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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142366

are soccer fans the biggest NPCs? I've got to know quite a few personally and they are really similar to another. Usually working a dead end wage slave job, obnoxious, hooked to alcohol and cigs (sometimes other drugs), bad goyslop diet, share the same opinions, not interested in anything even remotely that has to do with science or tech. Maybe there's a scientific explanation for this?

Anonymous No. 16142378

Are you american OP?

Anonymous No. 16142384

>be OP's coworker
>see some lanklet shuffle into the office with a volume of Clayden on a Friday night
>looks like he would die at a middle school baseball game
>he's throwing up gang signs fidgeting his fingers
>decide to strike up a conversation with him
>"Hey anon, what are you reading?"
>"umm… oh yeah… the applications of transition metals in organic synthesis… not that you would have the education to know what that is…"
>"That's nice! Would you like to come to the bar with Chad and I?"
>have to drive OP in my car because he doesn't have a license
>he doesn't like ESPN blaring on the radio (he has sensitive hearing)
>he spends the entire ride with his nose in Clayden
>get to the bar
>OP stares at the waitresses the entire time
>"So, anon, what do you think of Zion Williamson?"
>"umm… I'm not an NPC… not that you would know what I mean… so I don't really care about him"

Anonymous No. 16142386

>be faggot

Anonymous No. 16142394

sports are an opiate of the masses

Anonymous No. 16142395

/sp/ is the euroshit containment board

Anonymous No. 16142398

Soccer is the most boring shit I have ever seen. I don't get how Europoeans can get so worked up over some fags kicking a ball around.

Anonymous No. 16142400

I'm guilty of following MogoGP but didn't since the pandemic. football is retarded tho
fucking burgers call football a sport where they run with the ball in their hands lmao

Anonymous No. 16142401

>euronigger opinion

Anonymous No. 16142405

not even

Anonymous No. 16142408

it's an egg

it's a shitter form of rugby for rumbling lumps of muscle with no cardio

Anonymous No. 16142410

>it's a shitter form of rugby
with "special needs" helmets

Anonymous No. 16142412

Rugby is too violent. Schools endanger kids by forcing them to play it when a bully might step on you or hit you with a hockey stick

Anonymous No. 16142414

The padding and helmets are supposedly to stop them breaking given the huge forces involved but in itself it creates a warped sense of invulnerability where they use the the padding as offensive armour

>or hit you with a hockey stick
I'm not familiar with this variant.

Anonymous No. 16142424

It's called 'fags - play this game -put a hockey stick in this variant to prove my point further'

Anonymous No. 16142430

OP here.. you spooked me there. The following points are correct
- organic chem
- transition metals
- signs fidgeting with fingers
- not having a license
- sensitive hearing
- staring
you don't happen to be some stalker that knows me irl? (in case you are I hope you are a qt fed girl). But back on topic, your reply doesn't refute my NPC statement. Only makes me appear awkward.

Anonymous No. 16142431

ikr? I've seen grown ass with big fat bellies shouting at their TV from their armchair because some half african half european guy missed his shot

Anonymous No. 16142436

Basketball is the most boring shit I have ever seen. I don't get how Amerilards can get so worked up over Jamal throwing a ball around.

Anonymous No. 16142437

Why does watching and following football (as opposed to playing it) appeal to what might be called the npc?
Is it because it appeals to a sort of pseudo low effort basal emotional tribalism?

Anonymous No. 16142475

I can totally relate. Living in a European city with a very big and popular soccer club I have to deal with soccer NPCs regularly. They are docile dumb sheeple who reject any form of intellectualism. The ideal obedient citizen for a tyrannical government.

Probably the same appeal as loud music, alcohol, dancing or similar NPC crap. It's primitive conformist group "entertainment" where merely being present is already considered socializing. The NPC has no intellectual depth and even more importantly no emotional depth. He can only socialize in the most shallow ways. He cannot engage in deep or difficult conversations one on one. His idea of socializing stops already at standing somewhere in a group with a beer in his hand. And those are ironically the people who consider an intellectually and emotionally advanced man to be "socially inept".

Anonymous No. 16142485

I can understand it if it's at the local club level where the guy playing is your cousin or the bloke down the street and you stand around the pitch screaming "whack it ya nob" since there's quite a lot of attachment and involvement.
But where it has just become a form of interchangeable consumerist entertainment for drunk fucks in over priced shirts It doesn't have the same kick.

Anonymous No. 16142501

Exactly my thoughts. What does it even mean to be a fan of e.g. Bayern Munich when none of the players is originally from Munich and all of the players will be replaced within the next years by other random internationals who have no relation to the city either? I have no problem with soccer as a sport. As a kid I enjoyed playing it. But the fandom seems quintessentially cringe to me.

Anonymous No. 16142513

Well, not having read this thread, soccer fans generally are useless.
But, they make money and spend it too.
Personally, I have nothing to do with any of that.

Anonymous No. 16142515

So it's just a sort of cattle farm?

Anonymous No. 16142542

>at a party
>Chad and I are chatting about parlaying our meager winnings into big money after the Lakers game
>everyone is happy
>hear the lanklet shuffling toward us
>his fingers are making Masonic gestures every other second to keep him stimulated
>he pulls a quarter out of his dirty, ill-fitting autism jeans
>"s-so… w-what do you guys think of the random walk?"
>"Pardon me, anon?"
>he flips the coin
>the coin awkward tumbles unto the floor in between Stacy's legs because he has the fine motor skills of an ancephalic toddler
>Stacy turns to dust when the lanklet places his fidgeting fingers within six feet of her legs
>"s-suppose the walker has taken N steps. umm… we would subtract…"
>notice everyone else going out for another drink
>soon, the lanklet has he held hostage
>interrupt him while he's drawing the twenty-sixth line of his equation on a napkin
>"That's nice, anon, but I need to get another beer. You want anything?"
>"n-no… I'm not an NPC… I'm too intellectually advanced for alcohol…"

Anonymous No. 16142548

The lanklet sounds more interesting than you tbqh.

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Anonymous No. 16142565

Any top university has chemistry and physics students who enjoy getting drunk with friends and engaging in idle conversation. Competent science undergraduates can refrain from fixating on their textbook exercises every conversation because they are not hopelessly insecure.
Even the humanities and philology students are talking about last night's NBA game or whatever happens to be on ESPN, not the reception of the poetry of Callimachus in the oratory of Cicero.

Anonymous No. 16142592

I can talk about a wide variety of topics, e.g. STEM, history, philosophy, literature, economics, and my favorite: /pol/itics. But having to listen to my coworkers speculating who will win the Champions League is boring af. There is no informational and no emotional content to this kind of conversation. It's no better than other forced smalltalk like talking about the weather. Just some noise NPCs use to avoid awkward silence.

Anonymous No. 16142606

painfully unfunny.
dont give up the day job