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🧵 Facts don’t care about your feelings

Anonymous No. 16139333

The existence of transgenderism as an incurable medical condition which can best be treated through transition has been extensively scientifically proven. Brain structure and whatnot. It’s no more “up for debate” than climate change is.

Whether trannies are weird, gross, degenerates is however debatable. Whether it is better to treat them with hormones or to euthanise them still hasn’t been determined.

An important distinction. Facts don’t care about your feelings. The fact that transgenderism is real is objective true, and is not changed by anyone’s feelings that trannies are freaks. However, this fact does not mean one cannot have different ideas on what should be done about trannies.

Anonymous No. 16139361

My feelings dont care about your “facts”

Anonymous No. 16139372

>The existence of transgenderism as an incurable medical condition
Not proven. I have yet to see the hard evidence that can clearly differentiate true transgenderism from the one brought on by social contagion, to name an example. As long as you can't, the approach towards treating a condition rests on an uniform approach to a highly heterogeneous thing.
>be treated through transition has been extensively scientifically proven
Questionable even if transgenderism were shown to be a true medical condition.
>The fact that transgenderism is real is objective true, and is not changed by anyone’s feelings that trannies are freaks
Sure but I don't treat it as a medical fact, no more or less than ADHD or depression aren't medical facts. They're primarily social issues that call for social action.

Anonymous No. 16139378

> incurable
> can be treated

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Anonymous No. 16139397

>The existence of transgenderism as an incurable medical condition which can best be treated through transition has been extensively scientifically proven.
No, hasnt. It rests upon an untestable, unfalsifiable metaphysical belief, that is, a gendered "soul" which can exist at odds with physically embodied sex.
This isn't to say that people can't be distressed about the bodies they have or how society objectifies their sexual physiology, but the belief in "gender identity" is just that, belief.
You can "Scientifically" survey people on their beliefs in reincarnation and original sin and demonic possession. You could prove that 99% of people believed in those things. It wouldn't make them any more true.
You're entitled to your belief, but beliefs are not scientific fact, and it isn't immoral to explore the possibility of non-affirming pathways. Someone who has not undergone natural puberty cannot give informed consent to elective treatments that risk or remove their fertility.
>fake women gross and unhealthy
Embrace being a femme hetero cis boy instead of a gross troon

Anonymous No. 16139401

>pump kids full of hormones
>hey the brain can't change

Anonymous No. 16139412

I wish we could research alternative treatments for the disease but trannies go ballistic if you even suggest it. I don't want to be trans but I don't want to transition either, yet nobody gives a shit about people like us

Anonymous No. 16139432

>Facts don’t care about your feelings
what do redditards even mean by this lmao, I've seen this since like 2016. If I ask who decides what's facts, they claim it's experts job. Then I ask if their experts could be wrong and their response is science is evolving! So this means their facts are also not really facts!
Then their further clarification is always filled with these two words "moron" and "imbecile". Then somehow, they end up bringing blumpf and musk lmao like wtf

bodhi No. 16139495

lol no

Anonymous No. 16139978

the brain does change, girls provably become more intelligent and boys become more retarded, that's 3rd wave feminism for you

Anonymous No. 16139995

like cancer or HIV yes

Anonymous No. 16140401

You bring up souls as a strawman argument. The reality is that, if our minds have a material basis, then so obviously does our gender identity.

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Anonymous No. 16140546

They'll dismiss anything but transitioning as conversion therapy. The irony seems to be lost on them.

Anonymous No. 16140554

>The reality is that, if our minds have a material basis, then so obviously does our personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ

Anonymous No. 16140557

childhood is idolizing "facts"
adulthood is realizing that your own feelings are the only thing that matters in this world

Anonymous No. 16140573

double blind means that the participant and the researcher does not know what group the participant is in. that's basically impossible for treatments with such obvious effects on a person's body. compare to the following statement to see how ridiculous the first point in your pic is:
> it considered 100% of studies on breast cancer produced in the past 50 years to be invalid because the weren't "double-blinded," which means the report's author wanted a test group of breast cancer sufferers to to be forced not to undergo a radical mastecomy AND NOT KNOW WHICH GROUP THEY WERE IN alongside the ones who did for these studies

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Anonymous No. 16140574

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself, faggot

Anonymous No. 16140610

That's literally the opposite of true you mental midget.

Anonymous No. 16140812

>Whether trannies are weird, gross, degenerates is however debatable.

Of course they are.

>Whether it is better to treat them with hormones or to euthanise them still hasn’t been determined.

We would also have to euthanise your ass OP since clearly you are degenerate for even considering this as a viable option.

Anonymous No. 16140819

Trannies are some of the most horrifically misguided and uneducated people I’ve ever had the displeasure of coming across

They will gladly allow kids to be chemically mutilated just to affirm their thinning self esteems