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🗑️ 🧵 Is the Dune planet possible?

Anonymous No. 16142520

Is a planet with a sun that renders everything black and white possible, scientifically? I heard people talking about infrared n shit.

Anonymous No. 16142523

you can't have monochrome white light. (white is a human brain construct)

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Anonymous No. 16142524

No kiddo, that is not possible. Dune is more high fantasy than science fiction. It even had an OP magical little girl but the director chickened out and instead we got a fetus.

Anonymous No. 16142536


Anonymous No. 16142545


Anonymous No. 16142550

4chan allows webm-format directly, my nona.

Anonymous No. 16142553

Different stars, different light and physics.

Anonymous No. 16142559


Anonymous No. 16142562

>Different stars, different light and physics.
Is it possible though to begin with?

Anonymous No. 16142563

I think he's calling you his older sister?

Anonymous No. 16142564

>I think he's calling you his older sister?
I thought he was calling me nigga but autocorrect fucked him

Anonymous No. 16142566

not for humans. need to fuck with the brain/eyes

Anonymous No. 16142570

>not for humans. need to fuck with the brain/eyes
What has to be the case for Harkonen eyes to see only black and white in the sun?

Anonymous No. 16142575


Anonymous No. 16142576

the shade has colour though in the movie and it only becomes black and white when the sun is shining, what would cause this?

Anonymous No. 16142580

White is a combination of colours. Brown and black are not.

Anonymous No. 16142583

brown light is just dim orange

Anonymous No. 16142591

we have an iris which closes with more light. so they'd need to have some different mechanism of dealing with high intensity light, such that when it kicks in it goes black and white because reasons

Anonymous No. 16142611

That was some quality dank meme.

Anonymous No. 16143711

>such that when it kicks in it goes black and white because reasons
such as?

Anonymous No. 16143714

>That was some quality dank meme.

Anonymous No. 16143737

That isn't Dune, that's Geidi Prime, and it's meant to be unnatural on purpose.

Anonymous No. 16143740


Anonymous No. 16143752

fuck would I know

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143760

could also be some heavy UV light after their star rises in the sky. and their eyes switch to UV detectors.
so they switch to some UV detector cells.

Anonymous No. 16143761

It isn't shade vs. sun. It's Dune vs the Harkonnen planet.

Anonymous No. 16143762

could also be some heavy UV light after their star rises in the sky. and their eyes switch to UV detector cells.

Anonymous No. 16143763

I mean dune as in the franchise, obv the planet isn't arrakis

Anonymous No. 16143765

It literally happens with moonlight.

Anonymous No. 16143766

give some possibilities, elaborate further n shit

Anonymous No. 16143768

all light is "monochrome", electromagnetic waves don't have colour

Anonymous No. 16143770

yeah I tried here >>16143762

Anonymous No. 16143774

It has more to do with the cone cells inside your eyes. Seeing black and white, regardless of the illuminating light spectrum, would be possible if we had one type of cell cone that is only capable of detecting the presence of light from its absence. If they happen to be sensitive to light intensity, our brain would be able to process shades too.

Anonymous No. 16143790

It has terrible file size limitations and webm is a goyslop format, my negro.

Anonymous No. 16143797

/sci/ doesn't support audio in webms, that video has audio in it.

Anonymous No. 16143807

This. Dune is literally a live action anime.

Anonymous No. 16143815

in case the sand worms didn't clue you in, Dune is not a staple for scientific accuracy

Anonymous No. 16143865

based, thanks for responding but can you elaborate more? I appreciate your response

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Anonymous No. 16143913

looking into Achromatopsia it seems that they have fucked color cones, can detect only blue or red or something like that. but if the Dune dudes can see color in low light, then they must have inverted cone/rod function/activity.
photopic vision uses all three types of cones in bright light.
mesopic vision uses all cones and rods in low light, like night time with some lights and stuff
scotopic vision which uses the rods only, for very very low light
so they might use the rods for high intensity light, and be monochromatic, and and lower intensity light they switch to cones and color.
I know jack shit about it but for sci-fi it could pass as some mutation.

Anonymous No. 16143953

or have two of the three cones fucked somehow, genetically, such that past certain light level they crap out and don't send any info to brain, so they see through one type of cones past certain light intensity. and brain just removes that cone's color from representation, replaces it with gray.
and this could be due to some light wavelength bias, like way more blue light, or red light. or green. whatever the cone color that still works past certain intensity.
blue or red stars exist but are there (predominantly) green light stars?
if you want it to make sense somehow you can consider humans going there and in time loosing two of the three cones during daytime since they're not as useful

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Anonymous No. 16143990

and if their star is blue and you maybe make the planet larger but lower density to keep the 1G, you get more atmosphere between you and star, so more blue light gets filtered, thus making at sunset for a somewhat Earth daytime color spectrum, hence why they see like us in low light. but have no idea on the math if it works out.

Anonymous No. 16143993

>you get more atmosphere between you and star
at sunset

Anonymous No. 16144111

The people in Dune are people.

Anonymous No. 16144148

>Rauta Härkönen
You should really visit Finland during late autumns and you would know it's true in this planet

Anonymous No. 16144151

i... i kinda want to fuck his rotten psychopath mouth

Anonymous No. 16144154

>so they might use the rods for high intensity light, and be monochromatic, and and lower intensity light they switch to cones and color.
makes sense, why would they have this mutation though? what evolutionary reason could there theoretically be?

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Anonymous No. 16144156

>i... i kinda want to fuck his rotten psychopath mouth

Anonymous No. 16144166

see >>16143953 and >>16143990

Anonymous No. 16144174

ralistically, a planet like Arrakis would be uninhabitable, let alone by a giant worm.
for the simple reason that there is not enough (if any) food or water.
such massive creature would require gigantic amont of both

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Anonymous No. 16144184

does it feed on spice?

Anonymous No. 16144198

isn't spice supposed to be worm shit?

Anonymous No. 16144203

dunno, but they get that blue Water of Life from their guts so that's like their blood or something.

Anonymous No. 16144260

She grew up to be MILFy.

Anonymous No. 16144265

that makes two of us.
can't help it, the way he tongued the blade was simply hawt.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16144311

I'd impregnate this alien freak like you wouldn't believe

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Anonymous No. 16144321

I'd impregnate this alien freak

Anonymous No. 16144346

Yeah, but white light would mean no atmosphere.

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Anonymous No. 16144453


Anonymous No. 16144489

Atmospheres scatter light. It's why the sun looks yellow from earth.

Anonymous No. 16144504

Colour is something the mind creates from sense data, not something that exists in the photons.

Anonymous No. 16144512

It can easily be done through mass hypnosis, then.

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rods and cones.jpg

Anonymous No. 16144518

Colours do not physically exist out there in nature or the clouds or the sun. No photon has colour as an attribute, not when it is emitted from the sun nor when it is scattered by the clouds. Colours only exist phenomenally in the mind. The mind creates colour by arbitrarily assigning three different wavelength sensitivity bands via three different types of cone cells in the eye to three different phenomenal colours. If there were only one type of cone cell, with only one sensitivity band, then the mind would only see one colour: which is how we see with our separate rod cells in low light conditions.

Anonymous No. 16144545

Okay? The atmosphere scatters the sun's white light so we perceive it as yellow. Didn't say otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 16144560

there is blue light making it down to Earth. at sunset there's more air between you and the Sun so more blue gets filtered.

Anonymous No. 16144566


Anonymous No. 16144568

Trichromatism is not essential to humanity, nor to hypothetical beings in a fictional universe. They will see the colours their minds produce, atmosphere or no atmosphere. The colour is in the mind, not the clouds or sky or sun.

Anonymous No. 16144653


Are you the guy that keeps turning every conversation into how light is just a hallucination of mind? It's not profound dude, did you just figure out our brain interprets physical stimuli?

Do you rush into a movie and scream about it's only photons eliciting a chemical response in the brain? lol jesus....

Anonymous No. 16144658


Anonymous No. 16144784

That pic is bullshit, evenings are blue with clear weather. Moonlight and starlight are very similar to sunlight, only dimmer.

Anonymous No. 16144786

They are all meant to be people, the movie is just so shitty.

Anonymous No. 16144789

No. If there is visible light there will be color. If there is no visible light there will be no color, but it will also be completely dark.
That's not how light or physics works.

Anonymous No. 16144853

No it's jizz

Anonymous No. 16144859

Giedi Prime in the movie clearly had a weird atmospheric deal going on. The ink-blot fireworks looked like they were crashing up against some kind of surface.
Might be an artificial planetwide field that filters out all but a narrow band/bands of light for habitability reasons.

Anonymous No. 16144892

Yes, monochromatic light exists, and it is freaky. Easyest-cheapest method has been sodium Sulphur, don't know if there are some newer led based approaches.

Don't expect a start to do this. And it's not actually black and white, but it's close enough that the distinction does not matter.

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Anonymous No. 16144895

>a sun that renders everything black and white possible
not black and white, but you could, hypothetically, have an atmosphere that would permit only certain frequencies of light to penetrate it.
While black-and-white isn't possible, a monochrome effect is, as in what happens on earth during a sandstorm, everything turns orange-brownish, depending on what type of dust is in the air.

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Monochromatic sod....webm

Anonymous No. 16144901


Anonymous No. 16145295

>Yes, monochromatic light exists, and it is freaky. Easyest-cheapest method has been sodium Sulphur
anon didn't yet learn about fucking LEDs or handheld lasers.

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Anonymous No. 16145298

yes every gamer knows "monochromatic" light

Anonymous No. 16145300

imprecise language makes you look like a low IQ homosexual. Be specific. "Dune planet" implies Arrakis. Arrakis = Dune. In a story about vast interstellar empires maybe you shouldn't lump all the world's into one generic phrase and expect a valid response.

Anonymous No. 16145305

that doesn't explain why they can see color in lower light conditions.

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Anonymous No. 16145341

>then how come the movie depicts monochrome white light???

Anonymous No. 16145349

their brain interprets it as white. human eyes-brain combo can't, if healthy. so there must be an issue with their eyes-brain system.

Anonymous No. 16145465

Then don't call it "THE Dune planet." There is a main planet in Dune that one could call THE Dune planet, and it's not Giedi Prime. If you didn't remember that name or want to look it up, you could have gone with "the Harkonnen planet from Dune" or even just "the bad guy planet from Dune" and you would have looked less stupid than calling it "the Dune planet."

Anonymous No. 16145997

Then how could it be monochrome?

Anonymous No. 16146017

it can't. unless you point to a monochrome star.

Anonymous No. 16146177

>While black-and-white isn't possible
fr why tho? it looks so cool

Anonymous No. 16146180

tdlr no bitches and you're a retarded nagger

Anonymous No. 16146189

holy fucking shit it's been answered a ton of times already what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16146193

Monochrome effects work because items reflect differing amounts of the respective color's light. So a blue object lit with blue light will be brighter than a purple object, which will be brighter than a red object (which would just look black).

But white isn't a color (or more precisely, it does not have a distinct wavelength). It's a combination of every color and so every item will reflect all the light that it can, which then just creates a normally lit environment.

Anonymous No. 16147641

No its not

Anonymous No. 16147721

All perceived color is a brain construct.
Monochrome is monochrome if you can see the spectrum.

Anonymous No. 16147728

The output signal is the exact same, just varying levels of strength