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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16140470

Do you think the earth just goes on forever and ever?
If consciousness is infinite why should our reality be any different?

Anonymous No. 16140474

Reality extends further than the Earth, now delete ypur post, go back to eating your fruit loops and stop making retarded shitposts on sci

Anonymous No. 16140479

you must be a psychonaut
please tell us your experiences

Anonymous No. 16140483

Fags like this pervert every course of free discussion. Remove fag from board.

Anonymous No. 16140506

these are some half baked ideas but at least op is thinking.
Get some better terminology to frame your discussion.
do you mean endlessly large? eternal?

Anonymous No. 16140515

We know it doesn't since like 500 B.C. faggot.

Anonymous No. 16140525

yes I suppose you could say size
but I don't think it actually has a size because it cannot be measured

Anonymous No. 16141648

>If consciousness is infinite
Is it?

bodhi No. 16141674

stfu retarded bitch

Anonymous No. 16141681

Yes. I think the Earth is a sphere and therefore there exists an infinite path across its surface (assuming the path is of infinitesimal thickness of course)

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Anonymous No. 16141703

How about you suck on bodhidese nuts, faggot, go back to r*ddit and namefag there like the attentionwhore you are

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bodhi No. 16141856

I have a better idea. Wrap my ass cheeks around your face and suck out a wet fart til you burp up shit bubbles

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Anonymous No. 16141858

Sorry, I don't service faggots, jews, niggers, namefags or tripfags, you'll have to find someone from your own ilk to satisfy your dysfunctional sexual desires

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16141860

>If consciousness is infinite
you just violated thermodynamics, fool

Anonymous No. 16141861

The second law only applies to closed systems

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bodhi No. 16141866

Im not feeling any shit get sucked outta my ass boy, suck harder

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Anonymous No. 16141875

Try, plenty of likeminded shitsuckers like yourself

Anonymous No. 16141876

So your consciousness is open for me or anyone else to directly experience rather than your consciousness being closed off to you and your personal experience?

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16141881

>Living beings are open systems when Energy is exchanged between Them and their Surroundings, as they consume energy-storing molecules and release energy to the Environment by doing work
however, the act of thinking is a closed system

Anonymous No. 16141885

No wonder stupid shit always spews out of you since you are chronically constipated and full of shit and anal fixations.

Anonymous No. 16141895

You almost said something intelligent but alas:
>open systems
The word system implies a form, a structure, a logic which is limited no matter how open it is.

Anonymous No. 16141920

because we don't occupy the same state in reality, if we did then you wouldn't ask that question because we would just be one singular being with one experience, just like right now, you don't experience consciousness, rather inversely the material transmits the message which induces experience in consciousness, consciousness on its own doesn't experience anything, that's essentially what death is
Reality is not a closed system

Anonymous No. 16141935

>we don't occupy the same state in reality
Don't = can't because the states are closed off from each other rather than open.

>we would just be one singular being
IE one open system, but we aren't all one consciousness, we are all different conscious beings closed off to each other by and edge made of skin.

>you don't experience consciousness,
Wrong, consciousness by definition is an experience of being aware. You seem to be thinking of some kind of holographic fractal instead of actual consciousness.

Existence is not a transmission, it is a state of being, consciousness is the experience of being aware of existence.

You just closed it off by making it one word and lumping everything together as one thing.

Anonymous No. 16141956

>IE one open system
No, retard, an open system is one where the energy input is equal to or greater than the energy output
>we are all different conscious beings closed off to each other by and edge made of skin.
lol, point out to me where your skin ends and the rest of the universe begins, you'll finally prove those dumb mathematicians wrong and show that pi has a limit
>consciousness by definition is
Consciousness is defined as many things, because there isn't a singular definition to what consciousness is and isn't

Anonymous No. 16141961

>point out to me where your skin ends and the rest of the universe begins
The skin cells, your skin is what separates you from everything else. Pi is not made of human skin I have no idea what you are talking about or why you think pi relates to your skin.

>Consciousness is defined as many things,
Then by definition you are wrong because your definition of consciousness is not and can not be accurate since that is how you define it.

Anonymous No. 16141966

>The skin cells, your skin is what separates you from everything else.
Point out where your skin cells end and the rest of the universe ends
>have no idea what you are talking about or why you think pi relates to your skin
lol, imagine not understanding why pi is irrational
>Then by definition you are wrong
Then by definition everyone is wrong, because noone has agreed on a singular definition of consciousness or can provide sufficient evidence to suggest what it is, what it is made of or where it manifests
>inb4 le neurons
Your neurons are structurally barely different than your skin cells and operate on the exact same biochemical principles, there is no physical location in your cells where any notion of qualitative experience is stored or induced, it's all just atomic logic gates

Anonymous No. 16141969

>Point out where your skin cells end and the rest of the universe ends
The Epidermis is the outermost layer of your skin.

I don't understand why you think your skin is made of pi.

I accept your concession and admission you are wrong since your contrarian definitions insist on being wrong.

Nobody said neurons just like nobody said anything about pi, yet you intuitively still seem to know that you stop where your cells stop and your skin ends.

Anonymous No. 16141975

>The Epidermis
Point out where the epidermis ends

Anonymous No. 16141982

It ends at the point there there are no more skin cells. The epidermis is the edge.

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Anonymous No. 16141995


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Anonymous No. 16141998

>It ends at the point there there are no more skin cells
Where is that point? Molecular level? Atomic level? Subatomic? Fundamentals? Sub-fundamentals? Please, point out the dividing line.