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Anonymous No. 16139204

Is there anything worse than being a mathematician?

>long hours, a lot of sacrifice to achieve a position on academia.
>Normies,NPCs, and Women don't care what you study and they all hate math and are proud of it.
>You make a breakthrough in personal research and can't even share your excitement with fellow mathematicians.
>If you do get into academia and get tenure still have to fight publishing papers, egos, low IQ college admin women, etc.
>If you do into industry HR Stacie's and Tyrone hiring manager don't know what math majors do and always pick data Science or CS over you even though you could easily mog most of these faggots.
>Pay is peanuts and have to move around to nowhere to obtain a position.
>You think you're respected but normies are only concerned about the next niggerball or alimony payment. You can't relate to these people at all.
>If normies think it's impressive what you do, they immediately get jealous because their egos can't handle being told they could barely pass Calc I.

I could go on. I mean, despite all this I still play the game like a fool only because I really can't see myself doing much else. Honestly though, why do we have to suffer so much?

Anonymous No. 16139221


Just bask in the smug superiority of knowing that your autistic structure-describing and symbol-pushing is what actually matters in life. That you are capable of a very particular sort of intellectual activity, one of the very few meaningful things in life, and 99% of the population can't even understand what the hell you're doing because you're so much better than them, and so far above them. You are carrying out a type of intellectual activity that human beings simply are not wired to do. Our greatest mathematical achievement, all over the world, for going on three thousand years straight? Solving fucking quadratics, over and over again. That's it, until white Europeans and the odd east asian started pushing further, slowly stumbling forward in the early modern period, finally making it possible for us to do something resembling real math starting in the 17th-18th century. They can't do it, and you can.

I realize that the first part of this post sounded sarcastic (and a bit self-deprecating), but I'm being serious. The fact that math straddles "art", philosophy and the hard sciences is not a knock against it, quite the opposite, this is a central aspect of its appeal.

Anonymous No. 16139415

If you go into mathematics for any other reason but the love of math you have made a terrible mistake.

Anonymous No. 16139450

Despite all of that I will still do math.
Love this subject to death.
Seconded. We do it because we love the subject

Anonymous No. 16139462

Exactly this. Everything OP listed is completely irrelevant to a real mathematician. They only care about the work.

Anonymous No. 16139891

What's OP pic supposed to mean exactly?

Anonymous No. 16139897

It takes a strong will to pursue a discipline that grants the power to become God's peer.

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mathematics is no....png

Anonymous No. 16139971

Anonymous No. 16140052

>too retarded to make things readable for common human
I can invent symbols that not even mathematicians can decipher, doesn't make me superior.

Anonymous No. 16140085


LMAO the very premise you're studying math to get street cred and respect is laughable. you should do things because they're personally fun or of interest for you. for the majority of non-autistic people it isnt fun

everyone gravitates toward their specialty it seems anyway...whether they enjoy it or not

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Anonymous No. 16140204


Anonymous No. 16140208

So what? Do you think everyone is a money whore like you?

Anonymous No. 16140332

I think being skinned alive might be worse but what do I know.

Anonymous No. 16140334

You're no mathematician, you're a 'rich Jewish butt gobbler drone mind', exactly, that's the sort of numbers game they teach you in academia.

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Anonymous No. 16140337

True, you don't learn maths in school they conspire against true mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16140361

Funny how wrong he is. Chatgpt is a million times better at making pictures and spouting propaganda than at math

Anonymous No. 16140364

what would the letter bomber think about wolfram alpha?

Anonymous No. 16140367

He's right.

Anonymous No. 16140368

I respect mathematicians and I’m not jealous that I’m not that good at math :) (my dick is 8 inches)

Anonymous No. 16140369

No he was wrong. Mathematicians will be the last whom are replaced, because it requires axiomatic logic, which current AI is completely incapable of reproducing, unlike porn and propaganda.