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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16137119

I need your best method to study, I have a crucial exam in less than one month and I'm behind in schedule. I need life-changing stuff

Anonymous No. 16137204

Less become behind in schedule, ask for help,

Anonymous No. 16137212

What's the subject?
In most cases, it's just the matter of doing problems, and compare it to the "model" solution. See what you miss/misunderstan/etc. Make a note. Refer back to it when you solve the next problems.
1. HWs
2. Quizzes
3. Mid-terms
4. Past exams (even from a different prof)
5. Past HWs, etc.
6. Textbook problems
7. Problem book

Also stop shitposting on 4chan. Easy way to get permabanned is to make a post admitting you're underage. I did it on /fit/. I made a post like "I'm 12, how to get swole like picrel?"

Anonymous No. 16137215

Best study strategy:
Go to class and learn material
When you don't understand something, go ask or put in the effort to understand it
When it comes time for a test, you'll already know the material

Sounds like you have enough time to put in the effort to understand the specific things you don't know. Go ask targeted questions

Anonymous No. 16137217

download Anki

Anonymous No. 16137339

general pathology. I'm at a loss with this exam, it's gigantic