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Anonymous No. 16137394

Math is pretty esoteric when think about it.
Things like complex numbers, calculus and infinite series have an occult vibe within them.
So why most education systems try to teach those subjects in the most boring way possible?

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Anonymous No. 16137410

Anonymous No. 16137414

Because you have to get through the hard boring work to truly understand

Anonymous No. 16137417

Because those who are capable of appreciating mathematical beauty will seek it out.

Anonymous No. 16137557

high school teachers don't have enough math educations to teach abstract concepts, and university teachers don't understand the subject from the student's perspective so they'll abstract it too much. If you are lucky you will find a techer with the knowledge of the subject and the ability to make you have good intuition of the subject without getting bogged down by the details.

Most things in math are actually very simple, it is just the layers of abstraction, notations, and language, that make it seem complicated for beginners.

Anonymous No. 16137560

>it is just the layers of abstraction, notations, and language
it's not simple for the average dumbfucks out there. many of the retards can't even imagine what would happen if they didn't eat breakfast this morning.
in fact, only 3 layers of abstraction would filter out 99% of the population.

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Anonymous No. 16137567

Take a course on complex analysis and then tell me again what you think about "complex numbers". There is nothing aesthetic or esoteric about them. They are ugly, unintuitive and inherently ungeometric. This mistake needs to be erased from the math texbooks.

Anonymous No. 16137575

>many of the retards can't even imagine what would happen if they didn't eat breakfast this morning.

"id be hungry, eat a bigger lunch maybe"

is this somehow the wrong answer or am i an average dumbfuck

Anonymous No. 16137659

Your answer is right. Their answer is literally "But I didn't have breakfast". Even if you question them further to reduce misunderstanding.

Anonymous No. 16137857

Dude complex numbers are just 2D numbers.
Just use the intuition you get from geometry.

Anonymous No. 16137866

Numbers cannot be 2-dimensional. This contradicts the concept of a number.

Anonymous No. 16137975

Arithmetic with complex numbers is more fun and more beautiful than with real ones.

Anonymous No. 16138011

bruh.... the mancelbro set is 3D??

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16138036

bruah, logistic map set within mandelbrot

Anonymous No. 16138039

fuck this video
im so fucking tired of this epic science man video

Anonymous No. 16138088

โ€” "In many ways, the mathematical quest to understand infinity parallels mystical attempts to understand God. Both religion and mathematics attempt to express relationships between humans, the universe, and infinity. Both have arcane symbols and rituals, and impenetrable language."

Anonymous No. 16138144

>This contradicts the concept of a number.
thank god you don't get to decide what that concept is

Anonymous No. 16138148

>arcane symbols and rituals
say you are a dimwit without saying you are a dimwit

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Anonymous No. 16138193


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Anonymous No. 16138281


Anonymous No. 16138428

Shut up idiot

Anonymous No. 16138490

Nah man, i really enjoyed the Residue theorem.
The fact the you can use the singularities in a region to calculate the contour integral around that region in really fascinating

Anonymous No. 16138559

Boring in what sense? Boring in that it's mostly just simple memorization and requires little thinking? Most people are either incapable or unwilling to do that, and you don't need a deep level of understanding to become an engineer