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๐Ÿงต Junk sciences

Anonymous No. 16136574

What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published and was under suspicion for a decade but only recently get retracted?
>duplicated image patches
>811 citations btw
lmao, their whole field is so fake and gay that possibly thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.

Anonymous No. 16136578


Anonymous No. 16136585

Anonymous No. 16136590

Remember when Kary Mullis nobel winner and inventor of PCR technology proved the journal system to be a fraudulent joke in the 1990s?

Anonymous No. 16136612


Anonymous No. 16136616

Some interview he gave where he discussed it.

Jesus, googling his name now the results have really gotten worse and more politicised

Anonymous No. 16136620

this one?

Anonymous No. 16136630

not checked it but that's definitely the quote I remember him making about it.
He submitted several papers that were wrong to see if they were published without challenge

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16137935

epic trolling
what a chad

did he pull that off before or after the bogs did their soience heist?

Anonymous No. 16138177

How can I become a paper challenger?

Anonymous No. 16138197

I remember the feminist paper where they took Mein Kampf and replaced jews with men then submitted it to a journal

Anonymous No. 16138210


Anonymous No. 16138898

>What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published
That happens constantly because of how flawlessly the peer review system works.

Anonymous No. 16139738


Anonymous No. 16141230

omg its real lmao

Anonymous No. 16141770

If you publish a rewrite of mein kampf as a jewish manifesto you end up with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Anonymous No. 16143088

imagine how much worse it is now than it was then

Anonymous No. 16144454

Right, 1990s science was relatively ethical compared to how it is now

Anonymous No. 16144460

the COVID panic showed how garbage these "sciences" are:
also, look at the most high profile retraction and notice that they all belong to "the science (TM)" that we should all entrust our health and future to:

Anonymous No. 16145785

Its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16146479

>thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.
They didn't call it out as fraudulent because they didn't want their own fraudulence called out, which is the price they would have paid.

Anonymous No. 16147626

Is this the power of peer review?

Anonymous No. 16147770

Is it possible to learn this power?

Anonymous No. 16147779

good question. why is all the climate junk science published?

Anonymous No. 16148314

And that was the era when the Bogs got their PhDs

Anonymous No. 16149207

Black soiyence man got his fraudulent PhD in the 1990s too

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Anonymous No. 16150770

in the 1980s he was a professional baseball player

Anonymous No. 16151078

Wasn't entirely fair how he did it but he definitely wasn't wrong at all.

Anonymous No. 16152779

Really makes you wonder how much other fraudulent research there is out there that hasn't yet been retracted.

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soyruption .jpg

Anonymous No. 16153933


Anonymous No. 16155238

From Columbia University

Anonymous No. 16156065

what a prestigious institution

Anonymous No. 16157118

>>811 citations btw
How many of the papers citing the fraudulent research got retracted?

Anonymous No. 16158102

none, for some reason soience considers papers which are based on fraudulent research and false premises to still somehow be valid.

Anonymous No. 16158595

No need to imagine, we're living in it

Anonymous No. 16159876

We might not have seen the majority of it, but everyone knows its there

Anonymous No. 16159890

People would rather focus on themselves than fix things that they know are wrong.

Anonymous No. 16160905

Check PubPeer.

Anonymous No. 16160922

How do you suggest we "fix" the fact that the majority of scientists are low IQ and behave immorally?

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Anonymous No. 16161000

why were so many low IQ fake papers like this get accepted? shouldn't publishers have some kind of automatic software to check for those kind of thing? it should be a simple image processing task. even if there is no automated program, shouldn't the reviewers catch something like this at first glance?

Anonymous No. 16161005

The reviewers and publishers are also low IQ. What do you expect?

Anonymous No. 16161061

I mean, they can't be low IQ enough to not do basic pattern matching, right?

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Anonymous No. 16161342


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Anonymous No. 16162541

cut out their tongues if they lie, cut off their hands if they steal, cut off their dicks if they fuck dogs

Anonymous No. 16163538


Anonymous No. 16164253

pasta sauce

Anonymous No. 16164956

>What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published
Scientists are a class of extremely dishonest people, they're on par with politicians in that regard

Anonymous No. 16165036

There needs to be more incentive for people to replicate published experiments. Muh novelty and muh publish or perish inherently incentivizes publishing bullshit photoshopped Westerns or fraudulent superconductors. There also needs to be more severe consequences for falsifying data.

Anonymous No. 16166227

>Muh novelty
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

emphasis on that final sentence

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166658

I found this medium articles about widespread collusion in CS conferences by Chinese authors. it's real lol.
CS researchers don't like to publish in journals so conferences are the most prestige venues.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166659

fuck, wrong thread

Anonymous No. 16167734

they all fuck dogs

Anonymous No. 16167892

>811 citations
So over

Anonymous No. 16168562

Its extremely retarded that citing a source that gets retracted doesn't have cascading effects on all the papers which cite the retracted source. It makes it all too clear that the people publishing those papers do not care even slightly about publishing accurate scientific papers

Anonymous No. 16169747

>Its extremely retarded that citing a source that gets retracted doesn't have cascading effects on all the papers which cite the retracted source
If that were the case then well over 99% of all publications would have been retracted

Anonymous No. 16170938

Weeding out that much sure would make finding the needle in a haystack that represents decent publications a lot easier.

Anonymous No. 16171811

it would be both hilarious and very useful to have academic publishing thinned down as weeded out down to the few dozen or so useful publications that aren't based on lies

Anonymous No. 16172969

If it takes 10 years to get a paper retracted how come the vetting process to get it published to begin with isn't equally thorough?
Do scientists just not care at all about accuracy and truthfulness?

Anonymous No. 16173519

>If it takes 10 years to get a paper retracted how come the vetting process to get it published to begin with isn't equally thorough?
scientists just do not care at all about accuracy and truthfulness, they only care about the ego boost of getting published in the academic vanity press

Anonymous No. 16174944

Bogs did that too
and there has been no reform since

Anonymous No. 16176090

>there has been no reform since
Thing now at actually way worse than they were back in the 1990s

Anonymous No. 16176835

>6 billion publications
>0 discoveries of meaningful use to value
what a bad joke those useless wasters are

Anonymous No. 16176873

This is the twenty-first century and we move at the speed of Science. There's no time for things like accuracy and verification. Science moves too quick for such things.

Anonymous No. 16177660


Anonymous No. 16178810

>oy vey dis iz like da holocaust all over again!!

Anonymous No. 16179403

yep, they're worthless

Anonymous No. 16180643

>0 discoveries of meaningful use
if they make a discovery thats useful, it doesn't get published, nobody is going to give away a lucrative discovery for free, anything useful would be kept secret until it could be commercialized by the discoverer or sold

Anonymous No. 16181108

The soience faggots sweep all evidence of their dishonesty under the rug because the reason they're employed is to shill lies. Thats why they never address the issue

Anonymous No. 16182119


Anonymous No. 16182178

>nobody is going to give away a lucrative discovery for free
the real scientists in the previous centuries did give all for free.
albert einstein charged nothing, newton charged nothing. mathematician, physicists and computer scientists gave all the knowledge for free. in fact in computer sciences most research are open sourced and source code published.
it's only a certain new breed of "scientists" in certain fields that are subhuman greedy money seeking frauds.

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Anonymous No. 16183390

>albert einstein charged nothing
he delivered nothing, he was seeking fame and the media controlled by his racial brethren delivered it to him. nothing he did resulted in anything that resulted in the creation of a valuable commercial property unless you want to count stupid soiyence fiction comic books about muh black holes

Anonymous No. 16184135

He was the Black Soiyence Man of his day, just a popular media figure not genuine intellect

Anonymous No. 16185353

he wasn't even popular, he was a forced meme

Anonymous No. 16186758

>he was a forced meme
Forced by his fellow jews in the media industry who were trying to portray jews as the same "doctors and engineers" meme they currently use to promote immigration of jeets

bodhi No. 16186836

This was my favorite. This professor actually gave up his tenure because academia is such a joke