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๐Ÿงต pseudoscience scam

Anonymous No. 16137878

So, my sister just went and got herself a stationary water filter installed for her place, sold by some saleswoman a neighbor talked her into meeting at her home and supposedly convinced her.
Now, here's the thing โ€“ the water quality in our area is actually pretty decent, despite europoor vibes sometimes. But she's all about that extra peace of mind, you know?

She's mainly concerned about potential medication contamination in the water supply โ€“ from birth control pills, antibiotics, and all sorts of meds that could find their way into the system. Plus, there's the whole issue of old pipes that might be leaching who knows what into the water. So, the filter is supposed to tackle all that.
Like, is it actually safer to drink from the tap with a filter than to chug from those plastic bottles?

Curious to hear your thoughts on this, Is the filter overkill, or is it a smart move? And how worried should we be about plastic bottle water?

No conspiracy theories please.

Anonymous No. 16137936

Municipal water is tightly regulated , but if you were so worried you could build your own filter from a bucket ,sand and charcoal which filters out almost everything then boil it , if you were really paranoid you could distill it , your sister fell victim to direct marketing cheapskates , I had the same thing happen to my sister but I was there and threatened the salesman and invited him to fuck off.

The filter probably works fine but she will have been overcharged

Anonymous No. 16137938

what are the scientific reasons for fluoride in tap water?

Anonymous No. 16137977

>Municipal water is tightly regulated
It is very uncommon for public water to be free of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites, it's just too expensive to remove them so everyone just ignores it and hopes it's not a problem.
For example public water from water treatment facilities contains significant amounts of birth control hormones, but they aren't removed and often aren't even monitored.

Anonymous No. 16137982

I suppose in heavily populated areas with towns and cities upstream it could be , I live within 30 miles of our water catchment so I haven't really considered it.

Anonymous No. 16138012

waste product of fertiliser production

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Anonymous No. 16138018

>drinking tap water
bro... Have you seen the inside of a water pipe in a house?