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Anonymous No. 16141096

What are some banned books of forbidden knowledge in /sci/ence?

Anonymous No. 16141102


Anonymous No. 16141120

Are there any studies about why redditors are like this?

Anonymous No. 16141123

Jizzlane Maxwell was a reddit super mod or something, start there.

Anonymous No. 16141176

it's an animal farm for goyim

Anonymous No. 16141388


Anonymous No. 16142749

Reddit is owned by the Newhouse brothers via Advance Publications, the Newhouse brothers are jewish and have well know connections to intelligence agencies including Mossad

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bodhi No. 16142757


Anonymous No. 16143576

Black Basedence Man's PhD thesis is mysteriously off limits

Anonymous No. 16143718

so is Pergamon

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Anonymous No. 16144767

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are banned in part because of what they have to say about science and education, particularly about Darwinism

Anonymous No. 16145111

I wonder if that is a strategic move though
>woah books so banned they are banned from a banned books group

Anonymous No. 16145131

Once you start banning truth people are going to start looking into why the truth was banned

Anonymous No. 16145193

I'm curious which books they're having problems with.

Anonymous No. 16145211

I mean, if they're so enlightened and smart surely they won't magically become antisemitic if they read a couple baseless racist pamphlets, right?

Anonymous No. 16145242

The Descent of Man would be banned if anyone could be fucked reading it

Anonymous No. 16146519

Nobody knows because they were all banned. The books you have access to clearly aren't banned, although some of them might use the moniker "banned book" as a form of advertising to attract edgy delinquent types. Thats a common trick, PMRC warning labels sold millions of gangsta rap albums to teenage malcontents