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Anonymous No. 16140111

What caused the emergence of human races?

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Anonymous No. 16140142

There's only one species of Homo Sapiens.

Anonymous No. 16140149

genetic engineering

Anonymous No. 16140173

distance and time

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Anonymous No. 16140223

archaic H.sapiens fucking anything else on two legs + 200k years of adapting to specific environments.

Anonymous No. 16140396

Harsh climate and living conditions that required future planning and social co-operation.
Food grows on the tree there I just have to kill the other people who come near it.

Anonymous No. 16140621

that image has been doctored.

Anonymous No. 16140738

>There's only one species of Homo Sapiens.
yes indeed

Anonymous No. 16140920

The concept of race has no biological basis in humans.

DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity.
—Human Genome Project

Time for the racists to update their outdated beliefs and embrace the 21st century's cutting edge scientific progress.

Anonymous No. 16141698

Africans are different because they continued and still continue to interbreed with chimpanzees while all the other races left Africa and had no chimpanzees to interbreed with

Anonymous No. 16142905

We also can't tell the difference between a man and a woman
—Human Genome Project

Anonymous No. 16143447

>Jutting, animalistic chimpanzee jaw
Was that even necessary? You can show the difference between races without juvenile insults.

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Anonymous No. 16143471

>juvenile insults.
you interpret the statement that way because you have a savior complex for your precious minorities. if you considered them equal then you wouldn't presume they needed your assistance.
they have jaws like that because they continue to interbreed with chimpanzees, "jutting, animalistic chimpanzee jaw" is a mere statement of fact, an observation. there is nothing else buried in that statement even if you want to imagine that there is in order to feed your savior complex

mr.efe No. 16143499

I attribute this to cultural differences

mr.efe No. 16143504

do you say black conservatives is homo erectus

Anonymous No. 16143626

What? Did Sapients come after Neanderthals and Denisovans??

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143638

niggers are human you racist bigot

Anonymous No. 16143674

Ed Norton looked the most kino on bottom right by far

Anonymous No. 16144689

>The concept of race has no biological basis in humans.
>DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans
Also technically correct. We're definitely different species completely. Just because we can interbreed doesn't make a lick of difference. I wish people could get past their own biases and just call a spade a spade, at least that way we'd be able to make some kind of leeway in modern civil discourse.

Anonymous No. 16145182

Environmental factors you fucking idiot. For example, the African continent has much more sun and much less clouds then western Europe. Therefore the people there evolved to produce more melanin in their skin to deal with those conditions. When humanity left Africa and propagated over Europe, the colder conditions and lack of sunlight meant that producing melanin is unnecessary and devolved that trait over time.

Anonymous No. 16145273

take some medicines bro

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Anonymous No. 16146438

Anonymous No. 16147634

I know this is a chicken and egg argument, but it was racism.

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Anonymous No. 16148080

shut the fuck up

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Anonymous No. 16148275

Well obviously it's dispersion.

Anonymous No. 16148294

Homo Sapiens for eurasians and native americans and I propose H. Australis and H. Niger for the two other species.

Anonymous No. 16148513

where's the insult? It really is a simian, ape-like, jutting-forward jaw... Why do you take it as an insult?

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muh savior complex.jpg

Anonymous No. 16149245

>i am the savior of the precious, precious africans
>they need me because they're too stupid to fend for themselves
baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo baizuo

Anonymous No. 16149617

>if the head is smaller it means the pre-frontal cortex just doesn't exist
That isn't how it works.
And brain volume is not a good indicator of cognitive ability. Surface area is far more important for that.

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Anonymous No. 16150886

>brain volume is not a good indicator of cognitive ability

Anonymous No. 16151034

>This means that on this estimate, Mongoloids, who average 1,364 cm3 have 13.767 billion cortical neurons (13.767 x 109 ). Caucasoids who average 1,347 cm3 have 13.665 billion such neurons, 102 million less than Mongoloids. Negroids who average 1,267 cm3 , have 13.185 billion cerebral neurons, 582 million less than Mongoloids and 480 million less than Caucasoids.

Anonymous No. 16152263

people left africa because they didn't want to live near negroes

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Anonymous No. 16153387


Anonymous No. 16154154

epic get

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Anonymous No. 16155278


Anonymous No. 16156108

you must accept diversity
but also
diversity doesn't exist, theres only one race

Anonymous No. 16156470

I never understood why pinkos associate themselves with this man. Especially since he was violently Christian and would have hated most aspects of Marxism. That said, I'm against slavery, but blacks are certainly an entirely different species.

Take a good look at the Congo, for example. Europeans had to be tough there, because those people see might as the only means of authority. Strength and cruelty is power. The Congo Free State is a fine example of exploiting this, and all it was is an exploitation of African cultures. Not to say all tribes are this way, but considering cannibalism was commonplace it shows a huge difference in the minds of European vs African people. It's cultural, geographic, and racial. People who argue against this are just narcissists with a savior complex that virtue signal. Slavery is wrong, but that's not to say the races aren't different. The same concept of violence being authority is no different with modern blacks.

Only by proving that we are superior to blacks, not only through our power to kill them but through our entire way of life, can we control them as they are now, in their present stage; it is necessary for their own well-being, even more than ours.

Anonymous No. 16157470

>That said, I'm against slavery, but blacks are certainly an entirely different species.
God made man master of all the plant and animals. The jews categorize all non-jews as non-humans (goyims means cattle) in order to justify enslaving them or otherwise mistreating any non-jew. John Brown didn't have DNA testing available so he couldn't prove that negroes were closely related to chimpanzees, instead he just decided that they were the same thing as whites because he wanted to justify his violent impulses. Science has subsequently proved that negroes are a different species

Anonymous No. 16157668

My issue with slavery is it ended up bringing the Blacks to lands they don't belong. I suppose the one thing John Brown and pinkos have in common is that they both have a savior complex.
>Science has subsequently proved that negroes are a different species
I am of the opinion that negroes are the missing link.

Anonymous No. 16157832

>—Human Genome Project
am i correct in assuming these people also support trannyism? if so they're modern day lysenkoists and have no credibility

Anonymous No. 16157879

James Watson was right.

Anonymous No. 16158549

Thats why the SJWs targeted him for canceling, because there was no way to disprove him, so they just wanted to SHUT IT DOWN instead.

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Anonymous No. 16159858


Anonymous No. 16159926

i'd fuck both

Anonymous No. 16160007

gene flow, genetic drift, mutation, natural selection

Anonymous No. 16160095

white people created them to be their slaves

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Anonymous No. 16161130


Anonymous No. 16162394

racial savior complex types are always projecting their own racism on everyone else
they presume that the "lesser races" are so stupid and worthless that they need a savior to heal them and lead them. meanwhile negroes in africa have been doing just fine on their own for tens of thousands of years without any help and the same is true of eskimos and any other race in between

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Anonymous No. 16162955

>shut the fu-ACK!