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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16140417

Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?

Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

Just how delicate and precious is life really? Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.

Anonymous No. 16140536

>Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for

>Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

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Anonymous No. 16140539

>one way cause-and-effect
Not sure what you're talking about. Causality can travel in both directions.

How does a godlile alien being explain anything? A godlike alien being would be complex, yes? How is it complex? It just is. So you're back at square without explaining anything. Or if you say God is not complex but actually very simple you're still proposing complexity came from simplicity.

Anonymous No. 16140582

>reality couldn't have created dumb bald monkeys
>but it could create a godlike being with absolute knowledge and control

Anonymous No. 16140637

Some people assume it’s too convenient. They subscribe specialness to man. To the Christian physicist they assume God is some alien engineer looking at us from beginning to end. His doings are just taken as natural since we cannot go back that far or look at existence comprehensively enough.
>Causality can travel in both directions
Physics as we know it is currently going in one direction of time, and physicists are too boring to entertain otherwise, even simple time travel.
>Or if you say God is not complex but actually very simple you're still proposing complexity came from simplicity.
Assuming something outside of our perceptible existence created out perceptible existence, we can probably conclude that the outside is a lot more complex than the inside, similar to 3d observing 2d. There’s more angels to work with the higher up you go.
What if existence is aberrant, and it’s just too damn vast and sophisticated and grand to appear as such?

Anonymous No. 16140639


Anonymous No. 16140670

>Physics as we know it is currently going in one direction of time
Do me a favour and actually look this shit up before you spit from the gut. Also causality and time and not interchangeable terms.

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Cult of Passion No. 16140673

>Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?
We are born, we manifest the new world, we die, and then one day...we come back.

Anonymous No. 16140674

>Causality can travel in both directions
altough the idea of backwards causality is supposed to mean something else, isn't anticipating some event and making decisions based on that a sort of backwards causality? something which didn't yet happens affects you decisions today? especially after it happens and you look back at it?

Anonymous No. 16140788

Any space that exists is going to have one dimensional time/causality to it. Tough.
> Also causality and time and not interchangeable terms
Causality as we know it is a product of time being what it is. Things move/change.

Anonymous No. 16140790

Math. Predicting is math. There’s definitely a “universe” or timeline where the Cuban missile crisis went haywire nuclear, and we can only guess at that course of events, but we -know- something would have formed out of it.

Now, do such alternate universes/timelines exist only hypothetically-mathematically, or literally? It’s one or the other.

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Anonymous No. 16140806

So you don't know what a dimension is either. Still spitting from the gut, huh? Fuck this. Not sure what I expected from from someone that is clearly mentally retarded.

Anonymous No. 16140810

Are you pretending?

Anonymous No. 16140821

What kind of bait is this? Retard bait?

Anonymous No. 16140828

Whatever exist in nature obviously could be created by nature. Details are less important.

Take a smartphone for example. Yeah we designed and manufactured it. Doesn't matter. Ultimately, it was created by nature, humans were just one of the ingredients in a very long and complex process, not unlike life itself.

Anonymous No. 16140834

>Whatever exist in nature obviously could be created by nature. Details are less important.
Yes. However, a mermaid wouldn’t evolve to look like a mermaid. Had you seen a stereotypical big tiddied 10/10 supermodel mermaid, you’d just have to assume some pervy intelligence made it so it would turn out that way. Otherwise they would evolve to be blubbery and hairless and shark toothed monsters.

Anonymous No. 16140835

How is he wrong retard
>scroll down
>see wojak

Anonymous No. 16140891


Anonymous No. 16140902

>conflating dimension with unidirectional
Brainlet alert.

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Anonymous No. 16140906

>single point

Anonymous No. 16140907

>Some people assume it’s too convenient
And everything in the world being caused by a binary of good and evil isn't convenient?
I don't get how people can jump through all these mental hoops only to explain that people have different interpretations of what is good and evil.

Anonymous No. 16140917

You do realize that some mathematicians also think the universe’s structure is also, similarly, too damn convenient.

‘The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics’ is as though the universe were made by a mathematician.

Ed Witten talks about it quite nicely here:

Some people just find nature too convenient for comfort.

Anonymous No. 16140919

A single point isn't a dimension.

Anonymous No. 16140922

Mathematics is used to describe physics. Observing that it fits together too well is like observing that a jigsaw puzzle fits together conveniently well

Anonymous No. 16140927

And therefore time _____ ?

Anonymous No. 16140930

fpbp kek i was gonna do this exact same reply as soon as i read the title but you seem to have beaten me to it. it's the only white man response to this thread.

Anonymous No. 16140933


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Anonymous No. 16140937

Come on anon, put two and two together

Anonymous No. 16140938

It doesn't follow from anything that's previously been mentioned.

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Anonymous No. 16140943

The man with the highest IQ in America

Anonymous No. 16140947

come on, you can do it!!

Anonymous No. 16140948

>I beliebe

Anonymous No. 16140949

Are you insinuating that I don't think time is a dimension?

Anonymous No. 16140952

Evolution IS adaption. Tucker believes in evolution without even realizing it, what the hell.

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Anonymous No. 16140953

No, that's what I'm saying, dummy, how bad are your reading skills?

Anonymous No. 16140954

This image isn’t the same without the furious shaking

Anonymous No. 16140958

Then you're wrong and ironically need to work on your own reading comprehension.

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Anonymous No. 16140964

>Then you're wrong
Time is mapped as linear, 1d, directionality doesn't matter
A coordinate on a line is a point
That single point is the current moment of time
A point is dimensionless
Time isn't a dimension, there is only one current instant until eternity, there is no direction, what you refer to as "time" is defined by the rate of change/atomic interactions, it isn't a fundamental property or force in itself, it's an abstract number, things don't have age, the universe doesn't count seconds/hours/millenia, time is defined as "going forwards" because of causality, since every effect has a cause behind it and you can't "undo" this in any physically conceivable way, nor can you have an effect without a cause

Anonymous No. 16141002

Someone doesn't understand relativity. Time is not reducible to causality.
>not can you have an effect without a cause
Only because of definition. There's no reason to think the universe is exclusively deterministic; it's unfalsifiable. You also don't seem to have any notion of time symmetry.

Anonymous No. 16141010

>Someone doesn't understand relativity
Yes and that someone happens to be you
>Time is not reducible to causality.
Time is defined as rate of change, causality is an abstract property of change
>Only because of definition
No, if effects could happen without a cause then there would be an infinite amount of causeless effects happening every moment, behind every action is another action
>There's no reason to think the universe is exclusively deterministic; it's unfalsifiable
Being falsifiable has no bearing to the argument, the existence of reality is unfalsifiable, so there is no reason to think reality exists?
>You also don't seem to have any notion of time symmetry.
You also don't seem to have any notion that time symmetry only holds for specifc metrics and is a mathematical abstraction

Anonymous No. 16141695

>Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.
Yet there are people who are utterly positive they know how life and how humanity originated

Anonymous No. 16141850

I want a Tucker Carlson - Richard Dawkins debate RIIIIIIGHT NOOW motherfucker

Anonymous No. 16142377

Uncanny isn’t it? You just have to assume these people took the safest guesses/conclusions at the time, and it became a religion to them.

Anonymous No. 16142383

causal chains. they always filter you. you mf are absolutely sure someone stole something from your car if you find a broken window and your bag missing. you even have ideas about who could have been, statistically speaking. that you are so fucking sure of. never invoke God when someone steals some shit from you. never go "huh, God must have took it". because you know you're full of shit

Anonymous No. 16142707

>intellectual cowardice as a religion

Anonymous No. 16142930

What is the theory of adaptation Tucker was talking about?

Anonymous No. 16142942

see >>16140952

Anonymous No. 16142953

Anonymous No. 16142973

Humans- scratch that. Single cell bacteria are more complicated than anything humans can create. Some intelligent being or process created biological life and possibly this material universe which oh so conveniently supports it.

Anonymous No. 16142979

>which oh so conveniently supports it.
love retards getting filtered by the anthropic principle

Anonymous No. 16143007

That's a beautiful bing image

Anonymous No. 16143880

Literally evolution. Life adapts. He’s just skeptics about it alone.

Anonymous No. 16144139

I love schizo Tucker so much

Anonymous No. 16144212

No. What's the point of this speculation?

Anonymous No. 16144256

Unironically what I've come to believe. This only becomes more obvious if you study stuff deemed "supernatural" by science.

Anonymous No. 16144739

>This only becomes more obvious if you study stuff deemed "supernatural" by science.
Like what?

Anonymous No. 16144777

>such intelligent beings, AKA humans
You lost me there.

Anonymous No. 16144779

Right wingers are ungodly retarded

Anonymous No. 16144785

>a godlike alien being
humans are made in god's image. god isn't alien

Anonymous No. 16145048

What about the fact that the universe can be painted, doesn't that mean it had to have been made by a painter instead?

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Anonymous No. 16145053

>Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?
No Though I have thought deeply about it countless times, the conclusion is always negative; I do not conclude that. ON the other hand, I also cannot disprove it, so it's a useless waste of time.

>Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?
Yes, absolutely, the laws of physics allow it, and here we are.

>Just how delicate and precious is life really?
The earth ecosystem and it's biosphere is unique in the universe as far as we can tell. It must be protected at all costs.

Anonymous No. 16145092

Your logic actually indicates that time is a dimension, but any exact moment is only a point in time, thus time is 1D, but this exact moment in time is 0D.

Anonymous No. 16145433


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Anonymous No. 16145624

UFOs are one of the best examples. Simply put, they are not physical objects. They are energy and the entities themselves are likely interdimensional, not extraterrestrial. There is a reason they were hesitant to call them "extraterrestrial" at the recent Congress hearing on UFO phenomenon.
Same with cryptids, ghosts, and psychic phenomena. It all makes a lot more sense when you consider them from the perspective of psychic phenomena. Human perception is rather limited so its arrogant to assume that what we are seeing is %100 the truth.
The Gateway Process document puts it into words well. Our consciousness and perception is a vital part of the universe. That being said, just because we have it doesn't mean it will give us perfect results. Because the universe is partially a product of the human mind, or at least influenced by it, affecting the minds of others can result in strange phenomena as I have denoted above. Especially if its the work of more advanced, higher consciousness entities.

Anonymous No. 16145631

schizobabble, fuck off back to /x/

Anonymous No. 16145639

Wouldn’t extradimensional still technically be extraterrestrial? Wouldn’t another parallel Earth still technically be extraterrestrial by our own’s Earth’s account?

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Anonymous No. 16145649

The idea that aliens come from higher or alternate dimensions is somehow more buyable than them simply being sourced to another planet. But, of course, this does put one in a hypothetical awkward position, conversationally speaking.

- “We’re from Earth, but not your Earth.”
- “Oh. Okay. Have you met any actual aliens from other planets?”
- “Wow, rude, a being from a different dimension isn’t good enough or cool enough for you?”

Anonymous No. 16145654

>aliens come from higher or alternate dimensions
are you fucking retarded? >>>/x/

Anonymous No. 16145660

This is entirely physics talk, anon. Mathematically we know higher dimensions exist, and a four-dimensional being would be looking at us inside and out, the same way we’d observe two-dimensional lifeforms.

Navajo rangers commented that the “ghosts” they’ve encountered acted more like invisible trolls than ghosts. Quarters would spontaneously (out of thin air) drop on the floor, and always land heads up, sometimes in a stack.

Any sane physicist would immediately recognize that these quarters are from another space entirely.

No woo woo at all. It’s just basic physics assumption, assuming any of it actually happened.

Anonymous No. 16145662

Space travel and time travel go together hand-in-hand.

Anonymous No. 16145665

you are not allowed to use this argument, it's in bad faith. you're talking about aliens from "higher dimensions" you absolute buffoon.
also time travel has some limitations, you cannot travel into your future or any past.

Anonymous No. 16145717

You can travel to the past, you just can’t alter your own past. The moment you step into the past you’re automatically entering a different past-present-future.

You cannot save *your* Abraham Lincoln.

Travelling into the future is just going fast.

Anonymous No. 16145729

you can't travel to the past tho. that's just fantasy, nobody traveled to the fucking past.
the only time travel is in the future of other reference frames, that's it. and you are not in them. and you can't do the equivalent of that for the past. travel to a past in which you are not because of the fact that you traveled in the past. like it would be if you would travel close to speed of light, you'd travel in Earth's future, where you weren't all that time, you were in your ship. hence why you can't travel in your own future/past, or any past, doesn't make sense.

Anonymous No. 16145757

The past doesn't exist. It happened once, but it's not happening any more.

Anonymous No. 16145812

I don’t care if you can or can’t go into the past, although the idea that you can’t is more absurd. You either can or you can’t. There is no third alternative.

What I do care about, is that you can’t technically change your past. You can only alter a different past-present. It would make no sense otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 16145816

>I don’t care if you can or can’t go into the past, although the idea that you can’t is more absurd. You either can or you can’t. There is no third alternative.

Anonymous No. 16146452

>dude muh comic book plot devices are totally real!!!
why are scifi fans all so dumb that they can't tell the difference between fictional entertainment and irl?
inability to differentiate between the two indicates an IQ lower than 90

Anonymous No. 16146468

The best ideas about this Godlike being all involve an incredible amount of magic. None of them have any evidence nor can we verify it. All these ideas are also easily explained with other theories that actually have evidence.

Anonymous No. 16146699

You retards do realize you can entertain the possibility without believing it, right? Hypotheticals?

Anonymous No. 16146706

the hypothetical doesn't make sense and doesn't answer basic questions and oh yes fucking paradoxes. it's not le innocent hypothetical

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Anonymous No. 16146709

You need to stop coping over possibilities.

Anonymous No. 16147062

“We’re you, but stronger”

Anonymous No. 16147171

>implying I didn't have breakfast this morning

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Anonymous No. 16147177

>UFOs are clearly real
>so time travel to past is also real
>t. picrel

Anonymous No. 16147178

But what if you didn’t have breakfast? What then?

Anonymous No. 16147193

That's impossible, the past is set.

Anonymous No. 16147613

Fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16147706


Anonymous No. 16147829

Time is only mathematically expressed in 1d, there is no future or past so it's 0d in reality

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Anonymous No. 16148271

Tucker knows more about science than most people give him credit for

Anonymous No. 16148276

no he doesn't, he's a literal brainlet.

Anonymous No. 16148653

Time is literally just things moving and changing you retards. Shit happens.

Anonymous No. 16149260

just because you're a brainlet doesn't mean that everyone else is too

Anonymous No. 16149431

There's tons of record of adaptation. And you see it in your own life. I mean, I have a lot of dogs. I see adaptation in dogs, you know. Litter to litter. But no, there's no evidence at all that. None. Zero. That, you know, people, you know, evolve seamlessly from a single cell amoeba. No, there's not. There's not. There's no chain in the fossil record of that at all. And that's why you don't actually hear people. You hear them make reference to evolution, because the theory of adaptation is clearly, obviously true. But Darwin's theory's totally unproven. That's why it's still a theory almost 200 years later.

Anonymous No. 16149435

Classic Darwinist pilpul, calling everything evolution to poison any discussion of particular topics within it.

Anonymous No. 16149447

>Evolution IS adaption
No, adaptation is a cause of evolution.

And anyway, you can (in theory, albeit not reality) have evolution w/o adaptation and vice versa.

Anonymous No. 16149460

If you couldn't prove something without seeing it, science would be incapable of studying the past.

Physical evidence is a thing, often a better thing than human eyes when it comes to proving whether or not something happened. You say there's no evidence at all, but that's an outright lie.

Mitochondria alone prove multicellular life came from single celled origins as there is no other way they could be found in all the places they are.

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Anonymous No. 16149833

>adaptation is real but not evolution
don't end up like this guy anons

Anonymous No. 16150423

Yes. Evolution is a cause of causality, in fact.

Anonymous No. 16150441

There's an odd saying in science: "Evolution is not the same as adaptation or natural selection.", but this is a rather pedantic expression subject to semantics.

Natural selection happens through chance/change, and evolution is a biological process that happens over generations--but that's still "adaption" of a kind, by way of accustoming to the general, ever present environment, for better or for worse. Life is accustoming itself always. Life in zero g will change. Of course it would.

Adaption, or "adaptive evolution as evolution which increases an organism's fitness", is a misleading expression or explanation, as it implies evolution doesn't royally fuck over organisms, like blind cave fish sucking on rocks. You can absolutely adapt for the worse.

Anonymous No. 16151097

tucker is gay

Anonymous No. 16151104

tuckerlets btfo!

Anonymous No. 16151115

People say evolution is not the same as natural selection because in the current model it isn't.

Speciation is a component of evolutionary theory and natural selection alone cannot create new species because it's a purely subtractive process.

What part of "origin of species" did you not understand?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16151132

No, but I often think that retarded aliens might be trying to civilize us, not realizing that we became thousand times more intelligent than them withou their help, and they are in fact surprising our civilization (which was copletely out of their reach and comprehension) and replace it with their primitivism, their only advantage being knowledge that they managed to gather over millions of years of their retarded existence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16151134

No, but I often think that retarded aliens might be trying to civilize us, not realizing that we became thousand times more intelligent than them withou their help, and they are in fact suppressing our civilization (which was copletely out of their reach and comprehension) and replace it with their primitivism, their only advantage being knowledge that they managed to gather over millions of years of their retarded existence.

Anonymous No. 16151137

No, but I often think that retarded aliens might be trying to civilize us, not realizing that we became thousand times more intelligent than them without their help, and they are in fact suppressing our civilization (which was completely out of their reach and comprehension) and replace it with their primitivism, their only advantage being knowledge that they managed to gather over millions of years of their retarded existence.

Anonymous No. 16151153


Anonymous No. 16151668

>be trying to civilize us
kek they can't, because of our genetics.
any system they propose we'd just ignore, we always do what we CAN not what we should.
any tech they give us we'd just weaponize it to "kill our enemies". we're hopeless that way. the only "help" they can offer is forcefully modify our genetics or fully our form. anything else is silly talk

Anonymous No. 16151672

>People say evolution is not the same as natural selection because in the current model it isn't.
That makes no sense when life is constantly being naturally selective over where it's positioned in nature. The environment never not selectively impacts life relative to its area. This is never not the case.

Anonymous No. 16151681

Consider two very different uses of the word 'adaptation' …

1) Adaptation of the *behavior of individuals* of a species to conditions they face during their own lifetimes.

An example: migration after a home forest burns

2) Adaptation *through differential survival of individuals of a species* over long spans of time in which environmental conditions are changing, which presents new opportunities for some individuals and new challenges for others, and leads ultimately to new species.

An example: evolution of new appendages and lungs allowing some individuals of a species to exploit opportunities in a climate that is gradually becoming drier, leading to those individuals becoming the majority of the breeding population, or ultimately generating a new species that can no longer breed with the ancestral population

Anonymous No. 16151689

I am so fucking tired of pretentious hairsplitting semantics. To say evolution is not a cause-and-effect matter of selective adaption is so, so fucking idiotic.

The scientific community is filled with frustratingly ironic semantics that inevitably lead to arguments preceding the actual topic at hand. Jesus.

Anonymous No. 16151692

Did you actually read the whole post, or just the first sentence?

Anonymous No. 16151693

You know it's bad when you have "Harvard professors" trying to lecture American politicians on how "men" can get pregnant, lol.

Anonymous No. 16151703

indeed I only read the first sentence anon. mea culpa.
my point still stands by itself with no relation to your post.

Anonymous No. 16151808

Where is your single-celled organism that you created from scratch in your laboratory chud. You're not dumber than spontaneous, random processes, right?

Anonymous No. 16151814

oh this brain disease again. unless you can prove things don't have a cause then you have no standing. anything we observe has a cause (or a chain of them). always. this filters the midwits

Cult of Passion No. 16151834

>anthropic principle
All of that (hyperbolic) part is my jam, all of my geometry is hyperbolically hyperdimensional.

Its where the various sub-optimal points of evolution/matter, delicate and requires stillness for it to balance, hence "Golden Ages" are not -always-.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151836


Anonymous No. 16151858

>>16151814 (me)
the best scientific argument for God (regarding life) is that He might have had a hand in manipulating the quantum foam field/Brownian noise around the atoms/molecules that started this whole shit we call life. that's a more honest argument for God having created us/life.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151870

>quantum foam field
And in current day life, it is the BioMagmetic pressures from the Environment (+Technology(Artificial emergy pressure allowing for easier BioMagmetic manipulation (Chaos)).

A vector of attack from an Xeno force unknown to Hueman-kind but known to those without voice.

An invisible, mathematically perfect, being attempting to communicate with an imperfect, asymmetrical, being.

It is Neutral and Good, it is also Satan.

Anonymous No. 16151967

I don't think God made or guided evolution to make humans. I don't see any need for it. However, there is not really a scientific theory of sentience. It may be that if there is a God, and I feel like there definitely could be, sentience is us tapping into whatever it is that makes God a god, even if just slightly.

Anonymous No. 16151972

In quantum mechanics, the decay of an excited quantum state to a lower energy state truly has no cause. It happens at random and when it will happen cannot be predicted.

Anonymous No. 16151974

>exactly like General Relativity
>low energy
So not General Relativity. Spacetime curvature in GR is proportional to the stress-energy in that region. If you can curve space time greatly without a lot of energy, that isn't following General Relativity

Anonymous No. 16151976

There is no scientific description whatsoever of what sentience is.

Anonymous No. 16152128

tucker is an actual retard who got famous by hiring 160 IQ internet spergs to write for him. without charlesXII feeding him lines he's worthless.

Anonymous No. 16152623

Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from God.

Anonymous No. 16153201

The scientific community is filled with autists who can’t into barriers.

Anonymous No. 16153928

Yeah pretty much

Anonymous No. 16154753

God isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16155074

What is real but a miserable pile of secrets...

Anonymous No. 16155361

I'm agnostic, we don't know that.

Anonymous No. 16156081

no it isn't

Anonymous No. 16156102

>Do you ever think a godlike alien being
I entertain the thought, but don't accept it

>Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?
let's agree on the definitions of "nature", "evolution", "truly", and "its own." an interesting question. consider the central dogma of nucleotides -> DNA -> proteins. the "primordial soup" theory is as compelling as it is unquestioned. in a substrate containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and sulfur, with an appropriate stimulus, nucleic acids could have spontaneously formed. given how those would likely spontaneously hydrolyze, there would need to be something to protect the acids (micelle, membrane, or primitive analogue). even if the nucleotides spontaneously assemble into sequences, some mechanism would need to be present for R/DNA replication. really, most any of the cellular machinery involved in the fundamental process. it's possible these primitive mechanisms were made obsolete over evolution, and aren't found in any extant life. theres room for reason and room for doubt on that one. the development of self-awareness is another phenomenon bordering on the miraculous.

if "nature" is the complete manifestation of reality, then it would occupy a divine role. if so, then yes, it could produce humans on its own. if "nature" is only a part of reality, and has a metaphysical counterpart: maybe. one's answer might change based on subjective convictions of the importance of our species.

>Just how delicate and precious is life really
as delicate and precious as you decide.