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Anonymous No. 16139237

how exactly does serotonin work? why do some ssri like setraline (zoloft) or prozac help with anxiety/panic disorder but some others (citalopram) only help with depression?
google is not helping me find an answer and don't all ssris work by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain? why do some do things that others don't? why do some work for some people but not others?

Anonymous No. 16139245

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood, emotions, and behavior. It is involved in various physiological processes, including mood regulation, sleep, appetite, and stress response. Serotonin works by binding to specific receptors (such as serotonin receptors) on the surface of nerve cells in the brain.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of antidepressant medications that work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. They do this by blocking the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin by nerve cells, leading to increased levels of serotonin available for signaling between nerve cells.

Now, regarding why some SSRIs like sertraline (Zoloft) or fluoxetine (Prozac) are effective in treating anxiety and panic disorders while others like citalopram primarily target depression, it's important to note that individual responses to medications can vary widely. However, there are a few factors that may contribute to these differences:

1. **Selective receptor binding:** While all SSRIs primarily increase serotonin levels, they may have varying degrees of selectivity in their binding to different serotonin receptors. Some SSRIs may have stronger affinities for specific serotonin receptor subtypes that are implicated in anxiety and panic disorders, which can contribute to their efficacy in treating these conditions.

2. **Pharmacokinetics:** Each SSRI has its own unique pharmacokinetic profile, including factors such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination from the body. These differences can affect how quickly and effectively the medication reaches therapeutic levels in the brain and how long it remains active, which may influence its effectiveness for specific disorders.

Anonymous No. 16139246

Individual differences: People vary in terms of their genetic makeup, brain chemistry, and underlying neurobiological mechanisms contributing to their mental health conditions. What works for one person may not work for another, and individual responses to SSRIs can vary based on factors such as genetic predispositions, coexisting medical conditions, and other medications being taken.
Comorbidity: Anxiety and depression often coexist, and individuals with anxiety disorders may also experience symptoms of depression, and vice versa. The choice of medication may depend on the predominant symptoms and overall clinical presentation of the individual.
Side effects: Different SSRIs may have different side effect profiles, and the tolerability of side effects can vary among individuals. For example, some SSRIs may be associated with more sedation or weight gain, which may be undesirable for certain individuals.
In summary, while all SSRIs work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, the differences in their pharmacological properties, receptor binding profiles, and individual responses can lead to variations in their effectiveness and suitability for treating different psychiatric disorders. It's essential for individuals to work closely with their healthcare providers to find the most appropriate medication and treatment plan based on their specific needs and circumstances.

Anonymous No. 16139247

i don't know if you used a bot to write this but it was helpful regardless, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16139335

SSRIs are a psyop topkek

Anonymous No. 16139422

Disabling reuptake seems retarded approach, stimulate the release, mushrooms are much better.

Anonymous No. 16139427

it's quite simple really, there's a small man in your head and when he gets the go ahead from big pharma, he pushes the happy button. inside that little man's head? another little man

Anonymous No. 16139465

>how exactly does serotonin work?
A particular line of neurons have 5-HT receptors that work with Serotonin. When Serotonin binds, the receptor makes another protein go and open an Ion channel that may let in Calcium, Sodium, or may induce the nucleus into forming more proteins that let in the previous ion channels. When these Ions come into the cell, the tiny change in polarity triggers other channels to open along the very long neuron.

Now, here's what you want to hear. The neuron is cabled some way we have no idea about. We don't know how the circuit is connected, all we know is there are sorta more cells here and there.

We can only see the effects after someone takes it, and the usual effect is that people stop feeling strong emotions after taking them for weeks. Psychiatrists use them to abolish desperation bouts in depression so people get a chance to reason and put things in order in their life.

Antidepressants are anesthesia, you are the one who must perform the surgery on yourself.

Anonymous No. 16139968

i agree but we won't be getting shrooms cuz of puritans in governments

Anonymous No. 16139970

thanks for the answer anon, i enjoyed reading it

Anonymous No. 16139988

Why do faggots differentiate btn anxiety and depression like they are some disjoint unrelated conditions. Anxiety leads to depression, depression is just unmitigated anxiety, anxiety is caused by stress, stress is caused by an inability to cope, etc

Anonymous No. 16140347

I've heard some promising research already being done, and even experiments with molly went good. In Israel. US listen to Israel AFAIK, but I live in Europe so I must rely on grey market 4-ho-det or some like that, instead of going to doctors and getting full blown high quality CBT with it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16140352

The drug is designed for midwit normies people. If your IQ is too low or too high, you don't have to take it.

Anonymous No. 16140353

They don't disable reuptake, they inhibit the reuptake, causing the serotonin effect to increase

Anonymous No. 16140426

But then it won't happen later, when reuptaken serotonine would be released, and instead it's metabolized by MAOI as excess neurotransmitter, so it drains the serotonin, you need to take 5-htp to replenish it for anti-depressants to be effective. Alone they are one of the worst trade deals ever. It's like few weeks sensation and then deeper depression.

Anonymous No. 16140755

i just don't trust myself to trip without a professional
i have no clue what will appear, my mind is a horrifying place