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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138211

Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?

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Anonymous No. 16138213

here are the other choices

Anonymous No. 16138223

>reasons Europeans are taller than Asians
how is this something on any burger's mind

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16138316

Whats ridiculous about this is that the same people who are afraid of discussing this topic will turn right around and start singing the praises of Darwin and bragging about how powerful and fantastic soience is

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bodhi No. 16138329

hey hold up there buddy, not THAT science

Anonymous No. 16138337


Anonymous No. 16138966

Grandiose delusions is another topic thats off limits in science. Its not on the list, but nobody is allowed to investigate it

Anonymous No. 16139745

>evolution is true and god doesn't exist
but also
>evolution in humans doesn't happen above the neck

so if evolution in humans doesn't happen above the neck then everything above the neck in humans must've been created by god

Anonymous No. 16140139

these are same people that will beg you to be sad about satanic tranny books that were burned by nazis

Anonymous No. 16141580

I'd like to get to go to a book burning one day. Seems like a fun and a productive activity

Anonymous No. 16141605

>Sample size of 500
Why even bother?

Anonymous No. 16141610

It isn't. That's why it isn't taboo.

Anonymous No. 16142913

Everyone knows trannys are mentally ill, its not taboo to talk about it

Anonymous No. 16144404

>everything above the neck in humans must've been created by god
Is that true for all species or just humans? What do evolutionists have to say on this topic?

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Anonymous No. 16145778


Anonymous No. 16146485

Atheists don't feel compelled to have rational and consistent worldviews, atheists have no fixed beliefs, they'll claim to believe one thing if thats what it takes to get what they want and then they'll claim the opposite belief in the next sentence if they perceive that to be to their advantage. They don't care about honesty either, their only care is about satisfying their immediate emotional ego needs.

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Anonymous No. 16146892

Because HIPAA makes it illegal to show people race-labelled brain scans so they can see the differences for themselves

Anonymous No. 16146907

That describes humans generally. When religious people find inconsistencies in their dogma, they explain it away with "god works in mysterious ways". How else could they thank god when they win a football game, while forgetting all the children who die from leukemia.

I'm atheist and recognize there are genetic differences between ethnic groups. This results in shifted averages in various phenotypic traits like physical appearance, IQ, sprinting, susceptibility to disease, etc.

We should still try to uphold a fair system where people are judged on their own merits. DEI is corrupt and affirmative action quotas are dumb. Moreover, we should only have skilled immigration, such as high IQ Asians and Indians. There's even some Africans who do well in the West, like the Igbo of Nigeria.

Anonymous No. 16146990

Has this survey been carried out in person or via anonymous surveys on the internet. If it's on the internet, such surveys will suffer from sampling bias.
It already silently pressumes certain topics to be politicized and concordingly to have become tabooized. Why else ask questions such as "is IQ genetic and are there races?".

If you introduce such statements, knowing that a large number of people will act on that kind of dog whistling, you promote participation of those already critical to modern-day politics. These people are more likely to engage with these ideas in the first place and subsequently end up sharing such surveys whereas others wouldn't. Of course, that presumes that the survey has largely sampled its responds by distributing and sharing it.

Anonymous No. 16148046

>That describes humans generally.
>I'm atheist
thats why you presume you can speak for the rest of humanity, because you're massively narcissistic and have zero self awareness, like all atheists

Anonymous No. 16148059

Just humans
My mom taught me

Anonymous No. 16148671

How can I profit from this?

Anonymous No. 16149263

Use your newly found knowledge of how to stir up controversy to become a famous controversy instigator, then sell advertising.

Anonymous No. 16149438

That's not about the sciences. It's just American taboos generally. You can talk about whatever you want in the sciences as long as you can pass peer review and be willing to deal with any criticism.

Hell, that study itself is the sciences and necessarily discusses all that shit.

Anonymous No. 16149450

Another thread where foreign shills imply that their political views are being suppressed by "the man"

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bodhi No. 16149463

>blocks your path

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Anonymous No. 16149471

Remember, if your research contradicts the orthodoxy, your research is faulty and must be rejected. If it were good research, science would have approved of your findings and welcomed it. There is no taboo. There is no censorship. There is only faulty research, which we know is faulty because it doesn't agree with the science.

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Anonymous No. 16149474

Interesting that the young are more caught up with things being taboo than older people.

Anonymous No. 16149476

He wasn't BTFO cause he violated a scientific taboo. He was BTFO because he said baseless racist bullshit in a documentary called "American Masters: Decoding Watson" about him. Science had fuck all to do with it.

Anonymous No. 16149483

>Hate speech isn't free speech
Do you have any clue how much of a clown you are?

bodhi No. 16149507

you are a spergy retard that has no business in the sciences. It is darkies like you that have ruined science

Anonymous No. 16149523

Because increasing the sample size to *infinite population* increases certainty by less than 1%? Methodology is the only relevant factor here.

Anonymous No. 16149528

Do you have any idea how much of a clown you are?

I didn't say the dottering old racist didn't have a right to say what he did. I said he got deservedly got BTFO and it had fuck all to do with the field of science.

You have a right to shut the fuck up. I'd advise you to exercise it so you stop embarrassing yourself.

If you think the sciences have been ruined, you're welcome to leave them. I doubt you'll be missed and it might raise the quality of the field a degree or two.

And just cause you're used to being dominated by black men, doesn't mean you should assume all your betters are black.

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antiracist man.jpg

Anonymous No. 16149529


Anonymous No. 16149530

Please don't post your fap material here. Nobody wants to see that shit.

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bodhi No. 16149540


Anonymous No. 16149545

Yep. Betters. Don't you have a cock you could be cleaning?

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Anonymous No. 16150892


Anonymous No. 16151070

I mean, incest isn't all that wrong anyway, as long as there's no rape involved.

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me rn.png

Anonymous No. 16152777


Anonymous No. 16153929

Hiromoot does this

Anonymous No. 16155242

its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16156071

that bottom one - anti-rain discrimination.
when will humanity finally mature to the point that rainy days don't suffer this persecution?

Anonymous No. 16156260

>He wasn't BTFO cause he violated a scientific taboo.
He was cancelled for speculating that the cause of an observed phenomenon was related to his field.

>Science had fuck all to do with it.
So it's not a problem of methodology? Then we can conclude it was with talking about the subject at all.
Which is the definition of a taboo.

Anonymous No. 16156342

Except for the fact of human evolution, which is the only topic the old considered more taboo than the young.

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Anonymous No. 16157457

All days are equal regardless the weather, anyone who disagrees is a judgmental bigot

Anonymous No. 16158539

>you're massively narcissistic and have zero self awareness, like all atheists
Thats common factor between all of them
They all believe there is no God because they believe they are god.
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

Anonymous No. 16158619

>He was cancelled for speculating that the cause of an observed phenomenon was related to his field.
the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

So not science.

>So it's not a problem of methodology? Then we can conclude it was with talking about the subject at all.
>Which is the definition of a taboo.
Try again in English.

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Anonymous No. 16158623


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Anonymous No. 16159122


Anonymous No. 16159167

>Sample size of only 299 million.
Fucking useless.

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Anonymous No. 16160224

>i'm an antiracist
Racism is the one true ideology

Anonymous No. 16160262

I didn't say I'm an anti-racist. Fuck elves. Sociopaths, the lot of them.

Anonymous No. 16160290

Now let's check which color those gays were

Anonymous No. 16161758

weird how "Whether Europeans Whites are smarter than Africans Blacks for genetic reasons" is at the top of the list but "Whether intelligence can be predicted from someone s genetics" is only in the middle of the list

Anonymous No. 16161776

holy Reddit spacing.

Anonymous No. 16161843

so tabu its out of tabu list

Anonymous No. 16162029

*lab assistant

Anonymous No. 16162608

she is kang

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Anonymous No. 16162735

What i get from this image is that people don't know the meaning of taboo. Controversial does not mean taboo or vice-versa. Most of those at the top are controversial but not taboo and those in the bottom are just silly things that people don't think on a deeper level. Stuff like discussing nuclear power is an actual taboo in germany and europe in general, and if you say porn is extremely harmful people think you are a prude and shut you down for no reason. Those are actual conversations you simply can't have in polite society. I would also like to see someone say promiscuity causes mental illness on a public forum and be taken seriously lol

Anonymous No. 16162939

>How else could they thank god when they win a football game, while forgetting all the children who die from leukemia.
There is not one (1) Christian who gets on their knees and prays in thanks because their team won a football game and anyone who does so is clearly violating the purpose of prayer in every major Christian denomination. Get a grip and actually look into theology.

Anonymous No. 16163559

You're not familiar at all with western history or Christianity. Why is it that so many people who've never even read The Bible once in their lives all presume that they're somehow experts in Christianity?
>I know about Christianity because I saw some slander about it in Hollywood movies made by jews who lividly hate all Christians

Anonymous No. 16164231

because browns dumber than whitey duh.

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Anonymous No. 16164929

Thats how atheists become self proclaimed experts in Christianity, by watching TV and from the brainwashing they get at ZOG school

Anonymous No. 16165848

your photo is wrong. For example, if you only knew how bad racism is in Africa, among Africans, you'd shut the fuck up.