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🧵 New science proves that diversity ruins workplace productivity

Anonymous No. 16142759

Does diversity make teams work better?
Apparently not!
A new, comprehensive preregistered meta-analysis found that, whether the diversity was demographic, cognitive, or occupational, its relationship with performance was near-zero.

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Anonymous No. 16142764

Heres a copy of "The relationship between team diversity and team performance: reconciling promise and reality through a comprehensive meta- analysis registered report" for anyone interested in all the gory details

Anonymous No. 16142789

Nice. I'll make sure to hire 0 diversity mutants in my company to get an edge over others

Anonymous No. 16142797

But how will you crush the ability of your workforce to unionize without diversitymaxxing?

Anonymous No. 16142808

Everyone already knows this, it's just something liberals repeat dogmatically because they realized they technically can't lose an argument if they refuse to engage in one.

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Anonymous No. 16143582


Anonymous No. 16143602

I cannot believe all this diversity shit is being done by someone who actually believes it. It has to be just tool to some other goal, be it dumbing down civilization or whatever else. You need to be a moron to believe and support it.

Anonymous No. 16143621

It has always been a grift to penalize corporations by guilt tripping them into hiring minorities.
Leftists don’t require any evidence for their ideals, since they use the threat of violence or boycotting to justify them.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143850

You gotta be more silent about it tho. Ignore hiring DEI mutants and just keep silent about it.

Alternatively go pure meritocracy route and you’ll just hire whites/asians while your competitors swamp themselves with useless niggers and trannies that suicide their company.

Anonymous No. 16143963

mixed sex military units also consistently have higher rates of casualties. Not just higher than all male units, but ALSO higher than all female units.

Anonymous No. 16144083

The answer is quite obvious
Inwould add that after occupy wallstreet banks were scared shitless and started pushing culture wars like insane lunatics. They try to replace class war with culture war and it' working

Anonymous No. 16144803

Getting tired of this, can someone please make a study that shows the opposite?

Anonymous No. 16144879

There's already dozens of studies that show diversity of thought improves productivity and innovation.

Anonymous No. 16144914

sauce, please.

Anonymous No. 16144963

Yes but you can have a huge amount of diversity of thought purely with straight white men, their openness to free thinking really is quite extraordinary.
Meanwhile what those forcing this diversity crap want is people who just aren't straight white men but are in ideological lockstep with their political views.
the idea of bllack conservatives does a number on them

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16145086

>we know what a woman is fellow based goyim
>we love based niggers
>woah so based (nigger word)

Anonymous No. 16145088

>believing this goyslop
Elites (mainly jews) are trying to genetically downgrade their competitors and break up the cohesiveness of potential threats
It isn't "class" or "culture" you brainwashed golem

Anonymous No. 16145368

Class, race, culture, and income wars are all a distraction from the real struggle:
Horrible evil destructive abusive narcissistic manipulative retards vs worthwhile people

Anonymous No. 16145395

but that’s with possible rare exceptions exactly the race question and if you tighten your confidence interval exactly the jewish question

Anonymous No. 16145402

this is relatively easy for a small company. but the minute an entryist gets a foot in the door, your problems will begin. for a big company there is no simple defense mechanism except the Elon method (pay your DEI tithes and purge workers often)

Anonymous No. 16145407

But if you weren't a deranged fucking faggot you'd realize the most accurate solution is also the simplest: stick to a sane moral framework to guide culture rather than trying to plunder those richer than you or kill each other over skin color garnering legitimate opposition from people who realize you killed good people along the way.
Just stop being bad people and start being good people and stop making excuses.
And for the love of god stop expecting anyone to care when you go on about "capitalism".

Anonymous No. 16145422

They're not all jewish, a lot of them are but not all. They do all worship the same being though

Anonymous No. 16145429

>Just stop being bad people and start being good people and stop making excuses.
You're talking about the jews right?

Anonymous No. 16145440

I'm talking about everyone, stop looking for excuses and become a good person, you flake.

Anonymous No. 16145467

i work with many foreigners. Im a foreigner too. Basically at my workplace we have self-organized in tribes according to general ethnicity, it solves the language problems.
As to productivity, we work as hard as anyone else. Our tasks are mostly individual with barely any need for team work.
Team work is bullshit for the most part, it brings in coordination problems and personality clashes that simply dont exist when you work alone. Team work brings in opportunities for sabotage and dilution of responsibility. Managers promote it as it reduces worker's power and increases management's power. Diverse team work is the same idea but turbocharged.

Anonymous No. 16145469

Anon, when the very culture and moral framework one ascribes to is directly underthreat from a hostile external part what should one do?

Anonymous No. 16146240

One should become a good person and have no loyalty to anyone unless they are also good.

Anonymous No. 16146274

Almost everyone believes they are good and that their personal moral code is the correct one for being a good person.

Anonymous No. 16146276

Near zero or negative?
Also, diversity doesn't matter if you don't talk to others about problems you have. It's only useful in diversifying your methodologies

Anonymous No. 16146291

Not me, while i think im good im being forced many times to do bad things, knowing they are bad but still forced. Sometimes i refuse, im not a total coward but im still a coward. I believe that most people are stuck in their cultures and have to follow their social expectations lest they be punished by their society. Bottom line: Im not following my own moral code, just society's to which i give my own flavor.

Anonymous No. 16146313

Most people are wrong and dishonest with themselves albeit

Anonymous No. 16146332

shared backgrounds help with complex communication

Anonymous No. 16146944

Working as hard as anyone else doesn't mean productivity. Monkey and horse can work more than any human, and won't accomplish even 1% of their productivity. Monkeys from afrika are absolutely useles in a workplace. The best they can do, is get paid and never show up at work not to ruin the work of others.

Anonymous No. 16147229

What you have said doesn't contradict to them pushing a class war. I doubt they plan that deliberately. They just shat their pants over ivcupy wallstreet and a tea party movements and culture war was a quick patch on the problem. Insanely effective, to the point, that corporations and banks do whatever they want and get record high profits, making 2008-2012 look lile good old times, many would like to come back to.

Anonymous No. 16147230


Anonymous No. 16147234

No he's gone too deep.

Anonymous No. 16147304

What monkey and horse? You are talking about nothing and you are complaining about nothing just to argue.

Anonymous No. 16147497

Why no crackhead is hired trough diversity hiring? They would for sure increase workplace efficiency.

Anonymous No. 16147686


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16147690

>Jannies deleted the posts about not hiring DEI mutants to get a competetive advantage

Anonymous No. 16147730

Just a reminder that any company you start can make free money by not hiring DEI mutants. Your competitors will swamp themselves in dead weight that productive individuals have to carry while you can only hire based on skill.

Actual free money hack in sectors where there isn't a massive barrier to entry.

Anonymous No. 16147748

look up esg scores
stands for "environmental social governance score"
It's why big corps went insane

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Anonymous No. 16147758


Anonymous No. 16148131

Yiu aren't even self aware to understand what I meant...

Anonymous No. 16148150

I understood perfectly what you meant. You are using analogies, metaphors, where these animals are just placeholders for niggers. You just wanted to do a random racist comment out of the blue, with no relation whatsoever to the thread or to my post.
You could that about any post or social situation. Im not being dumb by calling you out on it.
Oh, and when i said "we work as hard as anyone else" i also meant that we produce as much as anyone else. Likely 90% of workers at our job place is a foreigner, and everyone produces the same as the other, with some differences consiudering individual stamina or work ethic. This includes the literal niggers, whom actually have a shitton of stamina.
You are not a smart as you think you are.

Anonymous No. 16148227

>They try to replace class war with culture war and it' working
Yeah mostly because you seem hell-bent on fighting the culture war. This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't agree, with the elites, that someone being a different race or gender or sexuality from you prevents you from working with them.

Anonymous No. 16148237

This one's never leaving preprint.

Anonymous No. 16148336

They can say what they want reality itself demonstrates that racial differences cause incompatibility

Anonymous No. 16148351

Teamwork has always been problematic, you need people with good personal chemistry to make it work. It almost never works unless its managed. Add in serious language and cultural barriers, its much worse
A solution is to just do away with teamwork, or allow the formation of ethnic teams. Or just realize that you have to use the workers you actually have and accept to coexist with the problematic dynamics.
One time my cousin, whos an HR harpie, was telling me she tried to recruit only the best, and i asked her why she was so focused on the best if the job openings were for mediocre positions. Like the sort of normie work that anyone can do, why would you need "the best" for that.

Anonymous No. 16148352

>A solution is to just do away with teamwork, or allow the formation of ethnic teams
Indians are notable for turning companies completely indian through nepotistic hiring practices

Anonymous No. 16148368

But diversity is our strength.

Anonymous No. 16148770

Well, turns out that is just one BIG lie... I wonder if there are any others?

Anonymous No. 16148776

It's not a lie, it's perspective, diversity among the ruled is the strength of the ictatorial would be rulers

Anonymous No. 16148783

Diversity of skills is a strength.

Anonymous No. 16148790

Lefty cuck here. Why we do diversity.

We know for a fact that the best way to improve the lives of minorities, let's take blacks for example. The best way to improve their lives is to get them better jobs. However, their schools are shit because schools rely on property taxes, don't believe me? The #1 thing people look for in buying a home is "access to good schools". Still don't believe me? Which one of you are willing to enroll your children in a majority black school. It would be a trivial matter. Not willing? That's because everyone knows it's a problem but nobody is willing to do anything to fix it.

So a black child, raised in a substandard school, without access to better education then falls behind in qualifying for a college degree or a good career. We all know this, and we do nothing to fix it.

So, the thinking is: If we allow more companies to hire black employees, even if their test scores are lower than their white counterparts, we give that family an opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty. A cycle of poverty white people started by denying them access to better housing and education from decades of racism.

If you deny diversity hiring may I ask, what is your solution to getting minority Americans out of their cycle of poverty?

Anonymous No. 16148849

>what is your solution to getting minority Americans out of their cycle of poverty?
Them being genetically engineered to have 100IQ avg

Anonymous No. 16148942

Let's start with some basics.
Do you agree that the research on IQ shows a 60-80% heritability with the value increasing with age?
Do you agree that the research also shows black americans not african immigrants have a realised IQ of around 85?
Do you agree that the research shows IQ scores are virtually unchanged by education?

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Anonymous No. 16148958

Or you can go full A.I./ Automation and effectively drop both the DEI and productive individuals, then hire cheap third worlders in India for "quality control" thus saving yourself millions on liveable saleries, healthcare and 401k contributions.

Removing humans is even better free money.

Anonymous No. 16148970

Hope they survive the discrimination lawsuit.

Anonymous No. 16149028

No, I believe your 'research' about IQ is deeply flawed. Children of black Americans living in military bases overseas do not have below average IQ. Wealthy black schools in Africa have higher than average IQ even when compared to white children.

First off, IQ itself is deeply flawed as it's a set of subjective tests to determine overall intelligence. It has repeatedly shown failures in its measurements and failures in its analyses. Simply put, a single person can take multiple IQ tests and receive different results. Intelligence is highly dependent upon education, upbringing, and access to good nutrition and healthcare.

Any racist attempts you make are more easily explained by poverty than by blanket inheritance.

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Anonymous No. 16149032

>what is your solution to getting minority Americans out of their cycle of poverty?

The first thing to understand is that US is not and never was "sincere" about the collective welfare of blacks. Centuries of history proves this, if they actually cared about them they wouldn't have psyop their family structure into oblivion with welfare and feminism. If you or the US want to see an immediate reduction of the poverty cycle then squash the feminism bullshit that encourages contempt for their men and stop incentivizing women with government subsidies via single motherhood and divorce/family court child custody battles.

With regard to school, the answer has already been known. Americans are just too cowardly to do it since it means admitting the Chinese/ South Koreans were right. Increase the school hours each day and push for secondary school programs to keep children studying and off the streets. The schools aren't shit, the people who overlord the entire education system locally and nationally are just money hungry heathens.

The job situation is probably the most straightforward. Keep the hiring process impartial racially but place more emphasis on hiring men in general since they are still going to be the main ones expected to provide. Even working class women who are well off want men who make more than them despite the equality mantra. Even society itself want men to make more otherwise they are lambasted in media as losers. So WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is the US doing by not making sure every able bodied male regardless of race isn't employed in a job that can provide a living for a family?

Not him but black americans realised IQ is 88-90. Pic related basically shows them in the same performance sphere of Greece, Chile, Ukraine and Bosnia. As well as outperforming Mexico, Mongolia and Uruguay who themselves average higher than 85IQ. So your basic analysis is outdated.

Anonymous No. 16149047

so you're just going to completely ignore reality and blame "oppression" got it

adoption studies consistently show iqs much closer to the birth parent iq than the adoptive parent

Anonymous No. 16149056

If the relationship with diversity and performance is near-zero, doesn’t that mean that diversity doesn’t ruin workplace productivity?

Anonymous No. 16149345


Anonymous No. 16149354

Look into "stakeholder capitalism". That is what the people who think of themselves as elites are trying to implement. A system that appears democratic on the surface, but in reality it creates a culture where everyone is at odds with each other and thus easily exploited by higher powers.

Anonymous No. 16149409

Kek my workplace is like a prison. All the Indians hang out together. All the Asians hang out together. All the black people hang out together. All the white people hang out together, and Hispanics join them by default because there's not many of them.

Anonymous No. 16149436

>However, their schools are shit because schools rely on property taxes,
Yes but you need to prove that low school budget is the reason why schools are bad. I dont think thins is the first time someone told you that, theres likely a million studies already on this. What do you have to say about that?
You like talking abouts fact so deal with that one.
I stopped reading your post after the first line because of that lie you wrote

Anonymous No. 16149437

A lot of them do believe in it, but not all of them

Anonymous No. 16150219

Kek, have any higher ups noticed this and tried to "fix" this or do they ignore it so long as no racism accusations are thrown around?

Anonymous No. 16150525

which makes it extra shitty how they're not very creative, intelligent or competent when it comes to making sure those companies produce things of value

Anonymous No. 16150594

Quite literally everything in this post is wrong. Libshits argue the whole civil war was about stopping slavery and you are saying that wasn't sincere? The bloodiest war in US history?
You need to actually think before you start making up retarded bullshit my nigger.

Anonymous No. 16151230

Not only that, but this bit:
>US is not and never was "sincere" about the collective welfare of blacks.
Is completely retarded since American negroes are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of African origin anywhere on the planet

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16151252

Your argument is wrong and you should feel bad.
Black schools are bad not because of poverty, They are bad because blacks go to school there.
A poor, underfunded Chinese community would have better schools because its full of Chinese and not blacks.

Anonymous No. 16151261

This. The point is to make team work in unions worse.

Anonymous No. 16151303

Oh great. More chuds misconstruing research intentionally

Anonymous No. 16151416

>Oh great. More chuds misconstruing research intentionally

Anonymous No. 16151644

How to they control for mission difficulty?

Anonymous No. 16151894

>Libshits argue the whole civil war was about stopping slavery and you are saying that wasn't sincere?
The Civil War was about slavery, but it was not intrinsically about the well-being of blacks. It was about determining the economic (industrialism vs agriculturalism) and political (population census to representive count) future of the country while leveraging the utility of the slaves at the time.

Both sides was interested in their utility not their well-being. The key was the Union offered a better deal in their approach. The fact you can't recognize the strategic nature involving early America's affairs shows your ignorance on the matter. Perhaps you are confusing the atmosphere of the Civil War with the atmosphere of Civil Rights. During the Civil Rights era there was a much more altruistic atmosphere where their well-being was a higher priority than utility.

>American negroes are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of African origin anywhere on the planet

They also have more broken families than other people of African origin. They also have no ancestral language, culture and religion to call their own. But you won't highlight those facts because it doesn't favor your argument and acknowledges a heavy cost that most other groups wouldn't trade for.

I doubt the people of Nigeria or Ethopia today would trade all their ancestral history for some additional paper sheckles to spend on expensive ultra processed food and Chinese made electronics. I doubt they would trade all their family bonds/clans/heritages for a few extra years of life in a retirement home or a house where they have to help raise their grandchildren because the parents broke up or never married.

Anonymous No. 16151896

I made it up

Anonymous No. 16151902

You should really look at the legancies of the policies you people implement
American negroes were more cohesive and educated before the introduction of social welfare programmes.
Because you pay people not to succeed.

Thomas Sowell talks about how he used to be a marxist before the reality of what such policies achieved.

Anonymous No. 16151916

I hate to be socratic here, but are you saying slavery was in the interests of the blacks? You only have one choice here: the civil war was about slavery or it wasn't. If it was about slavery, then blacks were benefactors at the cost of hundreds of thousands of good lives. And your point is refuted.
Otherwise, explain how people fighting to free others isn't helpful to them and really there is a secret other agenda and ultimately the civil war isn't about slavery.

Anonymous No. 16151956

>but are you saying slavery was in the interests of the blacks?
No, because the blacks who were collectively sold and born into slavery wasn't given the option to agree to it. So it was not in their interest. I doubt anyone would collectively elect to have their history buried so they can go into bondage.

>If it was about slavery, then blacks were benefactors at the cost of hundreds of thousands of good lives. And your point is refuted.
First of all I think you mean Beneficiary. Benefactor means to give, Beneficiary means to recieve. Second them being beneficiaries is a secondary effect to Union's victory not the primary effect. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken a century for them to get their civil rights protected under the law which they were supposed to get once provided freedom. While the Union got reigns over the country (both north and south) the next day.

>Otherwise, explain how people fighting to free others
Are you confusing well-being with utility again here? Remember what was asked of blacks to get freedom, they had to join and fight for the Union. The Union didn't say they could sit it out, a trade in utility was made.

You keep feigning the idea of altruism in a situation that was about utility. As I said before Civil War was about utility, Civil Rights was about altruism. And even then there was still a utility aspect at play because the issue of stability was on the table.

Anonymous No. 16151991

What a coincidence this is finally allowed published as whites become a minority. Guess companies need to fire their few remaining white workers and go 100% pajeet because the science now says diversity is bad.

Anonymous No. 16152123

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