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Anonymous No. 16138744

Why do they specifically need negro blood if all blood is the same providing its of the correct blood type?

Anonymous No. 16138748

because some blood types are rarer in white people than in black people and if they don't get black donations they won't have enough

Anonymous No. 16138752

>mixed race blood

The future will be a tragic comedy.
outbreeding depression hits hard.

Anonymous No. 16138755

>black woman in soldier costume
thought it'd at least be american, considering the UK never had the race relations of the US, and the black population is 3%. And of course its a woman in the military, just to up the ridiculous points. Can't wait for civilizational collapse under the burden of dysgenic selection pressures, all this communist diversity shite will end then, dark ages for 1000 years.

Anonymous No. 16138762

>what is U antigen

Anonymous No. 16138840

why can't you just mix the blood from people of two different races to get something thats the same as blood from a mixed race person?

Anonymous No. 16138844

On the bright side, intelligent people will be in high demand as doctors/engineers etc to maintain the 80IQ brown horde’s quality of life, so smart people will be able to make bank.

Anonymous No. 16138848

>to date, researchers have identified more than 300 minor blood groups with new antigens still being discovered .

Probably because getting blood from the same inbred group of potato suckers over and over again doesn't get you even a fraction of the minor blood groups which means higher rates of rejection.

Anonymous No. 16139720

they don't maintain anyone's quality of life, medical error is the leading cause of death. no matter what you're suffering from, you're better off never going near a doctor