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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16136806

Why are "never events" so common in the medical practice? Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?

Anonymous No. 16136814

Capitalism. If the private medical industry can profit from something, they will.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16136819

>The Soviet healthcare system was plagued by shortages of medical equipment, drugs, and diagnostic chemicals, and lacked many medications and medical technologies available in the Western world. Its facilities had low technical standards, and medical personnel underwent mediocre training. Soviet hospitals also offered poor hotel amenities such as food and linen. Special hospitals and clinics existed for the nomenklatura which offered a higher standard of care, but one still often below Western standards.
>for you, aspirin and vodka
>for me, special treatment with smuggled Bayer© chemotherapy drug-name™
In soviet russia some pigs were more equal than others.

Anonymous No. 16136820

>The Soviet healthcare system was plagued by shortages of medical equipment, drugs, and diagnostic chemicals, and lacked many medications and medical technologies available in the Western world. Its facilities had low technical standards, and medical personnel underwent mediocre training. Soviet hospitals also offered poor hotel amenities such as food and linen. Special hospitals and clinics existed for the nomenklatura which offered a higher standard of care, but one still often below Western standards.
>for you, aspirin and vodka
>for me, special treatment with smuggled Bayer© chemotherapy drug-name™
In soviet russia some pigs were more equal than others.

Anonymous No. 16136821

I thought the thread was about the US and currently existing countries

Anonymous No. 16136822

Yeah there's a lot of profit from leaving medical tools in your patients bodies after surgery

And yes I know your post is bait, but it's irresponsible given the at-risk low-IQ schizo demographics of this board. Do better and be more responsible with your shitposts in the future. I won't warn you again.

Anonymous No. 16136823

Because people make mistakes, and the fact that some mistakes are particularly awful does not make them any less likely to happen.

Anonymous No. 16136825

There's a lot of profit to limiting the # of doctors, making residents work 100+ hours a week, and surgeons work 36+ hour shifts. Don't pretend to be retarded

Anonymous No. 16136837

Read the OP

Anonymous No. 16136840

I have. Someone who hasn't slept in 2 days is much more likely to make a mistake like that

Anonymous No. 16136847

Ah so you're just retarded and have never been in medicine?

Anonymous No. 16136852

I guess I am for thinking overwork and a doctor shortage affects patient outcomes, yes

Anonymous No. 16136855

>Am I retarded for making shit up, then imagining consequences to shit I made up, then ignoring counterexamples?
At least ante the fuck up and pretend to be a surgeon

Anonymous No. 16136859

Do... do you really think I made up the residents working hours, or the length of trauma surgeons shifts, or the fact that we have a national doctor shortage? You can just google this stuff

Anonymous No. 16136883

They want to get the big doctor paychecks, but they don't want to output the effort necessary to earn what they're getting

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16137974

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16138644

The future of Europe

Anonymous No. 16138665

lol that shut him up

Anonymous No. 16138671

Anglo-Saxon England also lacked many of the medicines we have

Anonymous No. 16139184

It's because US doctors are overpaid for their skill level and arrogant.
My wife is an OR nurse and she routinely has to push back on one specific surgeon because he pressures techs to skip their counts.
Some doctors think they can do no wrong.

Anonymous No. 16139201

>In soviet russia some pigs were more equal than others.
They don't give to you the same med they give to the ultrarich. It's not even a conspiracy. They usually won't give treatments to you that cost more than 20'000 bucks because your insurance won't cover it and force them to go for the cheapest option. If you're rich, you can pay them yourself.

Anonymous No. 16139262

medicine has a huge moat that's supposed to stop the worst from becoming doctors, but it cuts both ways and protects those who get in and end up being incompetent

Anonymous No. 16139263

law of really big numbers
so many humans that the probability of things happening reaches 1

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Anonymous No. 16139865

>Ukraine life expectancy 1989: 71 years
>Ukraine life expectancy 2010: 70 years
Lmao even

Anonymous No. 16139945

Still has nothing to do with the private medical industry finding a way of profiting from never events.

Anonymous No. 16140030

Nobody claimed that you fucking retard. Cutting costs and rent seeking creates conditions where never events are more likely

Anonymous No. 16140032

Wrong see the first posts.

Anonymous No. 16140432

>Leading cause of death are called 'never events'.

Anonymous No. 16140489

Doctors are exceedingly full of themselves.

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literally selling....png

Anonymous No. 16140644


Anonymous No. 16141613


Anonymous No. 16142911

They have to make up lies like that because they have nothing of genuine value that they do to brag about

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Anonymous No. 16142955

>Open ended question
>Extremely radical take designed to arouse controversy
I see this exact format all the time for OPs. Is this a bot?

Anonymous No. 16144439


Anonymous No. 16145075


Of what relevance is life expectancy?

Anonymous No. 16145115

The UK has fully universal, single-payer, taxpayer-funded, free-at-the-point-of-use for all, "socialised" medicine and still has "never events".
Try again.

Anonymous No. 16146003

>Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
Doctors are low IQ, this has been proved time and time again. Anyone dumb enough to put their life in the hands of a doctor is going to get what they deserve.

Anonymous No. 16146031

>seethes because his shit commie icon is rightly criticized
>b-b-b-b-buut i wanted to shit on the weeest waaaah

Anonymous No. 16146352

diversity being prioritized over competence, everywhere. even pilots and bus drivers. kinda spooky

Anonymous No. 16146382

Of what relevance is life expectancy to assessing health systems? Are you serious?

Anonymous No. 16147605

Sadly they are, the people who are here to shill their irrational political ideas are not here to discuss science, so they'll say any sort of dumb things to supposedly make a point

Anonymous No. 16148296

>diversity being prioritized over competence, everywhere
Not everywhere. Not on NBA basketball teams or Hollywood boardrooms. Its only prioritized in fields that white males excel at

Anonymous No. 16148299

UK is state capitalism.

Anonymous No. 16149174

no it isn't

Anonymous No. 16150679

>all races have the same inherent potential life expectancy
and they all have the same inherent potential intelligence too
my IQ is single digit btw

Anonymous No. 16152241

The various different races of humanity are all identical, evolution isn't real

Anonymous No. 16153593

The parents or the child should get at least some of that money, but the greedy doctors keep it all for themselves

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antiracist man.jpg

Anonymous No. 16155181

this just goes to show how unscientific anti-racists are

Anonymous No. 16156040

Doctors are extremely greedy people, everyone who goes into medicine wants to be rich, but they end up frustrated because their wealth is always comparatively meager compared to the truly rich people, such as the insurance company bosses they work for

Anonymous No. 16157109

thats what happens to greedy people, they're never satisfied with what they've got and always want more.

Anonymous No. 16158111

>Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
Med school eliminates high IQ students intentionally, they only want midwits to be doctors for the same reason they only want midwits to be cops

Anonymous No. 16158656

>Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
Yes, they also take pleasure in occasionally murdering their patients and getting away with it

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Anonymous No. 16160175

Back in the days before "Obamacare" doctors who make a bunch of mistakes and harmed people would get a bad reputation and nobody would go to them anymore, but now that we have socialism that no longer happens, so doctors are free to be as lazy and sloppy as they want

Anonymous No. 16161236

Soviet Union was not real Socialism.
Look to 1938 Germany for functioning Socialism.

Anonymous No. 16161238

Functioned so well. Undefeated system. Still the most relevant and righfully dominates the world now.

Anonymous No. 16162442

specifically they want compliant midwits

Anonymous No. 16163546

The compliant midwits' subservience comes at a cost, their hidden anger at playing the role of servant manifests itself as a desire to murder or otherwise harm their patients.

Anonymous No. 16164254

maybe, not telling you teehee

Anonymous No. 16164722


Anonymous No. 16164961

Anybody can make mistakes like that. The reason they're never supposed to happen is you have multiple other people who are supposed to be paying attention. In short I blame the nurses, they're either whores or fat and lazy

Anonynous No. 16165285

Russians are piggish slobs. Is any of that bullshit fixed now that theyre capitalist? I'm sure its more or less the same.

Anonynous No. 16165288

>Do better and be more responsible with your shitposts in the future. I won't warn you again.
Its another janitor telling people on fun-chan to stop having fun episode.

Anonynous No. 16165292

Losing a military conflict doesn't have anything to do with how good or bad your internal economic policy is.

Anonymous No. 16166382

they're not entirely unrelated

Anonymous No. 16167693

for over half a century the usa has been involved in dozens of wars, outspent the enemy over 100:1 in each of them and lost every single conflict

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Anonymous No. 16168526

>lost every single conflict
depends on what you consider their goal were.
israel has benefited greatly from all of those conflicts

Anonymous No. 16169585

America's contant war in the mid east only makes sense if you look at it in the context of jews running the USA government

Anonymous No. 16169640

>1 is entirely about a woman getting knocked up by non-Chad
>it's #1 on the list
Love from Kazakhstan

Anonymous No. 16170473

yeah, jews running the government is the only reasonable explanation for 50 years of military conflict in the middle east

Anonymous No. 16171471

>a national doctor shortage
Medical error is the leading cause of death, there is no such thing as a doctor shortage, the fewer of them we have the better off we all are.