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๐Ÿงต why cant science defeat solipsism?

Anonymous No. 16138788

why is solipsism logically undefeated and invincible?

Anonymous No. 16138789

Solipsism fails as soon as you have to understand the thoughts and actions of another person

Anonymous No. 16138826

If you are inferior to NPC's then you are not the main character.

Anonymous No. 16138851

>If you are inferior to NPC's then you are not the main character.

It could just be the manifestation of your subconcious mind, or concious mind, like DMT entities when people take hallucinatory drugs.

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Anonymous No. 16138857

Pic related was a solipsist who drowned himself.

Anonymous No. 16138872

I believe in solipsism but someone else's mind is what's creating me.

Anonymous No. 16138957

elaborate what u mean

Anonymous No. 16138993

To preface: I never tried DMT and I am not a hippie, I just have watched lectures and gather information.

Anyways, during DMT experiences people often encounter "entities", which talk with people, usually 'telepathically' (whatever that means). It is reported that they seem concious. They surpass the uncanny valley and robot intelligence. They seem concious and you can engage in meaningful conversations with them.

Some, like machine elves (it is a term for an entity which everyone has reportedly encountered), act wise and usually give advice to people.

The explanation put forth is that they are manifestations of the concious mind or whichever, because often there are signs that they are limited by your limitations.

Anonymous No. 16139020

>limited by your limitations.
Which begs the question why the limitations of solipsists and idealists are not better explained by the existence of an external world rather than an unknown mental mechanism.

Anonymous No. 16139021

>thoughts and actions of another person
what makes you so sure they have any?

Anonymous No. 16139029

>Which begs the question why the limitations of solipsists and idealists

Many stories exist of scientists gaining inspirations from their dreams. The external world may be internal manifestations of the mind not yet explored. The Machine elves, for example, though limited, have apparently given people knowledge they didn't think prior to the experience. General wisdom or like "the remote to the TV is stuffed in between this cushion"

Anonymous No. 16139031

people will latch on anything the reduce their responsibility.

Anonymous No. 16139568

>defeat solipsism?
there's nothing to defeat. Solipsism cannot be proven, nor disproven, it's philosophical entertainment. I like solipsism, it's a fascinating idea, though a very lonely one.

Anonymous No. 16139940

No, there are plenty of examples of NPCs that are impossible to defeat until the main character reaches some specific milestone or obtains some special item.

Anonymous No. 16139955

>why cant science defeat solipsism?
It did though with the lobotomy.

Anonymous No. 16139964

No, at best that just creates a highland situation where the only real person is the one who didn't be lobotomized.

Anonymous No. 16139984

Your post makes me understand that you have no thoughts.

Anonymous No. 16139997

Quantum mechanics don't work without solipsism, if solipsism isn't real, neither are quantum mechanics.

Anonymous No. 16139999

saar please do the needful >>16138857

Anonymous No. 16140001

You cannot prove that he ever existed nor post photos of his bloated body because it possibly didn't even happen.

Anonymous No. 16140031

>I can manifest infinite people to entertain me simply by thinking about them.
How is that lonely in the least bit?

Anonymous No. 16140141

because it is completely untestable, and therefore outside the realm of truth - you cant prove it to be true the same way you cant disprove it

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Anonymous No. 16140163


you can prove it to be true, and absolutely true

all of existence is here because you're here to see it. when you sleep at night, the whole universe dissapears. thinking it continues on after you're not around, is a belief

all of reality is from your POV. you can and never will be able to experience reality from another persons perspective. it cant ever be any other way either

even though reality abides by what appears to be harsh, strict and hard're still in solipsism lol. theres zero proof other people are having a conscious experience, and how can you ever check whether they are? you cannot and never will be able to do so

people dislike this because it makes them "feel" lonely. what happened scientists? i thought you were into logic and feelings dont matter? HAHAHAHA

Anonymous No. 16140170

>thinking it continues on after you're not around, is a belief
No, its based on the fact that there is still continuity without your active participation. Your mom actually has a life outside of your own because she keeps trying to call you and see how you are while talking about all the stupid shit she has been doing while you weren't paying attention to her.

>never will be able to experience reality from another persons perspective
Just ask them, literally just have one conversation where you are actively listening to the other person instead of just waiting to speak over them.

Anonymous No. 16140172

>our mom actually has a life outside of your own because she keeps trying to call you

when your mom is "off the screen" of your consciousness, her existence is a belief. you believe she has a life and is doing stuff

>Just ask them, literally just have one conversation where you are actively listening to the other person instead of just waiting to speak over them.

proves absolutely nothing. your own mind can conjure up a bunch of crap to reassure you you're not alone

cope harder, scientist

Anonymous No. 16140180

>you believe she has a life and is doing stuff
No, you know what she did because she tells you a bunch of random shit that happened to her in excruciating detail because she misses you and wants to extend the conversation by talking about minor plot points in her life.

>proves absolutely nothing
It proves it is not just your belief that you could have successfully predicted, it is their actual lived empirical experience that they can explain much better than you can guess.

Anonymous No. 16140184


hey, you're the scientist. you're advocating for feelings and beliefs as a reason why something is the case. what happened to "HaRd LogIC" and "FaCTs" and "eViDEnce"?

Anonymous No. 16140188

People react to you being there or not, eventually all comes down to the personal experience of an observer

Anonymous No. 16140196

No, I am saying that other people could actually explain their feelings and beliefs if you were patient enough to listen instead of constantly waiting for an opportunity to talk over and correct them with completely different language than they used to describe their experience.

Anonymous No. 16140200

>other people could actually explain their feelings and beliefs
no they couldn't, they're retarded and start screaming at any sign of resistance, it's like women who won't shut up unless you keep responding "yes, okay" pretending to listen to their babble until they run out of breath

Anonymous No. 16140217

That explains the nature of your retarded replies, I suppose, but not the anons who are trying to explain why you are acting like a retard to no avail.

Anonymous No. 16140222

This is my first post ITT.

Anonymous No. 16140225

Yet you still couldn't help but project your own retardation even in one short retarded post.

Anonymous No. 16140231

you're currently screeching like a rabid animal that needs to be put down with a 4 gauge shotgun just because I posted that you'd literally do this if I disagreed with you, which is what I did in my post

Anonymous No. 16140233

No I am explaining how psychological projection works and you are doing the thing you projected you would do.

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Anonymous No. 16140244

>tfw you notice glowies panicking trying to derrail the thread, cause when anons put 2 and 2 together and realize faith/belief is an absolute requirement, it will turn their gaze toward christianity

Anonymous No. 16140248

No, solipsism is much much closer to satanism than cuckstianity.

Anonymous No. 16140249

it's religion. brain says it's real so it's real end of

Anonymous No. 16140293


Pardon? Empiricism claims that everything is reducible to perception-cognition, i.e. Empiricism is the only Solipsism. "Solipsism" in the common sense does not exist and is an ascription through which the absurdity of the Empirical position sanitizes itself.

Anonymous No. 16140511

It's logically undefeatable, but it also can't make any prediction and can't be falsified. It is a floating belief and not worth any further thought.

Anonymous No. 16140512

Probably because it doesn't even bother with it, no one really does because its just so cringe.

Anonymous No. 16140516

>It is a floating belief and not worth any further thought

cop out pussy defence mechanism. you dont think about it because you know its true, so you want to distract yourself from the truth by getting lost in endless mental chatter

Anonymous No. 16140540

>governments don't like people having religous beliefs that match the laws of the nation
Do you actually beleive this or are you just trolling?

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Anonymous No. 16140551

How do solopsists justify using a toilet, trust that the plumbing takes their shit where it is "supposed to", and expect that flushing will also refill the toilet water reservoir?

Anonymous No. 16140561


in the mind of a solipsist, its all a carefully crafted illusion. they are god cosplaying not as god, because having infinite power means theres nothing left to do. so they cosplay as something limited or finite so they have something to do. this limited finite thing is "the ego"

the ego is absolutely terrified of realizing its god, and will do everything in its power to keep you from realizing this

Anonymous No. 16141129

>another person
There is no other person.

Anonymous No. 16141130

Sounds idiotic.

Anonymous No. 16141139

it is

Anonymous No. 16141153

why can't solipsism defeat the belief that the world is not solipsistic? Ah yes, because it's not falsifiable.