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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Can anyone refute anything that this guy says?

Anonymous No. 16136549

Anonymous No. 16137058

While what he says may or may not be true with regard to the demographic he's talking about, he is definitely making a mistake my adopting their language. Using the label "leftist" means embracing the false "left vs right" dichotomy. The idiotic meme of a one-dimensional political spectrum and its consequences have been a disaster for democracy.

Anonymous No. 16137062

>refute an baseless claim

Anonymous No. 16137064

No because he is right, you can observe this yourself.
He actually explains this thing early on, what he means by "leftist", and how it can mean different things.

Anonymous No. 16137066

It's not baseless, you can observe this yourself, I have done so and it checks out for leftists across the world.

Anonymous No. 16137069

>it's not baseless
>but the author has not statistical evidence of it
>trust my personal and biased observations!

Anonymous No. 16137075

There is statistical evidence though, it just isn't labelled in exact terms.
Also by your definition of observation, all observations are biased because someone recorded them.

Anonymous No. 16137076

>there is statistical evidence
>open this youtube video please

Anonymous No. 16137077

Not science nor math

Anonymous No. 16137081

But collective behaviour on a large scale does make a group stronger. At the simplest level ending mutual sabotage makes things easier for everyone.
You are not going anywhere with multiple people fighting over the steering wheel, the brakes and the accelerator, if you catch my innuendo.
So yes, organization and collective action does lead to a massive increase in power. All successful people belong to organizations, no one is just strong as an individual isolated.
Theres a catch: That of diminishing returns. The payoff per capita start to diminish when the organizations become too big, theres an optimal maximum for organized groups.

Anonymous No. 16137105

You're literally doing the
>1+1=2? Do you have a hecking source for that????

Anonymous No. 16137112

theres plenty of sources for 1+1=2, literally any childrens 1st year math books

Anonymous No. 16137113

NTA, but my thoughts exactly

Anonymous No. 16137120

>complex societal trends are the same as 1+1

Anonymous No. 16137122


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Anonymous No. 16137124


Anonymous No. 16137129

Once again
The left:
>Yeah I'm left-wing
The right:
>Ackchually left-right is a false dichotomy and not every issue can be reduced to a binary spectrum, my political position does not fit arbitrary labels
erry tiem

Anonymous No. 16137131

Self-hatred seems to be a "leftist trait" from a right-wing perspective, because the right-winger is obstinate and chauvinistic and would never deign to question himself for even a second. Thus, it appears to them that anyone who is willing to admit that they are wrong or that they have personally benefited from injustice in society is self-hating. It becomes tautological when they then define self-hatred as whatever leftists do.

Anonymous No. 16137134

>You should probably look out for your countrymen left or right wing instead of taking a metaphorical shit on them whenever possible to feel better about yourself
>Literal communism

Anonymous No. 16137138

Nobody finds you funny

Anonymous No. 16137140

If it's baseless you should be able to refute it easily.

Anonymous No. 16137146

You cannot refute a baseless claim because there is no base upon which to base the refutation. Refutation implies finding a flaw in the premises or in the deductive steps. As there are no premises and no deductive steps there is nothing to refute and the claim is instead dismissed.

Anonymous No. 16137151

I think he's looking for something like
I don't hate myself my dude. Case dismissed.

Anonymous No. 16137153

I dont know if it counts as a refutation but i will claim, again, that theres great power to be harnessed from collective action. Every powerful person is only powerful within an organization, never alone. So do leftists think they can get power with organization and that they have no personal power? I dont know, who can know what someone else is thinking. The author ought to offer some proof of what hes saying, the anus of burden is on him.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16137155

He is absolutely and 100% wrong. The main motivation of so called "leftist activists" is not self-hatred or masochism but on the contrary an active hatred and sadism against others. What the people in webm rel are doing might look masochistic to an intellectually lazy and morally shallow person. But you have to keep in mind that they do it in order to cause suffering to YOU. They want to make YOUR life miserable with their actions. They enjoy ruining innocent lives of innocent people only for their own sadistic entertainment. Any alleged political, social or environmental motivation for their actions serves only as a cheap and dishonest excuse for them to terrorize others.
The same goes for their sabotage of criminal justice. Whenever they advocate for a rapist or a murderer to be spared prison, they don't do it out of empathy for the criminal. They do it because they furiously masturbate to the fantasy of YOUR children getting stabbed.

Anonymous No. 16137157

>Why yes these tactics are admittedly effective and that would adequately explain their usage b-b-but that's not the REAL reason they're used, they're actually bad for this unfalsifiable reason I just made up
Pathetic cope

Anonymous No. 16137159

>But you have to keep in mind that they do it in order to cause suffering to YOU. They want to make YOUR life miserable with their actions.
>Boo hoo I beat someone up and it bit me in the arse, if you think about it I'M the victim here, look what they made me do, and now they're happy that I got my come-uppance, so cruel how they terrorise me by using the justice system against me just because I committed a little crime! It was only against a worthless subhuman, we all know the law is only supposed to be used against uppity degenerates!
The right wing mind is truly something to behold

Anonymous No. 16137163

>you being scared of violence and sadism means that you are a violent racist
Such an aggressive attack on logic and morality completely disqualifies from any civilized discourse.

Anonymous No. 16137170

No, you committing violence and sadism.
The right wing mind is truly something to behold

Anonymous No. 16137181

Stop deminizing violence, Yes it isnt good but ist part of reality and shapes the world. Those calling against all forms of violence are just protecting powerful people from rightful retribution

Anonymous No. 16137185

this is "Ben Saint" to a T