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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142635

I've heard many times that you can't "win" against a narcissist. The main reason was that they "don't care". The thing is, I don't buy that. As long as a narcissist is not suicidal - you have a leverage on him. They have feelings, and they have interests - things they care about and things that you can aim at to show they better think twice...

What are your opinions? Don't you think we are giving away too much for narcissists because of that modern fashion to be "non-aggressive and wiser"? My call is that we should stop letting them get away with shit...

Anonymous No. 16142643

"Narcissist" is such a bullshit label. Yes, I am rightfully arrogant because I am intellectually and morally superior.

Anonymous No. 16142650

how is your morality superior? exemplify

Anonymous No. 16142660

Yeah, I probably know what you mean, but let's say everyone knows what we mean by that term. Sounds fair? The same goes for psychopaths.

Lee No. 16142661

Hey man, stop wasting your precious time with such questions. I mean it.

Lee No. 16142662

*Unless this guy is your arrogant friend whom you are trying to help become more socially friendly.

bodhi No. 16142688

knowing that you are talented and "superior" is not narcissistic if its objectively true and bourn out by the facts (aptitude tests, grades, accomplishments etc. Narcissists are fucking retards who THINK they are superior when they are in fact annoying fuck ups that destroy everything they touch

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bodhi No. 16142705

you have never dealt with an actual narcissist so your post is very naive. You cannot reason with a narcissist because they just twist reality to always "be right" or claim victory no matter what the circumstances are or the outcome is. Your normies have no idea what you are dealing with, some people are just broken, they cant be fixed. You cannot reason with someone who is incapable of reason

Anonymous No. 16142745

>Narcissists are fucking retards who THINK they are superior when they are in fact annoying fuck ups that destroy everything they touch
For example bodhi

Anonymous No. 16142753

Like I said, unless they are suicidal, they will have to care about something. Maybe you will have to threaten them a little and them prove that you weren't joking.

Anonymous No. 16142755

Leverage has to be somewhere.

bodhi No. 16142761

>speak of narcissists and the resident projecting narcissist appears
imagine my shock

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bodhi No. 16142769

well sure, all they understand is force, like any living creature, you apply enough force and they will comply. That is all they understand but it is nearly impossible to get normies to understand that you cannot bragain with these people, you can only beat the into submission. So since you are smarter and more knowledgeable than the normies on the only way to bring these people to heel, you look like the bad guy and the narcissists play that up to garner sympathy

Anonymous No. 16142778

There is a risk of that, but if you play it right and by that I mean representing right values and restraining from any self-issued revenge, you can actually turn it against them and picture them as a moron.

bodhi No. 16142802

Well yah of course. Given enough time to present your case and the facts. But you rarely get that opportunity. Most people are selfish retards, they dont take the time to listen to "both sides of the story." The perp screeches "look how violent this person is!" and everyone takes their side as "the victim." They didnt see what that person did to you to deserve the beat down. As long as you are allowed your "day in court" you will always beat them, but most mouth breathers in this world operate on impressions not facts. cluster B are always very cognizant of the public persona they wear to cultivate a particular image to the outside world so they can more easily manipulate their unsuspecting victims. Unfortunately their methods are very effective. A certain percentage of people are always going to believe unsubstantiated gossip and the narcs goal is to keep you on your back foot always having to defend yourself against shit they make up about you like he is doing rn >>16142745 This is always his staretgy is you pay attention. He always comes into a thread and makes some accusation and dissapers after that. Ask him to ever prove any of the bullshit he makes up and you wont hear back from him but his goal/ his hope is that if he does it enough times he will be able to convince people who dont know him and what he is doing and that he has been doing this for years. With no success sure, but that wont stop him, he has nothing else to do, this is all he does all day every day of his life, pick out targets to attack, generally people who expose them and what they are and how they operate.

The proper course of action is to attack not defend.

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bodhi No. 16142819

Did you read this in the first screenshot I posted? I wrote this on /his/. It describes the situation perfectly

Anonymous No. 16142853

They are like crabs born without shells. They are soft, impossibly soft. That's why they put on such a violent and manipulative face. Tormenting them into fecklessness is easy. The problem is that the more you focus on them, the more you will be drawn to them, and you've gotta be certain you want to spend your life fighting that battle. I'm not saying it's an unworthy fight, but you will pay a personal price. When you only focus on handling bad things, your focus won't help you get uplifted by the good things. When you only focus on building good things, your focus won't stop you from getting dragged down by bad things.

Anonymous No. 16142879

Yeah, I read it and it was pretty good, forgot to say it, sorry.

Your reply there was to criticize this guys way of making stories up, am I correct?

bodhi No. 16142886


Anonymous No. 16142938

What you described is true, but only in the case of severe narcissism. From what I know this shit is on a spectrum and there are some cases which should be easier to deal with.

Anonymous No. 16143353

You mean like how OP made a thread about them and you suddenly appeared?

Anonymous No. 16143406

>some people are just broken, they cant be fixed. You cannot reason with someone who is incapable of reason
For example bodhi

bodhi No. 16143436

cluster B's are npc levels predicable

Anonymous No. 16143438

Is that why you are the one with the most posts ITT who keeps talking about yourself and immediately jumped into the thread because you saw the word narcissist?

Anonymous No. 16143442

Cluster B = Cluster bodhi
BPD = bodhi personality disorder

Anonymous No. 16143482

>As long as a narcissist is not suicidal - you have a leverage on him.
Yes, you can threaten them with violence. But I think what is meant here is that you cannot win a verbal argument with one. Someone has already been dispatched in this thread to demonstrate.

Anonymous No. 16143534

The interesting thing is that when this happens on a large enough scale, it's fascism and it's seen as a political movement rather than a mental illness.

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bodhi No. 16144312

true, look he is still going