting moment as a cleansing of consciousness. In a sense it's like a form of repentance or a crisis of conscience.

Anonymous No. 16137700

Consciousness re-upload to the new multiverse.

Anonymous No. 16137880

All that time gooning

Anonymous No. 16137894

I would just see myself sitting at a computer

Anonymous No. 16138432


Anonymous No. 16139207

Interesting can you say more about this experience of yours?
This but I think it's also nice and useful to replay the whole movie of an ordeal with a better perspective to see everything you'd missed going through it, same way it can be useful and interesting to reminisce about the day a bit more in depth at the end of it (not too much though ofc).

Anonymous No. 16139556

>Why do you watch your entire life during the process of death?
you do not, it's just an illusion. Been there a few times in moments like those, near-crash on motorcycles and cars (I was fast and very stupid when I was young). It's a good ride, scary, but fun. It did feel like I had reviewed my whole life in those instants, but I did not, it was just my neurons fucking around in panic, looking desperately to avoid the apparent calamity.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16139564

>near-crash on motorcycles and cars (I was fast and very stupid when I was young)
>looking desperately to avoid the apparent calamity.
same. had headlights flashing while I was ragdolled on the pavement. were of the cars behind me

Anonymous No. 16139566

>near-crash on motorcycles and cars (I was fast and very stupid when I was young)
>looking desperately to avoid the apparent calamity.
same. had headlights flashing while I was ragdolled on the pavement. were of the cars behind me

Anonymous No. 16139581

I didn't see my life review when I died, instead I had two crazy dream like fantasies. One I was an astronaut on a moon mining mission in the year 2067, I was emergency woken up from suspended sleep only to go to the bridge for front row seats to our ship crashing into the moon. Then I woke up as a tree, that was really weird because time was really fast, like summers and winters passed like it was day-night cycles. I saw the world through my leaves, the world was a blur of color. Then one random year, I was dug up and placed into a museum like garden where I spent the rest of eternity until everything faded to black. Then I found myself in The Void that is so beyond the human experience I can't really explain what it's like to be there. It felt like time was at its beginning and end there with an air of familiarity but unknown. There was the unmistakeable presence of God there but there is no words there as words, sounds, sights, feelings, smells, and everything are a human experience. There was no hunger, no pain, or need to breath or anything, it was oddly peaceful to be separated from the requirements of my mortal shell. Then I woke up in the hospital ER. I still don't know what happened or if I'll ever understand what happened but it was a life changing moment for me since it was the third time I almost died from a drug OD.

Anonymous No. 16139591

Auto-save reload, you savescumming noob

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Anonymous No. 16139597

So the archons can guilt trip you into having your memories wiped and being reincarnated

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Anonymous No. 16139606

Anonymous No. 16140773

Woah thanks for that anon. Is there any more of your experience or the aftereffects (or pre-experience context) that you could share?
What were your feelings as a tree about being dug up and moved?

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Anonymous No. 16140789

You won't experience a life review if your brain is instantly destroyed.

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Anonymous No. 16140794

We lived a good life, lads.

Anonymous No. 16141039

How is a shotgun to the head only 99% lethal and takes 1.7 minutes to kill a motherfucker? I mean, if you do it right, you brain pretty much explodes in a cloud of red mush.

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Anonymous No. 16141075

electrocution seems to have good odds and finish the job quickly in the grand scheme of things. agony meter pretty high but cheap and ~2.4min

Anonymous No. 16141115

oh god the horror.

Anonymous No. 16141132

is cyanide that effective? seems faster and lower agony than electrocution

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Anonymous No. 16141161

>I didn't see mt life review when I died
Lisan Al-Gaib

Anonymous No. 16141211

Consistent histories. No one who reported life review permanently died. It's possible they died in another branch. Someone told me that at a party.

Anonymous No. 16141261

>No one who reported life review permanently died
isn't it possible some people said it right before dying while others heard it?

Anonymous No. 16141269

It's possible, but can you find any example of it? The NDE means you died in some possible history or world, and the replay is to make your history consistent with the one you find yourself alive in. The person who told me this was drunk, for what it's worth. Possibly a Buddhist.

Anonymous No. 16141283

Each time this happens, your story becomes increasingly improbable, but remains consistent and verifiable.

Anonymous No. 16141650

>do people who died without seeing it coming had this life review?

Anonymous No. 16141654

no exit bag?

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Anonymous No. 16141718

>also how would this be something helpful
Eliminates the sheer terror you would feel while dying by flooding your body with happy chemicals and convincing you're still alive and living your best life, it's kind of depressing, really, you have to live your entire life knowing that it's all for nothing and somehow cope by letting go of everything as if none of it ever existed in the first place and yet in your final moments your body still does everything it can to cling to life, unable to let go of the material realm.

Anonymous No. 16141750

someone on the verge of death isn't producing babies or resources though

Anonymous No. 16141755

Because people do it wrong.
My dad had a guy in his town, the only person to be a victim of gun violence despite no real gun laws, who put a shotgun under his chin instead of against his soft palate.
I don't know if it was loaded with birdshot or what but he annihilated his lower jaw and the bottom of his mouth, apparently no skull or spine penetration or brain damage, he just had what my dad described as a skin bag for a face after the surgery and lived like that, I imagine he had to use a blender and a funnel or something.

Anonymous No. 16141832


Anonymous No. 16141833

I had a life review when I died in a dream.

Anonymous No. 16141849

Mayve it's a side effect of trying to recall something that could help.

Anonymous No. 16141854


You need about 10 kilovolts to make it reasonably fatal.

Anonymous No. 16141873

>You need about 10 kilovolts to make it reasonably fatal
lol no, even 1 volt is enough to kill you, it's all about P*t

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Anonymous No. 16142067

you forget about the body's R anon,

Anonymous No. 16142136

I'm going with this one

Anonymous No. 16142146

You want something that will kill you, not something that can. Household electricity can surely kill you, but almost certainly won't, and it will only hurt.

Anonymous No. 16142185

What the fuck? Why does all of this take so long?

Anonymous No. 16142202

>I've almost died like 28 times
no you haven't. take meds.

Anonymous No. 16142219

High enough P will do it
Bruh if your amperage is small enough even 10 gigavolts won't kill you, because despite the voltage potential there would be no flow, even tasers use 50kV and while they are potentially lethal in specific cases they're nonlethal most of the time

Anonymous No. 16142226

You pretend to miss the point so that you can keep arguing.

Anonymous No. 16142234

I fed your own point back to you, which you don't even seem to understand yourself

Anonymous No. 16142305

>High enough P will do it
you are a retard anon, just stop. if you have 1V with the body's resistance you GET the fucking P. retard. you can't "shove in" more P when you have a fixed V and R. fucking imbecile
human body is around 300-500R if you puncture the skin, if you don't you get some 10K ohms or something. so even puncturing the skin, and considering the lower 300R figure, at 1V you'd have around 3.33mA going through your body, which makes for a dissipated power of 0.003W in your whole body. the way to increase the P is seriously lowering the R, and only for heating the body up, not "electrocution" by stopping the heart or interfering with electric signals

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Anonymous No. 16142335

I have nothing but disgust and contempt for my past.
I guess I win, because its easier to let go.