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Anonymous No. 16139076

What a fucking retard

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16139157

Don't waste your time and get two more covid booster in each arm, is good for you.

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Anonymous No. 16139189

Don't waste your time and get two more COVID boosters in each arm. Is good for you!

Anonymous No. 16139190

>What a fucking retard
Yes, but not for the reasons you would think.
I feel like a commentary is necessary because Trump did not simply endorse that idea out of nowhere. He wrote that tweet shortly after having met Wakefield, the guy responsible for the vaccine study. Ignoring the Wakefield story here, Trump worked for the NBC for a fairly long time where he enjoyed fairly good relationships with the chief executives. While Trump was busy with "The Apprentice", Bob Wright, CEO at NBC, would found a non-profit charity called "autism speaks".
I feel like it's fairly important to point out here that Trump's money is primarily derived from real estate and whatever deals he can get out of them. Bob Wright most certainly relied on the money given to him by Trump in order to launch his advocacy group which was primarily meant to lobby, aggressively so, for insurances to cover behavioral modification therapy. These are time-intensive therapies where each kid would be taught by an intern how to do certain things and how to react properly to what is expected of him. The therapies aren't important. The important thing is that by their very nature, such therapies cannot be held other than in real estate specifically zoned for that. Part of a nice little trick that enables real estate owners to derive more money from when they lease their houses and buildings to doctors, therapists etc. The latter can pay the outrageously high rents because of the extremely high costs they charge their customers. These are sometimes covered by the insurance companies. In addition, Bob Wright was into the whole vaccine thing. Trump, being a businessman, has understood that this investment would most likely return profits so that's what he did. And like anyone high up there, he pays lip service to the businessmen he makes deals with.

Anonymous No. 16139196

There are other figures involved in it too, such as Peter Thiel. A philanthropist, billionaire, who also owns a ton of buildings, among which are also those that host autism services. Peter Thiel is a major donor and supporter of Trump.

Anonymous No. 16139435

The covid vaxx is Trumps vaxx, don't you remember operation warpspeed

Anonymous No. 16139440

I'm vaxxed and autistic (retarded). Checks out.

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Anonymous No. 16139605

>What a fucking retard

We have been having this vaccination 'debate' for hundreds of years.

Anonymous No. 16139682

>What a fucking retard
What else were you expecting from Donald Trump?

Anonymous No. 16140154

OP was vaxxed early

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Anonymous No. 16140178

OP btfo

Anonymous No. 16140202

looks a little fake and/or gay to me

Anonymous No. 16140443

vaccines cause turbo cancer and deadly blood clots to young healthy people, not autism, you anti-vaxxer chud

Anonymous No. 16140510

Then why didn't Bidet stop it

Anonymous No. 16140513

Because he wasn't president then, moron.

Anonymous No. 16140552

And he could've stopped it when he was, but didn't

Anonymous No. 16140650

Biden never pretended to be against the vaccine. Trump did. Trump also very heavily catered to a large number of political fringe groups only to let them down once he finished his job of luring them in. Remember January 6th? Obviously, Trump never explicitly said that people should storm the capitol but it was there, in the subtext, for all the magatards to see.

Anonymous No. 16140665

The only one bringing Trump in this thread is you. I'm not even a burger. Take your jab

Anonymous No. 16140679

omg how could he go against science? thats insane. I myself trust science and thats why i'm waiting for my 8th shot. By the way i'm trans dont know if that matters