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๐Ÿงต Space and IQ

Anonymous No. 16138714

start off 6ft have x IQ
go to larger planet and be taller have y IQ
y>x probably anyway and so start off genius here you need to go to smaller planet to not go crazy
other issues like what about nanites or animal genetics idk if that was really relevant I think it would've happened already
also what is complicated is that social beings have ranges of various parameters and I really mean a ton of different parameters to consider
also pretty worried about biophages and people themselves invoking AI and animal dna from within labs gone awry or made by individuals so inclined such that inevitably the prehistoric strikes back regardless
it would be pretty difficult to stop a pattern of skim and brim as in the stone over and over
but I guess planet sizes matter much less in variance than star sizes just that perhaps weapons can be used to break up gas giants into smaller planets, but like...
I think something about the AI and animal dna would be relevant sooner who knows?
Also it's probably possible to make brains that literally just grow knowing things already

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Anonymous No. 16138718

but really there's probably equal power to extreme small and extreme large or that's nigger cope being white or black...

like take akira for example and the complete obvious ability for complex thinking by even insects

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soyence schizo.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138723

>incoherent retarded schizo spam
>fantasies about space travel
why do these two things always go together

Anonymous No. 16138729

consider suicide
t. OP

Anonymous No. 16138733

also asian games always feature ridiculous sized weapons because lower g so to actually have any kind of momentum at a small scale you ...

Anonymous No. 16138737

also we literally call these things cum pooters so it's obviously just a joke to have anglos go online to idk jerk it to different kinds of sperm bait and none of the media of society is any bit less than quite forceful about being able to even consider yourself intelligent enough for college or even highschool really and not thinking this is kind of already too smart to just enjoy life as the farm of skeletal structures that is very little in terms of purposeful otherwise

Anonymous No. 16138761

so basically the only case that bigger is better would have to rely on some kind of inherent logical ability to smaush energy together and such knowledge would be ridiculously stupid to try and find rather than just situationally hope you weren't a idk, but put it simple if you were godzilla sized or thought skin tone meant anything in reality then you make zero sense and uh something about traingles and stcs or whatever and convincing people to worship obeldiscks

and the schizo for heaven and hell are the same as in imagine being a biomass probably robot just for show that can literally control what skin tone and weight it has just to f with lower life forms

Anonymous No. 16138763

but you process time at ant speed and live as long as a star?

Anonymous No. 16138784

I stepped on an ant hill once and also ate honey and gallons of cockroach milk

will I spend forever as a slave or die as many times as a new shinigami?

or maybe there's some kind of a point in getting people to be deathly afraid of using the internet or being religious as both are as galvanizing as the idea of patricide ratricide and matricide all covered in nc=ecron death sauce?