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Anonymous No. 16142438

In your opinion, who won this debate?

Anonymous No. 16142440

Africa was a mistake

Anonymous No. 16142442

grifter vs grifter vs grifter

Anonymous No. 16142447

Why do you think archeology is a grift?

Anonymous No. 16142448

Joe Rogan is such cringe. He is out of his element interviewing anyone other than MMA and influencers. Any time he has a scientist on the discussion is ultimately boring because he lacks anything close to requisite background necessary to have a meaningful dialogue.

Anonymous No. 16142461

I think true archaeology is just even stranger than this and it scares people. So much is extrapolated out of very few and inbetween evidence of the world, and although it may be highly accurate, is left to be explained by scholars who are comtemporary, highly opinionated, and political. When you realize no matter how much you study >99.9999999% of all this information has been lost to time, it is simply too much for some to handle.

Dibble sucks because 1) he went straight to the “white supremacist!” argument, 2) lied that he ever said that when confronted, even though HE LITERALLY WROTE THE ARTICLE THAT SAID IT, and 3) he’s a stupid Redditor who refuses to entertain things.

Anonymous No. 16142470

I gets taken over by grifters grifting off the griftable.

Anonymous No. 16142579

Yeah, he kept deflecting and Rogan/Grant couldn't identify when he was using fallacies and empty rhetoric.
Also he's annoying for not just admitting the peculiarity of the Great Pyramid.

Anonymous No. 16142625

The pyramid thing made me mad.
>Hancock details all these specifics about the pyramids that all align so well they can't possibly all be coincidences
>Dibble just laughs at it
>"Don't you think any of this is even slightly compelling and worth examining?"
>"Obviously not." *goes silent and waits for the topic to change*
Dude was clearly not there in good faith whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 16142683

He couldn’t even find it a bit curious? He absolutely couldn’t? It’s almost like it’s religious heresy to him.

Anonymous No. 16142692

>It’s almost like it’s religious heresy to him.
Pretty much. I imagine he doesn't want to get on this guy's bad side by entertaining these "closed" theories in Egyptology:

Anonymous No. 16143732

Dibble did not talk to Graham
Dibble just virtue signaled to the audience the entire time about how correct archeology is and why you should not allow it being questioned

Graham was definitely too hostile, but he was the only one trying to have a conversation

Anonymous No. 16143750

>but he was the only one trying to have a conversation
that doesn't say anything about the validity of his arguments
>drama for tourism
that's basically what's up with the whole thing

Anonymous No. 16143755

Graham had hours to make a single point and he didn't. He brought up tweets with 11 likes on a slideshow for fuck's sake. He literally used Russel's teapot argument at multiple points.

Anonymous No. 16144105

True, Graham can't argue, but dibble displayed intellectual dishonesty.
He didn't address many of Graham's contentions, but just deflected and changed topics like a snake

Anonymous No. 16144150

It was retard vs retard.
Graham is a completely retarded. All his theories are completely retarded and he is a quack. He misrepresents so much shit in archeology and ignores all the mountains of evidence that contradicts him. He says straight up just incorrect shit that anyone who spent 2 seconds researching could find out is incorrect or misleading.

Now I'm not sure why you'd bring the reddit made manifest into a human being to debate him. I can think of plenty of better archeologist that would be glad to come on Joe Rogan show. I guess Joe Rogan doesn't want anyone above an IQ of 110 on his show.

Anonymous No. 16144155

Graham probably wanted Dibble specifically on because the bullshit he said about white supremacy. I agree they were both retarded and both shed doubt on the other's position without revealing any meaningful truth.

bodhi No. 16144235

I didnt watch it but I have followed Graham's work for over 20 years and can tell you 2 things:

1. he is right about more than he is wrong about and I can prove it beyond any doubt

2. This guy is a moron >>16144150 who has no idea what he is talking about

bodhi No. 16144247

start here:

Anonymous No. 16144254

>1. he is right about more than he is wrong about and I can prove it beyond any doubt
nta but even if, doesn't mean you default to believing what he's saying. I don't know his full body of work so I can't call it for everything but at least the arguments he used for the whole old civ story are not so strong. or believable. older civilization while conveniently not as advanced as us, but still close to, is kind of retarded all things considered.

Anonymous No. 16144257

Making the most outrageous shit up is not grifting?

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bodhi No. 16144285

Well as I said, I didnt watch it and I have only watched maybe one o two interviews with him..... ever, one was on RT and only a few minutes that was pretty. I can get it for you if you like. As far as his work, maybe he just isnt a good debater but his many documentaries he has produced over the last 20 years he presents his evidence just fine. If you are interested in this topic, these 4 are what you want to start with. As I already said I have been researching this topic for over 20 years, don't expect to know more than you do when you have not studied it at all. I made it easy for you with this roadmap:


Anonymous No. 16144325

our even relatively recent history is completely distorted the archaeology vastly disagrees with written records and accepted naratives