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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16138314

Anyone seen this show? It has some interesting plot points about super determinism, the observer effect, alternate dimensions etc. Worth a watch to discuss here imo

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Anonymous No. 16138318

>hey goy, what my stupid soience goyslop.
>ruin your brain my letting my propaganda into it

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bodhi No. 16138322

you "everything's a psyop" fags are just as bad if not worse than the clueless normies who use the term "conspiracy theorist" unironically. It is an interesting show, a little slow in parts, but nothing in it is "subversive." These are not questions asked by Jews, these questions were long before Jewry ever existed

Anonymous No. 16138353

please explain how superdeterminism gets mentioned.

Anonymous No. 16138356

not bad but too much emo drama, and slow

Anonymous No. 16138364

>interesting plot points about super determinism
Unfortunately, we exist in a universe where I was never going to watch it.

bodhi No. 16138369

nah, I wont spoil it

I agree it was slow in the middle, episode 7 went into overdrive though

bodhi No. 16138373

I will say super position is the central most important theme in the entire show, in the end anyway.

bodhi No. 16138376

you are a fag in every single timeline

Anonymous No. 16138389

I think the point is that a walking uterus needs to keep her feet on the ground, and not up in space.
What kind of narcissistic closure does this female character need that the pain of childbirth could not address?