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🧵 Einstein

Anonymous No. 16138515

Redpill me on Einstein and his theories. Was he a hack and a psyop or was he legit?

I have reason to believe he's a hack. His whole proof of relativity was gravitational lensing observation during an eclipse, which was measured here on earth, with a photographic plate. Mind you, it does not account for
a. Local temperature
b. Atmospheric diffraction
c. Thermal expansion of plate
d. Photo development technique
One may say NASA has done observations outside in space, but NASA is known to lie when they lied about the moon landings. Quantum theories also blow general relativity out of the water. So what is it /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16138720

He copied the Lorentztransformation and just said muh the space time is changing and not that rulers are shorter and clocks ticks slower. He said shit is relative instead we are in an absolute space with Äther. And his first noble prize was for the explanation of the photoelectric effect which isnt that complex and just a linear relation. Max Planck proposed earlier that light is send out in packets.

Anonymous No. 16138726

aether is real, einsteinian relativity was a dead end designed to fuck over natural science with an overr focis on mathematics instead of experimentation

Anonymous No. 16139411

Explain, and show with math how it is wrong?

Anonymous No. 16140550

Quantum physics prove general relativity is wrong

Anonymous No. 16140578

>with an overr focis on mathematics instead of experimentation
Relative effects are directly observable and measurable though?

Anonymous No. 16140659

He was legit as fuck. Bad at math and the help he got from guys much better at it is underrated but he was the kind of man that can see what others don't and ask the right questions.

Later on QM was just too much for him, but hey, who can stay at the absolute top of the game forever, give him some slack. After all, universe is a mystery beyond anyones brain.

Anonymous No. 16140709

> Bad at math and the help he got from guys much better at it
A total myth and completely wrong. He came top at math throughout all of his schooling and the "help" he got was from a mathematician friend who taught him differential geometry. At the time that was the cutting edge of mathematics and a field only a handful of people understood and not something any physicist of the era would know.