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Anonymous No. 16141380

Yet another major plagiarism scandal in STEM.
Why does this keep on happening?

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Dr. Dindu.jpg

Anonymous No. 16141381

Anonymous No. 16141393

wonder how much money she got to fund her phd. what an amazing time to be alive

Anonymous No. 16141396

>her PhD dissertation, which is her only published academic work
what kind of dogshit university allowed her to graduate? this isn't mathematics, which is normal for a PhD to graduate without any published paper.
>Dr. Perry – who holds a Ph.D. in higher education (University of Virginia)
oh, I see.

Anonymous No. 16141400

>which is her only published academic work
pretty damning in itself lmao
>director of UCLA Medical School

Anonymous No. 16141430

She's very likely a high paid figurehead and there's a bunch of assistant directors running thing. It's the same thing now when dealing with tech companies. They've used DEI to put lots of unqualified people into senior management roles where they're expected to be mostly hands off while underlings get things done. The trick is discovering with of those underlings are doing the actual work so you can start dealing with them directly.

Cult of Passion No. 16141530

I work so hard to keep my work from ever getting kicked back and the institution literally pays people to lie for political reasons.

This is why having PhD at the end of your name is meaningless these days, being a doctor could mean youre a dimwitted fool.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16141537

Kek u mad ytboi?

Anonymous No. 16141542

It's okay for people of color to plagiarize due to the inherent IQ disadvantage

Anonymous No. 16141556

Of course it's another darkie

Anonymous No. 16141560

They intentionally pick fraud dindus so that if they ever try to step out of line they can oust them easily.

Anonymous No. 16141577

based knower

Anonymous No. 16141595

It's not just dindus.
Most high level personnel are compromised.
I venture to guess that part of the process of being allowed into top positions is to compromise yourself and hand the kompromat to the masters so they can feel safe granting you power.

Anonymous No. 16141615

Right. Different industries and fields are compromised in different ways. University diversity hires have compromised by their very foundation: honesty in academia.

Anonymous No. 16141778

>nigger ""academic"" cheated
pick one lol

Anonymous No. 16141779


Anonymous No. 16143449

this, faking intelligence the only way anyone of that ilk can get into a position like being a boss at a major medical school

Anonymous No. 16143453

>negress medician

Anonymous No. 16143613

Blatant racism. Case dismissed.
We need to take a closer look at these Rufo and Rosiak guys.

Anonymous No. 16143695

some people think racial equity is the highest good in life and are willing to compromise all other morals to make that happen

Anonymous No. 16144764

Its almost as if those people had no morals at all to begin with

Anonymous No. 16145992

Atheists don't have morals

Anonymous No. 16146091

people are too stupid to get non-research related phds

Anonymous No. 16147542

People who get PhDs aren't intelligent people. Staying in school until you're 30 is a sign of arrested psychological development, AKA retarded psychological development.

Anonymous No. 16148279

this, plus gargling the conventional wisdom for a decade only makes you be too stuck in the past to ever create anything new and worthwhile

Anonymous No. 16148908

Her body is horrible

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Anonymous No. 16148986


Anonymous No. 16149559

Its fairly innovative, she stores fried chicken in that pouch behind her chin

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Anonymous No. 16150888


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Anonymous No. 16150925

LMAO, it is niggers again.

Anonymous No. 16150945

When are you going to learn that it's white neonazi fascists going out of their way to eliminate what little progress has been made in leveling the playing field? If they went out of their way to investigate everyone, instead of only African Americans, you'd find plagiarism rampant with Jews as well.

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Anonymous No. 16150961

I used to consider Rufo’s approach to political activism as completely useless

but he is mostly just destroying the reputations of universities, and causing racism, both of which are hilarious

Anonymous No. 16150971

The majority of PhDs in humanities are monographs. A non-insignificant portion in STEM too.

Anonymous No. 16152276

The reason why jews and negroes behave so similarly is because semites are the most closely related race to negroes, it only takes looking at a map to realize why that it

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Anonymous No. 16153414


Anonymous No. 16153419

need more Rufo

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Anonymous No. 16154296

>it only takes looking at a map to realize why that it
You don't even need to do that, just look at a semite and you'll notice that they have fat lips and curly hair just like negroes do

Anonymous No. 16154722

I don't get it, I thought Black women were the most educated group in America? So why are they involved in so many of these scandals?

Anonymous No. 16154811

Old twitter would have banned him for being racist for exposing plagiarism

Anonymous No. 16154833

Diss iz whut a sighentist iz look lyk.
u whyt chuds r a raysis an u stoppin' dee bhlack coemoonatee frum gittin' along.

Anonymous No. 16155889


Anonymous No. 16155895

because someone keeps looking for it. this faggot rufo failed at his earlier life so he blamed niggers for not being able to produce.
rufo only runs it on niggers. run the same software on the community at large, you'll find malfeasance and plagiarism infect all of academia.

Anonymous No. 16155919

odds that twum is eventually have discovered to have plagiarized that meme?

Anonymous No. 16156125

0%, don't doubt Twum again.

Anonymous No. 16157177

Her PhD thesis is plagiarized or someone else wrote it for her, mortal lock guarantee

Anonymous No. 16157287


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Anonymous No. 16158295


Anonymous No. 16158310

>Why does this keep on happening?
Thanks to LLMs, it won't happen anymore. At least in the humanities.
GPT et al. will write a ludicrous number of Ph.D. thesis in philosophy, literature, gender, political sciences, journalism and so on with no one suspecting a thing.

Anonymous No. 16158322

They're laundering ideologues

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twum worshiper.jpg

Anonymous No. 16159839


Anonymous No. 16159996

1) She DINDU nuffin
2) She a good boi
3) She thinkdu nuttin

Anonymous No. 16160048

Not an excuse, do things right an these "neo Nazi's" can't criticize shit.

Anonymous No. 16160120

mock me all you please, Twum's reformation of the science world will render you speechless soon.

Anonymous No. 16160225

they aren't academics. they are gangsters. imagine if tony sopranos took over Columbia University and gave no-show/no-work jobs to paulie and chrissy so they could get the salary/benefits. they'd make up some fake dissertation for them to try and make it seem semi-legit. it's no different

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Anonymous No. 16160235

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forget wooden doors.jpg

Anonymous No. 16160239


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Anonymous No. 16160244


Anonymous No. 16161751

Now imagine what would happen if Tony was jewish and he set up Tyrone and Shaniqua with no-show/no-work jobs at the university but then Tyrone and Shaniqua denounced Israel

Anonymous No. 16162256

>Why does this keep on happening?
Because science works and cheaters get caught! :)

Anonymous No. 16162771

she was only outed because she said said something unflattering about israel

Anonymous No. 16163430

oy vey stop noticing pattern, goy

Anonymous No. 16163666

What did she say, google isn't showing anything? And are you implying this Rufo guy is just some tool for zionist?

Anonymous No. 16163674

they'll just find other shaniquas that will behave

Anonymous No. 16163686

Gee, I wonder if it's a jew or a ni

Anonymous No. 16163979

>science works
The trouble is, while science works, "(the) science" does not.
People in "(the) science" instead of science will never get called out.

Anonymous No. 16164441

Its getting to the point that if you see any negro with a PhD, the presumption is that they got it via plagiarism or some other kind of cheating

Anonymous No. 16164447

This is what a PhD looks like.
Tell the children

Anonymous No. 16164455

She probably did not condemn the anti-Israel protests hard enough, so the jews™ dumped the Kompromat they had on file.

They used the exact same playbook with the DEI Harvard President. No condemnation, oy vey, remember you plagiarized you dumb nigger?

Anonymous No. 16164459

How odd... I was told by social media that black women are the smartest most capable people on the planet. Can an SJW please explain what's going on? It seems that scientific evidence is showing that these claims are false.

Can anyone help explain this?

Anonymous No. 16165315

Negores steal everything because they're incapable of earning anything

Anonymous No. 16165337

made students take a course where the lecturer said free Palestine.
Like cloclwork

Anonymous No. 16166023

STEM has zero academic rigor.

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Anonymous No. 16166043

>Why does this keep on happening?
I wonder.

Anonymous No. 16166047

She invented a new dissertation using nothing more than passages from other dissertations. We should applaud her ingenuity.

Anonymous No. 16166275

kek I will forever be amazed by the power US media has, how it convinced anyone that Black women were magically more intelligent than everyone is an amazing feat. This time period is going to be hilarious to future generations.

Anonymous No. 16166851

Theres new "AI" paraphrasing software out now which should greatly aid the eager plagiarists of the science community in going undetected. Eventually the battle between "AI" assisted plagiarism detection software and "AI" assisted plagiarism detection circumvention software will become so complex that doing original research will become less of a chore than plagiarizing will come to be

Anonymous No. 16167552

>This time period is going to be hilarious to future generations.
Only if we actually fix the trajectory we're on.

Anonymous No. 16167641

Notice the way it is only DEI people in these scandals. The Jews put them there through shady means to fuck with white people's heads and now that the plants are causing problems with the Jews genocide in Israel, they have to be ((((temporarily)))) deposed from their positions, until such time as the genocide is complete. Then it is back to calling you a racist.

Anonymous No. 16167649

Medicine isn't STEM.

Anonymous No. 16168272

nice cope

Anonymous No. 16169434

this mystery will never be solved

Anonymous No. 16170264

Why are all of the many recent plagiarism negroes? Its mostly women, but there was that DEI boss at Columbia who was a male negro

Anonymous No. 16170413

you answered your own question

Anonymous No. 16170436

They weren't towing the progressive line so Jews ousted them. Look at Neil Degrasse Tysons dissertation. It's a joke.

Anonymous No. 16171362

NDT didn't denounce the jews though