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Anonymous No. 16139899

>1000 pages long, bloated
>text text text text, no math or science
>"history" sections to bloat it even further
>structured terribly
>quirky joke every third sentence
>(sometimes) emojis, memes, cartoons, "funny" images as figures
>garbage exercises (e.g. copy-pasted exercises like in Stewart)
>lacks many important theorems
>theorems the author is too lazy to prove are turned into "exercises"
>shit formatting

and once you're done, you've basically learned nothing. Now compare that with soviet/russian authors like Landau/Lifshitz, Shilov, Fichtenholz, Arnold, Zorich, Gorodentsev, Piskunov, etc. All of their books are extremely concise, waste no space, make sure to include EVERYTHING, have hard as fuck but pedagogically valuable exercises, and you will be a fucking god in whatever field you choose after going through one of these books carefully.

Anonymous No. 16139944

stopped reading here

Anonymous No. 16140166

by "western" you just mean modern american textbooks for americans

Anonymous No. 16140174

Don't shit on "The Probabilistic Method" and "generatingfunctionology", these are very good books with original exercises. And why the hell are Wittgenstein and Hegel listed here?!

Anonymous No. 16140310

So what do I do now, what should I read now guys to gain concise and up-to-date knowledge !
(Second year cs student, I like math, I would just follow the list of math and programming books on /sci/ fandom)

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Anonymous No. 16140328

>So what do I do now, what should I read now guys to gain concise and up-to-date knowledge !

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Anonymous No. 16140330

>Muhhh Jordan Peterson was totally right! SOVIET RUSSIA, Soviet science, Stalin, Putin, and Orthodox church was so based, not like this degenerete WEST!

Anonymous No. 16140388

Day 5 of requesting to name the last two books in picrel. Their titles are not visible. Nobody from you niggers know the name, right?

Anonymous No. 16140398

brown is geometric invariant theory - mumford
orange is topics in transcendental algebraic geometry - edited by griffiths

Anonymous No. 16140424

Thank You Anon.
There will be a special place in heaven for you

Anonymous No. 16141106

You made it almost all the way through. Good job. Keep practicing, and one day you can read even longer texts with ease.

Anonymous No. 16141173

>Now compare that with soviet/russian authors like Landau/Lifshitz, Shilov, Fichtenholz, Arnold, Zorich, Gorodentsev, Piskunov, etc.

Can compare. Your point is shit.
And the point of, IIRC, Kolmogorov needlessly overcomplicating Algebra books in order to jerk off his ego, has created the holywar which is still burning among the professors and teachers in the post-soviet space.

Also, lmao at the "extremely concise and waste no space" and the lack of "theorems that author is too lazy to prove"

Anonymous No. 16141646

/g/ is a pseud board that's why