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Anonymous No. 16138932

I can't believe this kind of horror movie level of gruesomeness and butchery is considered "practicing medicine" in the current year.

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Anonymous No. 16138934

what are the evolutuonary advantages of removing yourself from the gene pool?

Anonymous No. 16139037

to the individual none, but if you look at it through a sociological lens, self castration is in essence natures way of culling the mentally ill. This isnt unique to humans and there are many cases of depressed/ stresses animals that self mutilate or eat their young. Its natures way of adapting to an extremely stressful environment. Those that can manage live and reproduce, those that cannot kill themselves or their young

>example off the top of my head, Holstein cows are terrible at mothering and will stomp their calves out in an instant

Anonymous No. 16139040

>Holstein cows are terrible at mothering and will stomp their calves out in an instant
I've never had that experience with them, usually they still have quite strong mothering instincts but I imagine it varies between bloodlines

Anonymous No. 16139044

>can't tell Aboriginals they haven't been in Australia forever because it goes against their beliefs
>literally encouraged to force Christian students to learn the big bang, evolution, and that God doesn't exist according to science

Anonymous No. 16139087

your faith is weak if it can't withstand the simplest of inquiries
and untested faith is no faith at all

Anonymous No. 16139104

Leftism rightism bullshit.
As if people on the right don't get offended at the idea of evolution in the first place if many at all even pursue post secondary education

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Anonymous No. 16139111

>I can't believe this kind of horror movie level of gruesomeness and butchery is considered "practicing medicine" in the current year.
Wait until you hear about how spine surgery is conducted

>noooooooo my back hurts
>please doctor, scoop out my intestines so you can access my spine from the front
>i don't care that there's a 40% chance i'll be permanently paralyzed
>i don't care that there's a 60% chance major nerve and muscles in my abdomen will be permanently damaged, causing severe lifelong chronic pain

Anonymous No. 16139222

LMAO, those fuckers have no credibility at all, they are now below witch doctors.

Anonymous No. 16139243

Meanwhile, at the insurance company:
>what do you MEAN you won't approve my spine surgery unless I attempt physical therapy and medication-based management?
>I don't care that I could improve my condition without dangerous surgery that's likely to worsen my condition or that the alternatives are literally 1000x cheaper, JUST PAY FOR MY EASY FIX!

Anonymous No. 16139514

It is altruism. Their bodies see themselves as a virus to the gene pool and attacks itself in an attempt to improve the gene pool.

Anonymous No. 16139588

Anyone willing to live with the consequences should be able to add or take away whatever the fuck they want from their body.

Anonymous No. 16139609

It's been shown time and again that no one is ever truly able to deal with the consequences of mutilating themselves to such an extreme degree. It's easy to say you don't want or need a certain body part until it's actually missing and can never be restored. Quite literally you don't know what you have until it's gone.

Anonymous No. 16139624

>It's been shown time and again that no one is ever truly able to deal with the consequences of mutilating themselves to such an extreme degree
Gender surgeries have the lowest regret rate of any surgery there is. People miss tumors more than genitals.

Anonymous No. 16139651

>It's been shown time and again that no one is ever truly able to deal with the consequences of mutilating themselves to such an extreme degree.
why go on the internet and tell easily disprovable lies?

Anonymous No. 16139981

Great, so you have complete follow-up data on 100% of people who have undergone gender-affirming surgery from the NHS Tavistock clinic?
Oh wait they didn't collect that data and refused to gather it when asked. Why would they so that?

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Anonymous No. 16140025

See, the thing is, all the trannies in all those surveys that were included in the meta-study you're referring to are "old school" trannies. They're trannies that at all decided/realised that they were trannies and went on these medical pathways. There has been a profound change in the demographic profile AND age of incidence of dysphoria in the large increase in gender identity patients. The current "crop" of trans people aged 16-25 that are in the eye of the hurricane regarding this social storm are not represented in this data, in other words. Things have changed on the ground socially. You might as well use social attitudes about gay marriage from the 90s to make some argument about how contemporary gays behave.
Picrel, the table of studies from the metastudy you're quoting. Look at the average age that people underwent treatment. Look at the follow-up times. Half a year. A year and a half. Two years. Hardly a lifelong endorsement with no regrets felt at differential points in life.
A young woman who undergoes a double mastectomy for gender reasons may have no regrets and then, years later, become a mother and find missing the option of breastfeeding traumatic.

Anonymous No. 16140029

The way sharks reproduce is just brutal but it removes the step of requiring parent or even weaklings to remove themselves and it just makes the strongest one even stronger.

Anonymous No. 16140053

The followup for vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty is what, 7 months? Just enough time for the afterglow and the gaslighting friends to abandon you as the problems begin to mount up.

Anonymous No. 16140056

turns out that not even your family will support you if your room smells like piss, shit, and decaying flesh

Anonymous No. 16140063

Aboriginals DO look like a different species, after all. Let them claim they evolved independently, I don't mind them self-confirming they're subhuman freaks.

Anonymous No. 16141575

False, Gender surgeries have the highest regret rate of any surgery there is.

Anonymous No. 16142900

also the highest rate of post surgical suicide

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Anonymous No. 16144036

see attached pic
if your genes mutated to be progressive liberal then it's an evolutionary advanage to avoid reproducing so that the rest will survive

Anonymous No. 16144245

some sort of kin selection mechanism. Supposedly Inuits top themselves alot as they get older because there's an advantage in the natural Inuit habitat to killing yourself when you get old, i.e more food for your younger relations.

But this tranny stuff is just a result of communist driven destruction of civilization, itself a product of dysgenics.

Anonymous No. 16144248

You can do whatever you want to your own body.

Anonymous No. 16144249

I agree, the government should have no power over what you do with your property. Remove all environmental laws.

Anonymous No. 16144284

Your own body is sovereign; other people's health is not. You can't (or shouldn't be able to, rather) be able to exercise your will over the commons without popular consensus.
i.e., one guy with a big factory making acid rain on everyone who lives nearby is extending his ownership past the limits of his property.

Anonymous No. 16144380

>this tranny stuff is just a result of communist driven destruction of civilization
lmao, this is nonsense, btw. You think Marx and Lenin were pro-tranny?

Anonymous No. 16144384

>I agree
>the government should have no power over what you do with your property
What does that have to do with the post you replied to?