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🧵 how do we know light is the fastest thing

Anonymous No. 16142847

what if there's some some secret particle that we haven't discovered yet that goes faster than light

Anonymous No. 16142860

It's my cock while railing your mother.

Anonymous No. 16142909

I coom faster than light, ask your mom

Anonymous No. 16142928

Please delete this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one sentence. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just hesitated to press the post button.

Anonymous No. 16142931

if you were fast like me nobody would have noticed

Anonymous No. 16143331

Could be. We just need to build many slightly incrementally larger particle accelerators until we find it

Anonymous No. 16143480

Has 4chan been weird lately or is it just me?

Anonymous No. 16143495

97% of the observable universe is moving away from us at FTL speeds

Anonymous No. 16143506

Its not about light, never was. C is speed of casuality, light just happen to move at that speed. In this Universe either you have mass and are below that speed or you are massless and right at it and cannot go any slower.

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Anonymous No. 16143828

All praise C the speed of our lord C. His C-ness exceeds all others. We know this to be true because the holy science man doth sayeth so. And so it was.

Anonymous No. 16143841

>All praise C
it's c actually. C represents Coulomb measurement unit.

Anonymous No. 16143883

What happens if one was to induce superluminal acoustic waves (group velocity) in a vehicle exhaust?

Anonymous No. 16143897

Wave function collapse is faster than light but not instant.

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Anonymous No. 16144099

Particles arent real. I cant see them, hence they dont exist. Also they do not thknk, therefore they are not am

Anonymous No. 16144134

This. Heretics must burn.

Anonymous No. 16144953

>what if there's some some secret particle that we haven't discovered yet that goes faster than light
well, as far as we can tell and have tested, the collapse of entangled particles takes place faster than the speed of light, no matter how distant the particles are.
We don't know or understand the fundamental why and how though. Nature, always full of mysteries!

Anonymous No. 16144957

>moving away
no, nothing is "movin": it's the distance itself that is increasing. It's spacetime itself that is dilating or expanding, the celestial objects themselves aren't, in other words, they have no speed relative to us. That's why this whole thing is baffling and hard to understand.

Anonymous No. 16144973

idk lol

Anonymous No. 16145157

It's called a fucking tachyon

Anonymous No. 16145470

same difference

Anonymous No. 16145472

You new here or something?

Anonymous No. 16145505

because effect can't happen before cause and as you get to the speed of light time slows

Anonymous No. 16145510


Anonymous No. 16146033

>the collapse of entangled particles
This isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16146126

holy shit a particle just flew over my house at light speed

Anonymous No. 16146136

Your wife can have a bruised eye and you are in jail before you hit her. Which she claimed is the cause of the black eye.

Anonymous No. 16146316

Empirically we have never seen anything bearing energy/information faster than light. The reason theoritically we don't think there exists a particle (usually called Tachyons) that moves at superluminal speeds comes from a philosophical principle (relativity) that states that one cannot use the Laws of Physics to tell what kind of inertial reference frame you're in. This means if Tachyons existed, we expect people living on Tachyons to experience life as if they were on a motionless body. This is not the case as light is a wave one could easily tell if they were on a Tachyon by using a flashlight and observing the equivilent of a sonic boom for light (Cherenkov Radition) .

Anonymous No. 16146322

when are they going to give you a raise, gpt?

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Anonymous No. 16146329

I am a real flesh, blood and piss human

Anonymous No. 16146469

Einstein is a fag and light doesn't have a constant speed.

Anonymous No. 16146510

If a particle moved faster than light, it would have the potential to interfere with causality assuming that Einstein‘s theory of special relativity is correct, for which we have much experimental proof. Nevertheless physicist do look for such particles at CERN for example. They’re called Tachyons, but so far no such particle has been discovered.

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Anonymous No. 16146520


Anonymous No. 16146522

is this collapse in the room with us?

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Anonymous No. 16146531


Anonymous No. 16146556

The frequency of basic spelling mistakes combined with the fact you took it seriously when someone acted as if what you said was AI generated is fucking mind boggling

Anonymous No. 16146573

there can't be. everything moves at c through spacetime

Anonymous No. 16147978

how is it not instant?