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Anonymous No. 16140124

how are some 80 IQ retards getting perfect grades? scientifically speaking

Anonymous No. 16140126

"IQ" has categories and those people can have very good score on short term memory tests but completely fail others such as verbal, if you cannot speak your mind coherently but memorize a prewritten script written by someone else, you can still appear a genius, and guess what exams do, they don't require you to think, only parrot

Anonymous No. 16140147


Anonymous No. 16140165

The simple answer is IQ isn't deterministic in the way you think it is. Any statistical correlation between IQ and measures of life outcomes is by nature probabilistic, and indicates absolutely nothing about specific individuals beyond probabilities. IQ is meant to interpret outcomes on the aggregate, and many people on this board in particular make the mistake of extrapolating what is true on the aggregate to what may or may not be the case on a given individual level.

Anonymous No. 16140167

yes it's probabilistic, but but the average person is dumb, and 80 IQ is like 20x dumber than that, it would be like seeing a 4'2" manlet jumping 3 meters tall, would look like something out of a supermario videogame

Anonymous No. 16140182

IQ is like judging an engine by its RPM.

Anonymous No. 16140288

this and piss-easy classes

Anonymous No. 16140319

>in the green cluster
fucking kill me

Anonymous No. 16140378

Why are people under 100 even in a position to be getting grades?

Anonymous No. 16140379

It's not even that. It's much less. Almost nothing. Technically, nothing.

Anonymous No. 16140381

The 6 purposes of schooling as per its creator:
1 - teach unquestioning compliance by forcing children to agree with things which are visibly false
2 - conform all children, smart with the stupid
3 - prohibit learning more than required
4 - ridicule and ostracize undesirables so their peers see them this way to keep them from breeding
5 - categorize everyone
6 - select custodians to take over this

You're in #4 likely from failing #1.

Anonymous No. 16140428

>4 - ridicule and ostracize undesirables so their peers see them this way to keep them from breeding
does this work? seems like in japan people hate the criminals, but in the west people kind of love them

Anonymous No. 16140558

>how are some 80 IQ retards getting perfect grades?
Affirmative action

Anonymous No. 16140570

Hating people who do bad things is racist/mysoginistic/antisemitic

Anonymous No. 16140584

Social Work is a piss easy degree, you just have to show up and you get an A. Low IQ people are attracted to Social Work, which is probably the purple grouping.

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Anonymous No. 16140614

Intellect is not the sole determinate of grades.
Within that measure, there is also conscientiousness - the tendency to be orderly, hard working, and motivated.
There is also a creativity or openness to experience facet which moderstes interest in thr subject matter. Too creative and you'll find the rigidity of school boring, too uninspired and you'll find the whole pursuit pointless.

Lastly there is psychological disorders and general negative affect which can undermine an otherwise smart and creative student. This includes neuroticism, ADHD, Autism, mood disorders, personality disorders...

Anonymous No. 16140625

Stop being jealous, retard with a 132 IQ and average grades.

Anonymous No. 16140764

green = boys, purple = girls

Anonymous No. 16140770

Some retards have really good memory but no critical thinking ability. You twist the questions a little bit and they won't get it, but as long as they know what questions are coming in a test and they have practiced enough of them, they pass, some of them have an insane work ethic.

Anonymous No. 16140966

1. Cheating.
2. Sleeping/flirting with teacher
3. Affirmative Action
4. Good work ethic. This actually happens quite a bit. When I TA'd, there were some students who were dumb as shit and get C's on every exam, but would make up their grades elsewhere like getting 100% on every homework because they'd hit all office hours and beg for answers from the professor/TA's until they got them all right, and then would be beg for extra credit constantly.

Anonymous No. 16140978

I knew a girl in my calc class who could memorize math like that. All exam questions were pulled from the homework...but there was quite a bit of homework between exams so I didn't really take advantage of that fact. I asked some girl about a problem I got wrong and she got right and she was just like "oh, I just memorized all the homeworks. My work here is just made up, I just remembered the answer was 3pi", and sure enough her work was just non-sense, and then an equals sign to the right answer.

Anonymous No. 16141012

>how are some 80 IQ retards getting perfect grades? scientifically speaking
Hard work and dedication
believe it or not, while things like genetics and IQ might predispose you towards success, they are not the sole reason, and you can have "high IQ" losers and low IQ people who make it to the top through hard work.

Anonymous No. 16141049

That's a new level of rote memorization lmao.

My way of learning math for classes was to just repeat homework and textbook examples until I could do them at 10x sanic speed without thinking of the steps for the test, but I also understood what I was doing on a fundamental level. And I got really good at figuring out what example problems were likely test questions.

But you totally don't need a high IQ to get good grades. The best grade getters I knew were always like 110 IQ go getter girls who were obviously above average in intelligence and were just well put together organized people who actually just put the time in to study regularly. I don't think any classes in high school or even university are actually that hard and solely come down to putting in the work. Dumb people don't put in the work because their long term thinking isn't there. Very smart people often just fall into the trap of thinking they are too smart to put in the work (because at one point in life they didn't need to) and underachieve.

Anonymous No. 16141084

>natural sciences grades 6 thru 12
So basically all memorization and no problem solving.
And high school gives way more weight to homework so you can pretty much just get everything out of the book or cheat for most of the grade.
Also, from what I can remember from high school, there are probably study guide assignments prior to the tests that are almost the exact test you will take.
And there is extra credit effort grade bullshit for retards to help their grades.

I took a graduate level Real Analysis course my senior year that was 90% midterm+final, 10% hw.
Most high school courses are closer to the inverse of this where the majority of the grade is from homework.

Anonymous No. 16141089

>The best grade getters I knew were always like 110 IQ go getter girls who were obviously above average in intelligence and were just well put together organized people who actually just put the time in to study regularly
Yup, that’s something I’ve noticed as well, and them being women plays a huge part in that mentality.
I know some who major in engineering, but are also bleeding heart liberals who subscribe to mainstream leftist narrative flavor of the month because they cannot think critically by themselves. Just talking to them for a bit is enough to tell that they are not as smart as some non Engineers, however the status of having a diploma in a major such as Engineering is still widely regarded by society as an achievement or a status of intelligence, but actual intelligent people know that’s not the case.

Anonymous No. 16141108

>Very smart people often just fall into the trap of thinking they are too smart to put in the work (because at one point in life they didn't need to) and underachieve.
For me it was that plus getting depressed in high school to the point of having constant brain fog, felt so demotivated that I barely went to school and almost had to repeat some years.
I never developed the habit of studying, and I aced every test without it. So when I got to high school and barely went to class, I’d have a D in a science test, then a straight A in a math test, without going to either class, and without studying. I failed a lot because I didn’t know certain information, like specific terms, because I didn’t go to class. But I always aced every question that was just pure logic and didn’t need any prior knowledge.
To this day I can’t be arsed to study anything I don’t like. Everything I know is just purely what I have an interest on. I think that’s the difference between a loser like me and a 110 IQ go getter girl who’s perfect and organized.

Anonymous No. 16141147

I understand fren. When you are a loser in high school and depressed because of it, it's hard to feel motivated to buy into the experience and thus put in work to improve grades.

Anonymous No. 16141247

LMAO, the only thing relevant are results that advance you closer to your end goals. High school grades are lame instrumental goals, and even lamer end goals.

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Anonymous No. 16141248

because they're negroes

Anonymous No. 16141249

GPA is solely a function of how much time you've invested in studying. In high school, even the most brain dead drooling retard can get good grades if they put in enough time.

Anonymous No. 16141262

At the same time it's so fucking easy to get straight As in high school that you should just do it while you are stuck there for 4 years

Anonymous No. 16141629

This is why it can be near impossible to spot outright retards irl, so many drift through life by having memorized to do X when Y happens, and they seem totally normal 99.5% of the time.
>Very smart people often just fall into the trap of thinking they are too smart to put in the work (because at one point in life they didn't need to) and underachieve.
The thing is, what are you going to practice about something that you just get, and do it straight away?

Anonymous No. 16141859

itt bitter losers who pretend like being intelligent prevents you from accomplishing things
no, you were/are just lazy. suck it up

Anonymous No. 16141870

>but but the average person is dumb, and 80 IQ is like 20x dumber than that,
This is meaningless drivel. You cant measure "dumb" nor how many times some person is dumb.
IQ is just percentiles on a test. You could test 1000 people with similar intelligence and some would be on top +140 and others below 70 just based on small differences in the test. Its literally grading on a curve.

Anonymous No. 16141872


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Anonymous No. 16141894

Because IQ is a less accurate proxy for intelligence/competence than /sci/ thinks.

Anonymous No. 16141943

Insane levels of repetition.

Anonymous No. 16141972

>mfw I was thinking of Sully landing the plane so I tried variations of “splash”, “ground” and “bounce” while thinking of Tom Hanks as Sully the entire time

Anonymous No. 16142081

They must've fired the schizophrenic responsible for curating these, because now the categories actually make sense

Anonymous No. 16142672

bounce big black boot
sully philippine philadelphia baltic
soil earth land earth
red toss splash eject

>Because IQ is a less accurate proxy for intelligence/competence than /sci/ thinks.
Go on?

Anonymous No. 16142681

woaahh almost if IQ is not really that much of an accurate standard just as much of the other stuff in psychology is hmmm

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Anonymous No. 16143527

>and sure enough her work was just non-sense, and then an equals sign to the right answer.

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Anonymous No. 16143531

>Ian Miles Cheong

Anonymous No. 16143532

i'm just curious, not trying to criticize anybody

Anonymous No. 16143721

women. they either very dilligently study and memorize every single line in the book or cheat and sleep with professors for grade.

Anonymous No. 16144061

Students get top grades just for attending. On top of that, if the grades of blacks differ from ehat whites or asians get, the uni/college will be in trouble. Black person can attend half of the lectures and this will get him all top grades.