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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16137332

ITT we come up with unethical science experiments
>from birth raise someone with the goal of that person to live as long as possible
>exercise, extremely strict diet, constant mental stimulation
>however they must be kept alive by any medical means necessary, no matter how much pain or suffering they are in
>even if brain dead the subject should be kept alive, no matter the cost

Anonymous No. 16137336

I have a better one
>develop a brand new kind of vaccine
>ignore FDA regulations and test the new vaccine on hundreds of millions of people before animal testing is finished
>make being a guinea pig a requirement for many jobs and getting an education
>take notes and gaslight anyone who expressed mild symptoms

Anonymous No. 16137398

>large scale human testing for different gene therapies to see whats harmful and what is not
Thats it.

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circumcision perm....jpg

Anonymous No. 16137444

Circumcise all the males at birth in one country and see what mental illnesses they develop

Anonymous No. 16137445

I don’t think I have trauma from it, but I wish I never had it and would not have it happen to my kids

Anonymous No. 16137449

>gaslight a woman into marrying an incel
>observe how long it takes until she either cheats on him or files for divorce

Anonymous No. 16137461

But what do you even want to know that can only be known by perfoming an unethical experiment? There's a lack of genuine curiosity in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16137475

My idea is trying experimental new medicines on prisoners. Probably would yield more results if we have the gloves off. Look at 731
Like what if we test out ways of removing heavy metals from our bodies, by forcing prisoners to drink contaminated water and see how could remove those toxins

Anonymous No. 16137610

anything to do with language development
e.g. take a bunch of kids and isolate them in different ways so they don't develop language skills and then release them into the wild

Anonymous No. 16138771

>even if brain dead the subject should be kept alive, no matter the cost
with that perameter you'll end up with a cell culture HeLa cells or something

Anonymous No. 16138813

That sounds neat honestly, like those stories where the protagonist seek power and end up no longer human