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Anonynous No. 16140898

This is a comparison of different animals brain size. Bumpiness correlates to intelligence, so what the fuck are dolphins and camels doing with so much intelligence? Can we train them to do complicated maths and shit like Alex the Parrot? Based on this image, it seems like they should be able to intellectually mog apes, who we do most of our experiments with.
Pepperberg said he could identify 50 different objects and recognize quantities up to six; that he could distinguish seven colors and five shapes, and understand the concepts of "bigger", "smaller", "same", and "different", and that he was learning "over" and "under".[2] Alex passed increasingly difficult tests measuring whether humans have achieved Piaget's Substage 6 object permanence. Alex showed surprise and anger when confronted with a nonexistent object or one different from what he had been led to believe was hidden during the tests.[16]

Alex had a vocabulary of over 100 words,[17] but was exceptional in that he appeared to have understanding of what he said. For example, when Alex was shown an object and asked about its shape, color, or material, he could label it correctly.[15] He could describe a key as a key no matter what its size or color, and could determine how the key was different from others.[7] Looking at a mirror, he said "what color", and learned the word "grey" after being told "grey" six times.[18] This made him the first non-human animal to have ever asked a question, let alone an existential one (apes who have been trained to use sign-language have so far failed to ever ask a single question).[19]

Anonymous No. 16141035

>umpiness correlates to intelligence,
*Notices bump*

Anonymous No. 16141080

Animal intelligence it still a pretty under studied field. Makes sense since even human intelligence isn't really studied due to fear of the results. Certain dog breeds are likely super smart. They do things like recognize what pointing means while monke does not. I know my own dog knows what time it is every day to the point that it knows when it is usually Walk time, Bone time, Meds time (meds come with peanut butter!), and Breakfast/dinner time. It's just incredibly selfish and food motivated with it's intelligence.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16141652

Horses and camels are intelligent. Horses were understood to know the way, or bring the drunk owner back home.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16141658

Horses and camels are intelligent. Horses were understood to know the way, or bring the drunk owner back home. Also one of the few animals whose vision equals human.

Anonymous No. 16141660

Horses and camels are intelligent. Horses were understood to know the way, or bring the drunk owner back home. Also one of the few animals whose vision equals or exceeds human.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16141662

Wheres the brain size comparison with niggers (animals)?

Anonymous No. 16141663

seconding this.

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Anonymous No. 16142036

>what the fuck are dolphins and camels doing with so much intelligence?
Camels are using their high IQ to survive in one of the most hostile places on earth: deserts where it is too hot during day and too cold during night, plus no source of water and terrain with virtually zero landmarks to orient and navigate through.

As far as dolphins go, well, they are so clever they know to NEVER attack humans and they are reguraly filmed doing torture or raping other fishes for fun. To be fair it is very hard to develop civilisation when you are under water. The poor sods cannot even invent fire to cook their meals or develop thumbs to craft spears.

Anonymous No. 16142042

now show an African brain or an Indian brain

Anonymous No. 16142052

How does the dolphin know that white wombs are for BDD?

Anonymous No. 16142121

camels are smarter than humans, they have the bumpiest brains

Anonymous No. 16142256

>Bumpiness correlates to intelligence
it doesn't

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Anonymous No. 16142264

>Bumpiness correlates to intelligence,
And then there's jellyfish

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16142540

Average cranial capacities:

Neanderthal male 1600 cm3
Neanderthal female 1300 cm3

Rushton (1992)
Male East Asians 1416 cm3
Male Whites 1380 cm3
Male Blacks 1359 cm3

Rushton (1995)
East Asians 1364 cm3
Whites 1347 cm3
Blacks 1267 cm3

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Anonymous No. 16142543

Average cranial capacities:
Neanderthal male 1600 cm3
Neanderthal female 1300 cm3

Rushton (1992)
Male East Asians 1416 cm3
Male Whites 1380 cm3
Male Blacks 1359 cm3

Rushton (1995)
East Asians 1364 cm3
Whites 1347 cm3
Blacks 1267 cm3

Anonymous No. 16143198

Not fair I gotta be born dumb, at least my genetics give me big dick and retard strength. I wish more black men put ton of effort into their bodies instead of trying to be smart or integrate with nerds like you

Anonymous No. 16143405

I've read that a large portion of dolphin brains are dedicated to spatial awareness rather than intelligence. Dunno what Camels are doing with all their extra folds though.

Anonymous No. 16143428

Cetaceans need a big brain, because they breathe like mammals do, but live in water, so they drown with poor planning.

Anonymous No. 16143498

in your family album

Anonymous No. 16143767


Neuronal numbers and density in the cortex is a better predictor of intelligence.

15 000 million cortical neurons in humans compared to 10 500 million in the false killer whale and 11 000 million in the elephant and 12 000 million in dolphins, meaning humans outstrip them all.



>big brain = smart.

Men have 4 billion more cortical neurons which is all that matters to me when it comes to comparing different groups brains. But if we want to talk about brain size in different groups, then you better be prepared to bow your head to all living people with aspergers/tism who have 5% to 10% larger brain sizes than the average, in fact 20% of all autistic people have Megalencephaly.


Anonymous No. 16143835

>umm akshually, the brain is just a connectome, structure doesn't mean anything

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144583

dysgenics can happen to any race

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Anonymous No. 16144626

>Frog brain is a penis

Anonymous No. 16144840

Humans are monkeys. What species of monkey is it even talking about?

Anonymous No. 16144854

Monkeys and apes are not the same thing......

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Anonymous No. 16144897

Sperm whales have the largest of all brains, what's going on in there, I wonder?

Anonymous No. 16144945
