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๐Ÿงต is it over for me?

Anonymous No. 16141765

I've had chronic depression for over 15 years now and have been taking meds for 10 years and sometimes I mess up single-digit multiplication
Just a few weeks ago I messed up this simple equation 0.5x = 4
Should I stop pursuing science and go for something else now?

Chronic depression can significantly impair cognitive function and daily functioning in several ways:

Difficulty Concentrating: Depression can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks, leading to distractibility and decreased productivity in daily activities.
Impaired Memory: Individuals with depression may experience difficulties with both short-term and long-term memory. This can manifest as forgetfulness, difficulty recalling information, and problems with learning new things.
Cognitive Slowing: Depression can slow down cognitive processes, making it harder to think quickly, process information efficiently, and make decisions. This cognitive slowing can impact performance at work, school, and in social situations.
Executive Dysfunction: Depression often affects executive functions such as planning, organization, problem-solving, and decision-making. This can result in difficulties managing responsibilities, setting goals, and completing tasks effectively.
Emotional Dysregulation: Depression can lead to heightened emotional reactivity and difficulty regulating emotions. This may result in mood swings, irritability, and difficulties coping with stressors, further impacting daily functioning.

>inb4 depression isn't real

Well then I hope you too get this not-real thing for the rest of your life

Anonymous No. 16141802

Do you think the depression messed up your brain, or the meds?

I know someone who has been on an antidepressant for over 10 years and their brain seems to work fine, they've had a good job for all that time.

Anonymous No. 16141807

Nta but I also suffer from chronic depression and I've never used an antidepressant in my life and will never use one, but I have similar symptoms as anon.

Anonymous No. 16141808

I was a complete husk for 4 years after university, totally depressed and ready to kys. I rarely saw anyone, basically just spoke to my parents once a week. Somehow I found the strength to get a job, but I have noticed those 4 years of isolation made me kinda retarded. I forget words all the time, stutter and in general speak too fast and people have a hard time understanding me. I used to be extremely eloquent with my speech, now it's very basic. Even some old friends have noted this, they tell me how I used to speak in a different way. Even after years of somewhat regular activity, even dating, I feel like my congitive capacities have not recovered from the depressive period at all. I guess some brain cells just went to sleep.

Anonymous No. 16141812

Haven't felt anything in 5 years and had one episode where I went a month without eating and I'm getting a straight 3.8 gpa as a math/CS double major while doing research. This might just be a you problem op

Anonymous No. 16141813

The damage is not irreparable, you can still bounce back, do not demotivate yourself with theoretical speculation as how to how much permanant damage you have occurred, this is a trick your mind to get you to wallow in misery and pity, look for what your emotions and negative thoughts want you to do, understand that they're trying to protect you but they don't understand the modern world, you have to get back out there.

You suffer right now, you'll suffer more to get out, but you'll suffer less when you're out. No amount of talking about this will help unless you don't just take one simple step consistently everyday, and build from there, you probably know all the BS self improvement people say, just start small and note the difference

Anonymous No. 16141826

keto and supplements

good luck

Anonymous No. 16141845

>will never use one
What if they help you overcome the problems described by OP?

Anonymous No. 16141880

Kys now

Anonymous No. 16141882

No, kill yourself you stupid fuck, I asked him a reasonable question

Genuinely, get a rope and kill yourself, it will make the world a better place

Anonymous No. 16141963

I have improved my mind a lot, but there's still a few obstacles I can't seem to unlock. Unironically I have considered taking psychedelics, but I'm afraid I'm going to make a mistake. I need to find someone I trust to help me out. Online info is not trustworthy.

If I could get my old clear mind back that would be worth a billion dollars, honestly.

Anonymous No. 16142011

Mushrooms reportedly do almost perform a factor reset almost, but I'd warn against any magical cures that can just change shit, the brain is a vague black box so it allows for a lot of psued stuff.

You can reliably trust meditation, exercise and diet, and mindfulness. You can get better at activities by practice. These are not the answers youd want but these will help surely, look into psychology

Anonymous No. 16142012

Sorry Ive literally just woken up, typed this shit storm but please seek the help you need. I wish you the best

Anonymous No. 16142033

Vaxx status?

Anonymous No. 16142184

>I've had chronic depression for over 15 years now and have been taking meds for 10 years and sometimes I mess up single-digit multiplication

Differentiate the effects from chronic depression, a concept that largely lacks bioneurological underpinnings, from the effects of long-term anti-depressants use which are known to impact neurology. From your description, I would contend that you suffer from a mild form of dementia, but that's unlikely since I assume you're not yet 60.
Anti-depressants are known to impede brain functioning. If you've been put up on several different drugs which you most likely were over the course of 10 years, there's a good chance that your brain has been fried from the neurochemical ups and downs caused by having your system flooded with different psychotropic compounds and salts. Antipsychotics are known for literally frying your brain, e.g. causing white matter to shrink, metabolical isostasis is also disrupted by them causing break-downs in the way neurons communicate with each other which causes movement disorders etc. With anti-depressants, the effects are more varied but changes in brain structure have been noted as well.

Anonymous No. 16142186

In short, the drugs have crippled you and you are unlikely to recover from that. You will have a hard time getting off the drugs and even if you do, side-effects will linger on for years, maybe indefinitely.

Anonymous No. 16142208

>Just a few weeks ago I messed up this simple equation 0.5x = 4
its 8, but what did you write?, 2?

Anonymous No. 16142210


Anonymous No. 16142268

>Anti-depressants are known to impede brain functioning.
>Antipsychotics are known for literally frying your brain, e.g. causing white matter to shrink
I think I read that they can shrink some areas and grow some other areas, but I don't know much more than that.

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Anonymous No. 16142321

>be born in a retarded poor family where nobody cared about anybody
>depressed since I was a baby
>Estern Europe
>34 now
>10 years neet
>everyday is getting harder and harder to cope with the fact that I never really lived my life, never experinced happiness.
>looking back on my past, only fills me with regret and disgust.
>dreams didnt come true
>one thought that gives me satisfaction in this moment, is that nothing truly really matters in the end, we're all just dust in the wind wasted lives or lived to the fullest, nothing really fucking matters.

Anonymous No. 16142569

Have you tried things to change your life?

Anonymous No. 16142571

Do acid!!!