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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16139293

Medical science isnt real. Its demons all the way down. Yk mental illnesses connect you to other realms:

Autism: spams you with information from all realms. Sometimes makes brain better at handling information.

OCD: serves your brain things that could have happened (related dimension). The brain wrongfully thinks this will happen if you dont do something.

Shizophrenia: positive: false truths recieved from different dimensions negative: energy sucked into those dimensions

Bipolar: alternation between recieving energy from place 7 and getting it taken away from place 4. more on places on /x/ soon.

So anyway there are 2 types of "medication":

T1: every demon gets in and starves after a certain amount of time

T2: the first demon you eat while not having that demon-species in you gets in, the others get tpd back. The demon eats the now empty "meds" (T2s contain food for the journey) if youre still trying to eat "meds" and if you stop he starves.

There are multiple demon types (that each have many species!) that belong in the "meds" catagory:

Anti psychotics: (T2)
The demon tries to block the connection using magic which has many side effects

Ssris: (T1)
The demons take the hit of the connection directly. Their very resistant but will eventually succumb to their wounds, leaving a numbing corpse. If you stop taking it theirs not enough to block the thing so they get thrown around causing a electro shock sensation.

Anti depressants: (t1)
Anti deprassants try to get some from place 7, but it usually corrupts along the way.

You may wonder why nsar tablets are so big
Well thats because theyre so powerful. Mg is acctually a hoax just size matters.

Nsar: (t2)
This one is very powerful as he records ur state in being, then tries to filter out the pain and then he plays it. Since hes a demon he isnt to careful on the filter part. He needs very much food.

Pic rel author acctually took inspiration from irl.

Anonymous No. 16139295

Forgot to add: next reality check on /g/

Anonymous No. 16139373

Sci doesnt seem to like this one.

Anonymous No. 16139538

Still no response. Huh.

Anonymous No. 16140727

Bump read the truth!

Anonymous No. 16140733


Anonymous No. 16140734

Please, they would love your schizo babble, I myself would love it too

Anonymous No. 16140746

I agree that the medical sciences gravely misinterpret mental illnesses but I don't agree with your interpretations either.

I have OCD and I would classify the information it gives one as just pure overblown fabricated misinformation (not info from related dimensions). It does feel somewhat malevolent or demonic though - not sure if by its nature, more like by its extreme persistency at feeding a person distressing thoughts, making them stuck in distressing thought loops and trying to "force" them to perform repetitive distressing activities under the guise of helping rid them of the thoughts that it gave them in the first place.

op No. 16140851

>shizo babble
Good goy.
They rely on people like you
>i wouldnt say from other dimensions
Well it does feel normal since you had it your whole life

mental illneses arent demonic tho just the meds are

Anonynous No. 16140909

>mental illneses arent demonic tho just the meds are
So do the doctors or medical knowingly put demons into their medicine, via occult incantations, or is this an emergent phenomenon from the normal scientific procedures of medicine making?

op No. 16140986

The first

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Anonymous No. 16140994

>they put demons in medisin

Anonymous No. 16141001

Good goy

Anonymous No. 16141156


op No. 16141259


Anonymous No. 16142738


Anonymous No. 16142833

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?

op No. 16143705


op No. 16143724

Hey guys I actually realized that I'm a huge get fag and love cocks

op !!aTiCaMHqW2e No. 16143788


Anonymous No. 16145063

I never know quite where to differentiate the alternative health knowledge end and where the schizo delusions begin

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Anonymous No. 16145748

This is true

t. experiencer of such