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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142963

What do you hope humans discover before you kick the bucket?

Anonymous No. 16142964

unkickable bucket

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soys all do this.gif

Anonymous No. 16142966

Anonymous No. 16142967

Affordable reverse aging

Anonymous No. 16142968

aliens and >>16142964. I just can't human

Anonymous No. 16143037

Death through pleasure overdose.

Anonymous No. 16143039

dolphin pussy jelly. . . supposedly

Anonymous No. 16143067

>Star Trek Food Replicators
>GiTS/Bladerunner Personality Uploads

Anonymous No. 16143116

Heroin. Morphine. Etc

Anonymous No. 16143117

Uncanny sex bots

Anonymous No. 16143161

Are most humans this idiotic? The longer I live it appears to be a resounding Yes

Anonymous No. 16143163

we all start checking that watch when we get close to it

Anonymous No. 16143179

Honestly? I hope they discover how to get their heads out of their own asses for a change. Then they can get to work on the real issues. I mean we all live in a simulation and these retards are still trying to slam simulated particles into each other in order to make more imaginary particles....nigger it's all just 1's and 0's chill.

Anonymous No. 16143187

what's your proposition anon? what should scientists do to get out of the simulation?

Anonymous No. 16143191

actual brain computer interfaces, and i'll contribute to this

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Anonymous No. 16143196

cyberbrain wen

Anonymous No. 16143202

we're going to have to probe the head meatball with tiny sharp metal a lot but we'll make some real progress this century

Anonymous No. 16143289

Hoping for the world-wide *re*discovery that jews are cancerous cells on the earth that must be eradicated.

Anonymous No. 16143317

I hope they stop discovering shit. Lately it seems they only find the worst ways to harm humanity.

Anonymous No. 16143490

Yeah it's awesome that people die all the time haha. So true

Anonymous No. 16143501

Right. Could you even imagine if all the annoying people who have ever lived or will ever live were all still alive together at the same time and general place?

Anonymous No. 16143681

grand unified theory

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Anonymous No. 16143823

The ability to wear bodies like clothes. I'm short, on hotwheels, acne scarred, partially deaf, have glasses, vulnerable to sun damage because ginger, and my muscles never had much of a chance to develop. I never knew what it was like to be an alpha male.

Anonymous No. 16143827

And IBS. I can't even shit properly. Would love to replace the entire colon.

Anonymous No. 16143829

>I mean we all live in a simulation
You mean the mental simulation of reality we all experience inside our minds as "consciousness", right anon? You don't mean that the material world is a simulation, right?

Anonymous No. 16143830

>on hotwheels
Do you mean you're on an electric wheelchair like 8ch's Hot wheels?
If so, the shortness etc kind of seems irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16143848

I want to see science solve the hard problem of consciousness. I want to see scientists admit that consciousness is fundamental to quantum physics, and then to see science unleash its full potential once it's not limited by dimwitted materialism anymore.

Anonymous No. 16143864

why do you want that in science tho? why not do your own thing like so many are doing?

Anonymous No. 16143909

Because it may yield important new technology e.g. for telepathy, mind reading and to ease psychological suffering. Unfortunately, I can't afford the equipment to conduct research in this area myself. I hope once the topic becomes broadly accepted there will be a lot of rapid progress.

Anonymous No. 16143944

The notion that quantum mechanics are any more involved in consciousness than in other biological processes is a cope created as a last ditch attempt to prove the existence of free will. It's based on the realisation that quantum mechanics may be the only source of uncertainty in the universe, making it the only way in which our actions would not be predetermined. In reality, there is no reason why consciousness cannot be explained by standard processes in the brain which are no more reliant on quantum mechanics than any other reaction in our body.
Consciousness is probably somewhat influenced by quantum mechanics, but consciousness is certainly not fundamental to quantum mechanics.
"Consciousness is confusing and quantum mechanics is confusing so they must somehow be the same." - Scott Aaronson

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Anonymous No. 16143981

>In reality, there is no reason why consciousness cannot be explained by standard processes in the brain
Yet here we are with unimaginable computing power and countless billions of human hours being spent thinking about and trying to solve the "problem" of consciousness via determinism and we're no closer than 100 years ago.
Even if qualia and the phenomenon of awareness is purely determined via classical physics.
>All of this complex development appears to be the aftermath and directly related to the unique method of energy generation and storage that takes place in the resulting mitochondria. Ultimately, the energetics of all forms of life, including prokaryotes and eukaryotes, comes from the ability to form proton gradients across the mitochondrial membrane resulting in a flow of pro-tons (6). The core of this unique but universal method of energy production takes place in the inner membrane of mitochondria where a sequence of protein clusters host the respiratory chain where electrons from nutrients are captured. They then move from one protein cluster to another through, what is thought to be, the nearly instantaneous process of quantum tunneling resulting in
a sequence of reductive and oxidative steps ultimately donating an electron pair to oxygen (7)
Consciousness scales with A) how many neurons you have
B) how quickly can the electron cycle via ATP have an effect from one cell to others? Is there tunneling involved in how many proteins bind? We have absolutely no idea why our reality involves these kinds of forces. We are still babies, we know nothing yet.

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The Nature Origin....pdf

Anonymous No. 16143982


Anonymous No. 16143991

Indefinite life extending tech.

Anonymous No. 16144020

this is maybe the dumbest comic ever written by a jealous boomer
longevity tech alone has radically transformed over the past 5 years and we even have gene therapies to extend lifespan now
also, the world in general has transformed so rapidly as a result of accelerating technological change to believe this comic you'd have to be a hermit or something with no contact with the outside world.

Anonymous No. 16144427

Talking about the stupidity of thinking there will be a cure for old age and death.

Anonymous No. 16144433

most likely there will be. pretty smort people working on it

Anonymous No. 16144598

finding another pill for boners and giving meds to lazy fat people so they stop being fat... Those things are what they are working on.

Anonymous No. 16144641
