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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16140447

If the earth is indeed a globe and spins at a rate of 1000 miles per second, doesn't that mean birds have to fly at a speed faster than that to move in the direction of the spin and if they just hover in the sky they'll automatically move in the opposite direction at 1000 miles per hour??? Globefags how do you explain this?
why don't planes use this property of going in the opposite direction of the spin to gain velocities faster than 1000 miles per hour?

Anonymous No. 16140449

Oh boy it's another "OP pretends not to understand classic mechanics" thread

Anonymous No. 16140450

Think. Unless you're disabled. You can't lift your legs with your arms. You produce counter gravity naturally.

Anonymous No. 16140451

>muh inertia
Atmospheric friction is enough to delate your inertial force

Sage No. 16140453

Fuck off Barkon

Anonymous No. 16140458

Hm... Well... I'm guessing gravity keeps you from flying off the earth, or slipping.
So when you rotate your gravity vector rotates with you so you never manage to accelerate in a direction that would be non-zero the gravity vector at any time (normal force keeps you from going through the earth btw).

The atmosphere has nothing to do with that I think. The moon doesnt spin so I cant use it as evidence that atmosphere is irrelevant but hmm have you ever been on one of those carousel things? Where you spin really fast so you get pushed to the edge and can hardly move? Its kinda like that but in reverse right.

Anonymous No. 16140468

The bird is moving along the earth. Let say you have two magnets, one inside the globe and other on the outside, you can spin the globe all you want but the magnet is stuck onto the globe.

Assume now that the magnet can move while the globe rotates, the magnet is not a foreign object unaffected by the globe it is stuck onto it. Like the fucking bird is with gravity.

Anonymous No. 16140517

So, you smash into the wall of the train wagon at 250 km/h if you jump in a moving train?

Anonymous No. 16140520

You gotta fart on them...